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Nama : Siti Fatimah

Npm :1906103010023

Unit :03

Exercise 3
In both years, the four largest areas of government expenditure were: education,
healthcare, pensions, and defence, with education taking the largest share (24% in 2010 and 21%
in 2015). The smallest areas of expenditure were transport, culture and leisure and "other".
Interest on borrowing and spending on welfare lay in between.

Interestingly though, between 2010 and 2015, spending on all four of the largest areas
had dropped, with the exception of pensions, which remained the same at 19%. Spending on
transport and culture and leisure also fell significantly, with the transport budget declining by
two thirds. On the other hand, spending on welfare and interest on government borrowing rose
markedly, with the latter doubling over the five-year period to 10%.

Overall, the charts indicate that the government has had to cut expenditure in most areas
in order to fund the cost of borrowing and welfare.

Exercise 4

The table above shows the percentage use of four different fuel types to generate
electricity in five Asian countries in 2005 namely Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea
and Japan.
If we look at Malaysia, the most widely used fuel to generate electrictyis coal and lignite,
followed by Singapore around 42 and for Thailand, South Korea and Japan used of coal and
lignite is relatively low.

Nuclear fuel is mostly used in Japan then Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. Thailand does
not use this fuel at all to generate electricity but Thailand used the most petrolyum products
around 36 while for countries such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore no more than 3

South Korea used the most hydro and wind around 48 followed by Thailand around 19
and countries such as Singapore, Japan, and Malaysia around 3-5

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