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Name: Christian Ginebre Grade/Section 10- Yakal

Learning Task 1.4: The EM Waves Problem Solving

Let us practice more on problem solving.

1. What is the wavelength of a certain EM wave travelling in a vacuum with a frequency of 4 x

10 14 Hz?

wavelength = speed of light / frequency

wavelength = 3 × 10⁸ m/s / 4 × 10¹⁴ Hz

Solution: λ= 3 x 10⁸m/s

4 x 10¹⁴Hz

= 7.5x10⁻²¹

λ = 750 nm

2.Find the frequencies of the following:

a. FM radio wave with a wavelength of 3 m.

b. microwave with a wavelength of 0.03 m.

c. x-rays with a wavelength of 0.5 mm


A. f=c/ λ = 3x10⁸ms /3

Answer =1x10^9Hz

B. f=c/ λ= f = 3×10⁸ms/0.03

Answer= 1×10^10

C. f=c λ= 3x10^8/0.5

Answer= 6x10^7
3. A radio station transmits radio waves with a frequency of 1200 KHz. What is the
Wavelength of the radio waves

f=1200 KHz = 1200x 10³ Hz



C= f * λ

C=3 x 10⁸ m/s


= 3 x 10⁸

12 x 10⁵

λ= 1 x 10

λ= 0.25 x 10³m

λ= 2.5 x 10²m

* Arrange the following: radio waves, x-rays, infrared, and visible light, in order of:
1. Increasing wavelength
(infrared rays, microwaves, visible lights, radio waves)

2. Decreasing frequency
(gamma-rays, x-rays, ultra violet rays)

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