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ANGER REVISITED YOGI BHAJAN 8/3/99 ................................................................................ 4

CIRCULAR BREATHING AND TANTRIC SEX ........................................................................... 6

SOLAR PLEXUS GOALS FOR THE SOLAR PLEXUS .................................................................... 8

EXERCISE SET FOR CIRCULATION ........................................................................................ 13

EXERCISE SET FOR BALANCING THE BRAIN ................................................................... 15

MEDITATION FOR GUIDANCE YOGI BHAJAN 5/27/74 .......................................................... 18

DETOXIFICATION 29/5/84.........................................................................................................19

YOU AND YOUR BODY 13/2/85................................................................................................ 20

STRENGTH EN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM I 22/10/85........................................................... 21

TO MAKE THE SKIN RADIANT 26/2/86 ................................................................................. 22

TO RELIEVE INNER ANGER 21/9/88 ....................................................................................... 23

IMMUNE YOGA II 31/1/90.......................................................................................................... 24

FACING THE CHALLENGE OF TOMORROW 4/1/94............................................................... 25

SEPARATE ASSISI DEC 94 ...................................................................................................... 26

TO KEEP OURSELVES IN PERFECT SHAPE 24/4/95............................................................. 27

HAST KRIYA EARTH TO HEAVENS 31/1/96 ........................................................................... 28

CORRECT THE FIVE TATTWAS 31/1/96................................................................................ 29


RELEASING CHILDHOOD ANGER 9/3/99 ............................................................................... 30

CONQUER INNER ANGER AND BURN IT OUT 3/8/99............................................................ 31

#M157 MEDITATION - KRIYA TO DEVELOP HUMAN POWER 12/12/99................................ 32

#M158/2 CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION 18/12/99............................................................. 34

NM0329 EGO AND DIVINITY DO NOT MEET! 8/10/99 . .......................................................... 36

#LA 0947. BE IN COMMAND! 7/11/99 ..................................................................................... 37

PART II - SHIVA SHAKTI KRIYA................................................................................................ 37

PART III - RECHARGE ................................................................................................................ 37

#LA0951 34 SHINE THE BRIGHTNESS 15/2/00....................................................................... 38

LA0952 THE GOLDEN BRIDGE 19/02/00................................................................................. 39

#NM0342 46 ELEVATE OTHERS 19/4/00 ................................................................................. 40

#NM0362 82 CALIBER 16/10/00 ............................................................................................... 41

#NM0364 84 ON COMMUNICATION I - YOUR UNSEEN IS GOD 23/10/00 ............................. 42

#NM0339 LIVE BEYOND KARMA 4/11/00................................................................................ 43

#NM0374 94 PATIENCE AND INTUITION 28/11/00.................................................................. 44

NM0388 ANGER AND INNOCENCE 13/3/01 ........................................................................... 45

NM0398 LET GOD WORK FOR YOU! 8/5/01........................................................................... 46

NM0406 SHARE THE BEST WITH OTHERS 4/06/01 .............................................................. 47

LA0964 THE INNER CHILD 07/04/01 ....................................................................................... 48

NM0411 COMPASSION AND PASSION 20/8/01 ...................................................................... 49

NM0413 YOU ARE GRACIOUS, NOT GUILTY! 4/11/01 ......................................................... 50

NM0414 CONGENIALITY 5/11/01 ............................................................................................. 51

NM0414 CONGENIALITY 5/11/01 ............................................................................................. 52

NM0416 ATTACK ON AMERICA 11/11/01.............................................................................. 53

NM0417 THE AWAKENING CALL 18/11/01 ........................................................................... 54

your family life, ultimately it gives you frustration in working
Anger Revisited Yogi Bhajan life, and sometimes a stage comes when you cannot help your-
8/3/99 self. You get so isolated that nobody wants to help you. It is
not anybody's fault. You want to be you, but you forget, the
The fact is we are all the same. Simply some people other person wants to be the other person. You want to have
have self-control by practice, so they don't let the relationship? You come in the center. Your way will not
lava burst out and ruin the surroundings and burn prevail, other person's way will not prevail. Study your ways,
everything. All your fears, all your faults come at and study other person's ways and bring them in the center. If
the moment when your inner anger takes over and that is not possible, ask. Communicate. Don't feel inside, what
is inside will mix with anger and become a volcano. Say it out
you have absolutely no control. loud: "My dear, I have this difficulty, I have this doubt. I don't
1t starts at the time of birth: "Don't do this, don't go, tell him understand this, I don't understand that." Communication is the
I'm not home, tell this, don't tell, never, no, ..." That's how you key role of a human.
grow. It's called "Direct, Absolute Command." And you who A human has to develop two things. You have to develop your
are born with your own destiny, you have been considered as frontal lobe so that your personality is controlled. You have to
furniture, a toy, a happiness. In the name of protection, you are control your upper palate so that the hypo-thalamus and
being injected constantly, and that rap builds in you a solid thalamus can be controlled. If there two things are developed,
volcano of anger. It's just like one mile down in the Earth you can read in between the lines, you can ere through walls,
there's a huge lava circulating. Exactly as the Earth is, it is in you can intuitively be alert. These two things do not develop
everyone of you--including me! by themselves, they have to be developed.
There are two ways a person can be judged: when he is in love, ...Why do we live? We live for happiness. Excuse me, you
or when he is in an angry mood. Then what speaks is pure fire. don't live for God, that's a very big lie you live on. You don't
You know, fire purifies everything. So in our life, it's a non- live for each other; you don't live for sex; you don't live for
saving grace that we burst out. We let the heat go. We get money. You live to be happy. That's what you want. And
angry, we yell and scream, we say things we should not have happiness has seven steps: Commitment will give you
said. We attack people we should not attack. We break our Character, character will give you Dignity, dignity will give
relationships. Constant fear that your husband doesn't love you you Divinity, divinity will give you Grace, Grace will give you
after constant months and years that you loved him, but it's not the Power to Sacrifice, and when you sacrifice for somebody,
reciprocated. Ultimately the marriage goes, first the bedrooms without return, in a universal heart, then you'll be Happy.
separate, then life separates, then divorce happens. But what is Happiness is when you do for others to make them live well;
the base of this divorce? What is the base 'of this unfriendli- when you help others to uplift them. That is a rewarded action.
ness, what is the base of separation? Your own inner anger This is how it works. You help to uplift somebody, and the
inflicts insecurity, pushes it to the hilt. One thing leads to entire Mother Nature comes to uplift you. You are kind and
another. Try to understand, that everybody is angry inside. compassionate to somebody, Heavenly Father becomes kind
They have not been played with well, they have not been cared and compassionate to you
for well, they have not been paid attention, they have not been
loved enough. How many ways you want to count? 21, 23
Do you know that when you are in anger and you are insecure
and you yell and scream, that takes away from you your need
to be friendly. It puts another person in a state of fear. You
know what happens? Communication breaks down.
The relationship between a man and a wife, husband
or a girlfriend


or boyfriend or two friends, is based on searching each other.

