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Medical Engineering and Physics 88 (2021) 78–85

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Differentiation of fluctuations in uterine contractions associated with

Term pregnancies using adaptive fractal features of electromyography
P. Vardhini∗, N. Punitha, S. Ramakrishnan
Non-Invasive Imaging and Diagnostics Laboratory, Biomedical Engineering Group, Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai, 600036, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Analysis of uterine contractions using electromyography signals is gaining importance due to its capabil-
Received 10 May 2020 ity to measure the dynamics of uterus. Uterine electromyography (uEMG) provides information on the
Revised 23 October 2020
nature of uterine contractions non-invasively. In this study, the fluctuations in uEMG signals associated
Accepted 17 December 2020
with Term pregnancies are analyzed. For this, Term uEMG signals corresponding to second (T1) and third
(T2) trimesters are considered. The signals are subjected to Adaptive Fractal Analysis (AFA), wherein a
Keywords: global trend is obtained by using overlapping windows of three orders namely, 25%, 50% and 75%. The
Uterine electromyography signals are detrended and the fluctuation function is estimated. Two Hurst exponent features computed
Adaptive fractal analysis at short range (Hs) and long range (Hl) are extracted and statistically analyzed. Results show that AFA
Term condition
is able to characterize variations in the fluctuations of Term delivery signals. The feature values are ob-
Fluctuation function
served to vary significantly during different weeks of gestation. It is found that features of T2 signals are
Hurst exponent
higher than that of T1 signals for all the considered overlaps, indicating that T2 signals possess smoother
characteristics than T1 signals. Further, coefficient of variation is observed to be low, indicating that these
features are able to handle the inter-subject variations in Term signals. Therefore, it appears that the pro-
posed approach could aid in investigation of progressive changes in uterine contractions during Term
© 2021 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction rate. Hence, monitoring uterine contractions is essential for analyz-

ing the women’s adaptations to various physiological changes and
Women during pregnancy undergo physiological and emotional development of fetus [3].
changes to nurture and accommodate the developing fetus [1]. Currently, the clinically available methods for evaluating uter-
Pregnancy is a natural process, but various health related compli- ine contractions are manual palpation, use of Intrauterine Pressure
cations may occur. These complications lead to a higher rate of ma- Catheter (IUPC) and Tocodynamometry (Toco). In manual palpa-
ternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. According to World tion, an experienced clinician identifies a contraction by palpating
Health Organization report, 80% of newborn deaths are a result the parturient’s abdomen over the uterus. It is harmless, does not
of complications during delivery, infections and premature birth, require any special equipment, and there is no risk of infections.
and approximately 810 women die each day from various prob- However, this is subjective and there is a need for a constant pres-
lems during pregnancy and labor. India is one among the top na- ence of a trained observed by the bedside [4].
tions for the highest number of fetal deaths [2]. Early diagnosis of In IUPC, a catheter is placed transvaginally into the uterus to
such complications enables appropriate and effective medical in- measure the pressure within amniotic space during contractions.
tervention, which is vital to reduce the mortality and morbidity This technique allows the physician to evaluate frequency, intensity
and duration of the contractions. However, IUPC is invasive, and
it is associated with increased incidence of intrapartum infections,
Abbreviations: AFA, adaptive fractal analysis; CV, coefficient of variation; DFA,
detrended fluctuation analysis; IUPC, intrauterine pressure catheter; Toco, tocody- placental abruption and uterine perforation. As it requires rupture
namometry; uEMG, uterine electromyography. of membranes prior to insertion of the catheter, it cannot be used

Corresponding author. in early stages of pregnancy [1,4].
E-mail address: (P. Vardhini).
1350-4533/© 2021 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Vardhini, N. Punitha and S. Ramakrishnan Medical Engineering and Physics 88 (2021) 78–85

Figure 1. Pipeline of the proposed methodology.

