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Java Development Engineer Latest Interview Question Book Series -

Java Basic Part (with AP)
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14/01/2022 09:41 Java Development Engineer Latest Interview Question Book Series - Java Basic Part (with AP) - Programmer All

Java foundation
If you have a better idea, please leave your answer in the
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1. What are the characteristics of object-oriented?

A: Inherited, package, polymorphism

2. What is the difference between JDK and JRE?

A: JDK is the environment you need when Java developed. It contains the API you need to use when Java development. JRE

is a Java runtime environment. JDK contains JRE, which is included.

3. What kind of basic data type is Java?

A: 8 species, Int, Byte, Short, Long, Double, Flot, Char, Boolean

4. What is the difference between Equals?

answer: Is operators in Java, equals is an object provided by Object objects in Java comparison API. Their difference is The

comparison is the memory address of the left and right object, and equals compares the value of the left and right objects.

5. PUBLIC, PRIVATE, PROTECTED, what is the default difference?

A: They are the permissions modifiers in Java, and the public can access anywhere. Private can only access in this class,

protected can be accessed in this class and the subclass of this class. The default representative can be in this package.


6. Short S1 = 1; S1 + = 1; Is it wrong? S1 = S1 + 1; Is it wrong?

A: Short is converted to int type when calculating with the int type, because Java is less than Int.Numerical operationWhen

it is automatically converted to INT, it is calculated. The calculated result is also int, and then assigning the int type to the

short type, which will of course report. S1 = S1 + 1 is wrong However, S1 + = 1 is the conversion of the form of compiled

syntax in the bottom of Java, which is still converted to int calculation after compiling, but finally once a strong turn.

7. Float f = 1.9; Is it wrong?

A: Wrong, because the decimal decimal refers to the Double in the Java, Double type, Double Float is 4 bytes, and

automatic conversion cannot be completed. If you need to convert a fractional decimal amount to a Float type, you need

to add f or f.

8. & And && What is the difference?

A: The former is with the symbol, the latter is a short circuit and symbol. In addition to the logical operation and the bit

operation, the former is called "bit and", the latter can only do logic, followed by the two symbols, the two symbols require

TRUE, the last result True

9. 2 * 8 What is the most efficient calculation method?

A: 2 << 3

10. How to understand the value transfer and reference delivery? 2/17
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A: Value delivery is the data in the variable, and the application transfer is a reference to the transfer variable rather than

the value.

11. What is Java delivery or reference?

Answer: 8 basic data types in Java passes values, and reference data types are passed by reference

12. What is the limitations of ".java" source files?

A: You can only have a public static void mi method, with a minimum of one class.

13. What are the usage of final keywords?

A: Decorative class: final class, non-subject inheritance, modification method: final method, non-subject method cover,

modified variable: constant, must be assigned to the declaration, and the subsequent program is not changed.

14. Final, Finally, Finalize What is the difference?

A: In addition to the name of the image, it is the same. Final belongs to the Java modifier, Finally is used to close some

resources in conjunction with the TRY in the Java exception, Finalize is a method in the Object root class, which is the

method before being reclaimed.

15. What is the difference between VOID and VOID?

A: Void is the keyword represents the return value in Java, and Void is a class name.

16. Why is the value of BYTE range from -128 ~ 127?

Answer: 2 8 times, and minus positive zero

17. Can the char type use Chinese Chinese characters?

A: Yes, Char defaults to 2 bytes, but char usesUTF-16BEThe coding set, and the coding set supports Chinese, and Char can

dynamically change bytes, up to 4

18. What is the difference between overloading and rewriting?

A: The overload is in the same category, satisfying the reload requires the same name, the parameter list is different, and

the return value and the access modifier are independent. Rewrite is in inheritance relationship, the subclass is covered

with the parent class method, and it is necessary to satisfy "a two small" (the method name is the same, the return value is

less than or equal to the parent class method, the declaration of the abstitute is less than or equal to the parent class

method, Access rights deconance is greater than or equal to the parent class)

19. Can constructors can be rewritten and overloaded?

A: The constructor can be overloaded, but it cannot be rewritten because the constructor cannot be inherited.

20. What is the assertion in Java (Assert)?

A: Whether the final result used to detect the expression or method is in line with expectations

21. What is the difference between ERROR and EXCEPTION?

A: Error is a system error, generally due to system reasons or JVM internal errors, cannot be captured by programs,

Exception is an exception, where it is compiled (check) abnormal and runtime exception, can be captured by programs,

general We have processed for runtime abnormalities in development.

