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Question à revoir
(1) Points
manages roles
for all users
associated to a
Identifier in
My Oracle

Faux (*)

Oracle Customers are able to

manage their own My Oracle
Support access by
establishing Customer User
Administrators from their

2. Select the recommended reason (best practice) why a

Question à revoir
Customer User Administrator (CUA) would activate (1) Points
Auto Approve for a Support Identifier.

There is no reason for the CUA to actively review

a request for ANY Support Identifier, so using
Auto Approve is always the best approach for any
To quickly provide generic access to knowledge
base and My Oracle Support Community
functions for user requests. This allows users to
immediately begin using My Oracle Support,
while the CUA manually reviews requests for
advanced functions such as SR Create privilege.
This is a security risk; therefore, a CUA would
never use this feature
To stop receiving email notifications from users
requesting access
None of the above


3. Joe is a CUA for his company. His team members are

Question à revoir
globally located (and so are his assets). As a result, he
(1) Points
has multiple SIs and is struggling to easily manage the
SIs and assets. What feature in My Oracle Support can
help him?

There is nothing available in My Oracle Support.

Joe has to call his Oracle Sales Representative to
get this fixed.
Joe can make use of the features in
Administrative, Support Identifiers to Create New
SI where he can co-locate users and assets. (*)
Joe has to log a Non Technical Service Request
and Oracle Support will set up a new SI for him.
None of the above


4. A Support Identifier Group (SIG) enables your CUA

Question à revoir
to group hardware assets, software licenses, and users (1) Points
in a single SI.

Vrai (*)


5. It is an Oracle recommended best practice to have

Question à revoir
multiple CUAs for each Support Identifier (although
(1) Points
you are allowed to select only one per SI).

Vrai (*)

Having multiple CUAs per

SI helps your organization
ensure user requests are
handled in a timely manner.
If you have a single CUA
and that person is
unavailable, user requests
will be impacted.

6. A Support Identifier (SI) is a numeric value that

Question à revoir
identifies the products your company has purchased. It (1) Points
is required to access My Oracle Support.

Vrai (*)

My Oracle Support Introduction
(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)

7. As a user of My Oracle Support, you want to get the

Question à revoir
most value from the customizable dashboard layout.
(1) Points
Which of the following are best practices to customize
your layout and make it work for you? Select all that

(Choisir toutes les réponses correctes)

Ask your CUA to suggest a layout

Consider modifying your dashboard any time your
role changes or you have a new product interest
Reduce wasted time and frustration by organizing
your dashboard to match your job role and product
Do not customize what you see in the dashboard.
When you first login to My Oracle Support, you
have access to all the recommended regions by
Add as many regions as you can to the dashboard
to maximize what you see when you login

This is a key benefit of the

My Oracle Support interface.
Take the time to organize the
content exactly the way you
want to see it and use it.
Make it work for you.

8. You believe your account is associated with a

Question à revoir
Hardware SI (but your dashboard is NOT showing the (1) Points
Assets region). What steps should you take to resolve?

Select the Contact Us link in My Oracle Support

and ask for help
Contact an Oracle colleague and ask for advice
Go to your My Account page and validate that you
have access to View Assets for the designated SI.
By design, the Assets region is ONLY available to
hardware customers.
Select Customize on the My Oracle Support home
page and make sure the Asset widget is available
to select for your dashboard, and select it.
Both 3 and 4. (*)


9. Sam is a new user to My Oracle Support and wants to

Question à revoir
be more proactive in how he supports his products.
(1) Points
What recommended option should Sam follow to meet
his objective?

From the Knowledge tab, Sam can select Get

Proactive under Knowledge Links.
Sam can bookmark the Get Proactive Portfolio
432.1 and access this at any time.
Sam can post a question on Using My Oracle
Support about how to be more proactive.
Sam can take the Level 2 Accreditation Course for
the products he supports to validate his knowledge
of proactive approaches and solutions.
All of the above (*)


10. My Oracle Support has pre-set dashboard

Question à revoir
configuration options based on role. For example, I (1) Points
can go to the Customize link and select (Hardware
User) to automatically add the regions to my
dashboard associated with this user type.