Toco is a non-invasive method, in which a belt transducer is in conventional DFA method, the local trends are reported to be
used to detect changes in the abdominal wall tension. In this discontinuous piecewise fits, that are computed by fitting a poly-
method, frequency and duration of the contractions can be as- nomial function using non-overlapping segments of data [9]. More-
sessed, but contraction intensity cannot be evaluated. This tech- over, the results obtained by DFA are influenced by non-linear fil-
nique is also reported to have poor sensitivity in identifying the ters [15] and non-stationarities [16].
contractions. Further, there is a need for constant repositioning of In Adaptive Fractal Analysis (AFA), which is another frac-
the transducer [1]. Considering all these techniques, due to the tal algorithm, a globally continuous and smooth fit of data is
need of a trained clinician for palpation, poor sensitivity of Toco identified using overlapping segments [17]. Also, AFA is reported
and invasive nature of IUPC, these methods are not favourable for to handle arbitrary non-linear trends [19]. This technique has been
examining and characterizing the uterine contractions [4]. previously employed in sunspot time series [18], and several phys-
One of the alternate methods to record uterine contractions iological time series namely, electroencephalography for epileptic
non-invasively from the abdominal surface is uterine electromyo- seizure detection [17], analysis of cognitive task performance [9],
graphy (uEMG). This technique entails an objective evaluation of center of pressure time series for analyzing the underlying neuro-
uterine activity by measuring electrical potentials underlying the muscular dynamics [19], analysis of heart rate variability on task
uterine contractions. This method is reported to have higher sen- performance [20] and stride time data to differentiate healthy and
sitivity for detecting uterine contractions than Toco. In addition, Parkinson’s disease [21].
uEMG is found to be more precise without additional risks as com- In this work, Term delivery uEMG signals obtained during dif-
pared to IUPC [5]. Several studies have provided a quantitative ferent weeks of gestational ages are comprehensively analyzed us-
comparison of these methods and demonstrated the advantages of ing AFA. The fluctuations associated with these signals are charac-
uEMG technique [1,5]. The sensitivity of uEMG to detect the uter- terized. The applicability of adaptive fractal features for analyzing
ine contractions is reported to be in the range of 86–98%, while for the progression of pregnancy is established. The features computed
Toco, it is in the range of 46–73.6% [5]. Therefore, this technique is using AFA are compared with corresponding features obtained us-
suggested as a potential method for monitoring pregnancy [3]. ing conventional DFA algorithm for validation.
The uEMG signals reflects the changes in uterine muscle con-
tractions that precede labor [4]. These signals can provide infor-
mation about frequency and intensity of the contractions [6]. How-
ever, due to complications in inferring the signal information, this 2. Materials and Methods
technique is not in clinical practice yet [7]. Hence, there is a need
for automated analysis of these signals. The pipeline of methodology is represented in Figure 1. Term
In the literature, various signal processing approaches have signals used in this study were considered from a publicly avail-
been performed for uEMG signal analysis. Linear methods assume able database, and further grouped as T1 and T2 signals, based on
the signals to have a stationary behavior, and thus fail to charac- the recording time. These signals were subjected to AFA to obtain
terize subtle variations in the signal. As uterus comprises of vari- a global trend. This global trend was removed from the original
ous interconnected cells, it possesses non-linear characteristics. In signal to form the detrended signal. The fluctuation function was
addition, a quantitative comparison on the performance of linear then estimated from the detrended signal with respect to window
and non-linear methods has been carried out, and it has been con- size. The adaptive fractal features obtained for the two considered
cluded that non-linear approaches are effective in analyzing uEMG groups (T1 and T2) were further statistically analyzed.
signals [8].
Many physiological systems have been reported to exhibit frac-
tal dynamics, which is one of the non-linear methods. Fractal anal- 2.1. Description of uEMG signals [8]
ysis provides a statistical measure of complexity of a signal [9]. In
addition, measures that are obtained from fractals quantitatively, The uEMG signals from Term-Preterm ElectroHysteroGram
could be essential for characterizing the variations in signal fluc- database were considered in this study [8,22]. These signals were
tuations. By analyzing this, the normal and abnormal behavior of recorded by Fele-Žorž and co-workers [8] using four surface elec-
physiological systems can be studied [10]. Hence, fractal analysis is trodes positioned on the abdomen, from three channels in bipolar
stated to be a potential method in physiological signal processing. configuration. The electrodes were placed on a symmetric axis in
Various biosignals such as heart rate variability, electroen- two horizontal rows surrounding the navel, each at a distance of
cephalography and inter-breath interval in human respiration pos- 7 cm. The sampling frequency of the uEMG signals was 20 Hz.
sess fractal characteristics [11]. A comparative study of ten fractal Term condition signals (gestational age of pregnancy is greater
methods performed on intrauterine pressure signals has reported than 37 weeks) were considered for this work. The third chan-
that the fractal dimension values could be used for classifying uter- nel signals (recorded between two lowermost electrodes) with fre-
ine contractions [12]. quency range (0.3–3 Hz) was used, as it has been reported to have
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA), which is a fractal algo- artefact free characteristics [8]. The Term condition signals were di-
rithm, have been applied on uEMG signals. It has been reported vided into two groups, according to the recording time, as T1 and
that fractal dimension using DFA is computed from uEMG signals T2. T1 signals were recorded prior to gestational age of 26 weeks
for determining the onset of labor [13], and to analyze signal cor- and consist of 143 signals. T2 group contains 119 signals, and were
relations recorded from pregnant and labor women [14]. However, recorded during or after 26 weeks of gestation.

