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”The greatest sweetener of human life is friendship”

Friendship is one of the best things a person can have in his life. It
can save you from a lot of trouble and danger or it can bring it to you.
First of all is important to know how to choose your friends for
your advantage. From my point of view the biggest advantege of
having a friendship with someone is not being not alone and haveing
someone to listen to you and maybe open your hearth with him if you
can’t open up with your family or if you don’t want to open to them.
Secondly in life you don’t know when you will need someone’s
favor or someone will need yours. Helping people is giving you a
good feeling and even more if you help a dear friend.
On the other hand a friendship can be exhausting because you need
to be there for a friend when he or she needs you. But that is what
friendship means, being there even your friend is low or high you
should support them and give them your best advice.
In conclusion being a friend with someone brings a lot of joy with
it and beautiful memories.

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