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TOPIC: MOMENTS DATE: _____»{__- AIM: To find the mass, m, ofa given metre rule by using balancing method. two 50g masses METHOD: 1) Setup the apparatus as shown in the DIAGRAM 1, where the metre rule should be balanced horizontally on the knife edge with the two 50g masses, positioned atthe Sem mark. 2) Measure and record the distance, loft i ear end of the ruler. 3) Measure and record the distance, doe) f a. she ruler and the centre of the knife Vt Pd) if Aid Soh the average distance, d. part Yer is each time have the mass¥s Pa new position where Sem < 1 < 30cm, until seven unique sets of data are obtained, 4) Repeat steps 1) to 4), 5) Plota graph of d vs J. RESULTS: TABLE’ SHOWING THE MEASURED AND CALCULATED VALUES OBTAINED FROM THE EXPERIMEN’ CALCULATIONS: 1) Find the gradient of the graph, § 3) From the graph, what is the Y-intercept [or the d-intercept]? DISCUSSION: PRECAUTIONS: SOURCES OF ERROR: CONCLUSION:

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