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One does not need to pay cash

32. What a beautiful painting to look at
33. I advise against leaving your bag here
34. He might have done it on purpose
35. She spoke too fast for me to understand her
36. They must have been surprised when hearing the news
37. She just never misses such concerts
38. I’ll think about it then talk to her
39. What a smart friend you have
40. You must make it there on time
41. They might have already heard the new
42. After he worked hard for many years they fired him
43. If you are lucky enough you may win the scholarship
44. She is too tired to help us
45. A taxi brought us to the station
46. Steven can run as far as his friend
47. The beach is not as crowded as usual
48. It has been snowing since last Sunday
49. He enjoys jogging early in the morning

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