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1kg Leg of lamb
1 Onion cut in julienne
½ cup chopped parsley
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
½ teaspoon ground White pepper
½ teaspoon ground coriander
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
A pinch of nutmeg
A pinch of ground cloves
½ glass of extra olive oil
½ glass juice of lemon
Salt to taste.
Pita bread
100gr Lettuce
1 tomato
1 bottle of tahini sauce or mayonnaise.

Step 1: Clean the lamb with a little vinegar after that with water.
Step 2: Mix the lamb meat with the other ingredients(Onion, parsley, black pepper,
White pepper, corinader, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, juice of lemon) and marinate for
at least 12 hours.
Step 3: In a pan, heat Little olive oil and stir-fry the marinated meat for 3-5 minutes.
Step4: Serve with pita bread, salad (tomato, onion rings and parsley) and sauces
(tahini or mayonnaise)

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