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Intrebari pentru interviu

1. De ce vrei acest job?

2. De ce te-am angaja?
3. Ce imi poti spune despre tine?
4. Te descurci la munca in echipa?
5. Cum te descurci in situatii de stres si presiuni?
6. Cum evaluezi tu succesul?
7. Te descurci in situatii de criza?
8. Crezi ca ai putea indeplini sarcinile de pe fisa post?
9. Aveti atentie distributiva si rezistenta?
10. Care sunt obiectivele tale pe termen lung?

Question for interview

1. Why do you want this job?

2. Why would we hire you?
3. What can you tell me about you?
4.What are your strengts?
5. Do you manage to work in a team?
6.How are you in situations of stress and term pressures?
7. Do you manage to work in a team?
8.How do you evaluate succes ?
9.Do you think you can fulfill the tasks on the job
10. Do you have distributive attention and resistance?

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