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Brain cell can only use glucose

Glucose - It forms the basic for food chain

- all cells use glucose in respiration

When glucose is heated with copper (ll) sulphate,

the carboxyl group reduces Cu 2+ ions of CuSO4

Enzyme : glycosidases
Product : hydrolyze glycosidic bonds

Glycosidic bond
Y iodine solution
turn blue blue??
Wt happen to the
glucose molecule??

Amylose - Unbranched chain of of a glucose

Why store glycogen not starch ?
Glycogen has more side branches, rate
of hydrolysis fast , more glucose is
- form during condensation reaction
between glycerol and three fatty acid

Usually found in plant

Animal - fat
Plant - oil
Fatty acid tails in
the phospholipid
Phospholipids Role of lipid
- found in cell membrane - energy storage —> when oxidized during
- made of glycerol, two fatty respiration, energy is released
acid, and a phosphate grp - waterproofing —> oily secretion
—> sebaceous gland
- insulation ( poor conductor of heat )

(Polar) Head - hydrophilic

(Non polar) Tail - hydrophobic
Function of protein :
-formation of the new cell
- body growth and repair
- enzyme, antibodies are made of protein

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