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Answer the following question:

1. Describe the holistic concept of health.

Answer: When we say holistic health it refers to our total well-being on all aspects of our
existence, including our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It also relates directly
to our overall health as well as everyone who interacts with us in any aspect. This
involves our abilities, our surroundings, and our social communication.

2. Give and define the types of environments.

Answer: The three types of environments are the physical environment, social
environment, and culture. So, when we say:
Physical Environment- Anything we can physically experience through our sense,
touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste is considered a physical environment.
Social Environment- It involves the organizations to which we belong, the areas in
which we live, the organization of our workplaces, and the rules and policies we adopt
to manage our lives.
Culture Environment- is a set of beliefs, traditions, customs, and behaviors that are
considered to be shared by all members of a population. Apart from that, other facets of
culture have the ability to impact everyone's own decisions and behaviors.

3. Give and define the components of environment.

Answer: The first components of environment is the natural. Natural environment means
all living and non-living things occurring naturally and it consists of land, water, air,
plants, and animals. The second components of environment are the Human. The
interaction between humans and their surroundings is referred to this as the human
environment. It refers to how humans interact with the natural and physical world
around them. The environment encompasses the area's physical, biological, cultural,
social, and economic elements. And the last components of environment are Human
Made. It's the environment that humans have made. It encompasses permanent
livelihoods such as villages, towns, and cities, as well as transportation and
communication infrastructure and various other communities.

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