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Mass production emerged as a means of producing large quantities of goods at a low

cost per unit. It denotes that the manufacturing process has been automated and accelerated. It

would entail breaking the process down into component parts that can be automated and then

linked together to produce finished products that only require slight manual attention, as well as

packing for distribution. The goal of mass production is to keep manufacturing costs low by

making uniform products using standardized, repetitive processes.

There are countless advantages in reinforcing mass production. Because production line

machines have preset parameters, mass production will result in a high level of accuracy if it is

closely controlled. For the automated assembly line production process requires fewer

employees, mass production results in lower labor costs. Furthermore, since mass-produced

items can be assembled at a faster rate due to automation, mass production can result in higher

levels of productivity. Rapid assembly facilitates the distribution and sale of an organization's

goods, which can lead to a competitive advantage and increased profits. On the other hand,

performing mass production leads to numerous disadvantages. The cost of setting up an

automated assembly line is high and machineries are expensive. If any part of the production

line fails, the entire process is jeopardized. The entire manufacturing process will be

discontinued due to pending repairs and will cause costly delays. While mass production has

the benefit of lowering labor costs, workers who work on an assembly line may lack motivation

due to the monotony of their duties. Employee morale can suffer as a result of repetitive work.

2. Companies lose sight of the future and fall behind their competitors. Successful

companies plan ahead and consider where their customers will need them along their journeys

in the future. No company is characterized with the ability to grow instead; they must actively

seek out and capitalize on opportunities for success by filling a need. Companies are overly

focused on producing products or services and do not devote enough time to determining what

consumers really want or need. They must direct their efforts from product orientation into
customer orientation in order to not lose sight of their goals. Customer is considered the life

blood of an enterprise, without them involved in the process, profitability is not guaranteed.

It is also critical that a company understands the marketing mix. There is often an

immense amount of focus on selling in the short term, to the point where they lose sight of

consumer behavior, particularly customer needs. The customer's needs in a market change

over time. Products that meet that need will continue to evolve, particularly with the help of

technology. The other companies would suffer if a competitor offered those products first.

3. Customers are individuals or entities who purchase goods and services and provide

revenue to businesses. Positioning is not what advertisers and agencies do to a product. It is

what they do to the mind of the customers; they position the product in the mind of the

customers. Marketers try to create an image or identity for a product, brand, or company in the

perception of the target market. What really matters is how potential buyers see the product. It

may be based on product features, benefits, categories or in comparison relative to another

product. Customers may perceive the product as one to solve problems, self-belongingness, or

even provides sensory and cognitive stimulation.

Being the first is the quickest way to get into someone's head. It is relatively simple to

recall who is first, but much more difficult to recall who is second. In their minds, consumers

rank brands. If a brand is not number one, then to be successful, it somehow must relate itself

to the number one brand. Just as how these companies placed their brand image to the

customers’ mind: Colgate and Close-up for hygiene, Lux and Dove for glamour, Ponds and Olay

for confidence, and Apple for status symbol.

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