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Thursday, January 20th 2022

In this document, we can hear different people, men and women who are talking about
gender equality so that women and men have the same opportunities in 10 years. First
of all, women ought to express their ideas freely.
Besides, what matters most in the future is that men and women are given a chance to be
leaders regardless their gender, origin, age, sexual orientation or skills.
They hope that women will make their voice heard = they will be likely to 
In 2019, in during the campaign, many= lots of= more and more activists want things to
change for the better, for a better balance, they fight for gender equality. 

In document 2, two women are conveying a positive message/ tweets to share that men can
adopt a respectful attitude towards women and that they do not always have bad intentions. 
Instead, they can help women feel more secure, hence their tweets #notarapist.
Women want to advocate men’s ethical attitude. In other words, they fight against stereotypes
men suffer from and it reinforces positive actions. 

In the last document, the heforshe campaign aims to promote gender equality through men’s
voices. In 2014, we can see that men supported women to achieve equality of opportunity.
Men ought to bring up the discussion about it themselves and not wait for women to
They aim at changing the chauvinistic behaviours, such as mansplaining= when men speak
on behalf of women to show the know better.
In their opinion, all men should put themselves in their shoes to better understand how
difficult it is to be a woman and in order to grasp the difficulties women go through.
To sum it up, all these initiatives seem to be achievable and inspiring especially because men
and women are both involved and united into this fight for equal rights.
To my mind, in a gender bias free world, equal pay for an equal position and work would
finally be achieved. Moreover, parental and maternal leaves would also be granted.
Furthermore, in a more equitable world, girls would be raised the same as boys worldwide.
In a nutshell, women would not be discriminated against because of their gender. Women
would not be harassed anymore since actions would have been taken. Only in that case, equal
rights for men and women are bound to happen. ( va sûrement arriver).

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