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racked up record sales quarter af- ter quarter and ended the year having sold nearly twice as many vehicles as it did in 2020 unhin- ered by an industrywide crisis. Tesla’s ability to conjure up crit- ical components has a greater sig- nificance than one year’s car sales. It suggests that the com- pany, and possibly other young electric car businesses, could threaten the dominance of giants like Volkswagen and G.M. sooner and more forcefully than most in- dustry executives and policymak- ers realize. That would help the ef- fort to reduce the emissions that are causing climate change by dis- placing more gasoline-powered cars sooner. But it could hurt the millions of workers, thousands of suppliers and numerous local and national governments that rely on traditional auto production for jobs, business and tax revenue. Tesla and its enigmatic chief ex- ecutive, Elon Musk, have said lit- tle about how the carmaker ran

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