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Microorganisms are defined as those organisms too small to be seen clearly by the
unaided eye. Microorganisms can be multicellular (đa bào) or unicellular (đơn
- Cellular
- Acellular
Cellular organisms are divided into three domains: Bacteria (vi khuẩn), Archaea
(vi khuẩn cổ), and Eukarya (all eukaryotic organisms).
Prokaryotic cells are organisms with a primordial nucleus (are not divided into
compartments (“rooms”) by membranes),
Eukaryotic cells are membrane-delimited nucleus (màng nhân).
Peptidoglycan can find at the cell walls of most Bacteria.

Bacteria Archaea
Have peptidoglycan in cell wall Don’t have peptidoglycan in cell wall

Structure Bacteria have nucleus but do have membrane-delimited nucleus.

In cytoplasm, they have riboxoms, This is where protein is made, and some
cells also inclusions plasmit that is round ADN. The cytoplasm is puted in the
plasma membrane. Plasma membrane is made by phoypholipit. Outside the
plasma membrane, they have cell wall which made is by peptidoglican.

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