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31 – 35- MOLO CHUCH

What does it represent?- Molo Church stands as a reminder of Iloilo's rich
history and a monument for Ilonggo artistry. ... This Molo Church made of coral
rocks (affixed with a mortar made from egg whites mixed with sand) earned the
moniker “women's church” because of the presence of 16 images of women saints
What is its purpose?- Molo church was made as an evacuation center for the
civilians during WWII. One tower is said to have been destroyed by the Americans
after suspecting it was used for military purposes by the Japanese during the Second
World War.

What are the media and techniques used?- The church exudes a fusion of the
overpowering features of Gothic and the recessive characteristics of Romanesque
architectural styles. The interior is rich in Gothic elements and architecture

36 – 40.- I
think the skill that i employ in performing the activities is
accepting/thingking the fact that you really want that and your body will follow .

41-45- An artwork's medium refers to the different materials or supplies that an artist
utilizes in order to create a work of art. In painting, medium can refer to both the
type of paint used (oil, acrylic, watercolor, etc) and the base or ground to which the
paint is applied

46 - 50.- Ok
so first, I THINK and HOPE that my message in my masterpiece can
inspire others to follow the same thing as the message in my masterpiece. And two, I
believe that I need to know how to draw well, paint well and more but the most thing
that an artist needs is a unique and mind blowing creativity.

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