Faux (*)

There are no user type

dashboard customizations
that you can select. My
Oracle Support allows you to
select from many regions to
create a dashboard that works
uniquely for your role and
interests. It is fast and easy to
change it any time you want.

11. The number of tabs you see in My Oracle Support

Question à revoir
depends on the Support Identifiers associated with (1) Points
your account.

Vrai (*)

12. A new feature has been released in My Oracle
Question à revoir
Support, and you need to learn more about it. What is
(1) Points
a recommended practice to easily stay informed about
feature updates?

Access the Getting Started region from your My

Oracle Support Dashboard. Click on the option for
Existing Users to learn about what is new. This
link directs you to the My Oracle Support User
Resource Center to view training modules, release
notes, and notes about changes to the portal. (*)
Post a question on the Using My Oracle Support
Log a Service Request and ask how to find out
what is new in the latest release of My Oracle
Ask your Oracle Sales Representative what new
Features are available.


Knowledge Search and Browse

(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)

13. Tom is always looking to improve his productivity. He

Question à revoir
often searches in My Oracle Support and spends time
(1) Points
each week reviewing his search results. A colleague
recommended that he set up and use PowerViews to
help filter and focus his information needs. What can
Tom accomplish by creating a PowerView?

He can replace the global search functionality by

creating a PowerView
He can create a PowerView for a specific product,
and turn it on when needed to automatically filter
Knowledge and other regions. He can also create
multiple PowerViews to display information that
he needs for different products. (*)
He can automate information updates to his email
as each PowerView has the option to trigger an
email when specified content is updated.
None of the above


14. When you type a search string into the global search
Question à revoir
bar (on any tab), your search results are usually (1) Points
provided on the Knowledge tab unless you search for a
specific Service Request number.

Vrai (*)


15. You will often see terms such as Search Helper or

Question à revoir
Search Assistant (or both of these terms) in a title. (1) Points
What service are these features providing?

A new section in the Service Request process

A search helper or search assistant is a guided path
to a known solution (*)
Voice-activated help feature that you can turn on
in My Oracle Support
An option you can select under Knowledge


16. A common problem that Users can experience in My

Question à revoir
Oracle Support when searching: The user ONLY
(1) Points
enters a single word in the global search box for the
search and gets a huge list of possible results. User
cannot quickly or easily find the desired information,
although it may be in the results.

Vrai (*)


17. Mary is aware of PowerView filters. Is there another

Question à revoir
recommended way to quickly search for content in My (1) Points
Oracle Support based on product?

Post a thread in My Oracle Support Community

Use the (Search & Browse) feature on the
Knowledge tab to select your product and enter
your search term. (*)
Use the global search bar
Check the Certifications tab

18. You know you can find the E-Business Suite Patch
Question à revoir
Utility by accessing the Get Proactive Portfolio. What
(1) Points
is another recommended approach to easily locate this

Log a Service Request and ask for Oracle Support

to send you the information
Search in the global search box with the term EBS
Post a question in the EBS Community asking
where you can find a document with everything
you need to know about EBS patching
Read the E-Business Suite installation
Search My Oracle Support using the global search.
For the most targeted search, type R11i patch
wizard or just patch wizard and locate the Patch
Wizard Utility from the top of your results. (*)


Product Certifications
(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)

19. What is the definition of a certification?

Question à revoir
(1) Points

A combination of Oracle and third-party products,

operating systems, or hardware that Oracle
believes should work together
A combination of Oracle and third-party products,
operating systems, or hardware that Oracle has
tested and should work together. (*)
A testing matrix that Oracle provides via the
Certifications tab that allows you to compare
combinations of Oracle and third-party products
None of the above


20. The Support Information provided by the

Question à revoir
Certifications search does NOT include Ongoing (1) Points
Support information related to availability of patches
for your product.

Faux (*)

21. Is there any reason to check the Certifications tab on a

Question à revoir
regular basis if your company has NOT upgraded any
(1) Points
of your products?

