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Lks Page 113-114

Name : Angelina Wahyuni S. T. (02)
Class : X MIPA 3

Lyrics 1
Meaning : These lyrics show a young man who tries to get to someone he loves, despite the many
difficulties he has to go through. He desperately tries to find a way out of his problems, to get to that
someone. In reality, we certainly want something that we dream of as long as we live. We even try to
reach it, but sometimes there are too many obstacles. We often feel hopeless because all of our
efforts are not worth the adversity we are facing. But we must remain strong and come up from those
problems even though we are imperfect humans and we have flaws. Besides, those problems will
help us to become stronger and more experienced to achieve our dream.

Lyrics 2
Meaning : These lyrics show a woman and her friends who got hurt by the actions and words of
people because of their different appearances. People don’t want to accept them because the society
believes “differences” might be a shame or disgrace. But, all the things that have been done to them
never let their spirits down. In social life, this happens very often. We might get judged by people,
underestimated, even hurt either by their actions or cruel words because we look different from them.
Even so, remember that everyone is unique in their own way. Although most societies find it difficult
to see our beauties or differences, there are still places or people who will accept us for who we are.
So, keep your head up and love yourself.

Lyrics 3
Meaning : These lyrics tell about a young man who tries his best to be "okay" in front of people. He
has lots of problems inside of him, and it makes him feel so sad and depressed. He also hides his
flaws and misery within himself, without the people around him knowing. As imperfect humans,
everyone sometimes feels sad and disappointed about themselves because of their flaws, and they
have their own struggles. Of course, people will try their best to hide them because they think their
flaws are just a disgrace in the eyes. Keeping sad feelings inside will slowly kill us. It is better if we
have problems (which we perceive as flaws), we tell it to the person who feels the same, regardless if
they see our flaws and how are we actually feel inside. We might share our share and strengthen each
other to keep on living.

Lyrics 4
Meaning : These lyrics tell about a confident woman who acknowledges her own beauty. She feels
proud to be herself, even though people often criticize her with hurtful words. She also knows that
she is beautiful the way she is, and people have no right to judge her appearance. In our daily life, we
often feel insecure about our appearances. However, we must know that everyone was born with
their own beauty and uniqueness. We don't need to change our appearances to become “beautiful”
based on the world's perspective, the ones with attractive faces and appearances. What needs to
change is the world itself, how they see people and set the beauty standards by their point of view.

Lyrics 5
Meaning : These lyrics show an imperfect relationship. The both of them live together. But when
there is a problem, they will always argue. However, they support each other and willing to maintain
their relationship. Actually, in a relationship, there will always be arguments because everyone has
different thoughts. Arguments and quarrels are not the reasons to end the relationship, but they will
strengthen the bond of love. Because to end an argument, you need to communicate and spend time
with the person you love, finding the solution together. Besides, someone who truly loves you will
always be there for you, even though many things might separate both of you.

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