And every woman's search is, "Is there in this relationship the
same thing that I went through in childhood or not?" You are
looking for something where your past is not repeated in a man
or in a woman. So you live in the agony of your parents' past
and your own past.
How anybody can promise you the future? You cannot
guarantee your own future. You do not have tolerance,
patience, discipline to calm down yourself. Give yourself a
chance. (see the Meditations on page 9)
Anger gives you frustration in love. Anger gives you
frustration in actions. In relationship, in your social life, in

Circular Breathing and Tantric Sex
Circular breathing is the basic breath for tantric sex. Tantric means union. The first union is
within yourself. When you complete the circle of your own energy, you feel satisfied
because you are . united within yourself.

Circular breathing allows both men and women to contain their energy. When women are
able to contain their energy, their aura expands in sexuality. They are able to retain a sense
of their identity and not feel blown apart or abused in relationships.

When men raise and contain their sexual energy, it is not dissipated or wasted. They
maintain their potency into old age by nourishing their body with their own vital life force.
When men experience that they are the source of their own power, physically and
psychologically. They are no longer dependent upon women. They release their anger
toward women and no longer see them as untrustworthy. Once men have an option to
channel their sexual energy in their own body instead of being physically obliged to release
it, they no longer compromise themselves for sex or feel challenged by the power of women.

When sexual energy is channeled up the spine to the heart, the body and the psyche connect
to higher love. Physical passion becomes empowered with pure, unattached, non-
manipulative love. Communication and understanding between men and women becomes
easier. Obsessions fade into quite reasonableness. Real giving and receiving becomes
possible. Men and women release possessive and exploitative sexuality. Instead of
depleting and using each others' energy, they nurture and strengthen each other. They
experience tantric sexuality, where they unite and merge their male and female energies. In
the process they strengthen each others' auras and heal each other.

At this time raw energy and techniques alone are not effective in bringing out the results or
change that we really desire. Devoid of love and compassion, a technical approach only
causes or


Solar Plexus Goals for the Solar Plexus
The goal for the fourth Chakra is free oneself from subconscious emotional imprints. We must
consciously process our subconscious fears, but this is not enough. Rationalizations,
justifications and explanations are mind games and totally irrelevant to the body and the
feelings. The solar plexus can really only be experienced through feeling, not through thoughts.

To release the imprints from the body, we must FEEL the energy in the emotion. By feeling
the energy in our body, we transmute the dark energy into lighter energy. When you feel the
emotion of an experience, you tap the energy so that you can use it. You take the power from
it. You do this by being present to the feeling in the body until the body relaxes and releases.
When the energy moves through the body, you can use it for your own empowerment. You are

The key to being able to process all the negative emotional imprints hidden in the solar plexus is
to remember that they are NOT you. But as you feel them, you will get in touch with the real

We project fears out from the solar plexus. We manifest what we project. The process
for releasing our deepest negative emotions—fears, anger and sadness involves
• breathing
• feeling
• introspection.

Jump into the black hole and look. There is freedom in the void.
• Touch your innocence.
• Be vulnerable with yourself.
• Be honest with yourself about what you see and feel.

Strategy for Opening the Heart

The solar plexus is- the gateway to the heart. It is about healing the ego damage created in our
training process. The key is to retrieve the "gifts from the garbage." As we claim our gifts, we
open the gate to our own heart. The strategy for healing our wounds and claiming our power
include the following:

1. Study yourself and your hurt inner child in a Zen way. Fear and guilt judge. Look at what
happened with detachment, so that you can free yourself to move on to who you really are
and what
you really came here to do.

2. Look at your basic premises and beliefs that determine how you approach life and how you
manifest. Evaluate what is irrelevant, disrespectful and inapplicable to who you are and
what you


want and chose beliefs and assumptions that align with how you want to feel and what you want to create.

3. Contact your true essence, your passion, your wild man and wild woman. Feel the aliveness of
the primal and essential qualities of masculine yang energy and feminine yin energy. Get into your
unique expression of both yin and yang.

4. Open yourself to listen to the voice within. When you are willing to communicate and listen to
the hurt child, you also open the channel to your wild man and woman and your heart. The hurt
inner child is often our initial access point to the higher self.

The Three Major Emotions

Fear, anger and sadness are the three gates that must be moved through to open the heart.

• When we face our fears, we release our programs of rejection and open up inner and outer

• When we acknowledge and feel our. anger, we release blocked energy for passionate inner
motivation and action.

• When we surrender to our sadness, we release our resistance. When we relax and quit
resisting, what once bothered us can no longer set us up to react and be thrown off center.

The solar plexus is the culmination of our encounter with primal human issues. The issues are
programmed in all our chakras, especially in the lower three. At the solar plexus we have to undergo a
major restructuring of the psyche in order to release ourselves into the higher vibration of love. When we
do all our chakras are free to vibrate at their clear unencumbered frequencies. We are liberated to express
the basic essences, talents and powers represented in each chakra.

We open the path to the heart when:

• Fear is transmuted to love.

We feel safe, connected, recognized and worthy.

• The energy of anger is now available for action.

We can move forward and manifest our destiny instead of our

• Sadness releases into surrender.

We move from powerlessness to stillness. When we do not fight
ourselves, we receive answers. . (Notice every living thing has
surrendered except humans.)


- 10 -
The goal for the solar plexus is to calm the deep, often consciously imperceptible agitation and achieve
stillness. When we are fearless and at peace, we achieve a deep centeredness from which movement is
spontaneous. Feminine stillness is expansive. Masculine stillness is one-pointed.

The summary of the process at the solar plexus is

1. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and honest.

2. Open up to yourself.
3. Be willing.

4. Surrender

Kundalini Yoga Exercises for the Solar Plexus Diaphragm breathing

Long deep breathing at the solar plexus.

Engage the navel and the heart.
Be with the rising and falling in the diaphragm.
Expand, fill and empty the kidneys.
Get in touch with your deepest emotions.

Arm rotations

Arms out to sides, parallel to ground. Middle fingers

pointed out. Make circles backwards.

Angry face, fists to heart

bring the arms out straight in front

inhale, tighten fists
in a slow isometric movement bring fists to heart
exhale when fists reach heart
repeat 3-8 times until you are worn out
make an angry face while bring hands to heart

- 12 -
Exercise Set for Circulation
1) Sit in Crow Pose, a crouching position with the soles of the feet flat
on the floor. Keep the spine straight. Bring the arms parallel to the ground at
chest level, finger tips touching, palms facing down (A). The arm
movements for this exercise are as follows: alternating the left and right
arms, extend one arm straight out to the side, and then bring it back to the
original position. Continuing the arm movements, begin rising to a standing
position in 8 counts (each count takes 1 second). On each count
alternately move both the left and right arms out to the side. By the count of
4 you should be half-way up. Use a powerful breath of fire and mentally
chant Sa-Ta-Na-Ma rhythmically coordinating the movements of the arms
and legs with the breath and mantra. Continue for 11 minutes.
This exercise morphs on the abdomen, pelvis and thighs and is
very important for good health in a woman.

