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Introductory Ideas

(Newtonian Mechanics)

under the
physical objects in motion and at rest
Mechanics is a branch of physics which deals with an the basis of
Mechanics had developed since ancient times
influence of external and internal interactsons. to propose theoretical
on the motion of material partices. Although eforts were made earlier
observations nor until Newion announced
the relationship between force and motion, but it was
hypotheses regarding motion and alterativety
The mechanics based on Newton's laws of
his fanous laws of motion in 1687. mechanics deas
called classical mechanics. When this
developed by Lagrange, Hamiton and others is mechanics,
consequences. it may be caled as Newlonian or vectorial
with the Newton's lawS and their are used whach are
the quantaties such as lorce, accelcration, nomentum etc.
because in this schene. D'Alembert,
vectors. The alternative and superior schenes in classical mechanics, developed by
1s known as analytical mechanics. n the
later, the basic
Lagrange, Hlamilton and others constitute what by a
energy) rather than vectors and the dynamical relations are obtained
quatities are scalars (e.8.
has the further advantage that it can be
sysiematic process of ditterentiation. This analytical approach to
are not applicable. In the present book, we plan
generalized to quantum mechanics where Newton's laws over several
Actually classical mechanics was developed
develop the analytical mechanics n detail.
relatively low speeds. In 1905,
centuries on the basis of observations on the mcving objects, having
vacuum, proposed the specal
Einstein, by including the experimental fact of constancy of speed of light in
ideas of space and time and deals with all partick-speeds.
theory of relativity which modifies the classical
The relativistic mechanics of Einstein yeids the
results of Newtonian mechanics at relatively low speeds.
However, the relativistic theory of Eanstcin does not modity the
ciassical ideas regarding the basic nature
of matter and radiation and hence it is often studied in ciassical mechancS.
Classical mechanics is found to be inadequate to describe the behaviour of particles
of mcroScopic
Size such as clectrons in atoms, nuclear particles
etc. For the descript ion of the small scale phenoena of
as quantum mechanics, has been fomulated which, when
atomic and nuciear physICS, a new theory, known
classical mechanics
applied to large bodies, gives the resuts obtained by using classical mechamcs. Although
successtul to deal with
tais to the two kinds ot extremes, discussed above, but this theory s remarkably
we come across in
the motion of relatively massive particies and elatively slow moving objects, which
as the conservation laws of
nnumerabie situations. Many of the results of classical mechanics, such
cctgy, ear nonennum and angular momentum, are of universal validity even in relativistic mechanics
and quantun mechanics.
Before starting to study the clasical mechanics in depth, we discus this chapter to summurize some
basic concepts of interest from iptroductory mechanics.

1.2. SPACE AND TIME (Frame of Reference)

From our experience, we have some idea about the meaning of space and time. It is assumed () that
the space and túhe are continuous, (i) that the motion of particle in space can be descibed by knowing
2 Classical Mechanics

its position at different instants of time, and (i) that there are universal standards of length and time. S.l.
units of measurenient of length and time are meter and second respectively.
if a physical phenomenon (eg.. passing of a particle through some point P) occurs in space, its
position is known as the point; the time of occurrence and the point taken together are called an event. In
classical mechanics, we further assume () that there is a universal time scale, which means that two
observers who have synchronízed their clocks will always agree about the time of an event, (i) that the
geometry of the space is uclidean, and (in) that there is no limit, n
principle, to the accuracy with which we can measure the position and
Inordet to describe the motion of a particle in space, we need to
know its position at different instants of time. This needs the choice
of ieference body or coordinate system fwe imagine a coordinate
system attached to a rigid body and we describe the position of ay
particle relative to iu, then such a coordinate system is called Jframe
of reference. For the location of the objects, the position vectors are
drawn from the origin 0 of the coordinate system (Fig. 1.1). The
Simplest frame of relerence 1s a cartesian coordinate system. In this
system, the position of a particle at any point of its path is given
by the position vectorr, expressed in terms of three coordinates (
Fig.1.1. Frame of reference
y.2) as
In order to know the position of the particle at different instants of tinme, an observer may be stationed
at the origin with a clock to measure the tine t. Thus we obtain the position vector r of the particle as
function of time t i.e.,

rr (2)
Thus we obtain the velocity and acceleration as

v .3)

and a 4)

The position and time recorded together constitute an event, represented by four coordinates (r. y. z, )
and the reference sysiem, used for this purpose, nmay be called as space-time reference system.