P. Vardhini, N. Punitha and S. Ramakrishnan Medical Engineering and Physics 88 (2021) 78–85

Figure 2. Representative uEMG signals in (a, b) T1 and (c, d) T2 conditions.

Figure 3. Computation of polynomial fits for a representative T1 uEMG signal using (a) DFA and (b) AFA.

2.2. Adaptive fractal analysis (AFA) where,

AFA employs an algorithm based on adaptive detrending by (w − 1 )

which a global smooth trend is obtained. In this method, overlap- n= ,
ping windows were used for computation [9]. This was done to  
obtain continuous fits of the data to analyze the scaling behavior l−1
[23]. .The uEMG signals were processed using an AFA algorithm w1 = 1 − ,
based on that of Riley et al. [9] as follows.  
Step I: The uEMG signal u(i), i = 1,2…N, where N is the length l−1
of the signal, was divided into overlapping segments of length w, w2 = and
with the orders of overlap of 25%, 50% and 75%. The choice of three
orders of overlap was empirically made to analyze the influence of 1, 2, ... n2 + 1 , for 25% overlap
these overlaps on the nature of obtained global trend. l = 1, 2, ...(n + 1 ), for 50% overlap
Step II: In each window w, the data was fit using a fitting poly- 1, 2, ... 32n + 1 , for 75% overlap
nomial function of order K.
Step III: A globally smooth trend v(i) was obtained by consider-
ing a weighted combination of the fits from two consecutive win- This indicates that the weights decrease linearly with respect to
dows, and mathematically given as: distance of the points from center of the segment. This weighted
combination ensures that there are no discontinuities around the
v(i ) = w1 y(i) (l + n) + w2 y(i+1) (l ) (1) neighbouring segment boundaries [17].

P. Vardhini, N. Punitha and S. Ramakrishnan Medical Engineering and Physics 88 (2021) 78–85

Figure 4. Plot of variance of residual data versus order of fitting polynomial for 25% overlap, with various window sizes in logscale (a) 6.1, (b) 6, (c) 5.9 and (d) 5.8.

Figure 5. Double log plot of F(w) vs w for 25% overlap for representative signals in (a, b) T1 and (c, d) T2 groups.

Step IV: The signal u(i) was detrended to obtain a residual, by where, H represents the Hurst exponent.
removing the resultant global trend v(i). The fluctuation function
F(w) was then computed as
2.3. Feature extraction

F (w ) = 2
[u(i ) − v(i )] ∼ wH (2) Hurst exponent denotes the fractal dimension and represents
N correlation properties of the time series [24]. It is computed as the

P. Vardhini, N. Punitha and S. Ramakrishnan Medical Engineering and Physics 88 (2021) 78–85

Figure 6. Separation of scaling regions for a representative T2 signal for 25% overlap (a) whole signal (b) first scaling region and (c) second scaling region.

Table 1
Statistical measures of Hurst exponent features for T1 and T2 groups.

Amount of overlap Hurst exponent T1 T2 p-value

Mean Standard Deviation CV Mean Standard Deviation CV

25% Hs 1.400 0.24 0.17 1.548 0.24 0.15 0.0188∗

Hl 0.496 0.18 0.36 0.639 0.22 0.34 0.0002∗ ∗
50% Hs 1.413 0.23 0.16 1.538 0.21 0.13 0.0510
Hl 0.561 0.16 0.28 0.701 0.21 0.29 0.0001∗ ∗
75% Hs 1.359 0.21 0.15 1.483 0.20 0.13 0.0388∗
Hl 0.555 0.15 0.27 0.700 0.19 0.27 0.0003∗ ∗
∗ ∗∗
Statistically significant (p-value < 0.05) Highly statistically significant (p-value < 0.01).

