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The subject I have chosen is :

“Football is like life – it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work,

sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority”.

I choise this subject because I like this association between football and life.

These are such different things, but they have many similarities.

Sport is life and life is sport and this could be a first similarity.


INTRODUCTION is about football, my opinion about this sport . This is a

complex sport in which you encounter different situations just like in life.

This game develops in players, many qualities

 discipline
 self-confidence
 sociability
 the power not to give up no matter how hard it is


MAIN BODY present two view point and an opposing view point and reason.

The first view point is about life and how can be if we have always important
people with us like family or friens group. Those people help us, balance us,
motivate us and make us reach where we want to be, like in our game,
football. We need team members to get what we want, victory.

The second view point is about how we should be alive because that it's like
football. You need to be strong, balanced, ambitious and fighting. We can
become a better version of our if we know our limits and we know when to
receive help from others people.


OPPOSING VIEW POINT , In this paragraph i wrote that Football is just

football, it is a game . A game that develops you both as personally and
professionally such as life experiences, with the rule, with a limited number of
players and a certain playing time that is known by all.

Nothing can really be compared to life because life is unpredictable, it has no

limits, you can do anything as long as you are aware of the consequences of
your actions. And that is like in football every action have a consequence.

But is important to enjoy our livies like children about life and because any
problem has a solution. There is always a plan b and in soccer game there are
a solution. When we talk about football the solution can be called ”spare
players“ who come and help the team if necessary.


The last but not least, I want to say that football is a game that can create you
as a human being to have a happy life in the future and not only football but
sport in general creates strong people who integrate easily in society and
adapts anywhere, anyway with anyone and anytime. Given all of the above,
Football is certainly like life because requires perseverance, self-denial, hard
work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority”.

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