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In the United States and Australia,for cxample,on

ry behavion Pa ine

average cngnge in only 20 to 30 minutes of MVPA.

lzed as too much siting,as distinct

sit up to 10 hours of cach day,and spend the bal

from too liale cxercise,There is a rapidly cmerg-

ance of their waking hours in light-intensity activity

ing body of evidence on sedentary behavior and

(Healy,Clark,et al.2011;Healy,Matihews,et al.

health that links back to a strong science base in

2011:Owen,Sparling,et al.2010).

space-llight and bed-rest studies (Vernikos 2004

Reducing siiting time hus emerged asa potential

Vernikos 2011;sce also chapter 2).The term sed-

new strategy for physical activity and chronic dis

entary Ichavior requires some clarification,given

ease prevention initiatives Sitting time rellects the

that the term sedentary has been used previously

accumulated hours spent each day in the numerous

to describe those who do liule or no physical activ-

sedentary bchaviors during commuting and leisure

ity or who do not meet physical activity and health

time,and at school,in the workplace,and in the

guidelines (sce as an example Owen and Bauman

domestic environment Even those who meet the

1992).Now,the recommendation is to use the term

public health recommendation (for adults,30 min

sodentary lo charactcrize bchaviors involving pro-

of MVPA on most days cach weck,for children and

longed sintingand the term inactive in the context of

youth,60 min daily)can be esposedeach day tothe

doing little physical activity or not meeting activity

deleterious metabolic consequences of 7 to 10 hours

guidelines(Owen,Hcaly,et al.2010;Owen 2012:

of siaring CHealy, al.2011;Salmon et

Pate et al.2008)

al.2011).Figure L.I shows objective-measurcment

Tobe more specific,sedentarybchaviorstypically

findings from the 2003-2006 US.National llealth

involve sitting or reclining in the cncrgy-cxpendi-

and Nutrition Examination Survey(CDC 2011).It

ture range of LOto L5 METs(metabolic equivalents

illustrates how adulis.youth,and children in the

multiples of the basal mctabolic rate).By contrast,

United States allocale their time,based on acceler

physical activity (moderate-to vigorous-intensity

ometer-derived time spent in sedentary activities,

physical activity [MVPA):cxercising)such as brisk

in light-intensity activity,and in MVPA.

walking or running typically requires an energy

The proportions shown in figure L.l are compel.

expenditure of 3 to8METs.Those with no partici-

ling They illustrate that the majority of the day is

pation at this level have in the past been described

spent insedentary activity or in light-intensity phys-

as sedentary(Pale et al.2008).Now,especially since

ical activity Albough MVPA represents less than

a focus on reducing sedentary behavior has been

3%(approximately)of waking hours,it has heen

proposed as a potential new element of physical

the main focus of public health efforts to promote

activity recommendations (Garber et al.2011),the

physical activity to date.Substantial opportunitics

term inactivc is preferablc for describing those who

exist for reducing siting time thronghour theday

do not engage in MVPA(Owen,Healy,ct al.2010)

among children,youth,and adults

A helpful definition comes from the Sedentary

Behaviour Rescarch Networkc

Any behavior during waking hours thar is

chanactericnd by encrgy expenditure lcss

with light-intensity activity (2 hr*(2.5 METs-1.5

than or equal te 15 METs, whilc in a sir-

METS)-2.0 MET-hr) would significantly increase

ting or redining posturc the term *inadie"

ereeeependiture.This would be greater than

should thus be used te descrile those who are

the additional energy expenditure associated with

performing insafficient amounts of MVPA

30 minutes of walking which we would assume to

Oc.not meeting specified physical activiry

displace eiher siting time (0.5hr*3.5METs-1.5

guldedineo(2012,page 540)

MET)-LO MET-hr) or light-intensity time (0.5

An energy-expenditure perspective highlights

hr*3.5 METs-2.5 METO-0.5 MET-hr).Thus,

bow sitting time is important to consider in the

2 additional hours of sitring cach day,in simple

context of physical activity and health.The objee-

energy-expenditurc terms,would negate what is

tive measurement of all movement during every

achicved by mecting the basic physical activity and

minute of waking hours is highly informative in

health recommendation through walking.

this context Studies using accelcromcters with large

Prolonged sitting is now understood to be a

population samples have shown that typical adults

significant and distinct bchavioral auribute that






is manifested in multiple life contexts.Identifying


sedentary behavior asa novel term within the physi-

cal activity and health equation does not,however,

contradict or negate what is well understood about

the healrh henefits of participation in moderate-

Light activity

intensity and vigorous-intensity physical activity.


