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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE County pee cOSTee in The General Court Of Justice District 6x) Superior Court Division (Name Anatase OF Pat 7 [Robert Seth Crossno, II a/k/a William Needham Finley, 1V clo Miller Lav Firm, PLLC GENERAL 1P.0, Box 1769 fi CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET Sa covncoztme 25 pon Gili ON SUSU rune ee agora? roses a reste Siar hcaeae a eosin Fi, rc fare ees tae Ke ‘VERSU: haa renee pale es pusw'ianaees ewes as Suremens Subrtes F ves 7] No 51 Initial Appearance in Case | Ci change of Address: SEN Dee enn ri Le gg acme mete a Bilyes no C) stry Demanded n Peading Ti Complex Litigation (chook a hat 0) DD amend annoy Amended AnsweriReply (AMIND-Resporse) D Amentec Complaint (ARNO) Cy Assess Costs (COST) T AnswerReply (ANSW-Response) (see Note) ‘Change Venve (CHVN) Fal complaint (COMP) 1 Confession Of Judgment (CNIF) Consent Order (CONS) Ci Coneotaate (CNSL) D. Contempt (nTP) continue ccnTN) 1 compet (CMP) Di counteriaim (CTCL) Assess Court Costs Gi crossciaim (ist an back) (RSS) Assess Court Costs C1 pssmiss (01SM Assess Court Casts C Exemptweive Mediation (EXMD) C Extend Statute OF Limitations, Rule 9 (ESOL) Extend Time Fer Complaint EXCO) C1 Fraltre To Join Necessary Paty INP) TYPE OF PLEADING LL Arount in controversy doesnot exceed $15,000 1) Stout to sroiaton ‘check a) Fate To state A cam FASC) D mplemertaton OF Wage Wnhodng In Non V-0 Cases (THR) 1B nproper Veruerivison (MVR) 1 incung atomeys Fees (TTY intervene cnt Inerpiad (OTHR) Lek OF urn (Person) (IPN) Lack Of ition (Sbjet Mater) ISM) Mexieston Of Chie Super in V-0 Aetone (SUP) Note OF Disrsal ith Or VthoutPrejuces (VOLO) Peto To Su As Ingen (THR) uo 1 Motion neu OF Aner (MDLA) Sanctions (SANG) Sel Ade (OTHR) Show Cause SHOW 1 Teanser RFR) te Party Complaint ist Ts Party Defendants on bac) (TPCL) TO vacatemesty Jegment (VCMO) D1 wrdrew as Counsel wDCN) omer cepecty ont enh sepraein ooeoo ooo! AQC-CV-751, Rev. 1/14 ‘© 2014 Administatve Ofce ofthe Cours NOTE: Ainge inc actor apa nde az he fx pag af he Sing a cover shel curmaring to cial lamers othe fig in afraid bye Ainsatve rte ofthe Courts ard te Crt fSunerar Cor shal rege par 0 role ily whnch dows nt nae the equ cove hee For sosoqun ngs [etone hs tng pony mist star nc» Genera Ci (ACC CV-78)) Motor (AOC-CV-752, er Cout Acton (AOL-CHT59) cover soe! (ove C. Administrative Appeat (ADMA) C. Appointment of Recewver (APRC) Altachmant/Garnishment (ATC) claim And Delivery (CLMD) cotection on Account (ACT) Condermation (CNOM) 1D Contract (CNTR) Diesavery Scheduing Order (OSCH) ‘CLAIMS FOR RELIEF Z tumtes Dang Prvtege -cu-or state Ti ereduct uabitty ROD) ‘Convictions (PLDP) Creal Propedy (RLPR) Di Medics! Malprectice (MOML) specie Performance (SPPR) ‘Minor Settlement (MSTL) other (soecty and ist each separately) ey ove 0} 7 nepierc = ot Verse NG) F. Negagence - otner (NEGO) 5 nator Venice en G'S. a4 (VN) Substitution Of Trustee (Judicial Foreclosure) (RSOT) ‘Supplemental Procedures (SUPR) PRO HAC VICE FEES APPLY Vice Fee) B injunction anu) T Pesseasion OF Persona Property POPP) Die Sonate OF RiamapPany FEES IN G.S. 7A-308 APPLY Assert Right Of Access (ARAS) Motion For Out-Of-State Attomey To Appear In NC Courts In A Civil Or Criminal Matter (Qut-Of-State Attorney/Pro Hac No. | Additional Plaintiff(s) R] Additional Defendant(s) Third Party Defendant(s) are 3. [Fyre Media, nc. Daves Ono 4 [Grant Margolin Byes no 5 |swift Air, LLC eves [No Lives EN Dives Dine ita ais non Courier Aasored | | Bandana Rgait Wren Crosscam Assored AOC-CV-T81, Ske Two, Rev. 1114 (© 2014 Aeminisvatve Ofice ofthe Courts STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAKE County In The General Court Of Justice Ci District fg) Superior Court Division a Oa Robert Seth Crossno, 11 ala William Needham Finley. 