Sir Isaac Newton expressed his ideas regarding the motion of bodies in the form of three laws which
are considered as the basic laws of mechanics. In fact mechanies is a study of certain general relations that
describe the interactions of material bodies. One general property of a material body is its inertial mass.
Anotlher new concept usefiul in describing interactions is force. These two concepts, inertial mass and force,
were first defined in a quantitative manner by Isaac Newton. The definition of mass and force are contained
in his three laws of motion.

(1) Law of Inertia (First Law):4 body continues in its state of rest or constant velocity, unless not
disturbed by some external influence. The property of a body that it can not change its štafe of rest or constant
velocity is called inertia and the influence under which the velocity of a particle changes is called force. The
Ittroductory ldeas

quantitative definitions of force and measure of inertia of a body, which we call mass, are contained in
second and third laws of motion.
(2 Law of Force (Second Law) : The time-rate of change of momentam is proportional to the
impressedJorce, ie.,

F- 5)
Every body possesses the property of inertia or resistance to motion. This inertia is different for
different bodies. The measure to this inertia for translation is called the mass of a body and is denoted by
m. Ifv be the velocity ofa body of mass m, then its momentum is defined by

P Y and thuis F(m) 5a)

Newton considered that mass of a body remains constant in motion. Therefore,

F M= ma
ie. Force = mass * acceleration
This is the fundamenta taw of classical mechanics. Quantitatively, first law is the special case of

second law, because if lorce is not acting on a body, i.e., F =0, then 0 and therefore v = constant

including zero.

(3) Law of Action and Reaction (Third Law) : To eery action there is always equal and opposite
reaction.This means that if I
and 2 bodies are interacting mutualy, then

F-F (6)
i.e., force on lst body due to 2nd - force on 2nd body due to Ist.
ut F-Rate of change of momentun of the Ist body

and similarly,

Substituting in (6), we obtain

. dt
-m dt

denote for accelerations, then in magnitude

@2 or m 7)

Common experience tells us tha a greauer pull or force is required to change a definite amount of velocity
in a certain time for a massive body tham alighter body. So Newton considered that mass also be included in
the definition of force by definfrig the momentum as mass times velocity.
Classical Mechanics
This means that if an isolated system two
of bodies is interacting among themselves, then
their accelerations the ratio of their masses by measuring
can be determined. If one is the standard body
(say m,) then the other (m,) can be determined. of mass I kg
Thus Newton's third law defines mass uniquely
equatiön (5) can be used to define the force in a and hence
unique way.


Newton's laws of niotion are valid n reference

systems, known as inertial frames. An
the one in which the law of inertia holds urue" ie.. if a particle, subject to no extemal inertial frame is
move in a straight line with constant velocity force, is found to
(or to remain at rest), then the coordinate system used
purpose is called inertial fraune. Thus in an inertial frame, for this
a body not experiencing any force (F= 0) appears
unaccelerated (a = 0) because from Newton's second law

F ma = 0 or'a- -0
d 8)
All those Jrames, wiich are noving wilh coustant
velocity relative to an inertial frame, ure also inertial.
In order to prove this statement, let us consider
inertial frame S and anotber frameS, which is noving
with constant velocity v relative to S. Initially ati =0,
ifthe positions of the origins of the two frames
coincide. then in the two frames, the postion vectors
of any particle P at any instant t can be related as
Fig. 1.2)

rr{: 00 v)
or r=r- 9)
In Newtonian mechaniCs, it is assumed that the
time is
This implies that the time of an event is the Fig. 1.2: Frame moving with constant
same relative to various observers in diferent states of velocity.

