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‘TOPIC: RESISTORS (in Parallel) DATE: AIM: A- To investigate the potential difference across each device in a parallel circuit. APPARATUS: DIAGRAM: Ry Ry IR AS EE IRCUIT DIAGRAM 7-8 SHOWIN CON r 3 METHOD A: 1. Construct a parallel circuit u: three carbon resistors of equal rating (Ry, Ro, Rs)- 2, Connect the voltmeter in parallel with resistor, Ry. 3. Close the switch and record the potential gf a ne e Vacross R, in Table A. METHOD B: 1.Constructa series circuit usingBhanafistrs (Ras Rp, Re) of equal rating. 2. Perform steps 2 to 6 of Method A and recon Sig Mest in Table B. RESULTS: HOW ‘FERE Resistor vv vv Va/V RL R2 R3 'S OF POT! IEA RDEV! RIE: Resistor vv vv RA RB RC DISCUSSION: i) Whats the relationship among V,,V, Vand the emf, V> for the resistors in parallel? {i) What is the relationship among V,, Vj and V;for the resistors in series? Use your results to make mathematical statements. PRECAUTIONS: SOURCES OF ERROR: CONCLUSION:

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