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Kumpulan Soal D3 Kebidanan

1. Name : Fatha Nasyiatul Imamah

Nim : 162019020001
Plants____nutrients, water and light to grow
A. it needs
B. needs
C. need
D. is needing

2. Name: Aqnesia Nofianti

NIM: 162019020002
_____ the demands of energy conserving, future, and greener earth. engineers, are creating new
kind of electric car.
(A) Meet
(B) Being met are
(C) To meet
(D) They are meeting

3. Nama : Irfana Ishlaha

NIM : 162019020003
The proposal _______ discussed when I called the office this morning.
a. been
b. bring
c. was being
d. have been

4. Nama: Lina Rahmawati

NIM: 162019020004
.......James A. Bland, “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” was adopted is the state song of Virginia in
(A) Was written
(B) His writing was
(C) He wrote the
(D) Written by

5. Nama : Risa Risdiana

NIM : 162019020005
During the Daytona, the lead car ………, leaving the others far behind.
(A) Forwarded rapidly
(B) Advanced rapidly
(C) Advanced forward rapidly
(D) Advanced in a rapidly manner
6. Name : Widiyawati Rahayu
Nim: 162019020006
Like bacteria, protozoans..…by splitting in two.
C.To reproduce

7.Name : Via Linda sari

Nim : 162019020008
The various types of bacteria are classified according to...shapes.
A. whose
B. how they are
C. have
D. their

8. Name : Fitri Nur Aini

NIM : 162019020009
___________ is served in the restaurant has a smooth, creamy texture.

A.The cake
B.Because the cake
C.The cake that
D.That the cake

9. Name: Esti Wulandari

United States spends more money on advertising _____ country in the world.
a. other
b. other than
c. than any other
d. while other

10. Name : Ela Arliya

Nim : 162019020011
Rarely ________ an asteroid approaching the earth
(A) we
(B) do we see
(C) we are seeing
(D) we do see

11.Name : Ria Alviani

Nim : 162019020012
Jackson,... capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.
A. the
B. it is the
C. is the
D. where the

12. Name : Ismi Dwi Saputri

NIM : 162019020013
In the realm of psychological theory Margaret F. Washburn was a dualist _____ that motor
phenomena have an essential role in psychology.
(A) who she believed
(B) who believed
(C) believed
(D) who did she believe

13. Name : Arneta Martadia S.

NIM : 162019020014
The girl _____ going to the beach with a cousin.
A. is relaxing
B. will be
C. she has
D. she always was

14. Name : Muafiatul Anisnaini

NIM : 162019020015
___________ received lawbdegrees as today
(A.) Never so many women have
(B.) Never have so many women
(C.) The women aren't ever
(D.) Women who have never

15.Nama: Nur Amifa

Researchers use ………. that scientists create (such as about biology, chemical and physics) to
conduct their product research.
A.Their scientific paper
B.The scientific papers
C.What is scientific paper
D.What their scientific paper

16.Nama:Adellia salma khan

The adder is a venomous snake ... bite may prove fatal to humans.
A. its
B. whom its
C. that
D. whose

17. Nama : Luluk Aliyah

Nim : 162019020019
Wiliam pen ,a Quakes ...... The colony of phennsylVania 1681
A.was founded
B.was found
C.Has found

18. Name: Hesti fitriani

Nim: 162019020020
Refugee migration is at ____ worldwide.
A. an all-time high
B. the all time high
C. all times high
D. the high all-time

19. Name : Eva Alfiyani

Nim : 162019020021
Most documentary filmmakers use neither actors ………. studio setting.
A. Or else
B. But not
C. Nor
D. And

20.Nama :Mila Diyah inaya

Nim. :162019020022
____is taking a break in the restroom.
c.The man


22. Name : Didik Riyana

NIM : 162019020024
Mark Twain _____ the years after the Civil War the “Gilded Age.”
b. calling
c. he called
d. his calls
23. Nama : Julinar Eka Alfirayanti
NIM : 162019020025
With her parents ______ found the Korean market.
A. She
B. Has
C. When
D. Later

24. Nama : Mella Rosyidina

NIM :162019020026
Government imposes higher tax on commodities_______from certain countries
A. imported
B. Wich imported
C. Are imported
D. Are being imported

25. Nama : Dina Dian Sari

Nim : 162019020027
The city of Venice ________ on water.
A. Was built
B. Has built
C. That built
D. Built

26.Nama : Indah Julia Pratiwi

Nim : 162019020028
........ was late caused many problems
a. That he
b. The driver
c. There
d. Because

27. Name : Estetika Putri Meidyana

NIM : 162019020029
The young boy ______ retaking the test in the hospital room is my brother.
A. he
B. was
C. is
D. now

28. Name : Tsabitah

NIM : 162019020030
Up to 90 percents of ____ saltwater aquarium fish is eaten by cyanide.
A. import
B. importing
C. imports

29. Nama : Mela hamidah septiovianita

Nim : 162019020031
…. main processes involved in virtually all manufacturing: extraction, assembly, and alteration.
A. There are three
B. Three
C. The three
D. Three of the

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