Differentiating cq (9) with respect to time and writing we obtain

uu- (10)
where u is the velocity of the particle in frame S and u' in S. Eqs. (9) and (10) relate the
position vectors
and velocity vectors of the particle P in S and S' frames.
Differentiating eq. (10) again with respect to tine and remembering that v is constant, we get

di dt ora'-
a' a (11)

Thus a particle experiences the sane acceleration in two frames out of which one is inertial and the
other is noving with constant velocity relative to the inertial. No, if the aceleration of the particle in
frae Sis zero, its acceleration in S'is aso zero. But S is an inenial frame, hence S" must also be an inertial

The law of inertia was first stated by Galileo, therefore the inertial frames are also named as Galilean frames
of reference
Introductory ldeas

frame. Thus we conclude that if a frame is inertial, then any frame, moving with constant velocity relative
to it, is als0 an inertial frame.
Eq. (9) represents Galilean transformation. connecting the coordinates in two inertial frames (S and S')
in constant relative motion.
If the observed acceleration of a body of mass m in an inertial frame is a, then the force observed on
the body in this frame is
F ma (12)
Let us think a little in depth about an inertial frame. Obviously an inertial frame is unaccelerated.
because if the frame is accelerated, an observer stationed in this frame will see an acceleration of a force
freq particle which violates the first law. The value of the acceleration a, used in the second law F= ma, is
measured with respect to this unaccelerated frame. But the question arises, how is this unaccelerated frame
realized in practice. Since fixed stars are at large distances and can be thought as being free from interactions
with other bodies. We can think the fixed stars as a standard unaccelerated reference system or inertial
frame. The sun with respect to these fixed stars moves with uniform velocity and hence a frame fixed on
sun is also an inertial frame. A frame fixed on earth is not incrtial because the carth is rotating about its axis
and simultancously it is moving in its orbit around the sun. The centripetal accelerations due to spin and
orbital motions of the earth are of the order of 3.4 cm/sec (at the equator) and 0.6 cm/sec. Now, if a
frame, fixed on the earth and accounted for these accelerations will work well as an inertial frame.
However, if we are dealing motions negligiby small compared to the earth's motion, a frame fixed on the
earth can be approximated as an inertial frame.
Validity of Newton's Laws: Newton's first and second laws do not hold correct in the accelerated
and rotating frames. If a particle is experiencing no force in an inertial frame, then the observer of the
accelerated frame will see an acceleration and consequently a fictitious force on the particle. The accelerated
frames are called non-inertial frames and we shall deal them later. Newton's third law of motion is not
correct when a force is acting at a distance because thie forces and actions can not travel faster than light. In
other words, if the first particle produces any change in the second particle at a distance, the reaction
reaches on the first particle after a finite interval of time. This means that simultaneously action and
reaction are not oqual. However, Newton's third law is still correct for the bodies at rest and for contact


The gravitational force exerted on one body by another body, such as earth, is given by


The mass of body, determined from the formula (13), is caled the gravitational mass and is denoted by
m In eq. (13) Mg is the mass of the earth and R is its radius.

Let the two bodies of inertial masses m, and m, be allowed to fall under gravity. Experinentally we know
that all bodies on earth fall with the same acceleration g. So that

Therefore, . and
In Newtonian mechanics, space and time are completely separable and the transformations connecting
transformations are valid as
the space-ume coordinates of a particke are the Galilean transformations These
far as Newton's laws are concerned, but fail in the field of clectrodynamics. Principle of relativity, when
applied to the electromagnetic phenomena, asserts that the speed of light in vacuum is constant of nature.
the special theory
This starement has been confimed by several experiments and led Einstein to formulate
of relativity. In view of this theory, space and time are not independet of cach other and the corect
transformation cquations are Lorentz transformations. In this chapter, first we discuss the Galilean
transformations and their failures and then we deduce the Lorentz transformations. Finally, we discuss the
consequences of Lorentz transformations, namely length contraction, time dilation, simultaneity, velocity
addition etc.


At any instant, the coordinates of a point or particle in space' will be different in different coordinate
systems. The equations which provide the relationship between the coordinates of two reference systems
are called transformation equations.
Ia Chapter 1, we have shown that a frame S' which is moving with constant velocity v relative to an
inertial frame S, is itself inertial.