2) Sit in Easy Pose or Lotus Pose. Interlace the fingers in Venus Lock over
your head, index fingers extended, and elbows straight (A). Inhale, stretch
up. Exhale and stretch as you bring the forehead down to the left knee,
keeping the buttocks on the ground (B). Inhale and return to the starting
position. Exhale and stretch down to the right knee. Continue at a moderate
pace alternating from left to right for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on the liver. It releases anger and keeps
you young.

3) Come into Crow Pose. The hand position is the same as the
previous exercise (A). Keeping the spine straight, inhale and begin
standing up (B). Then exhale through the mouth as you go back down into
Crow Pose. Complete one cycle every 3-4 seconds. Continue for 3-4
This exercise works on the ankles and the meridian points there.

4) Sit with the legs stretched out in front. Grab the big toes of each
foot by hooking the forefingers around the big toes and pressing the
thumbs against the toenails (A). If you cannot reach the toes, grab your
ankles. Keeping the head up throughout the exercise, inhale through
the nose and stretch the spine up. Exhale through the mouth and
stretch forward as far as you can (B). Continue for 3-4 minutes at a
moderate pace. In crease your speed to a rapid pace for the last minute.
Total time 4-5 minutes. Inhale, exhale and relax for 30 seconds.
This exercise works on supplying oxygen to the brain. If the
head is not kept up during this exercise, it can create an
undesirable pressure on the brain.
5) Lie on your back. Inhale through your nose and raise
both legs up to 90° (A), toes pointed. Exhale through the
mouth, as you bend your knees and kick the buttocks with both
feet simultaneously, keeping the toes pointed. Complete one
cycle every second. Continue rhythmically with powerful 5
breathing for 2 minutes.
This exercise works on circulation.

6) In Cobra Pose, lie on the stomach with the chin on the

ground. The palms are flat on the floor under the shoulders;
the heels are together with the soles of the feet facing up (A).
Inhale through the nose, arching the spine up until the arms are
straight and the elbows locked in Cobra Pose (B). Exhale
through the mouth, and lower the body back down (A).
Complete one cycle every 4 seconds. Mentally chant Sa-

- 13 -
Ta-Na-Ma. Continue rhythmically, coordinating the movement with the breath and mantra for 3
This exercise works on circulation.

7) Remaining on the stomach come into Bow Pose. Reach back,

bend your knees and grab your ankles. In hale through the nose
and arch the spine completely, pulling on the ankles, so that only
the pelvis, abdomen and lower chest remain on the floor, head
tilted all the way back (A). Exhale through the mouth as you
come down, bringing the thighs, shoulders and head to the floor
(B). Complete one cycle every 2 seconds. Continue rhythmically
coordinating the movement with the breath for 1-2 minutes.
This exercise works on circulation.
8) Deeply relax in Corpse Pose. Lie on your back with your
arms at the sides, palms up, ankles uncrossed and eyes
closed (A). Relax the body systematically, part by part,
beginning with the feet and continuing on up to the head.
Totally and consciously relax for 2 minutes.
9) Remain in Corpse Pose. Disconnect yourself from your
body. Open the mouth a little and with only the power of
the tongue begin to chant aloud: Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har... Chant fast, powerfully and continuously
(4 repetitions of Har per second). The tongue will begin to hurt. Keep the body still. Continue for 4-5
minutes. Inhale, exhale and relax.

- 14 -
Exercise Set for Balancing the
These exercises are called "mirror exercises" and are most
effective if done in a room full of mirrors. Ultimately you
make a mental mirror and do them.
1) Sit in Easy Pose. Place the right hand to the side of the face,
palm facing toward the face. The left hand is resting on the
knee for support. Begin vibrating the right hand from the
wrist in 2-3 jerking movements from approximately the front
of the jaw area and back to the temples. There will be
tremendous tension at the neck and forehead. The head
and hand should move at the same time with the same
strength. Tension will move the head and strength will move
the hand. The ears will feel extreme pressure and your
hearing will become temporarily disconnected if done
correctly. Relax briefly after the completion of each cycle. At
this time your hearing will return to normal. Continue for 7
minutes. This exercise reduces anger and the trauma of

2) Sitting in Easy Pose, extend the arms straight out to the

sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing down (A). Begin
bending the hands at the wrists, one hand goes up as the
other one goes down (B). Then straighten the hands (A)
and reverse the movement. Keep the arms very straight
and move powerfully, putting your total strength into it.
There will be tension under the chin, causing you to shake
a little. Continue for 5 minutes. This exercise neutralizes the
left and right hemispheres of the brain.

3) In Easy Pose, interlace your fingers into Venus Lock and

place behind the neck (A). Keep the chin in and the chest out.
Rapidly raise the arms straight up over your head, palms
facing down (B) and then lower them down to the original
position. Continue with powerful breathing for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on breaking up the deposits in the
shoulders. It also works on the arteries, specifically the main
arteries to the brain.

4) Mirror Exercise: Remain sitting in Easy Pose. Stretch the

arms straight up with the palms facing each other. The
fingers are together with the thumbs separate (A). Keeping
the arms stiff like steel, move the hands back and forth in
opposite directions 6-9 inches (B). Move powerfully.
Continue for 4 minutes.
This exercise improves the balance in the hemispheres of the
brain. If this exercise is done correctly, the whole body will
adjust itself.

5) Still in Easy Pose, extend the arms straight out in front of

you. The palms are facing down and the fingers are together
parallel to the floor (A). Bend the hands straight up at the wrists
(B) and return them to the original position, then bend the
hands down towards the floor (C), again returning them to
the original position. Move powerfully with rhythm.
Continue for 3 minutes.

- 15 -

6) Sit in Easy Pose. Place your arms behind

your back and interlace the fingers into Venus
Lock. Swing the arms powerfully, twisting
from side to side. Move rapidly. Continue for 3
minutes. This exercise works on the liver. "11

7) Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms straight out

to the sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing
down. Keeping the elbows straight, begin
flapping the arms up and down for 3 counts (A).
On the count of 4, clap the hands over the head
(B). Continue with breath of fire for 7 minutes.
This exercise is very stimulating and good for
the chest muscles. It specifically works on the
lymph area and removes toxins from the body.

8) Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms straight out in

front and clap the hands (A). Then swing the
arms back and up, clapping the hands over
and behind the head (B). Continue moving
rhythmically and powerfully for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on adjusting the ribs.

