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There are three category in this survey for

entrepreneurial which are

motivation,aptitudes and attitudes we show

our weakneis ss and how to solve this

weaknesses and to avoid it .


Power/control appeal: most of us near

below or upper average which is 17 we

think our weakness is our good manner to

treat other people equally we don’t like to

force people for our opinion we think power/

control appeal is rare people like it. We

agree to success in anything sure you need

control put without power because people

under pressure can’t do them work

probably in good way, power some time

good for lazy worker to force him to work

but we don’t have this manner


Self-confidence/enthusiasm: our result are

14, 11 and 12 near average 13 two under

13 and one above 13 we found our

comment weakness we are shy to speak

with people and there is popular example in

Arabic “ two people impossible to learn shy

and arrogant “ and this weakness some of

us have problem with pronounce long word

and some of us stammer some letter but

this is not big issue because one of most

famous prime minister of Uk have this

problem Tony Blair so he solve this problem

to avoid word making him stammer and

pronounce long word quickly there are

many solve to this problem practice more

for pronounce it also to break shy try to

speak with anyone in street in anywhere.


Action oriented:

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