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(1932 - 2009)

Shigeo Fukuda was born in Tokyo on February 4th, 1932. ing a clenched fist of barbed wire. In 1982 his poster, 1982
His family specialized in the manufacture of the toys. How- Happy Earth Day, showed an axe with its head against the
ever after World War II, a young Shigeo became interested in ground and a branch sprouting from the end of the handle.
graphic design. He was especially interested in the minimalism Later that year Fukuda published Visual Illusion, a book com-
displayed in the Swiss Style. He attended the Tokyo National prised of several optical illusions which gained him fame in the
University of Fine Arts and Music, which he graduated from in United States. He was the first Japanese designer to be inducted
1956. He was first commissioned for the 1970 World’s Fair Expo into the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame in New York City in
in Osaka. 1987.

Inspired by the Swiss Style, Shigeo employed similar techniques Shigeo once described his philosophy, “I believe that in design,
in his posters while combining them with optical illusions. He 30 percent dignity, 20 percent beauty and 50 percent absurdity
quickly developed a reputation for his political themed posters are necessary.” In 1967, Paul Rand organized show in New York
which often emphasized anti-war and pro-environmental per- at the IBM Gallery in his honor. Exhibitions at The Asian Art
spectives. His poster Victory 1945, depicting an artillery shell Museum of San Francisco in 1987 and in 1999 were hosted by
returning into the barrel from which it was shot, earned him the Japan Foundation in Toronto entitled, “Visual Prankster:
the grand prize at the Warsaw Poster contest which supported Shigeo Fukuda.”
the Peace Fund Movement.
Shigeo Fukuda suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage and died
In 1980, he created a poster for Amnesty International depict- on January 11, 2009.
Guess Who: Adolf Hitler 1982 Happy Earth Day

Amnesty International Poster. 1970 World’s Fair Expo Poster

Guess Who: Adolf Hitler Shigeo Fukuda Signature

[Right] Victory 1945.

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