9) Sitting down, lean back and place your hands on

the floor behind you, supporting the weight of
your body. Bend the legs, keep the knees slightly
apart and the calf muscles tight. Rapidly begin
kicking the buttocks with alternate feet. Continue
kicking powerfully for 7 minutes. This exercise
works on the often unused muscles of the buttocks
and breaks up any deposits which may have ac
cumulated there. It also opens up the capillaries
releasing the blood supply to the legs and feet.
10) Sit in Easy Pose. Place the hands on the knees
(A). Alternately bend from left to right bringing the
head down to the knee (B). Come all the way up
and bend all the way down. Continue rhythmically
for 4 minutes.
This exercise works on the hips and
eliminates gas. It also removes toxins from
the spleen.

11) Sit in Easy Pose. Stretch the arms up over the

head with the palms together and the thumbs
crossed. The arms are straight and hugging the
ears. Keep the chin in and chest out. Listen to the
"Dukh Bhanjan" tape and sing, copying the sound
perfectly. Sing loudly with an open heart, li the
tape is not available breathe long and gently. ingrained in the power. Then nothing
Continue for 20 minutes with the tape, 7-11 can touch you."
minutes without it. The posture in this exercise
is a perfect prayer pose. It is very difficult 43
to speak in this posture. Once you are able
to speak, it will open up your heart and you
will be able to conquer death. "When you
sing and pray with an open heart, the
prayer becomes your power. Your power
becomes ingrained in you and you become

- 16 -

A) Sit with straight spine in easy pose or lotus. Make the hands into a
cup with the palms facing up. Leave a fish-like hole between the sides of
the little fingers. (A1) Bow the head forward over the palms. (A2) Look
into the palms with the eyes almost closed. Inhale in 10 sections. Each
section has the mental mantra WHAHO associated with each part. Exhale in
10 sections with the mantra GURU on each part. Continue for 11 minutes.
Inhale and exhale powerfully.
B) Sit straight and chant WHAHO aloud 8 times and then chant GURU aloud
WHAHO This mantra is chanted in a monotone. Continue for 5 to 11
Build your practice of this meditation slowly up to 31 minutes. At times when the
path of truth and clarity seems lost, calm yourself and still your mind, then the path
will come to you. In this meditation, the head is out as if to be sacrificed and given
to the Guru or the higher Self. Besides strengthening your mental direction, it can alleviate any blood
disease. For yogic therapy, this meditation can slowly be built up to 2 ½ hours.
To live life according to the guidance of the inner truth is essential. If you do not, you will have doubts. If
doubts are not removed, then frustration comes in. Frustration, when not released, leads to anger. Anger
then leads to destructive action either to the Self, others, or both. To stop this vicious cycle, create the
habit to still the Self and ask questions of your own higher consciousness. This meditation can develop
that capacity.

- 18 -
Detoxification 29/5/84

"We detoxify continuously throughout life. We process food, thoughts, and all forms of energy. When
that flow is continuous and clear, we are steady and flexible. The trouble is that we accumulate more
than we process. We become weighted down under the ash of metabolism and the remnants of old
emotions. This set systematically moves the energy of the body and mind to keep you light and
vitalized. " GCSK

1. Lie down on your back with your legs straight. Your heels are together and your toes point
upward. Keeping your heels together, spread your feet apart so that they both point out to the
sides. The right foot points to the right and the left foot points to the left. Then close your feet so
they once again point straight upward. Continue quickly opening and
closing your feet, keeping your heels together. 4 Minutes.
2. Remain on your back and put your hands under your head. Raise your
legs up about two feet and scissor the legs up and down with out letting
the descending heel touch the ground. Keep your legs straight, do not
bend at the knees. This exercise clears up inner anger when done
vigorously. 4 Minutes.
3. Lie down on your stomach and stick out your tongue. Exhale through your mouth and push up
into Cobra Pose. Inhale through your mouth as you lower yourself back
to the ground. Continue, keeping your breath and movement strong. This
exercise removes toxins from the body. 61/2 Minutes.
4. Turn over on your back and bring your knees up to your chest. As the
knees touch the chest, raise your arms up to 90 degrees (parallel to each
other). Straighten your legs and lower your arms and legs back to the
floor at the same time. Continue this movement vigorously. 3 Minutes.
This is a controlled movement. There should be no noise when the arms
and legs touch the ground.
5. Sit in Easy Pose and revolve the torso around the base of the spine. This churning
movement is done in a counter-clockwise direction. Move as quickly as you can
during the last minute. 3 Minutes.

6. Stand up. Bend over and grab your ankles. While holding ontoyour ankles, 4
sit down in Crow Pose and come back up. Continue this movement
for 2 Minutes.

7. Sit comfortably in Easy Pose with your spine straight. Chant "Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat
Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Wahe Guru". ( One full repetition of the
mantra takes 7-8 seconds.) 11 Minutes.

To finish: Inhale deeply and stretch your arms over your head with your palms
touching. Hold your breath 20-40 seconds as you stretch your spine upward. Exhale.
Repeat this sequence two more times.

"A yogi is one whom the pair of opposite* does not affect. He does not obey the law of duality
and polarity." YB

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You and Your Body 13/2/85
"The body is not your friend, not your enemy, not your identity. Body has no relationship with you. It is
a time-wise momentary vehicle which gives you the right to live and experience
life." YB

1. Carefully come into Half Wheel Pose. Extend your tongue all the way out and do Breath
of Fire through your mouth. 4½ Minutes. Then slowly come out of the posture. Half Wheel
Pose will show you exactly what kind of relationship exists between you and your body.
2. Come into Shoulder Stand with your hands supporting your hips. Bring your left leg
back toward the floor behind you as you bring your right leg forward toward the floor in
front. Continue alternately moving the legs in this way. 1½
3. Freeze the motion of exercise 2 with your right leg backward
and your left leg forward. 1 Minute. Extend your tongue out and do breath of fire through
your mouth. 2 Minutes. This exercise affects the liver to get the anger out.
4. Sit with your legs stretched out straight in front of you. Grab
your toes and straighten your spine. Lift your chin up toward the ceiling, extend your
tongue and do Breath of Fire through your mouth. 11/2 Minutes.

5. Sit in Crow Pose and interlock your fingers on the top of your head.
Chant quickly in a monotone using the tip of your tongue: "Hari Har, Hari Har, Hari Har
Haree." 3 Minutes. (One round of the mantra will take about 3 seconds.)

6. Relax.

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OCTOBER 22, 1985
It is self-control which matters in life. Life is not given to you for any other reason but to experience your own creativity and
your own Self in the dignity of its existence. Y.B.