Yes, to check the support dates to understand

when your products stop being supported and
track this information in your upgrade plan (*)
No, you would only check during an active
upgrade planning cycle
No, there is no new information on the
Certifications tab unless you received a Hot
Topics E-Mail
None of the above


22. The Certifications tab in My Oracle Support is able to

Question à revoir
directly answer most of your certification questions. (1) Points
The exception is older information that may not be

Vrai (*)


23. A product is certified for a SPECIFIC release of an

Question à revoir
operating system (OS) on a particular hardware
(1) Points
platform. For example, Oracle Database (
on Oracle Solaris 11 (SPARC)

Vrai (*)


24. You are preparing an upgrade plan for Oracle

Question à revoir
Database Vault. If you create a Certifications search, (1) Points
you will be able to see support information for this
product that includes End dates for Premier Support,
Extended Support, and Sustaining Support.

Vrai (*)

Patches and Updates
(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)

25. What is a Patch Advisor?

Question à revoir
(1) Points

A type of Lifecycle Advisor in My Oracle Support

that co-locates patching information in areas such
as Upgrade Advisors and Patching & Maintenance
Advisors (*)
The Patch Advisor is the Readme file included
with all Patches that provide specific install
A specific patch search in My Oracle Support that
only focuses on patch information
A tool that you can download that will analyze the
patches on your system to confirm you are on the
latest patch set
None of the above


26. You are relatively new to patching your Oracle

Question à revoir
Product. Where can you get additional clarification on
(1) Points
My Oracle Support functionality related to patching?

From the Patches & Updates tab, select the help

link (upper right) to view patching-related
information like Patch Searches and Patch Details
Log a non-technical service request to get a brief
demo from Oracle Support on patching
Use the General Patch Questions region on the
Patches & Updates tab and locate the general
patch questions link and type in your question
Log a technical Service Request to ask for advice
on patching


27. To download aspecific patch, you must have Patch

Question à revoir
Download Access in your account that matches the
(1) Points
Download Access on the patch AND your customer
user administrator (CUA) must set Access Patches to
DOWNLOAD (not View Only) for your account.
Vrai (*)


28. Regardless of your specific Oracle products, the

Question à revoir
general process to download patches in My Oracle (1) Points
Support is usually the same.

Vrai (*)


29. Patch Plans are available for all products and do NOT
Question à revoir
require the use of configurations.
(1) Points

Faux (*)


30. Your colleague, Jane, needs to find a patch in My

Question à revoir
Oracle Support. She wants to know a fast and easy
(1) Points
way to locate a patch for Primavera. You recommend
that she click on the Patches & Updates tab and then
use the Product or Family search. She can input the
product name and use the filters to search.

Vrai (*)


31.The same
Question à revoir
Oracle (1) Points
that resolve
in My
to share
expertise as
part of this

Vrai (*)


32. Sally has a great idea to improve a product. From the

Question à revoir
home page of Community, she clicks Create, Idea. When (1) Points
she attempts to locate the correct Place (In a Place), her
product area is not listed. What does this mean?

The space or sub-space you want to use has NOT

enabled this feature. Only spaces and sub-spaces
that support IDEA CREATE are available for
selection (*)
Open a non-technical Service Request, as this is a
This feature is not available and should not be
Post this question in the Using My Oracle Support


33. In the accreditation series, we cover the importance of

Question à revoir
finding the right sub-space for your questions to ensure a (1) Points
fast response from the subject experts. What happens if
you post a product-specific question into the general
Using My Oracle Support Community?

A moderator for the community will directly email

you to request that you remove this question
The question will trigger an automatic email that
alerts you to ask the question in a different
The moderator for the community will see that the
question is NOT in the right community and will
attempt to find the right community for your
question. This impacts the time to resolution of your
question (*)
None of the above


34. You recently created a new discussion in My Oracle

Question à revoir
Support Community. When you go back to view it, you
(1) Points
do not see it in the community where you posted it.
What is the best approach to locate your discussion?

Your posting was likely deleted by a moderator

because it was in the wrong community. You should
post it again.
Log a Service Request
View your profile and click Content and you will
see all the questions you have posted (*)
Create a new discussion and ask the community if
they know what happened to your last discussion
None of the above


35. You want to post a question to a My Oracle Support

Question à revoir
Community. How do you locate the correct community
(1) Points
for your product and type of question?