slope obtained from linear fit of bi-logarithmic plot of fluctuation features of T1 and T2 signals for the three considered orders of
function F(w) with respect to window size w. overlap namely, 25%, 50% and 75%. Further, Coefficient of Variation
In this work, two features namely, Hurst exponent at short (CV) was calculated to quantify the inter-subject variability in the
range (Hs) and Hurst exponent at long range (Hl) were extracted. considered Term signals. It was computed as the ratio of standard
These features were computed for distinct scaling regions from the deviation by average value of the feature. If the CV value is found
obtained log-log plots. Hs was obtained for lower values of w or to be less, then the feature is said to have less variability among
faster time scales, and Hl for higher values of w or slower time the subjects.
scales [9]. These features were estimated based on the values of
coefficient of determination (R2 ) and standard error of the slope.
3. Results and Discussion
Initially, a regression line was fit to the entire range of log2 (w)
from the obtained log-log plots. For this fit, R2 and standard error
The representative uEMG signals from T1 group are shown in
values were calculated. The procedure was repeated by removing
Figure 2 (a, b). The amplitude of the signal in Figure 2(a) varies
data points from the end, and this process was terminated when
between −13.1 μV and 15 μV, and for the signal in Figure 2(b), the
R2 > 0.95 and standard error < 0.08 were obtained. This was de-
range of amplitude is from −14.5 μV to 18.5 μV. It is observed that
noted as the first scaling region, and corresponding slope value
no specific pattern could be identified based on visual inspection,
was represented as Hs. Further, the regression line was fit to the
and the signals are random and complex in nature. Two represen-
remaining set of points in log2 (w), and the same procedure was
tative T2 group signals are depicted in Figure 2 (c, d). The ampli-
followed. The obtained region was the second scaling region, and
tude range of these two signals is from −40.1 μV to 38.1 μV and
respective slope value was referred to as Hl.
between −37.7 μV and 45.4 μV respectively. The amplitude of the
signals is found to vary among the subjects.
2.4. Statistical analysis Further, amplitude values of T2 signals are found to be higher
than T1 signals. This could be due to increase in the intensity of
The normality test for the data was performed using the uterine muscle contractions towards the progression of pregnancy.
Quantile-Quantile plot. Based on normality characteristics of the Figure 3 shows the polynomial fits computed for a representa-
data, Student’s t-test was performed on the extracted Hs and Hl tive T1 signal, using DFA and AFA algorithms. For representation

P. Vardhini, N. Punitha and S. Ramakrishnan Medical Engineering and Physics 88 (2021) 78–85

Figure 7. Comparison of Hurst exponent features computed using AFA (a) Hs and (c) Hl, and using DFA (b) Hs and (d) Hl.

Table 2
Comparison of performance measures of Hurst exponent features.

Method CV Mean percentage difference

T1 T2

Hs Hl Hs Hl Hs Hl

DFA 0.18 0.31 0.24 0.37 12.41 14.55

AFA 0.15 0.27 0.13 0.27 14.51 15.51

purpose, a window size of 50 is considered. As DFA uses non- In addition, when w is less than logscale 5.9, there is no signif-
overlapping segments, from Figure 3(a), it is observed that piece- icant decrease in the variance. It is reported in the literature that
wise discontinuous fits are present. In Figure 3(b), the fits are com- optimal choices of polynomial order and window size are identi-
puted for the same window size with 50% order of overlap. It is fied based on the variance of residual [18]. Upon increasing K than
evident from the figure that adaptive detrending could recognize a certain value, and/or upon reducing w, there is no significant de-
the arbitrary trend present in the signal, and readily addresses the crease in the variance of residual [18]. Hence, in this study, K was
non-stationarity in biosignals [17]. chosen as 3 and w in logscale was 5.9. The same behavior is ob-
Figure 4 compares the variance of residual data with respect tained for 50% and 75% overlaps.
to different orders of the fitting polynomial K, for various window The log-log plots for two representative T1 and T2 signals are
sizes w, at 25% overlap. From the figure, it is observed that the depicted in Figure 5. In this plot, window size w in logscale is
variance decreases gradually with increase in the order of polyno- taken along the abscissa, and log value of the detrended fluctua-
mial. tion function F(w) is considered along the ordinate axis. It is ob-
For window size in logscale 6.1, as shown in Figure 4(a), differ- served from the plots that more than one scaling region is present
ence in the variance between orders 1 and 2 is 16.8%, and between for each signal. The slopes obtained from these distinct scaling re-
orders 2 and 3 is 10%, while there is a 7.4% difference between the gions may be considered as short range and long range scaling in-
orders 3 and 4. From Figure 4(b), for logscale 6, there is 15% change dicators [24]. It is observed that F(w) for T2 signals varies over a
in the variance between 1st and 2nd orders of the polynomial, 9.4% wider range, when compared to T1 signals for the considered win-
difference between 2nd and 3rd orders, and there is a 5% difference dow size. This also indicates that F(w) varies slowly with respect to
between 3rd and 4th orders. w for T1 group when compared to T2 group, suggesting that there
For logscale 5.9, as depicted in Figure 4(c), the differences in are more rapid fluctuations in T1 group signals [25].
the variance among orders 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and 3 to 4, are 12%, 6% For a representative T2 signal for 25% overlap, the obtained
and 2% respectively. As represented in Figure 4(d), for logscale 5.8, scaling regions are shown in Figure 6. The log-log plot for the
between 1st and 2nd orders, 2nd and 3rd orders and 3rd and 4th or- whole segment of the signal is represented in Figure 6(a), and
ders, the corresponding changes in the variance are 11.3%, 4.44% the first and second scaling regions for that signal are denoted in
and 1.08%. For all the considered window sizes, the decrease in Figure 6 (b, c) respectively. From Figure 6(a), it is observed that
variance of residual after K = 3 is comparatively low. log2 (F(w)) ranges from −11.9 to −8.8 for this representative sig-