1. Sitting in easy pose, bring your hands into prayer pose at the center of
your chest and then extend your arms out to the sides. Return them to
prayer pose and continue, stretching the armpits as much as you can
when you extend the arms out to the sides. Breathe long and deep.
Keep moving faster and faster, extending the arms all the way out. You
are exercising your immune system and making it stronger. After 3
minutes start getting angry and feisty. Start fighting and use the
motion to get all your anger out. Continue for another 8 minutes.

2. Sitting in easy pose, interlace your fingers to lock your hands above your
head with your elbows straight. Twist left and right from the base of your
spine. Do breath of fire and move wildly. 4 Minutes. This is very good for the

3. Lie down on your back and make

your body jump vigorously up, down, and all around. Move every part of
your body including your head. Move vigorously. This is the best
exercise to get rid of anger
and it makes the immune
system healthy. 4 Minutes.

4. Turn onto your belly and lock your hands in the small of your
Again make your body jump vigorously up, down, and all around.
Move every part of you. 3 1/2 Minutes.

5. Keeping your forehead on the floor, grab your ankles and pull up
them so that you lift your knees up from the ground. Once you
are balanced with your knees suspended, hold the posture with a
long, slow breath for 1 1/2 Minutes.

6. Turn over onto your back and nap, listening to "Naad" by Sangeet Kaur.
After 11 minutes begin to sing along for another 4 minutes. In class Yogi Bhajan played the gong during this

- 21 -
February 26,1986
Stress and anger affect the skin. Inner anger can make you accomplish a lot, but if you are angry and
blaming, then this anger will keep you in a state of low self-esteem. This creates long-term stress which
dulls the mind, makes life boring, and takes away your happiness. This set of exercises works to improve
the skin by removing the effects of long-term anger and stress through adjustment of the metabolism.

1. Sit with the legs stretched out in front of you, arms at

your sides. Keeping the heels on the ground, bend the
left knee and raise it. Then as you lower the left
knee, raise the right knee so that you alternatively
move the knees up and down. 3 minutes.
2. Continue the same leg motion as in the first exercise.
Stretch the arms straight out in front of you, palms
facing down and alternately move the hands and
arms up and down coordinating with the leg motion,
so that your left knee and arm move together and then
your right knee and arm move. Move at a speed of 5 times per second or faster and try to create a sweat.
15 minutes.
3. Lie on your back with the arms at the sides. Raise and
lower the pelvis so that the body from the shoulders to the
ankles is lifted off the ground and then lowered back down.
Move very quickly. 9 minutes.

4. Same exercise as #3 but instead of lying on your back, lie on

your stomach. 13 minutes.

5. Cat stretch alternately to the left side and

then to the right side. Do as many as you can. 4 minutes.

6. Lie down and relax. Breathe extremely slowly. 11 minutes.

- 22 -

Inner anger is the basis of inferiority and superiority complexes, manipulation and lying, all skin
diseases, misbehavior, wrong calculation, destruction of business success, and destruction of
relationships. Inner anger blocks you from having a relationship with yourself. This set works on the body
system to release us from our inner anger.

1. Lie down flat on your back in a relaxed posture with your arms at your
sides, palms up and your legs slightly apart. Pretend to snore. 1 ½ minutes.
2. Still lying on your back, keeping your legs out straight, raise both legs up to 6
inches and hold. 2 minutes. This exercise balances anger. It pressurizes the
navel to balance the entire system.
3. Remaining in the posture with your legs up at 6
inches, stick out your tongue and do Breath of Fire through your mouth. 1 ½
4. Still lying on your back, lift your legs up to 90 degrees with your arms on the
ground by your sides. Begin to beat the ground with all the anger you can
achieve. Beat hard and fast. 21/2 minutes.
5. Still on your back, bring your knees to your chest, and stick your tongue out.
Inhale through your open mouth and exhale through your nose. 2 minutes.
6. Sit in Celibate Pose buttocks on floor between heels. Cross your
arms over your chest and press them hard against your rib cage. Bend forward and touch
your forehead to the floor as if you are bowing. For 2 ½ minutes
move at a pace of approximately 30 bows per minute, then for
another 30 seconds speed up and move as fast as you can.
7. Sitting with your legs straight out in front of you, begin to beat all parts of your body with
open palms. Move fast. 2 minutes.

8. Stand up. Bend forward, keeping your back parallel to the giound, and let your
arms and hands hang loose. Remain in this posture and sing for three minutes. (In
class, Yogi Bhajan played a tape of "Guru, Guru, Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru."

9. Continue singing and come into Cobra Pose, keeping the

elbows straight and stretching the spine. 1 minute. 9A. Begin circling your
neck, continue to sing. 30 seconds. 9B. Still in Cobra Pose begin kicking the
ground with alternate feet. 30 seconds.
10. Sit in Easy Pose and close your eyes. Stretch your arms over
your head, keeping the elbows straight, and interlock
your fingers, with the index fingers pointing straight up.
Begin Sat Kriya for 1 minute 15 seconds.
11. Lie down in Corpse Pose and nap for 5 minutes.

- 23 -
JANUARY 31,1990

This is a very powerful rebirthing experience. You will touch your anger at the time of birth. It will reduce your inner anger,
which totally controls your mood. As you do this kriya, allow your body to go through its changes: if you cough, sneeze, or
cry, just go through it. Let it out naturally, consciously.

You will need 2 oranges

1. Sitting in easy pose, hold one orange in each hand. Dig your five finger-
nails into the orange as if you were holding it in a lion's claws. Your elbows are bent, palms are facing each
other, holding the oranges up above shoulder level. Your eyes are on the tip of your nose and the tongue is out.
Grasp your oranges tightly with your fingernails, really dig them in. The fingers are the antennae of the five
parts of the brain and represent the left and right hemispheres. Play "Rake Rakenhar" by Nirinjan Kaur very
softly. Keep the posture and stay steady. 17 Minutes.

Inhale and exhale. Shake your hands over your head. 1/2 Minute. Walk and talk and move around the room,
but do not close your eyes. 11 Minutes.

2. Sit down again holding the oranges as in exercise 1. Eyes are at the tip of your nose and the tongue is fully
extended out of the mouth. Play "Rake Rakenhar" more loudly this time. 14 Minutes.

Relax. Shake your hands and jump all around to move the energy everywhere in the body. Peel your oranges
and eat them.

3. Sit in easy pose. Look upwards toward the sky and laugh as loud as you can. 1 Minute. Inhale and relax.

The key to this exercise is the connection between the fingers and the five elements. The five elements and
the five parts of the brain within each hemisphere correspond. They stimulate the brain to release old
problems and emotions and finally achieve a new integration and balance. GSK

- 24 -
January 4, 1994

1. Sit in easy pose with your arms straight out to the sides. The elbows are up at the
same level as the shoulders and the palms face downward. Bend the elbows in so that
the forearms and fingertips point straight forward. There will be a stretch felt in the
armpits. Close your eyes and focus the closed eyes at the tip of the chin. Breathe
slowly and deeply. Sit straight with the chin in and the chest out. 3 Minutes.