22. What are the common anomalies in Java? 3/17
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A: NullPointException null pointer exception, Arithmeticexception count abnormalities, ClassCastException type conversion

abnormal, ClassNotFoundException class to find abnormal, illegalargumentexception method parameter error exception,

ArrayIndexOfOutBoundsException array index bounds exception

23. What are the common runtime abnormalities in Java?

A: NosuchMethodError finds the method exception (when the reflection call method), NUMBERFORMATEXCEPTION value

conversion exception, NullPointexception empty pointer exception, AritHMeticeXception calculation, ClassCastException

type conversion exception

24. What is the difference between abnormal operation and an abnormality in the operation?


Runtime exceptions include the RuntimeException class and their subclasses, indicating that
the JVM may have an exception that can occur during operation. The Java compiler does not
check the running exception.

Immodation is impending in Exception Except except for the abnormality outside of its
subclasses. The Java compiler will check for all.

The difference between the inertimeException is abnormal and the subject: Whether to force
the caller to handle this exception, if the mandatory caller must perform, then use the
inspection exception, otherwise you choose non-check exception (RuntimeException).
Generally speaking, if there is no special requirement, we recommend using the
runtimeException exception.

25. When will I have an empty pointer anomaly?

A: When the value is empty, the value is operated.

26. Do you know what ways to avoid empty pointers?

A: When the value is empty, it will first judge whether it is empty.

27. What is the difference between Throw and Throws?

A: throw is used to throw an exception in the method, and the throws written behind the method name for declaration of

exception types.

28. Is it Return, Finally, will also execute?

A: Yes, except system.exit (0) Finally will execute

29. What is the difference between INT and Integer?

A: INT is the basic data type of Java, Integer is a reference data type of Java. Integer is an int package class, which provides

an API for INT conversion and calculation, which is more convenient to operate

30. What is the type of packaging? What is the use?

A: The package type is a package of basic data types. The bottom layer is actually the API and syntax of the basic data type.

31. What is automatic packing and unpacking?

A: Basic data type transfusion data type is automatic unpacking, vice versa 4/17
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32. How do you understand the automatic type conversion and mandatory type conversion in Java?

A: Small transfers automatic conversion, expands the memory byte of the variable. Large transformation, reduce memory

byte loss accuracy

33. How do you understand the types in Java?

A: Grammatical sugar

34. How do you understand strong, soft, weak, and false?


35. Can Switch be used on long?

A: Yes, Switch supports int, Byte, Short, Char, and corresponding packaging classes, and string types

36. What kind of data type is Switch Case support?

A: As above

37. What is the bottom level of String?

A: Char array, and string constant pool

38. Is String variable? Why?

A: It is not possible, and the literal strings in Java are stored in the string constant pool, which cannot be changed, only


39. Why can't you use a + splicing string?

A: Because if you use a + number spliced ​string JVM compile, it will be optimized and converted to StringBuilder stitching. A

single expression is not large, but if you are multiple expressions or use the StringBuilder object frequently in the loop to

greatly reduce performance

40. What is the difference between STRINGBuffer and StringBuilder?

A: The former thread safety efficiency is low, and the latter thread is not safe.

41. What is the use of Stringjoiner?

A: Tools used to make string stitching 5/17
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/ / The space is,

StringJoiner joiner1 = new StringJoiner(",");




// Take the interval in the middle of the opening,

StringJoiner joiner2 = new StringJoiner(",", "[", "]");




// When the SQL IN condition is spliced, it is convenient to use this.

StringJoiner joiner3 = new StringJoiner("','", "'", "'");



42. What is the difference between ordinary classes and abstract classes?

A: Abstract class is modified by Abstract,

43. What is the difference between static internal classes and ordinary internal classes?

A: Ordinary internal class holds an external external class, the properties and methods of the external class can be called,

while the static internal classes do not hold external references and cannot call the external methods and properties.

Static internal classes can have static members (methods, attributes), rather than static internal classes, unable to have

static members (methods, properties). Non-static internal classes can access static and non-statistial members of the

external class. Static internal classes cannot access non-static members of the external class, only the static members of

the external class can be accessed.

The instantiation is different:

1. Static internal class: do not rely on external classes, directly instantiate internal class objects

2. Non-static internal classes: generate internal class objects through an external class object instance

44. Can a static method can call non-static methods directly? Why?

A: You can't, because the loading order of the static method is preferred in the non-static method, and the static method

belongs to the class, there is no need to instance, the non-static method needs the instance of the class to call

45. What is the difference between static variables and strength variables?

A: Static variables belong to the class, without having to create an object can be called by class name, and the instance

variable requires a class to create an instance to call. The loading angle is as long as the JVM is loaded with the class, the

static variables and can be used, which is allocated. And instance variables need to be assigned space after creating


46. Can internal classes access to members of their external classes?

A: Non-static internal class can be used because it holds references outside the holder.