1V_and Ma raase lo Miller Law Firm, PLLC P.O. Box 1769. CIVIL SUMMONS iy, a 2b (ALIAS AND PLURIES SUMMONS Raleigh NC__27602 VERSUS GS 101, Rules 3.4 [Rane OF Deana OTST William McFarland, Jeffrey Atkins, pik/a JA Rule, Fyre Media, Ine. , Grant Margolin, and Swift Air, LL.C Dai Suan Sato ae ‘To Each Of The Defendant(s) Named Below: Wa a Aaa OF DereaaPT [RRS Aa Faas ODA William MeFariand Jeffery Atkins a/kla JA Rule 345 W. L4th Street, 522 N. Disston Avenue Apariment 2A New York Ny 100145228 | ravares FL _ 32778-2709 A Civil Action Has Been Commenced Against You! You are notified to appear and answer the complaint ofthe plaintiff as follows: 1. Serve a copy of your written answer to the compiaint upon the plaintff or plaintif’s attorney within thirty (80) days after you have been served. You may serve your answer by delivering a copy to the plaintiff or by mailing it to the plainti's, last known address, and 2. File the original of the written answer with the Clerk of Superior Court of the county named above. Ifyou fll to answer the complaint, the plant will apply to the Cout forthe relief demanded in the complaint. athe Ara RSS O is RIOT RO, RETEST PRAY [Da ‘William Stacy Miller I Miller Law Firm, PLLC P.O. Box 1769 Raleigh NC_27602 1 ENDORSEMENT crea [ee Om Oew This Summons was originally issued on the date indicated above and relumed not served, At the request of the plant, the time within which this Summons must << be served is extended sixty (60) days. O pepuycsc Cl assstancsc C1 com arsyporor cout Spare NOTE TO PARTIES: Mary countos have MANDATORY ARBITRATION programs in which most cases where t amount in contoversy Is $15,000 oF less are heard by an arblratarbefora a tial The parties wil be notified this casa is assigned for mandatory arbialion, ad, ‘0, what proceaire iso be folowed. AOC-CV-100, Rev. 10101 (ono (© 2001 Administrative Office ofthe Cours RETURN OF SERVICE | certify that this Summons and a copy of the complaint were received and served as follows: DEFENDANT Dale Saved Tine Save "ame Oi Dataaat Oa Oem 1 By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of the summons and complaint. 1 By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, 1 As the defendant is @ corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy of the summons and complaint tothe person named below, is A ABE PESO WA WR CL SBR HO OS ST WT 1 Other manner of service (speci) Defendant WAS NOT served for the following reason: DEFENDANT 2 Oem Oew De Save Tie Sava name OF oar i 1 By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of the summons and complaint. 1 By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. As the defendant is a corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy of the summons and complaint to the person named below. Ras nd ABE OF POSS WF WS CoB LS COPSIOR, a ew FaaR CT 1 Other manner of service (epeciy) Defendant WAS NOT served for the following reason, Somea Fee Pa [Sera OF Depa Sie Ta tae s Bae aI ae OF She pe OFF [paw Orr [Goan OF Sra ‘AOC-CV-100, Side Two, Rev. 10101 {© 2001 Administrative Office ofthe Cours PCV OOS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PHLVUUS Te WAKE County In The General Court Of Justice (1 District [] Superior Court Division — et Seth Crossno, I aka Willan Needham Fine, IV, and Ma wo Miler Law Finn PLLC P.O. Box 176) CIVIL SUMMONS [ty, Beate, Ze (ALIAS AND PLURIES SUMMONS raleigh Ne 2602 VERSUS ran a aces Willan Mofaland, ey Atkins, laJA Re Fyre Medi, the Cram Margins and gee aie LLC cr To Each Of The Defendant(s) Named Below: Tare Brd REPS OT DERI Fyre Media, Inc [Ras ASA OORT Grant Margolin The Corporation Trust Company 198. Drive 1209 Orange Street Wilmington DE_ 19801 Roslyn NY 11576 ‘A Civil Action Has Been Commenced Against You! You are nolified to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff as follows: 4, Serve a copy of your written answer to the complaint upon the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney within thity (30) days after you have been served. You may serve your answer by delivering a copy to the plaintiff or by mailing it to the plaints last known address, and 2, File the original of the written answer with the Clerk of Superior Court of the county named above, | you fail to answer the complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court forthe relief demanded in the complaint. a eT Ta ae = Miller Law Firm, PLLC il ee eee ea |P.0. Box 1769 Raleigh NC 27602 C1 assiemmncsc 0) cle oF superior Court [1 ENDORSEMENT a ane ba Ow Oew This Summons was originally issued on the date indicated above