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Carolina Chess Club

Signature of President __________________________

Printed Name ____Vivek Chavda_____

Date ___1/28/2014______
ARTICLE I - Official Name
The official name of the organization is Carolina Chess Club.

ARTICLE II - Affiliations
This club shall affiliate with the United States Chess Federation (USCF) and
shall follow the rules of chess and rating systems of the Federation. Membership in
the USCF is not required of members, but is encouraged.

ARTICLE III - Purpose and Objectives

The Club is created as a place where chess players of all backgrounds can
meet to discuss strategy, refine their chess skills , challenge each other, and enjoy
the age-old game of chess. Along with these things, the purpose of the Club is to
promote the game of chess as a tool for expanding intellectual exploration.
The Club aims to organize tournaments that will be officially recognized by the
USCF and will follow its rules and rating system.

ARTICLE IV – Membership and Participation

Anyone can come to play chess, but to become a voting member, 70% of
meetings must be attended for a semester or a due of five dollars must be paid to the
treasurer. Once paid or verified, the paying member’s name shall be added to the
official roster of active members.

ARTICLE V - Advisor
The advisor for the club shall be a faculty member that is a proponent of chess
and can offer their knowledge and skill to help the organization. The advisor’s
function is to attend meetings when possible and to assist the club an anyway he or
she can.

ARTICLE VI - Meetings
Section 1. The meeting of the club shall be weekly, or at least three times a

Section 2. The directors will meet at the beginning of each year to decide what
the dates to meet for the year. Any special dates will be voted on in the general body

Section 3. The requirements for quota are the President or Vice-President,

secretary and 30% of the regular members

ARTICLE VII - Executive Board Section

Section 1. The offices of the Club shall be President, Vice-president, Secretary,
and Treasurer. A regular member may hold more than one office, but no person shall
be both President and Vice-president. The Club shall have a Board of Directors of not
more than six Directors. The officers shall automatically be members of the Board.
The officers shall choose the additional directors, who have to apply for the position.
Section 2. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Club and of the
Directors, shall appoint the chairman of such ad hoc committees as the Directors shall
create, and shall be a voting member of all standing committees.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall act as the President in his absence and take
his position if he resigns.
Section 4. The secretary shall take notes as well as be in charge of maintaining
the official roster of members.
Section 5. The treasurer will be in charge of the expenses and will our liaison
with the Student Activities Fund Office.

ARTICLE VIII - Elections

Section 1. Members will elect with majority vote the positions of President,
Vice-President, Secretary and Treasure. Elections will be one month after the start of
the academic year and each office will have one term lasting one year.

Section 2. Nominations can be made by any member of the club. The motion
of opening the floor for nominations will take place at the meeting the week prior to
the election. After the motion of nomination has been made the secretary will take
names by note or email until the following meeting,

Section 3. The order of elections shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary,

and then treasurer.

Section 4. Before each election the floor will be open again to nominations.
Then each nominee much accept or decline. If the nomination is accepted the
nominee then gives a brief one minute speech on why he or she should win.

Section 5. There will secret ballot election for each office.

Section 6. If no candidate receives the majority of votes, there shall be a runoff
election between the two candidates with the most votes.

Section 7. A candidate may be nominated for multiple positions (but cannot

run for VP should s/he have been voted in as President).
ARTICLE IX - Committees
There will be two standing committees, and as many ad hoc committees as the
directors see fit. The permanent committees will be the events committee that will
plan events and the other will be the rules committee that will enforce the rules of the
USCF when necessary.

Section 1. The revenue of the club will come from member dues, tournament
fees and donations.

Section 2. The expenses of the club will be the purchasing of chess equipment
and related costs of hosting a tournament.

ARTICLE XI - Ratification
The Constitution will be approved by the membership through popular vote of
all members. Should a majority of members not approve the Constitution,
recommended amendments will be submitted in the manner described below.

ARTICLE XII - Amendments

Amendments will be presented in written form to the President of the Club. The
President will then present the proposed amendments to the Executive Board. If a
majority of the Board approves the amendment, it will then be put to a vote by all
members. If a majority of all members present should approve the amendment, that
amendment will then be put into effect.

ARTICLE XIII - Parliamentary Procedures

Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the meetings of the club,
except that the Articles and Bylaws of the club shall govern in case of conflict.

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