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English Basic II


Instructor: Nelson Alexander Villeda Portillo
Student: Henry Fernando Martinez Dominguez

Instructions: Please answer the questions below. Use 60 words at least in

each answer. Once completed, upload file to Utec Virtual.

1. How does technology impact education?

2. How will be the education in 20 years?
3. How do you see yourself projected in 10 years?
4. What suggestions would you make to government in El Salvador to
improve the education system? (Use modals should and could)


1- Technology today has been very helpful, since without it, education in
this pandemic would have been impossible, and this helped us to
facilitate our online classes, with modalities at our disposal, it has been
a positive impact for most of students since they are tools that help us
in our day to day. It has been a positive impact and it has helped us in
current education.

2- It is somewhat uncertain because it can only be visualized in our mind,

but I think it will be completely different, technology will have
revolutionized education in a positive way the way we learn, there will
be a great demand for homeschooling, so it has been learned in our
present time will have been a little behind because everything is
constantly changing.

3- I hope you are happy and with my career finished, already working and
fulfilling my dreams of traveling through some countries, with real
friends and a partner with whom to share the good and bad moments,
although the future is uncertain, the goals are set by us and we decide
what to do. and no, I hope in God and to be a self-realized person.

4- That it will provide important subjects that should serve us in life such
as psychology, sex education, finance, how to start our own
businesses and derivatives of these. Subjects that will really be helpful
for future generations and that they will be happy to have learned in
public and private schools in our country, and that there is also
psychological help in each school, could be too good for our young

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