and returned not served. At the request |" of the piaintif, the time within which this Summons must bbe served is extended sixty (60) days. CT oopycsc Cl asaetancsc C1) crs oF supoar Court NOTE TO PARTIES: Many counties have MANDATORY ARBITRATION progrars in which most cases were the arnount in controversy is $18,000 or lass are heard by an arbitrator before a tal. The partes wil be rote this case is assigned for mandatory arbiraton, and, f 0, what procscire i tobe folowed, ‘AOC-CV-100, Rev. 1001 (ows (© 2001 Asministvaive Ofice of the Courts RETURN OF SERVICE | certify that this Summons and a copy of the complaint were received and served as follows: DEFENDANT 1 laa aaa Tie Sa Nan OF OBA Oem Oem 7 By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of the summons and complaint. 1 By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint atthe dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. 11 As the defendant is a corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy of the surnmons and complaint to the person named below. ars Ar Ars Par WR WGA CI LAT COPA, GT FISEA COPS HT WAAT C1 Other manner of service (specty) To Defendant WAS NOT served for the following reason: DEFENDANT 2 Baie Bares ine Save Nae Of Osada Oem Orem (1 By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of the summons and complaint. 1 By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. 1 As the detendantis a corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy ofthe summons and complaint o the person named below. Tae ns OF Pon WH COS SPT, TT CT WT C1 Other manner of service (specty) Dy Defendant WAS NOT served fo the folowing reason. Sas Fee Pa Sian OF Depa San as Fah 8 | a Feces Tra OF Shai Tipe OFF Das OFFA [cauny OF Sra? ‘AC-CV.100, Side Two, Rev. 10101 (© 2001 Administrative Ofice ofthe Cours STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Tic yO05724 WAKE, County In The General Court Of Justice (1 District [x] Superior Court Division Robert Seth Crossno, IL a/k/a William Needham Finley, TV,and May clo Miller Law Firm, PLLC P.O. Box 1769 CIVIL SUMMONS ein Sener: ALIAS AND PLURIES SUMMONS. Raleigh NC 27602 ‘VERSUS GS.1441, Rules 3,4 aia OF Danaea) De OPT Saas TT William McFarland, Jeffrey Atkins, p’k/a JA Rule, Fyre Media, Ine. , Grant Margolin, and Swift Air, LIL.C. Des Sbsnguaat Samra] ad To Each Of The Defendant(s) Named Below: aia nd Reka OF Donde Re ART RERES OF OORERTART [Swift Air, LLC ‘CT Corporation System 160 Mine Lake Court Suite 200 Raleigh NC_ 27615-6417 ‘A Civil Action Has Been Commenced Against You! You are notified to appear and answer the complaint ofthe plaintiff as follows: 4. Serve a copy of your written answer to the complaint upon the plaintff or plainti’s attorney within thirty (30) days after you have been served. You may serve your answer by delivering a copy to the plaintiff or by mailing it to the piaintif's last known address, and 2. File the original of the written answer with the Clerk of Superior Court of the county named above, I you fail to answer the complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. TSF SRI TRIS TOA = “Ko J oe ‘William Stacy Miller, IL 6.095017 Miller Lavy Firm, PLLC P.O, Box 1769 Raleigh NC 27602 wesc 0) cm or superar cout SS (0 ENDORSEMENT pee areas fd This Summons was originally issued on the date E indicated above and returned not served. At the request |" of the plant, the time within which this Summons must be served is extended sixty (60) days. OD cepwyesc Cl assisant oso Oaw Oew O oem orsuperer Court NOTE TO PARTIES: Wany counties have MANDATORY ARBITRATION programs in which most cases where tho amount in controversy is $16,000 or les are heard by an abitator before a hal. The parties wil bs notified if hie case assigned for mandatory arbraton, and, ‘0, what procedure iso be flowed. AOC-CV-100, Rev. 10104 (oo © 2001 Adminsirave Office of the Courts RETURN OF SERVICE \ cetiy that this Summons and a copy of the complaint were received and served as follows: 14 [Be Saved reser ead au Oem | C1 By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of the summons and complaint. 