47. What is the difference between interface and abstract classes?

A: There is no construction method, abstract classes. There are ordinary member variables in the abstract class; there is no

ordinary member variable in the interface. The abstract class can contain non-abstract common methods; all methods in

the interface must be abstract, and there is no abstract approach. A class can achieve multiple interfaces, separated by a 6/17
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comma, but only one abstract class; the interface can not be implemented, but can inherit the interface, and can inherit

multiple interfaces, separated by commas.

48. Can I write in the interface?

A: Yes, the default method of writing the interface after JDK1.8

49. What is UUID in Java?

A: Generate a string of random numbers, it guarantees that all the machines in the same air are unique

50. What is the order of the Java class initialization?


51. Hashcode does it work?

A: Hashcode is used in Java to represent the unique code of the object. Hashcode is also used in the Hash data structure,

used to calculate the location (storage address) in the HASH (storage address)

52. Differences between Hashcode and Identityhashcode?


1. The Hashcode method in the Object class will return a Hash code, only the reference variable call to the same object

will return the same value, and the String class is relaxed, and the value in the object is also returned to the same 7/17
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2. The IdentityHashCode method is the method in the System class. When calling the method, the HashCode method

in the object class is executed regardless of whether the HashCode method in the Object class is rewritten, and a

HashCode value is returned. So only the same value is returned to the reference variable call to the same object.

53. What is HASH conflict?

A: Both objects are placed in the same HASH container and the calculated HASH value is the same. Also known as the Hash

collision, the solution is another Hash

54. What are the commonly used in Java?


@TargetDescribe the scope of the annotated object

Method: Used to describe

Package: Used to describe the package

Parameter: Used to describe method variables

TYPE: Used to describe classes, interfaces, or enum types

@Inherited: Make the annotations that are modified by it have inheritance

@Retention: Represents the runtime range of the annotation

RetionPolicy.Source ------------ Note will be discarded by the compiler

RetentionPolicy.Class ------------ annotation available in the class file, but will be discarded by VM

RetentionPolicy.Runtime ------- VM will also retain the comment during the running period, so information can be

read through the reflex mechanism

@Documented: Do you want to retain your annotation when you use the Javadoc tool to generate a help document?

55. What is the T, R, K, V, E in the java generic?


? - Uncertain Java type is a wildcard

T - Determined Java type

K, V - Java key value to Key, Value

E --Element (used in the collection, because the elements are stored in the collection, also means the type in the

Collection container)

Class in the Java source code represents the class corresponding to this type, while Class <? > Indicates classes that

type uncertainty.

56. How does Java amount calculations avoid compensation?

A: Use BigDecimal to perform related calculations with money

57. What does Java syntax mean?

A: The conversion of complex operations is completed by providing simple writing methods. It is usually referred to as a

simple syntax in Java, which is restored to the basis syntax during the compilation period.

58. What is the role of the TRANSIENT key?

A: This property will not be serialized when you add keyword transient, serialized, and serialize it. 8/17
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59. How to achieve object clones?

A: Java object clone is divided into copies and shallow copies, shallow copies call Object to inherit the Clone, deep copy can

be achieved with the SpringFramework provided by the beanutils tool provided by SpringFramework or serialization with

the sequence of Java.

60. What is the difference between the object clone shallow copy and deep copy?

A: Shallow copy and deep copy difference, shallow copy: If the object also includes a child object, the shallow copy can only

copy the memory space of the parent object, while the child object is only copied, the value is not copied. The deep copy is

to copy all the space (values) currently occupied by this object.

61. What is the role of Java reflex mechanism?

A: Reflection allows the program to have the ability to detect yourself and get current operational environments at


Understanding the reflex mechanism To understand the static compilation and dynamic compilation, the compile time

before the program is compiled, and the dynamic compiling can be run during operation, so that the program changes its

behavior mode or logic, high flexibility. . Typical programming design mode dynamic proxy is compiled during the running


62. What is the advantages and disadvantages of Java reflex mechanism?


Advantages: Enhanced procedures flexibility and expandability, can help programs to decoupled, improve their



1、 Performance problem.

Java reflection mechanism contains some dynamic types, so Java virtual machines cannot optimize these dynamic code.

Therefore, the efficiency of the reflection operation is much lower than the normal operation efficiency. We should avoid

using reflections in the code that is highly required or frequently performed. Moreover, how to use reflection determine

the performance of performance. If it functions as a fewer runs in the program, performance will not be a problem.

2、Safety limit.

Using reflections typically requires no security restrictions. It is best not to use reflection if a program is required for


3、Program robustness.

Reflection allows the code to perform some operations that are usually not allowed, so it is possible to use reflex that can

lead to unexpected consequences. The reflection code destroys the abstraction of the Java program structure, so when the

platform is running, the results of the code generated due to the abstract logical structure cannot be identified, the results

are different from previously.

