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Hii teacherr!

I apologize for my non-participation today, I know you called me, but in reality I was
in a somewhat aggressive conflict with my brother, since I had been taking my anger
out for a while, sorry ...

Now the answer

In the video of the sims, it was when the youtuber was surprised to see:
-The movements of the girl, since she did not know where she was going
-An old stranger entering her house out of nowhere, without being one of the family and
-When the old man started doing strange things at that party ...
HAHAHAJ, according to me he's going to talk to someone at the party because he looks
like the ex-girlfriend
-He was surprised to see that he could start a relationship / courtship with one of his
children in the game
If I remember correctly, I am responding to the letter from Miss Lizeth Vega Gomez,
basically asking how to survive a month with 400,000 pesos.

It is really not that difficult to survive a month with four hundred thousand pesos, it is only
a matter of you stop spending money on totally unnecessary things, leave some luxuries,
and become a more humble person, since you will not have money left over to go out with
your friends, go to eat with them, give gifts to your boyfriend / girlfriend. What complicates
the situation is that the government does nothing to help us get out of this disastrous
situation ... it is only responsible for making the world believe that it is doing good
government, when in reality it is turning everything upside down.

If you need more personal help, you can call me at my personal number 394 484 7218, or
better visit me, I don't usually receive many visits

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