2. Remain in the same position as the first exercise but turn the palms up
toward the ceiling. This will stretch the wrists. Do the best you can to
make the palms turn upwards. 3 Minutes.

3. Still in the same position, turn the palms so that they are facing out to
the sides. The pinkie side of the hand is up and the thumb side of the
hand is down. Keep the arms up at shoulder level and still focus the
closed eyes at the center of the chin. 3 Minutes.

To Finish: Inhale, hold the breath, and squeeze all the muscles of the body.
Exhale and repeat this sequence two more times. Relax.

We are designed to face the challenge of tomorrow. To use that potential we must live in the present
moment and accept what that moment brings. If we become angry, resentful, or dive into a fantasy we
lose synchrony with the moment and cannot make an appropriate response. This set recalibrates our
responsiveness to what is, as it is. GSK

Fantasy and anger totally destroy the human body. Tolerance is the greatest human asset. YB

- 25 -
where not separate Assisi Dec 94 (Guru Dev)
1 108 times, the sleeping frog, without putting your legs on the floor
stretch up and down your legs to 60 degrees and come up as to touch
your feet with your hands and the knees with the face. This breaks the
anger and the crystals.

2 2-3 minutes: frying fish, pull up abruptly the pelvis and let it fall down on the

3 1-2 minutes stay down on the floor, like in the picture, bring backward the
neck, while bring in evidence the thyroid that balances in this exercise.

4 1 minute. Now relax you in this position with

the head to the floor the breath is along and

5 17 minutes: easy pose, eyes are closed at the

tip of the chin, concentrate at the 7th. chakra,
pump constantly the navel point with rhythm without any relation with
the breathing which is deep and long. This meditation will bring you to the
primal point, when the SOUL and the IDENTITY were not separate.1
minute: start to say the mantra HAR HAR HAR HAR from the navel point at the same rhythm of
the pumping

6 3 minutes: now bring your arms above your head in the venus lock
and continue to say the mantra HAR HAR HAR HAR....and
continue to pump the navel...

7 Bring your hands in the BUDDHA position, stay still and concentrate at the
7th chakra, eyes closed to the tip of your chin, fell your own silence...3-31

- 26 -
To Keep Ourselves in Perfect Shape 24/4/95

1. Sit on the floor and spread the legs as wide as possible. Lock
the hands behind the back in venus lock. Bend to the left and
touch the nose to the left knee and then bend to the right and
touch the nose to the right knee. As you bend over each
knee the arms come up. Chant "Har" as you bend down and
"Haray" as you come up. 4 and 3/4 minutes.
2. Remain in the same position. Bend forward and chant "Har"
as you touch your nose to your left knee and rise up. Bend
down again to the center and chant "Har" and come up.
Bend to the right knee and chant "Haray" and come up.
Continue for 1 ½ minutes.
3. Sitting with the legs in the same position, raise the arms
straight over the head and lock the hands. Twist the torso
rapidly left and right keeping the arms straight. This loosens
up the lower rib cage and lungs. 2 minutes.
4. Still sitting with the legs spread, lock your hands in front of
your chest and twist left and right. Use anger to fuel this
movement, it is not a gentle movement, it has to be wild. 2

5. Lie down on your back with the legs still spread wide and rest both hands at
your navel point. Roll the tongue, stick it slightly past the lips, as in Sitali Kriya,
and do Breath of Fire through the mouth while raising and lowering your torso like a
sit-up. 5 minutes.

6. This exercise is done to the tape of "Har Har Mukande" (with affirmations) by
Liv Singh Khalsa. In Frog Pose with your hands on the ground meditate at the
third eye point. 6A) At each "Har Har" strongly pull in the navel point; 6B) at
each "Mukande" lift up the buttocks and straighten the knees. 41/2 minutes.
This tunes all the organs of the body.

Sit and meditate at your third eye point for 2 minutes.

- 27 -
Hast Kriya Earth to Heavens 31/1/96

Extend your Jupiter (index) fingers on both hands. Lock the other fingers down with your thumbs. Time

your movements with the tape Sat Nam Wahe Guru #2 by Jagjit Singh. Touch your Jupiter fingers to the
floor on either side of you when the ragi chants "Sat." Touch your Jupiter fingers together over the top of
your head when the ragi chants "Nam." Touch your Jupiter fingers to the floor on either side of you when
the ragi chants "Sat." Touch your Jupiter fingers together over the top of your head when the ragi chants
"Nam." Touch your Jupiter fingers to the floor on either side of you when the ragi chants "Wah-hay."
Touch your Jupiter fingers together over the top of your head when the ragi chants "Guroo." Touch your
Jupiter fingers to the floor on either side of you when the ragi chants "Wah-hay." Touch your Jupiter
fingers together over the top of your head when the ragi chants "Guroo."
This kriya renews the nervous system and can heal nerve pain and sciatica. It is so powerful it can hold
the Hand of God; so powerful, it can hold the hand of death. "Sat Nam Wahe Guru" is a Jupiter mantra.
The most graceful power and knowledge comes from Jupiter. Jupiter controls the medulla oblongata, the
neurological center of the brain, and the three rings of the brain stem.
If you do this kriya for 22 minutes a day, you will totally change your personality. Power will descend
from above and clean you out. Anger and obnoxiousness will disappear from your personality.

"We are all together in the One Creator's Consciousness,"


- 28 -
Correct the Five Tattwas 31/1/96

Sit in easy pose with your elbows bent, palms facing each other
about shoulder height. Touch the tip of the Mercury (pinkie) finger
to the tip of the thumb. Keep the other three fingers straight so that
your Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter antennae are lined up. Stick your
tongue all the way out and breathe in and out through your mouth
as fast as you can. This panting diaphragm breath is called Dog
Breath. Close your eyes and listen to the breath. The sound of this
breath is "Har." 10 Minutes.
To finish: Inhale deeply, roll your tongue inward, and hold your
breath for 15 seconds. Exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times.
This kriya unlocks the diaphragm, takes away anger, and can return
you to the innocent state of childhood.

"Try to live innocent, straight, calm, quiet, and peaceful." YB

- 29 -
Releasing Childhood Anger 9/3/99
March 9, 1999

Sit in easy pose with your arms stretched out straight to the sides. There is no bend in the elbows. Use
your thumbs to lock down the Mercury and Sun fingers (pinkie and ring fingers) and extend the Jupiter
and Saturn fingers (index and middle fingers). The palms face forward and the fingers point out to the
Inhale deeply by sucking air through your closed teeth and exhale through your nose. 11 Minutes.