Rather,understanding sedentary behavior in this



context broadens our perspective on the health

benefits of physical activity and identifies novel

targets for healt promotion and disease preven-

tion initiatives.

Contemporary Sedentary

Adults(≥20 yrs)
Behavior Research



and Concepts

Sedentary bchavior has its recent historical roots in

the physical activity and health field.Research on

Lignt activity

physical activity and health gained much of its early


impetus from epidemiological studies with members

ol active and inactive occupations in the UK(Morris


etal 1953)and the United States (Paffenbarger ct


al.1997).Early studies were conducted with British

civil servants-bus drivers and desk-bound work-

ers-who primarily sat at work,compared to their

occupational counterparts-bus conductors and

mail delivery workers-who were on their lect for

Adults (13-19 yrs)

most of their working days,Morris and colleagues

(1953) demonstrated significantly reduced cardio-



vascular disease risk in those who were more active.

interpreting the findings as showing the bencficial

effects of physical activity.However,an alternative

perspective is that these carly physical activity epi-

Light activity

demiology studies showed deleterious health com-


sequences of prolonged occupational sitting Brown


and colleagues(2009)argued that with burgconing


research attention on sedentary behavior,the physi-

cal activity and health field is now revisiting some

of its fundamental epidemiological bases within the

new sedentary behavior perspective.

Understanding the broader conceptual and


scientfic background to the current interest in

sedentary bchavior research is helplul. Research

Figure 1.1 How U.S. adults (a),youth (b).and

on sedentary behavior can be traced back to the

children(c)allocate their time,based on average

history of behaviorist underpinnings,particularly

population values for sedentary time,light-intensity

in relation to the social and environmental deter-

physical activity,and moderate-to vigorous-

minants of behavioral choice shaped by thinking

intensity physical activity.

in the subdisciplines of behavioral cconomics and

Dato trom Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

bchavioral cpidemiology.A focus on environmental


dererminants of sitting time emphasizes the limita-

tions on individual initiative for many health-related

6| Owen

behaviors(Owen et al.2000;Sallis,Owen,and

certain actions and by discouraging or prohibit-

Fisher 2008).This is an important consideration in

ing others"Environmental contexts can shape or

the context of physical activity and health rescarch.

constrain individual-level initiative-for example.

where the concept of individual responsibility for

prolonged sitting may be unavoidable in most office,

exercising or otherwise choosing to be physically

classroom,and transportation settings.

active has been the dominant paradigm (Sallis and

Factors at the intrapersonal level-particularly

Owen 1999)

psychologleal factors,individual skills,and moti-

Ecological Model

levels of influence on behavior.Figure 1.2 provides

vation-are one component within the multiple

An ecological model of sedentary behavior(Owen

a simplified schematic for an ecological model of

et al.2011:Sallis and Owen,2015) proposes that

responsibility-prsuading and encouraging people

hcalth bchaviors.Strategies based on individual

cnvironmental contexis are significant determi-

to pull themselves up by their personal-motivational

nants of sedentary behaviors. It seems probable

that sedeniary behaviors will be determined more

bootstraps-are unlikely to be an effective public

strongly by the situations people are in than by their

health approach to reducing sedentary behavior.

individual characteristics.Bchavior settings(Barker

1968) are the social and physical situations in which

Behavioral Choice Theory

behaviors take place,and ecological modelsopen the

The behavioral epidemiology framework(Owen,

possibility of intervening on these environments

Healy,et al 2010:Owen et al 2000;Owen et al.