Fig.12.1:Representation of Galilean transformations

For convenience, if we assume (i) that the origins of the two frames coincide at 0, (i) that the
coordinate axes of the second frame are parallel to that of the first and (in) that the velocity of the second
frame relative to the first is y along X-axis, then the position vectors of a particle at any instant t in the two
frames are related by the cquation
In the component form, the coordinates are related by the cquations

rI- y-y; ?'=z

Eq. (1) or (2) expresses the transformation of coordinates from one inertíal frame to another and they
are refered as Galilean transformations.
The form of eq. (1) or (2) depends, of course, on the relative motion of two frames of reference, but it
also depends upon certain assumptions regarding the natare of time and space. It is asumed that the time
t is independent of any particular frame of reference ie., ift and tr'be the times recorded by the observers
O and O' of an event occurring at P, then r t If we add the cquation r' 4, then the Galilean
transformation equations are expressed as
y-y; ?-z r=t
We can also consider that frame S is moving with velocity - v along the negative X-axis with respect
to S" frame. Then the transformation cquations from frame S" to S are

=r+ w, y-y z-? t=t

These are known as inverse Galilean transformations.
The other assunption, regarding the nature of the space, is that the distance between two points (or two
particles) is independent of any particular frame of reference. Evidently, this assumption is expressed by
the form of the transformation eq. (1) or (3). If a rod has length L in the frame S with the end coordinates
, and x, then L

Ifat the same time the end coordinates of the rod in S" are s' and x, then L'=x-z'. But for any
time , from eq. (3), we have
Therefore, L'-L 4)
Thus the iength or distance between two points is irvaríant under Galilean transformation.
Differentiating cq(1) with respect to time, we get

or uVu (5)
where u and u' are the observed velocities in S andS frames respectively.
Eq. (5) transforms the velocity of a particte from one frame to another and is known as Galilean (or
classical) law of addition of velocities
Again difierentiating eq. (5) with respect to time , we have

a a (6)
Hence according to Galilean transformations, the accelerations of a particle relative to S and S'
frames are equal.
It is to be mentioned that the Galilcan transformations are based basically on two assumptions
(1) There exists a universal time t which is the same in all reference systems.
(2) The distance between two points in various inertial systems is the same.
Thus if any two events occur simultaneously for any observer, then they must occur simultaneously for
all observers. In other words, the time interval between hwo given events must be identical for all systems ofs


Absolute velocity of a body has no meaning. The velocity has a meaning only when it is measured
relative to some other body or frame of reference. If two bodies are moving with uniform relative velocity,
it is impossible to decide which of them is at rest or which of them is moving. This is known as principle
of relativity. However, acccleration has an absolute meaning. For example, if we are sitting in a windowless
accelerated aircraft, we can perform an experiment and measure its acceleration. But if the aircraft is
moving with uniform velocity, we cannot measure its velocity. Of course, we measure its velocity relative
to a body outside. Thus the principle of relativity can be alternatively stated as follows
is impossible to perform an experiment which will measure the state of uniform velocity of a
ystem by observations, confined to that system.
The motion of a body itself has no meaning unless, we do not know with respect to which this motion
has been measured. This led Newton to think about the absolute space and it represents an absolute frame
with respect to which every motion should be measured. However, in view of this principle of relativity,
we can 'not perform an experiment which will measure the uniform velocity of a reference system relative
to the absolute frame by observations confined to that system.
In the unaccelerated windowless ship all experiments performed inside it will appear the satme whether
this ship is stationary or in uniform motion. Newton stated the principle of relativity as follows:
The motions of bodies included in a given space are the same among themselves whether that space
is at rest or moving uniformly forward in a straight line.
Study of the physical laws involves the measurements of accelerations, forces etc among bodies. The
principle of relativity can be stated in an clegant form as follows:
The basic Ias of physics are identical in all inertial systems which move with uniform velocity with
respect to one another.
This principle is called Galilean or Newtonian principle of relativity and sometimes it is namod as
hypothesis of Galilean invariance. In fact, the principle of relativity is a fundamental postulate and is
entirely consistent with the theory of special relativity. If any two inertial systems, moving with constant
relative velocity, are connected by Galilean transformations, the principle of relativity is modified as :
The basie laws of physics are invariant in form in two reference systems connected by Galilean
This statement is somewhat special than the principle of relativity in the sense that it means the
assumptions that the time and the space intervals are independent of the frame of reference. We shall see
later in the theory of special relativity that the Galilean transformations are not correct, but the
appropriate exact transtomation cquations are the Lorentz transformation equations for connecting any
two frames in uniform relative motion. Thus, the principle of relativity may be stated as
The basic laws of physies are invariant in form in two inertial frames connected by Lorent