To finish: Inhale deeply, hold the breath for 10 seconds while you stretch your spine up and stretch your
arms out to the sides, and exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times.

This meditation will give you some subtle powers. It will change you inside and out. It can be done
either in the morning or the evening, but if you do it in the evening, the next morning you will find that
your whole caliber and energy is changed.

"Show some respect for your hidden power. Awaken it!"


- 30 -
Conquer Inner Anger and Burn It Out 3/8/99

Sit in easy pose with your arms stretched out straight to

the sides. There is no bend in the elbows. The Jupiter
(Index) finger points upward and the thumb locks
down the other fingers. The power of Jupiter, the
knowledge, should be tough, stiff, and straight.
Close your eyes and concentrate on your spine. Inhale
deeply through the rolled tongue (Sitali breath) and
exhale through the nose. 11 Minutes.
To finish: Inhale deeply, hold the breath for 10 seconds
while you stretch your arms out to the sides as far as
possible, exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times.

This meditation can be done either in the morning or the evening. If you do this eleven minutes
every day, your entire life will change. This will give you a new life. Do this for forty days, it will
change your personality from A to Z.

"Taking is suffering. Giving is happiness." YB

- 31 -
#M157 MEDITATION - Kriya to Develop Human Power 12/12/99
The Experience of Your Self
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - December 12th, 1999 - Johannesburg, South Africa
Your intellect gives you one thousand thoughts per wink of the eye. Just imagine how many thoughts you
create each day! Some of these thoughts become feelings. Out of a million feelings you have a few hundred
thousand emotions. Out of many, many emotions you will have one desire Out of many, many desires you
may complete one if you are clean. All unfulfilled thoughts go to your subconscious mind and from there
to the conscious mind where you have daydreams and nightmares. You then live in an imaginative world,
and fantasy is very easy, very charming, You can live in a palace "just like that!" It does not cost anything—
just you and your thought and your belief in that thought.
Many people are victims of phobias. We have sixteen split personalities, to start with, but an abnormal
phobia may entail having over 108 personalities. You think, you think that you do not think, and you do
not think because you are still thinking. You said it! Do you understand this formula? You lie all the time!
If you do not believe me, just record yourself for a whole day. Then at night, play the recording and listen
to yourself: You will hear lying for nothing. You just lie! Why? You do not want to trust anybody, because
you do not trust yourself You do not have the potential energy essential to create a union between you
and yourself
Yoga is to create one's own magnificent self Your power is in your purity and piety. From that will come
compassion, kindness, care, sweetness, smiles and love. When we love, there are no barriers, no desires,
no needs, no wants. It is transparent! When the universe becomes transparent between two people they
can see through everything. But we live within the boundaries of our thoughts, we do not share our real
thoughts with anybody. A man and wife can sleep together for fifty years without telling each other their
basic thoughts. It is called a composite opposite. People make up a personality with their alter ego.
One day, lie on your bed, look up at the ceiling and think about your alter ego. Ask yourself these
questions: "How many things do I lie about?" "How many things am I truthful about?" 'Why am I not
simple?" And you might ask yourself why you have sex with everybody or with nobody and what is this
drama going on in your life, and why. You have to find the basic element in you. You have to find who you
are. That is what Kundalini Yoga is about. Once you find who you are, the universe is yours and
everything comes to you.
You cannot become a master if you cannot become a slave. And who wants to be a slave? Nobody! It is the
most difficult thing to do, I know. When I was seven years old my grandfather sent me to my teacher
with fifty horsemen, tents and servants. When they left, 1 had only a bunk bed and a bucket of lime—it
was my job to keep the outhouses dean. I said, "I will be tested for a few days. It doesn't matter."
After four months my teacher called me and said, "You ire not clean yet." "No," I answered. "I am very
imperfect What is wrong?' 'You think you come from a rich family. You are stupid." "Wow," I thought,
"nobody has said 'stupid' to me!" If somebody in the village said that 1 was stupid, his head would have
rolled on the ground. "Why is he telling me I am stupid? There must be some reason for it" Then 1 sat
down calmly and said, "Yes, I am stupid. If you don't correct me then you'll also be stupid!"
He gave me the biggest lesson, which I want to share with you. He said, "In this life, all that you have is
from previous lives. What you earn in this fife will free you. If you smile, laugh and are graceful you will
be free. Do not barter your grace for anything." It went to my heart, and I have lived it all these years. I
have my best friend in life, my Grace, I will not jeopardize it And if I can give anybody something, my
grace tells me what to give: Forgiveness.
If anybody does wrong, there is nothing wrong. Do not react! If you want to progress in your life and
grow, act to not react. Your energy, growth and self-confidence depend on this. Over and above at else, you
need the experience of yourself
Science has two powerful tools. One is a tens and the other is a lever. With a lever we move what cannot
be moved, and with a lens we see what cannot be seen The whole world is based on that. This same lens
is also inside of you. Let us see if we can clear our front lobe and central neurological and sciatic system,
with its projection and its biochemistry After so many years they have found it is true, that the brain
works not only with chemicals but with many interlocked nerves. Let us do this beautify kriya:

- 32 -
Johannesburg S.A. Part I
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Relax your hands in your lap, palms
facing up. Eyes are focused at the tip of the nose. Make an "o" of your mouth
and breathe through it, inhaling in 4 strokes followed by a Cannon Fire
Exhale. Continue for 11 to 31 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold and let the
breath prevail through your being, Cannon Fire Exhale. Repeat 2 more times.
Part II
Stretch both arms forward and upward at 60 degree angles, palms facing
inward. The elbows must be straight. Rhythmically make fists and open the
hands wide. The arms and hands must be so hard and stiff that when your
hands open it is as if an electric shock is going through them. Continue at a
fast rhythm for II to 31 minutes. To end, maintain the posture and make the
hands into tight fists. Inhale deeply, hold the breath and tighten the fists even
more. Squeeze your entire body! Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. On the last
inhale also stretch die spine from the tailbone all the way up. Relax.
You have to create an electro-magnetic field with an electrical vibratory effect.
It will give you a new, fresh young brain. Be sexual, sensual, angry. Get out,
anything you can. Release the hidden anger which is burning inside although
you' are smiling. It is a very powerful exercise that will clear away
subconscious dirt
When you feel pain below the elbow it means the descending colon is
inflamed. Do it fast and faster—set against yourself! Less than that will not
work. Make up your mind that "No matter what, I am going to cut through,"
and cut through you—above your spirit, above your body, above your mind. If
you get that experience you can be the greatest. Break through the walls of
taboos and feelings and imaginations. Cut it out! Do it and master it—or it
will hang you up for the rest of your life.
When you can do this exercise for 31 minutes, it will make you a superior
person, taking you to certain areas where you never thought you could be. By
doing these exercises you will be good and alert. Those who flirt do not know how to be alert, and those
who are alert do not flirt. They are positive, exact and straightforwardly truthful. That is the only way to
Part III
Extend the arms forward at shoulder level parallel to the floor, with elbows slightly bent. Hands are held
loosely. Palms are face down. Move the arms up and dawn as though you are bouncing balls. Eyes are
dosed. Move the shoulders and die spine with the motion. Move the whole body so much that you start
to come up off the floor. Use your nerve power. Take your nervous system into your command and move,
move, move! Continue for II to 31 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and press your hands together as
you stretch the arms forward as much you can. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.
This exercise will cleanse and clear your thoughts. It will help the kidneys, liver, spleen and the
mechanical movement of your muscles. When doing it, get angry! It is a better therapy than any therapy
you have done so far.
Do this Kriya for 40 days, starting each exercise with 11 minutes and working up to 31 minutes. You will
become a perfect specimen of human power—beautiful, bountiful and blissful.
"May God bless you, bless you, bless you. May your purity and piety give you bliss and may your reality
give you prosperity and power to serve others. May you always be for others so God may be for you. We
thank Thee, Oh Lord, for this moment of our union and may we progress on the Path by Thy Will. Sat