63. What is macro variable and macro replacement?

A: Reference with macro variables, the system will automatically replace the macro variable to
the value of the address he pointed out. 9/17
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String nb = "finaltest";

String nb1 = "final";

String nb2 = "test";

final String nb11 = "final";

final String nb22 = "test";

String nb3 = "final" + "test";

String nb4 = nb1 + nb2;

String nb5 = nb11 + nb22;

System.out.println(nb == nb3);

System.out.println(nb == nb4);

System.out.println(nb == nb5);




NB defines FinalTest, NB3 defines "Final" + "Test". When the NB3 will determine the initial value of
FINALTEST (JVM), the initial value is equal to NB when compiling), so the initial value is equal to NB. There
fore, the address referenced by the NB3 is directed to the address referenced by the NB, so NB is equal to NB

And the NB11, NB22 knows that the macro variable according to the three rules, references the macro
variable, the system automatically replaces the macro variable to the value of the address he pointed to, so
the NB11 + NB22 will replace it into FinalTest, then with NB3, this It is a macro replacement.

64. What is escape analysis?

A: In the compilation optimization of the programming language, the method of analyzing the dynamic range of the

pointer is called the escape analysis. It is popular that when an object's pointer is quoted by multiple methods or threads,

we call this pointer to escape.

The method used to analyze this escape is called the escape analysis. Global variable assignment, method return value,

instance reference passes.

Reference article

65. What is a pseudo-share? What solution is there?

A: Reference article 10/17
14/01/2022 09:41 Java Development Engineer Latest Interview Question Book Series - Java Basic Part (with AP) - Programmer All

What is false sharing in multi-threaded environment?

Pseudo-Party is a well-known performance problem in multi-threaded systems (each processor

has its own local cache). Pseudo-Party This happens in different processors's modifications
depend on the same cache line, as shown below:

Small knowledge point:

*1.*Sharing is a memory area data by multiple processor, and the pseudo sharing is not true.

Sharing this concept is based on logical levels. In fact, pseudo-sharing and sharing is actually
shared on Cache Line.

*2.*The data accessed by the CPU is read from the Cache Line. If the CPU does not find the
required variables in cache, it is called the cache. **

When not hys, you need to read into cache from the memory through the bus. The memory
size read at a time is the size of a cache line.

3. **** If the different memory variables of multiple CPUs are loaded into the same cache line,
they speak from the program logic layer and have no sharing variables.

But actually on cache line is shared, this is a typical pseudo-share.

4. **** Pseudo-Sharing and Sharing on the level of Cache Line must be shared. Multiple CPUs
ensure access security of shared memory by cache consistency.

*5*The pseudo-sharing problem is difficult to discover, because the thread may access a
completely different global variable, but the memory happens in a very similar position. For
example, many other concurrency problems, avoiding the most basic way for pseudo-sharing
is to carefully review the code, adjust your data structure according to the cache line.

66. What features have Java 8 added?

A: The core characteristics lambda expression and function interface and stream API

67. What is the role of lambda expressions in Java 8?

A: Lambda is an anonymous function, you can understand the Lambda expression as a passable code (passing the code

like data). You can write a more concise, flexible code. As a more compact code style, Java's language expression capability

is improved.

68. What is the role of the OPTIONAL class in Java 8?

A: Taking a solution in a solution NullPointerException Abnormal problem

69. What is the role of @RepeATable annotations in Java 8?

A: @RepeAtable can be used to indicate some type of annotation that can be added repeatedly

70. What is the method reference in Java 8?

A: Method reference, if the function interface and the specific implementation, the method can be directly referenced.

Grammatical ClassName :: MethodName || ObjectName :: Example Method Name

71. What is the role of stream in Java 8? 11/17
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A: Support for collection calculations, the collection is responsible for storage and Stream is responsible for calculation. It is

used to operate the sequence generated by the data source, such as complex lookup, filter map data, etc.

72. How to use the function programming in Java 8?

A: The function can be assigned to other variables as other data types, or it can be used asparameterCan also be used

asreturn value。

Simple code, fast development

Easy to understand, reduce risks

Easy in parallel


73. How to get a stream flow object?


Array Get stream: (array object)

Collection Get Stream: Collection Object .stream ()

Value get stream: stream.of (value ...)

74. What is serialization, how to serialize, why sequential, anti-sequence, how to solve it.

A: Serialization is to convert object data stored in memory to binary data that can be saver or network transmission. There

are many ways to serialize, first of all, the sequential classes are required to implement the ObjectOutputStream or JSON

format serialization provided by Serializable Common JDK. The reverse sequence may encounter the inconsistency of the

diameterized version of the diamond, and the sequence and reverse sequence version is required.








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