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Chapter 1

Online class learning is an approach where the online teaching and

learning process is actualized with the Internet technology (,
2020). Rouselle Isla, stated that the online learning set up is a combination of
synchronous learning (Learning at the same time with classmates and a
teacher) and asynchronous learning (Learning at any time that works for the
student) and distributing materials (Simplest solution is to email students new
course materials as attachments or link to online resources like videos,
websites or podcasts). With Covid-19 cases escalating by thousands every day,
it won’t be surprising if we just decide to stay inside our homes for the next
couple of years. Online learning reduces the risk of contracting the virus.
Students only need to turn on their gadgets and enter their virtual classrooms
which is probably the advantage of online learning in the Philippines. You don’t
need to catch a ride at the crack of dawn just to make it to your 7am classes
for it is an education without leaving your home (Isla, 2020).

While, mental fortitude is a necessary element of success. It is defined as

the ability to focus on and execute solutions when in the face of uncertainty or
adversity. If we break under pressure, if we lose patience with the process we're
being challenged with, it can easily drive us to quit prematurely. Having the
mental fortitude necessary to succeed requires patience, creativity, exploration
and execution. On the other hand, the concept of mental fortitude provides a
single umbrella term, which, while encompassing many of the key ideas
relating to resilience, offers a more positive and targeted way of helping people
deal with stressful situations (1AD, 2011).
Online learning is the best approach for educators and learners to
ensure there is continuity in education during the current ordeal (Morgan,
2020). Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health
crisis (i.e., COVID-19 pandemic) that has shaken up its foundation. Students
towards their learning environment had been experiencing being inadequate,
that results them to be inattentive to their school priorities and undervalued
mental health that affects their development to mental fortitude.

The negative mental health consequences of online learning among

students can include increased anxiety and absenteeism. These can stem from
the increased demand for new technological skills, productivity, and
information overload (Poalses and Bezuidenhout, 2018). The COVID-19
pandemic worsened these consequences when educational institutions shifted
from face-to-face activities to mostly online learning modalities to mitigate the
spread of COVID-19 (Malolos et al., 2021). Given these, a digital divide
stemming from socioeconomic inequalities can result in mental health
disparities among students during the pandemic (Cleofas and Rocha, 2021).
Thus, mental fortitude towards all students may be affected, that each student
from lower socioeconomic localities have higher mental distress due to their
limited financial capacity to obtain the necessary gadgets and internet

In an online learning environment, priority setting is a factor that may

help students to be motivated, developing and maintaining a stable mental
health towards obtaining mental fortitude. Students are unaware that setting a
priority could always set their way to accomplish their needs first before
engaging from a situation to another. Proper priority setting is something that
can change student’s life on a fundamental basis for the better. With few minor
adjustments in how to prioritize responsibilities may build student a good
study habit and become mentally prepared to its learning environment.

The finding of this study may serve as a basis to formulate a strategic

plan for students to focus on prioritizing their academic performance and
developmental fortitude that incorporates the findings for preparations of the
online class environment in STI West Negros University.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the cause and effect of online learning
environment and mental fortitude of College of Education students of STI West
Negros University During the S.Y. 2021 -2022

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following question:

1. What is the profile of the College of Education students when grouped in

terms of the following variables:

A. Sex
B. Age
C. Educational Attainment
D. Economic Status

2. What is the effect encountered in an online learning environment and

mental fortitude according to the following areas:

A. Resources
B. Time Management
C. Type of Online Learning

3. Is there a significant relationship between the aforementioned variables and

the mental fortitude assessment?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the online learning environment

and mental fortitude when grouped according to the aforementioned variables?


There is no significant relationship between the demographics and the

mental fortitude assessment.

There is no significant relationship between the online learning

environment and mental fortitude when grouped according to the
aforementioned variables.

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Lin, Y., Mutz, J., Clough, P. J., &a; Papageorgiou, K. A. (1AD, January 1). Mental
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Poalses, J., & Bezuidenhout, A. (2019, October 27). Mental Health in Higher
Education: A comparative stress risk assessment at an open distance learning
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Malolos et al, Health Promotion Perspectives, 2021, 11(3), 267-270

doi: 10.34172/hpp.2021.34

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