Log a technical Support Request for assistance

Using the Navigation Banner, select your product,
then drill down into a specific sub-space related to
your question. Ask your question to the sub-space
and it will be reviewed by users with the right
product knowledge to help (*)
Ask your Customer User Administrator to grant you
access to the community in question and it will
appear the next time you log in
Post your question in the Using My Oracle Support
community to make sure as many users as possible
can view it.


36. You heard about a new community and want to check it

Question à revoir
out. When you open My Oracle Support Community, (1) Points
you only see a few options listed in the SPACES YOU
FOLLOW pane (left navigation). What do you need to
do to locate a new community?

Ask your Customer User Administrator (CUA) to

change your Community access settings under My
From the navigation banner, click the Space List
down arrow, locate a space of interest (for example:
Middleware MOSC) and then click on it to view the
associated sub-spaces (*)
View the new communities created this week in the
Spotlight Area.
Log a non-technical Service Request
None of the above


Best Practices for Hardware and Software

(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)

37. On the Systems tab, you can view Health

Question à revoir
Recommendations BEFORE you enable a collection (1) Points

Faux (*)

The analysis runs against the

configuration data captured by
the collector

38. Oracle EM Harvester is a collection tool that gathers

Question à revoir
information about your Oracle set-ups, configuration,
(1) Points
and OS. You can automate this information transfer with

Vrai (*)


39. Why does Oracle Support ask for configuration data?

Question à revoir
(1) Points

Oracle Support does not ask for configuration data

The data provides an understanding of the
configuration of Oracle software, revision levels,
and the operating system and patching levels (*)
The data helps to determine how often you log
Service Requests
None of the above

40. For the supported products, what are the benefits of

Question à revoir
installing and using Oracle Configuration Manager
(1) Points

Monitor changes and review health checks

Use the Upgrade Planner
Create fully qualified Service Requests
View Reports
All of the above (*)


41. You have a planned outage window at the end of the

Question à revoir
quarter. You can access features available in My Oracle (1) Points
Support that will enable you to make decisions about
recommended and security patches to install.

Vrai (*)


42. What is the best definition of a Fully Qualified Service

Question à revoir
(1) Points

A Service Request that has all the information

included in the fields as well as appropriate
diagnostic output attached so that the Oracle
Support Engineer can immediately get started (*)
A Service Request must have attached log files to be
fully qualified
A Service Request logged by your CUA
Only Service Requests created by ASR are
considered fully qualified
A Service Request that provides just a few facts to
get Oracle Support engaged


Create and Manage Service Requests

(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)
43. If your systems are down and you select Severity 1 for
Question à revoir
your issue, you will need to provide a management
(1) Points
contact in the workflow, and your identified manager
will be contacted by Oracle Support.

Vrai (*)


44. A recommended best practice is to validate your access

Question à revoir
levels in My Oracle Support BEFORE you create a (1) Points
service request. Where can you validate your access?

Attempt to open a new SR and see if you can submit

My Account, Support Identifiers. Check for Create
and Update access for your Support Identifiers (*)
My Account, View Users. Look up your name and
see your current access levels
Ask your CUA


45. What is a recommended best practice to follow when

Question à revoir
you have a non-urgent (how-do-I) type question for
(1) Points
Oracle Support AND you would like to gather
information from other users.

Log a technical support Service Request via My

Oracle Support
Search the knowledge base
Post a detailed question in a relevant community
within My Oracle Support to engage subject-matter
experts (*)
Call Oracle Support


46. Which of the following is the best example of a

Question à revoir
complete Service Request Problem Summary? (1) Points

Application is slow in the afternoon

MySql (using JDBC eWay) is experiencing a
connection problem: ClassName not found (*)
MySql is experiencing a connection problem
Blue screen

47. The following is a common problem that Users
Question à revoir
encounter when trying to log a Service Request. They do
(1) Points
not have the correct access level in My Oracle Support
and/or do not have the correct Support Identifier
approved and associated with their account

Vrai (*)


48. Management attention is about bringing the right

Question à revoir
resources to your Service Request, improving the (1) Points
communication process, and creating an action plan to
resolve your issue.