1 By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, 11 As the defendant is a corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy of the summons and complaint to the person named below. Rs id AROS OF Parson Wi RG CABS A F COTAEON, WG THEO POS COPES TWAT 1 Other manner of service Goeoiy) 7 Defendant WAS NOT served for the following reason: DEFENDANT 2 Date Svea Tie Sa Nae OF Caaniant Caw Clem (1 By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of the surnmons and complaint. By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with @ person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, 1 As the detendant is @ corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy ofthe summons and complain to the person named below Ra A as Orn WTS COE SSP, pS AT 1 Other manner of service (epeciy) Ty Defendant WAS NOT served forthe folowing reason aR Fae PT Sinai OF Deer Shor Nang Pra 8 lose cate as OF Sra Tine Or PM ORT Canny OS AOC-CV-100, Ske Two, Rev. 10/01 (© 2001 Adminsiratve Office of he Courts STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Se eprricwuusies WAKE County In The General Court Of Justice (Name Ane Ades OF Pat + Robert Seth Crossno, Il a/k/a William Needham Finley, IV ‘and Mark Thompson [clo Miller Law Firm, PLLC P.O. Box 1769... 4p #21 POR i SERVICEMEMBERS CIVIL RELIEF ACT VERSUS. Ic AFFIDAVIT (Noms And Rass OF Dateaant Grant Margolin 19S. Drive Roslyn NY 11576 ____50 US. 3001 to 4048 NOTE: This form isnt for use in Chapter 45 Foreclosure actions. AFFIDAVIT |, the undersigned Affiant, under ponalty of perjury declare the following to be true: 1. As of the current date: (check ane of th flowing) Da. the defendant named above is in military service * 1] b. the defendant named above is notin miliary service.” Cc 1am unable to determine whether the defendant named above isin miltary service.” 2. (@hock ane or more ofthe lowing) ai have [Jhavenot used the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Website ( to determine the defendant's milfary status. [_] The results from my use of that website are attaches. (NOTE: The Servcomembers Chi) Relief Act Webste & a wabete maintained bythe Depertment of Dtense (Do0). DoD secunty ‘ericetes are not installed on your computer, you may experience secur alert rom your lntemet browser when you stem o access the websfe. DoD securtycertfcates were automaticaly added othe computers of al ud Branch users, such that these users shoud not expect securly alerts to appear wih this webste afer July of 2018, AS of June 22,2016, he Senucemembers Ci Rete! Act Website includes the folowing advice: Wost web browsers dont come withthe DoD catifcates already installed. The best and most secure solution § forthe user to instal al ofthe DoO's pub certifcates inter web browser") (1b. The following facts support my statement as to the defendant's military service: (State how you know the defendant is nat inthe itary. Be speci) “NOTE: The term ‘miltary serve” includes the following: active duty sence as a mariber of tho Une States Army, Navy, Ai Force, Marie Comps, or Coast Guard: senvce 2s a member of he National Gusrd under aca to active sevice authorized by ine President or the Secretary of Defense for periad of more than 30 consecutive days for purposes of responding toa national emergency: active service as @ commissioned ofcer of tne Pubic Health Serie or of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration: any period of sence dung which a servicemembers absent tom duty on account o sickness, wounds, leave, or other laf cause. 50 USC. 3911(2, Dae SWORNIAFFIRMED AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME | 9510972017 loa =a EAA |Sionsre Or Peon Auarzed To Ader Care Tame OF Aas pe opr) Lacy Mau-MeZfowglt Doenuy ese Assistant ese Coen oF siperorcout Jaeger | ae Date iy Commission Exar NOTE TO COURT: Do not proceed fo antor judgment in @ non-criminal case in which the defendant has nat made an appearance until @ Servicomembers Civil Relief Act affidavit (whether on thi form or not) has heen filed, and i appears that the defendant isin military service, do not proceed {o enter judment until such time that you have appointed an attorney to represant him orhee (oe AOC-6-280, Rev. 6/16 (© 2016 Administrative Ofce of the Cours

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