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I am doing a persuasive speech on the topic of universe simulation theory.

Basically, I am
trying to convince the audience of it. I need a solid outside look on the speech, even if you
can't think of specific corrections I can make, I really am curious how it comes off to people
who have never heard of the theory before. Thanks

Have you ever imagined living inside of a video game? Well in short, you're most likely
living inside of one. It sounds crazy at first but I would like to challenge your concept of
existence and introduce you to the argument of simulated reality.

To lay the foundation for this concept, let's look at the standard scientific model of the
universe. Everything; including energy, space, and time were created from the single
moment known as the big bang. Newton's laws of motion state that every action has an
equal and opposite reaction meaning that something needs to happen in order for
something else to happen. Fire can't happen without a spark, and smoke doesn't happen
without a fire, so basically nothing happens without a catalyst. So what made the universe
explode into what it is now if there was no time, space, or energy for that spark to exist in?
The model suggests that although nothing existed before the explosion, there was
somehow still a spark that happened to create the universe and everything around you.
When you think about it, everything as you know it was created in an instant at a time when
there was no time and there was no things. The catch is, none of that really matters
because science right now is testing to see if we live inside a simulation. So for a moment in
time I'd like to ask you to put aside you're beliefs and look at recent science.

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