Vrai (*)


Oracle Support Policies

(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)

49. What are the recommended ways to locate content about

Question à revoir
the End Date of support for a product? Select all that
(1) Points

(Choisir toutes les réponses correctes)

Access and locate the technical and

lifetime policies under the Support tab (*)
Use the Certifications tab and review the support-
specific content (*)
Log a Service Request and request information
about support dates
Call your Oracle Sales or Account Representative

All of the answers are correct

to some degree; however, the
question is asking for the
recommended way. As
outlined in the videos, the
recommended way is to use the
Certifications tab or access the
content on and
view the support PDFs for the
latest content.

50. For some product and release combinations on the

Question à revoir
Certifications tab, you may be able to view Ongoing
(1) Points
Support information related to availability of patches for
that combination.

Vrai (*)


51. What is the BEST method to stay informed about the

Question à revoir
latest information on Oracle Technical Support policies? (1) Points

Set up Hot Topics E-mail notifications and select

Support Policies as the KM document type
Download the Oracle Technical Support Policies
and use these as your reference guide
Bookmark the Oracle Support Technical Support
Policy page and visit it when you have a question
Log a Service Request and ask Support to provide
information about support policies

Downloading the PDF is great

for your current question.
However, you should visit the
support policies pages in the
future to ensure you have the
latest updates.

52. The Lifetime Support Stages for your Oracle Products

Question à revoir
are: Premier Support, Extended Support, and Sustaining (1) Points

Vrai (*)


53. What is the RECOMMENDED approach to resolve the

Question à revoir
issue of not being able to download a specific patch for a
(1) Points
Product (after the Support Date has passed).

Log a Service Request and ask Oracle to send it to

Contact your Oracle Sales representative and ask
them to call Oracle Support and send you the patch
Contact your Oracle Sales representative and
purchase Extended Software support for your
product that needs patching (*)
Use Google to see if the patch is available
somewhere on the Internet


54. You want to see a Support Benefits comparison table to

Question à revoir
understand what is covered in Premier, Extended, and
(1) Points
Sustaining Support. What is the recommended approach
to access the table and complete your review?

Log a non-technical Service Request

Locate the Lifetime Support Benefits table on the
Oracle Lifetime Support Policies page to review the
details in the comparison table (*)
Post a question to the Using My Oracle Support
Mark the Oracle Lifetime Support Policies
(Document 971415.1) a favorite in My Oracle

The Support Benefits table

provides a very clear and easy-
to-review matrix of the stages
so that you can quickly see
what is covered in each stage

Mobile My Oracle Support

(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)

55. You are able to CREATE a new Service Request using

Question à revoir
the Mobile My Oracle Support interface (1) Points

Faux (*)

The option to create new

Service Requests is currently
not available in Mobile My
Oracle Support

56. The Customer User Administrator (CUA) for your

Question à revoir
organization is able to utilize Mobile My Oracle Support (1) Points
to REVIEW access requests with just a smart phone and
Internet access.

Vrai (*)


57. How do you access Mobile My Oracle Support?

Question à revoir
(1) Points

There is a unique URL for Mobile My Oracle

Support access. (*)
You have to download the app from the primary
portal and load it to your smart phone
There is a button on My Oracle Support home page
that allows you to jump to the mobile application
You open a Service Request and ask for special


58. The Mobile My Oracle Support application is only

Question à revoir
available to Users with the Customer User Administrator (1) Points
(CUA) role

Faux (*)


59. The two main functions you can accomplish in Mobile

Question à revoir
My Oracle Support are to VIEW and UPDATE Service (1) Points
Requests and search the knowledge base

Vrai (*)


60. You are a CUA for your company. You are currently in
Question à revoir
a three-day organizational meeting and are concerned (1) Points
about getting behind on new user requests for access to
My Oracle Support. Unfortunately, you will not be able
to approve any requests through the mobile application
as it ONLY allows you to search the knowledge base.

Faux (*)

The CUA is able to approve or

deny requests via the mobile

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