As Wicker(1979,page 4) notes,"The importance

2011)that we have proposed for understanding and

of behavior settings is they restrict the range of

influencing sedentary behaviors has been strongly

bchavior by promoting and sometimes demanding

flavored by the seminal work of Len Epstein

1998.whe dew Erses bchavioral ccomorics to

Celicgr of Spsste Mediciec aksusledgnd that in

amalyue the desermissnts of chences made betweem

SMtion Ne cscscising nmgularly there are brsbh

purticigatingg n sedentary and physically active

hese as iss comeurrenaly eedacingg total tiame spee

Eehaviees Mescitying facters aseciated winhhe

ia sedetary pursuies anad alse by Intersgensing tre-

cheice te partcipute in eiher ghysical actisiy of

parat short bouts of stanling and pysical actiriay

In sedentary Sehunians cam Indore the develg

hetweaperiadsof sedestaryactiray.mingy*

ment of eelesant sstervention sasalrgies Behusteral

cally active ad-de" Gorber 13541

cbeice theary(BCT) explicialy incerperates c

Is the Lebrd Kingdom,the Start Actmr,Stay

gonmeatal inSarmces(Racblin et al 1980) Epsteim

Atie decusrst addresed the volene,durtio

Imtegrated BCT wuh the behavioral ecommnics

Eeguency and type of ghysical activiny acrs the

model n stalics comdacind in comtrotied Iabors

tde course mended Ser achicving beoad based beabh

Aory settings Cputein et al.1991:Epsteis 190

beacfts.This sational documest malrs tbe case

Applicatiss of BCT nry hane signtticant onreal

les the imgurtasce of educing sndentary behaxsr.

Band ponential Sor isdorming poblic bealde stratrgy

albein wah a qube general mosige Imendel te be


by peesingabener understanding of the persenal

and esviroemestal tacturs that com iaBecnce bow

odder adhs on the Impertance of mininiring

dile ln the geperal pegslatinn choose te allo-

esmended periode of tine speat being sedatary

cate time betwees phgsically active and sedestary

(seting)(Davics et al.2011)

Iehaviers (fpsteis 1998)

Notably,such secummendaciontane af this point

Research en plysical activiny has


rather broad,cadonsing the Iapertunce of trdur

been Soeused on ishiratual bevel and secial intu-

Ing saing tinc These decsmests do set idesaily

Emoes CSallis and Owns 1999,Trest er al.2002)

what mighe be an aale of desrimessal amcunt of

muracts cmgleynl to BCL.hosever hase

owerall daily siating time,Ber de thry specity brw

al s provsle nsighes of geeater public

Eeespacatly siting tie should be beodrs op er the

uirvance iass the enrironmnatal determt

type and intensiry of actirtty that wuuld be desi

maats of suming time in pepulaties,purticalarly

able in derng so.

how behaviors may be determined by the simgle

Wahibe growing interst tnsedeetary beharior

malability of amcaties such as chains but alser o

and beabh,n is sdear that there ane new pesrarch

ether enviresmratal Lactors such as comstratatsom

Agrmdas te be adderssed.pumicularly in sdeneilying

and case of acorss (Lappalainen and Epstein I9uc.

dose-eesponse eelatimships and the mechantum

Rachlie et al 1980L Thur,Individealiy focsed

threvgl which prelongrd siting cam msalt is

Iaterveations for endacing essremely commonsed-

ahese brabh etnes

entary behavior in the natursl csvisoement ny

simply lead s sshritution of these behavioes Soe

Sedentary Research Agenda

ether less peedemed sedrstary beharos Thrsemsy

esignlcane as drierminunte of the ne ratrs of

The Iebavieeal epidemialgy Sallie and Owes

hysical actinsy and the bigh eates of partictpatiom

1999.5alis on al 2000) sescanch agrnds o sod

m sedeatary Ichavioe m the adeli populations of

reschsitting ahs iacludes omdustingmram

Austrialiand commtrics(Salmon er al.2001)