P. Vardhini, N. Punitha and S. Ramakrishnan Medical Engineering and Physics 88 (2021) 78–85

nal. Figure 6(b) illustrates the first scaling region obtained with cates that there are comparatively more rapid fluctuations in the
R2 = 0.994, standard error of 0.05 and the corresponding slope Hs signals during the second trimester (T1 group).
is 1.905. The second scaling region is determined with R2 = 0.981, Further, adaptive fractal features namely, Hs and Hl were com-
standard error of 0.016 and the respective slope Hl is 0.505, as puted and statistically analyzed. T2 signals are found to have
shown in Figure 6(c). higher fractal dimension than T1 signals, indicating that the sig-
Based on the test for normality, the extracted Hurst exponent nals in T2 group possess smoother characteristics than T1 group.
features are found to be normally distributed. The statistical mea- This may be due to increase in the coordination of action poten-
sures of Hs and Hl features computed for T1 and T2 signals for 25%, tials generated from uterine muscle cells towards labor. Statistical
50% and 75% overlaps are listed in Table 1. It can be observed that analysis reveals that Hs significantly differentiates T1 and T2 sig-
Hs and Hl features for T2 group signals are found to be higher than nals for 25% and 75% overlaps, while Hl is significant for all the
the T1 signals for all three considered overlaps, indicating that T2 three overlaps. Thus, these two features could be used as biomark-
signals possess smoother fluctuations than the signals in T1 group ers for analysing the fluctuations in uEMG signals.
[25]. This could be due to synchrony in the generated action po- As the adaptive fractal analysis investigated in this work shows
tentials from uterine cells towards the progression of pregnancy the ability to characterize the subtle fluctuations in uEMG signals,
[26, 27]. it appears that this approach could be used to assess the progres-
The Hs feature is statistically significant (p-value < 0.05) be- sion of pregnancy in Term condition. The biomarkers identified in
tween T1 and T2 groups for 25% and 75% overlaps. The Hl fea- this study can further be used to differentiate Term and Preterm
ture is highly statistically significant (p-value < 0.01) between T1 deliveries and other complexities associated with pregnancies.
and T2 groups for all the three considered overlaps. Further, CV
values of Hs and Hl features are found to be lesser in 75% over- Declaration of Competing Interest
lap, when compared to the considered overlaps. This suggests that
these features are able to handle the inter-subject variability in The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regard-
Term signals. Hence, based on CV, p-value and standard deviation, ing publication of this article.
75% overlap is chosen to be able to better differentiate T1 and T2
group signals, among the considered overlaps.
Figure 7 illustrates the scatterplot of Hs and Hl features for T1
and T2 signals computed using AFA of 75% overlap and conven-
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
tional DFA algorithm. From Figure 7(a), it is observed that Hs is
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
separable between T1 and T2 groups. Figure 7(b) depicts that Hs
feature obtained using DFA exhibits higher level of overlap be-
Ethical Approval
tween the two groups. As illustrated in Figure 7(c), the Hl feature
shows separability between the considered groups. Figure 7 (d)
Not required.
demonstrates that Hl tend to overlap for T1 and T2 signals. The
Hs and Hl features calculated using AFA are found to distinguish
T1 and T2 signals as seen in Figure 7(a, c).
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