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1) So, the first way to remove a Pin is by taking the Pinning piece.
2) The second way to remove a Pin is by attacking the Pinning piece.
3) The third way to remove a Pin is to place another, less valuable piece in the path of the Pin.
4) The last way to get out of a Pin is to move the more valuable piece out of the path of the
In relation to a Pawn, the Knight is worth 3 points, the Bishop is worth 3 points, the Rook is
worth 5 points, and the Queen is worth 9 points.

1) If one of your pieces is under attack, there are four ways to defend against the attack. The
first way is to simply move away.
2) The second way to defend against an attack is by capturing the attacking piece.
3) The third way to defend an attacked piece is by interposing another piece in the path of the
4) The last way to defend the attacked piece is by protecting it.

Opening principles
1) Open the game with a center pawn.
2) Develop your Knights before your Bishops.
3) Don't move your Queen too soon in the opening.
4) Castle early in order to protect your King.
5) Develop your Rooks to central or open files.
6) Look to develop an attack after you have fully mobilized your pieces.
7) Capture towards the center.
An outpost is a square that can't be attacked by an enemy pawn.

Rook development
1) Open files are meaningful if the penetration squares aren't protected. In the previous
diagram, although Black's Rook took the open e-file, White neutralized his control by moving
his King to the f1-square. Black's Rook couldn't penetrate White's camp.
2) Given the choice of which open file to take, it is usually better to take the one that is
farthest from potential defenders.
Checkmate 1355
Opening 1307
Tactics 1385
Mistake 1286
Ending I 1281
Ending II 1405
Defense 1244
Strategy 1 1471
Strategy 2 1318
Strategy 3 1466

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