Suppose that the force F on a particle of mass m in the frame S is represented by Newion's second law
F ma
But according to the postulate that the laws of physics are the same in the frame S and in another frame
S, which is in uniform motion relative to S, we have
in the frameS.
We have shown in the last article that the acceieration of the particle is the same in two inertial frames,
connected by Galilean transformations, Le,
a' -a
where in the deduction basically we have assumed the invariance of space and time separately.
In Newtonian mechanics, the mass is independent of velocity and hence

Fma m'a'- F°
This means that if the relation F ra (Newton's second law) is used to define the force, then in all
inertial systems, the force F will have the same magnitude and direction, independent of the relative
velocities of the reference frames. Further, the Newton's equation has the same form in the inertial frame S
as well as in the frame S. We mean this statement that Newton's second law is invariant under Galilean
transformations. As Newton's first law (F = 0) can be deduced from second law and third law involves
forces. We may also say that Newton s laws of motion (so called laws of mechanics) are ivariant
under Galilean transformations


f the form of a law is not changed by certain coordinate tranformation (.e, ifit is the same law in
terms of either set of coordinates), we call that the law s invariant or covariant with respect to the
coordinate transformation under consideration. Newton's laws of motion are covariant with respect to
Galilean transformations. Mathematicaly, suppose a phenomenon is described in system S by an equation
Then the covariance of the equations means thau in the system S", it will have the form
The principle of relativity asserts that the laws of physics are covariant in alt inertial systems, moving
with constant relative velocity. It is to be mentioned that the Galilean transformations satisfy the principle of
relativity as far as Newton's laws of motion are concerned, but as we shall see later, these transformations do
not satisfy this principle for propagation of electromagnetic waves.


According to the principle of relativity, basic laws of physics remain the same in all inertial systems. If
the principle of relativity is extended to electrodynamics, Maxwell's fundamental equations should emain
the samie in any two inertial systems with uniform constant relative motion. It follows from Maxwell's
cquations that the electromagnetic waves are propagated in vacuum
with a constant velocity c -3* 10' msec in all directions irrespective
of the motion of the source. Light waves are basically clectronmagnetic
and hence according to the principle of relativity, the velocity
of light must be the same with value c in all inertial systems,
independent of the motion of the light source.
It can be shown that the idea of constancy of speed of light Fig 12.2
contradicts the Galilean transformations. Let Sbe a frame of reference with a source of light at the origin O.
In this system, the velocity of light is c in all the directions. Now, let a frame S" be moving with constant
vvi along X-axis. In the frame
S, the velocity of light, using Galilean transformations, will be given by
The speed of the light signal along X-axis (8 0) will be noted in S' as
C'C-v 9 a)
and along Y-axis (0 = r/2) as

CNe- (as
cc4 ) 9 b)
Hence, if we use Galilean transformations, we find that the speed of light is not constant in all inertial
systems and this contradicts the principle of relati-vity. Further S must be a preferred or absolute frame in
which the speed of light is c and hence any other inertial frame (S) should be less suitable. This leads the
possibility of defining absolute motion. If we accept the principle of relativity in the fields of
clectromagnetism and optics, we should revise the concepts of space and time. However, it seems necessary
that before adopting a radical departure ffom the classical ideas of space and time, one should be sure for
the truth of the new step by experiments. Michelson Morley experiments were performed to detect the
influence of the motion of the carth with respect to so caled absolute frame. Negative results were
obtained from these experiments and this led finally the acceptance of the principle of relativity.
Ex. A man can row a boat with a velocity V in still water. How much time does he take to cross a strea
ofwidth d and return lo the same point if velociy of the stream is v ? How much time does he take a
distance d upstream and return ? Calculatè in first order (vIV") the diference between the two times.
Solution: According to the problem, the man should row the boat perpendicular to the direction of
flow so as to return at the same point. If the velocity V of the boat makes an angle & with the direction of
the flow, then it can be resolved into two components :
0 V cos 8, and (i) V sin 8.
Now, the component cos & should balance the velocity of the stream, i.e
cos v or cos wWV.

Ift be the time required in crossing and returning, then

2d 24 2d
V sin Vsin Vsin0
In the second case, time required is
v-Iv -

where we have used Binomial expansion and retained the terms in first t av
Hence, 2d d

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