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Topics in Biology Student Info Form Due Jan 27, 11:59 pm

Welcome to Topics in Biology! Please complete this Student Information Form and turn it in by
the end of the day on Thursday, in Blackboard (by 11:59, Jan 27). Please be sure to submit this
as a Word document or a pdf. I cannot open most other formats!
1. Full Name:
2. Preferred name:
3. Preferred pronouns:
4. Your major (if known) and year (i.e., first-year, sophomore …):
5. What three words best describe you? You can answer this however you’d like.

6. Why are you taking this course?

7. What are your secret or not-so-secret career goals?

8. What has been your experience reading scientific papers / journal articles so far?

9. How comfortable do you feel giving presentations?

10. How are you feeling about the start of the semester?

11. Anything else you’d like to tell me?

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