smodies,understandingthe slevane desessiiats of

sedentary behurr,deveieping aflctive intenun

edentary Behavior and Health

tw,ansd evalaating the ommes od eavinst nental

asd podicy isiriatines The strategicand comerpual

The sigefcance for beabh of te math siring to

Iasin Ioo this eescarch agrnle bus been articadated

mw beingakwledged ssbis the sports mbicine

fes sedestary bchavine fOmee, al 20109

and poblic beadh cotirsencies as a comers thar

Asd inslades a ecolegieal modl of behavioral

eadieonalsothe dlserios beadh conrgume

determinants Ouc oad 2010

o isuicient paysical axiiay

Ameciating sedeetary behaviors wih bio-

In the Dated Suates,ler cumgle,the Qondky

adQeliay of Exsssine jie Deseleping ond Maating

markers annd health outceses dcatafying

Cendepiratory,Macsd bdrtal and Nasinntur

doic-eespane ndaciomships aad mechanises

Firses is Apurraty Brably Adale Coilencr for

Davaleging mranuemente fevice bosed and

Pnoriling Esenie poities stasd of the Anrican

seliepert)for sndeatary behaviors


Characterizing pepalation pemalencr,trnd

ciation of Betired Persons Dirt and He

bh nudyy

and variarions in sedentary behavtors


e piag

Mrstilying tbe selevant &tensinunts of ard

mone b

emmary bchansses i mabgle cosdests

MVPA Lmone the 7heheeeko dur

Cemdacting Lberstory and fed besed Iue

hadaS0s greater risd of death frume

Dwice the riak of drarh from canbion

wention arial on sedrstary behavier changr

emparndta these whe endrses

Inderming and evalasting lergr-seale inpe-

od pheriral acrivity bat waiched television o

Bless and policy isitariees

than Lheser per day CMatthews et al.201.23

Paticipation in physical activity n aot there

Emerging evidense and implications of the

Sone mrerssarily be peotective for thone

large ampunte of time in sedentary beharie

les hane sdentilied that dirtary Interactie

sedrntary time in selation se biomarkers

2012.Owrn,Healy et al 2010

demrtubolic riol-poor diet guality Ree

2013)andbigher evele of snack food.come

Observational Studics

(Tharpetal.2013)-ngther wah higheret


and Experimental Findings

Nessssler Nyddss

The ADab srodics (wbich cumise ofesty,do


Betes,and riad tactoes wah a large narional samgle

eMntify pteat

of adulsl have shewn an ahsgutnus Scisure-4ime

ne ENgstes

edentary bchavior-TV viewing timr-to be

Usse Date

amocianed wh tbe mnubolic syndrese and ix

Sictary PECTrEs

cempesces(Dunstan n al. 2003,Therp of al.


20101.ndeied ansalin and gfscose metabetom

Dunstan of al 2007.Dunstan ef al 20041.and

adene minal vasculr inalicrs CAmuradha ct al

20113.Relanrd Asstralian sfudies base alie deats

End pessgestine mltionshipe of TV eirving ttme

ioe Dxse

wit weighe gain (Ding,Sugiyama,and Owen

lewed qarale of beraling

2012).decdimes in MVPA Laleneid os al 2010.

amoe thasfom(Léix)grealer waist cicm

rial Siomarlor changes(Wjndacle et al 20101.and

csce than thone is the bighest quurnle of

permature condienascalar monality Dunstanen

OHealy Marhews,or al 20113 Funber sradyses

al 2010.8was abe etimatrd tbat lee every hout

ol the aceelsemcter date from NHANES

ad TV tiast stcbed afier agr 25 yeas,Australian

aloa bighe Iesele of erdrtary hehuvior if saneer

ahde ca espesta 22-minate seduction in beie

sarviree Lgnch ef al 2010 Iyneh,Dunstan,t

ale expectancy Veerman ef al 2012). is om

al.2018-1ymch,Friederich,ot al.2011)and alus

Maionalie be cemehade that sedentary beharior i

mlatinnships betweem sedestary time and meases

asociated wak abese biomarker prsbirs andihe

of depesssloe Vallance ot al 2011)

riak of develaping mjer chennie dineasesamtom

This bedy of evidence from obervational ofalire

tal 2004 Hasihenand Ooen 201

Ownn ealy

has gemeratind bypesbeses thar hane berm bested is

etal. 2010.Thorp ot al 20113

am expermental study wich mubdle egnl asd dder

owerweighe adds(Danstan,Kingmell stal 2012)

The flects of prelrard snistermiplrd sting om

middle ngrd and elder Asstralian aduls obe 43


cose and serem inualin were cempered

and Uye Sradvl High Bevele of uralt dasly simg

od sting interrepird by ahort dnate


Blse wure Sesurad ss bseseltedseall caie mtaliry

hoats ef actirity Brradsill wslking)im onerwrighr

rialVan Der Plarg ot al 2012).Fros the Unted

middle sgrd adals Compared so resalrs Isoe

Seales Fisstinge froe f Fidlon ap of sse bam

nintermigend siting Mood gfcoe ws

0000 adabs ininially agnd 50 te 71 yeass fom

her both activiny becale condicions Ch

National Inssirunss of Brabh American Asd--

moderate:30%)and insulin wss reduced

crgence of Reiearch on Sedentary Behunior and Heath |9

Na Matistically significant dflcrences werc found

evidence has came frum cross-sectional studies.

