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Cancel Culture

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Keyla and today I am

here with the purpose of informing about the cancel culture

Did you know what is cancel culture?

Did you believe in social justice?

Cancellation culture is a form of bullying or censorship? Well, then I’ll

proceed to present some information about this, so you can form your
own criteria and decide wheter or not you support this culture

Cancellation had gain some popularity in social medias lately, specially

during COVID-19 pandemic. Canceling is about invalidate someone
who did something considerated as “wrong”, by invalidating their
opinions, and their social media existence basically. Is about stop
supporting the canceled person, like stop consuming their content, or
simply ignore everything about them. Also its about exposing the
individual in public because they say or did something out of place that
most people consider offensive or wrong.

The cancel culture started as something to correct people who did

something wrong, most of us have participated in this even without
realize it. For example, when we were kids a lot of people were
canceling Michael Jackson since there were so many rumors of him
being a pedophile, this lead to almost ruin his career, and years later it
was found out that this information was false.

Cancel culture should consider that you learn from mistakes, and
sometimes the information can be wrong and its unnecesary throw hate
and blame people just because its something you seem bad. Shaming
does not lead to learning, sometimes the attempt to educate and correct
people ends in harrasment and affecting mentally the person who made a
mistake. Social media is a double-edged sword, it can be used for a lot
of good things but it can also affect negatively a persons life, sometimes
the person that is “canceled” apologize because of what they did wrong
but the problem is when people keep insisting about past issues even
when they already apologize. This could cause some sort of grupal
bullying in social media since there are several people attacking or
desqualifying a person, this could also cause censorship due to people
stop expressing themselves with freedom, just cause they don’t want to
be cancelled for having a different opinion.

People on the internet belive they have the right to judge someone and
decide if they are wrong or right just because they have social medias
and are public figures, most of the time canceling people doesn’t work.
The canceling period lasts about a month or two months, in that lapse of
time they receive a lot of hate instead of actually educating them for
their mistakes, and when the hype ends, the canceled person generally
don’t learn what they did wrong and in some cases they keep receiving
hate. Cancel culture is dangerous because people assume that everyone
has to know everything about some topics, but its okay to make
mistakes, apologize, learn and change, no one its perfect and people
should not be cancelled for make a mistake, especially when this culture
can ruin peoples lifes or career for something they’ve learn or apologize
a lot of times.
In my opinion cancel cultre is usseles and most of the times just hurt
people because of past mistakes bringing to them hate waves that in
most of the cases are exagereted. Thank you for your time and I hope
this was helpful for you to form your own opinion about this culture.

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