betwees the two actirgy csnditions,atigerting that

e er understanding to daie tells ss more ahout

bricf interreptions to siating can lead te signticant

the correlates than ahout the detersisants of

Iehsctions in glucost and imsulia This may be

sedentary hchaviar (Bauman et al 2002) Istrigu-

inslependent of activity iniensity,Furtber analyses

inghy.relatinshipe of arighhorbood walkability

f the Mood and tissue amples froe participarts

atrhules with devier-eeasured sedentary ime

showed eflecis of these actirity-break cenidiiens

hase cmerged that are tbe Isverse of what hus beem

ee hemostatic matkers (Howard et al 2013)and

observed fer sell-eeperted sedentary bchasiors For

systematic relationships with gene espression m

Brigian ahalis,acceleroneter-measured sedeatary

Arietal muule (Latomcbe ef al 2013)

tise was higher in bighly walkable ncighhorhoods

(Van Dyck et al. 2010) Among Australias aduls


living in lower-walbabilay neighberhoods,TVtime


wasinrially higher Dugiyama et al 2006)than in

igh-wallablity neigbborhoods and if Iscreasel

Measurcment developsent is a liey element of the

sote oeer +years(Ding et al.2012)

edeatary behavier and health researsh agrnda

Arview of the elevasl evidence publisbod ap

(Clark Thorp,n al. 2011,Clarl ef al 2009.Ga

telate 2014 sdentitied 17 studies where 9 intances

diner,Clark,et al.2011,Winkler et al 2011).For

of such nlationships were camined (Kecbsari ef

xample,an initial staly ssing muliple se f-egers

AL.2015).Sigmificant associations were foand in

mesues eggrsted that TV tine may be amarker

28%of imstances and Bonsignifica associatios

of enerall sedentary time Sugiyamt ef al 20060

were Iound lo 5es.Lower levels of sedeatary

hewver,acceleroineter-asiessel sedentary time

behavior among resileats of urhus comparrd so

Wasuhieuently shows te be pesitively bot only

rgianal areas were most comistenily ehserved

weadly related to ielevision vinwing ttme (Clark

was conchoded that a mndest and misnd pattera

Healy enal 20110.Athingh device-based mrasure

of lindings was available om associations of srhan

ment is leading te significant pregress,self-erpert

environmental atiributes witb adals' sedestary

mnheds envertheless rrmain essential ciements

behavios That teview describesateswarch ageala

ol papulation-prevalence smudies (Healy,Clark

Involving locasing cfferts lewand Bcasures

姓 al 2011Troiano et al 2012) Using the IPAQ

and comergs develapmest,gatherint internatienal

Instrumest,wide international variations tn tbe

eridence lo peovide a wide ange of environmental

prrvalenie of pralongnd siming huve been dentitied

exposeres,and strengtheningthe lsgkal inferences

(Bauman et al.2011).Theempleyment of appragri-

thai can be made threugh gathering data frem

el-erpert methods in contest-specifie nadies

Mspevisse Badies

Is erucial for decumenting the prevalence and

variations in sndeatary beharior asd developing

Controlled Intervention Studies

and evalustingt the outcenes of specific tntiatrs

of Behavioral Change

foe behavioral change(Chas et al 2011.Chan et al

2012.Clark,fealy,e al.2011:Manhallet al.2010

Sradies gathering eaperimental evsdence and find

Oliret er al 2010)
ings fronm teal world intersention irials are cnucial

elements of the sedentary hehavier ferarchatenda

Environmental Determinants

Funher lumsn experimental smadics are needed

of Sedentary Behavior

(Dunstan,Kingwell,et al. 20123,paticulaly

on dose-gesponse relationshipi and anderlying

The ecolegical mndel of sedentary hehavior

mechanisms,the feasihility of changing prolenged

deseribed previonly has set a sttiang environmen

sitting in wurkplaces and ether comtests CAlahajah

tal-determinants agenda that hai the potential to

eial. 2012,Gardiner,Eakin,et al.2011.Hralyemal

Infies cavironmental and pelicy intiatives Evi

2013.Neuhaasetal.2014).and hurw te best promote

detice is emerging frenm crose-sectianal snudis im

msistenance of the relevast sedeatary bchavior

multiple cmvstries on thesnvireninrstal correlates

changes as well ss the bealh benelits of deing to

of sedeatary behavior,ssing sell-tepert (Kote ef

These Inuial studies,with the eserptios of the

al.2012.Vam Dyrk or al 2011)and device-based

rial ly Gandiner and collragses (Qo1l)that used

meaesremesl(Van Dycke of al 2010 Mach of this

an informational-motivatianal interventie ame

10| Owen

ased height-adjustable wurkstations and demon

sedentary hehaviors in muliple conteste Now

trated inhctions of a hour of Bete in workplace

evidence arising oot of device-haied mrasute-

seting time.They bave alse provsded evidence that

mest stuudies will proride further perspectives n

addirional rehurtions in sedentary time can be

the bealeh consegurnces of different patterms of

Broghtabese throngh the ase of behesiralenuch

BNemrat and posture (Hraly,Clark,et al 201)

Ing in cembination with these simple workplace

Thie esearch is delivering movel insights tate he

mvirenmetal changrs (Healy ofal 2013 Neuhaue

sdiquttoui natere of pralengel sitting timcand

tal 2014

t nh

Sedentary Behavior Research

rarly stagr,hot it is pregressing rapidly


aboat sedestary hehavior and bealth Evidence

Howrvet,much remains ta he mnderstand

We bane peevioualy pupoied 11 eessarch gursttians

froni fafure mechanistic and dsse-fesponse stud

(ee sidchur) Ior apeopalation-beablscicace of sed

les might pelat to harnfal of heneficial sspecte

estary behussioe(Owen et al.2010)

al sedentary time that are not yif asticipated.

Ersdnce addressing ssveal of these gurstione

the nlerant comtimatury evidence does continue

can now lc Iound in the gsseaich Iseratare Nae

e ceumulate,there is a challenging esarch

emtheless,fonther sescarch findings are needed to

BHsalation agenda te be pursued Dunstan,lowand,

hetter sadrstand the slatishios of sedeatary

e al 20123 Emerging evidense on the social and

behavior wiah healh ostcomes Ale sredrl are

virosmrstal dierminant of prolongrd siing

qustions n mAserment,the determisants of

will infots foture istervention trials abich ail

sedentary hehavior,and the offecsiveness and

delirer invahuable evulence and insights t seems

Eenelice of itenentions fof ediiesing ohanging

Iskely thai we will sce many Liture public bealh


L.Cas fernher peespectire sfidies esamising

7.What isthe casibhilry of nhcing of beraling

Iscideat disease outcemes confirm tbe initial

prolongel sisting tinie for dffesest gtomps

sedentary behavior asd mortality eadinga

odder,youngr) in diflerent setmings (morkplane

2.Can sedeistary Ichariar and disrase rrlation


shipsbe sdestified throngh reanalysis of estab

B.If interveatice erials show significant ahanges

Ished peespective spidemielegical data sets.

in sitting time,are there impnvemests in thr

hy trrating siming time an s distinet cspose

relevant bicesarkerst


0.What are the envirsnmental detenmiinasts of

3Whaiasethe most valsdand relable afCepert

prolongel siating time in hfferent cotents

andehiectine measres of siting time forepader

(nrighberhaad,werkplace,at hemelt

mielogical.grmetic,behavineal,and pipulatio

10.What can he larmed from the ssting tnme and

headls snudies7

sedentary tise Iindices in buil-envirunmet

4Ase the TV tine-biomatler tnlationships for

and physical actiray smudies/

eea potaling te mportant biological or

IL. Can evidence os behavioral,adipesity.

beharieral gender dfferenersl

anl other biomarker changes be gathered

5 Whal amuunts and Intessities of astieity

fronm natural enperiments for example.the

mighe be prstective in the comtest af prelerged

Introductioe of beight sdjustable workata

sisting time7

tions of new community iranspurtatien

6Whal genetic variations night undealie predi


pesitions to siming and greater suscepebality to

the aherse metabolic coelates

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