- 33 -
#M158/2 Contraction and Expansion 18/12/99
-Alamonte Springs, FL, USA

Sit down very kindly and relax about life. There are two ways of living: in one you expand, in the other
you contract. We are afraid to expand, because we are not sure how we will handle it We are afraid to
contract, because we do not know what we can lose. We are caught in between the two. The question is,
can we handle ourselves? Because if we cannot handle ourselves we cannot handle our contraction or our
When man found the technology of Kundalini 'Yoga 3,000 years ago, the human race realized that
expansion and contraction are just like high and low pressure—they must be there to move mankind.
They are there to raise the spirit and move anxiety, fear and space. The fundamental reality is that you
must expand or you must contract. There is no way out! As in the upper atmosphere, high pressure and
low pressure play with each other, generating winds. As the winds move, so do the oceans. When the
oceans move, the Earth is affected. Everything is interlocked except man, who thinks he is not. This
Sometimes you get stuck in a habit and cannot progress in life. Then something suddenly crosses your
life and the base you have had for years goes to zero. Moving is your right! Making means multiplying and
expanding the space. Moving means meeting a lot of people. Moving means moving, moving, moving—
through thoughts, through the mind, through body, spirit and soul. Otherwise you contract, and
contract, and contract, and then hit each other. Walls go up. Barriers are created. There are no smiles, no
love. We socially cut each other off Rather than creating joy of trust, happiness and grace, we end up as
misers, with tons of hidden agendas. "Let me survive and let everybody die." Fool! If everybody dies, you
will not survive!
My father was a doctor. One day I asked him, "Papa, this patient lives very far away It is 250 miles on a
pony. Are you going to go?" He looked at me and laughed, '"You forget that I am not a man, 1 am a doctor!"
I replied, "In the whole area you are the only doctor, and a lot of people can be sick. "You can be gone for
many days!" He said, "" It's called the 'call of duty.' I may not come back. I may die on the way. But if
somebody is sick, I have to go." And he went! When he came back I asked, "What happened?" He said,
"Nothing. He was on the verge of death. We did our best. He will survive" And I looked at his face and
learned, a man is a father but man is a god also. He rose above his position as a man. He rose to the height
of spirit and answered the call of Dharma. I was convinced there was no medicine he could give to heal a
dying man, but Cod knew how to repay him and give him victory.
Among us, in every sphere of our lives, there are a million moments when the call of duty comes. But we
do not have the habit to answer. We have an equivalent of it—excuses. It is those blunders we commit to
each other that bring us to the verge of unhappiness. We chase insanity. We know that we are what we
eat, yet we eat junk. We know we must live in peace, yet we live in terror. We know we must be loving
to each other, but we do not want to! Intimacy brings contempt in us! We are neurotically aware that if
we become social then somebody will know us intimately, and then we are trapped. And we do not want
to be trapped. We want to trap but we do not want to be trapped! We are obnoxious inside and out, and
plan it properly. But in the end the other person knows.
In the modern age you are being taught multiple philosophies and therapies. In real life there is just one
single topic: You are you in the beginning, you are you in the middle, and you are you in the end. The
greatest thing you confront today is that God is not outside of you. There is no place to worship; there is
nothing to pray to. It is all you. Pray to yourself! Pray that you should not be silly. Pray that you should be
gracious. Pray that you should be open.
People like Jesus, Nanak and Buddha are role models. They laid out a life for us to live. They guided us.
They told us that God made us in His Own Image. Why do we have different images? Why not have our
own image? We have been told that we are born in sin, and this is very deniable. How can Almighty
Perfect God, Grace of Everything, create the most obnoxious, upside-down person? Does His Computer
work wrong? No. There are our low-grade handicaps and our high-grade boasting of ego. Nevertheless, as
humans we are nothing but pure angels.

- 34 -
Kundalini Yoga is the technology for a householder to gain maximum energy to bring the serf to a balance
in the shortest possible time. Each practitioner has to practice for himself and herself. There is no such
thing as God. God is within you. When you pray, "Oh God, bless me!" actually, you have to bless yourself!
God sent you here and affection, love and coziness. Tonight we would like to
expand ourselves a little bit through physical and mental knowledge. Let us see if
we can do it right, right away:
MEDITATION - Self-Healing to Make You Great! (31 minutes)
1. Sit with your knees dose to the chest, feet flat on the ground, heels and toes
together. Wrap your arms around the legs with the hands in Venus Lock. Let your
head relax down toward the knees. Eyes are closed. Relax in the posture for 20
Repent like a good Christian. In exactly 3 minutes you will start to get upset
because you do not know what to repent for. But try. Repent without a thought.
It is a very simple mental process. This posture will give you equilibrium. Calm, quiet and peace must
prevail to have relief from your ailing tale. Be yourself and be very bright Think very deeply and be all
right Once in a lifetime you should do this—just sit, and be.
Let your self go. Become thoughtless. Do not think. Do not let thoughts bombard you. Come to shuniya,
zero. Zero thought and zero self Find your own internal peace. When you can find your internal peace,
you have found God within you. Concentrate on breath; your mind will not wander. With 3 minutes of
thoughtlessness you can be young for ten years. Relax in this posture and you will have a thoughtless
moment. That moment is all the power you need.
Consciously do very slow and gentle Long Deep Breathing. With this Applied Breath' your mind becomes
still, and that stillness gives great relief Give your prana a chance to touch you. Calm yourself down and
bring yourself to a zero equilibrium. You will find you are all-perfect. This perfection of the Prana, the
Pavan Guru, gives all coziness and wisdom.
As we have deep tension and anger in us, we also have an equal capacity to deeply relax. Just give yourself
up. God gave you a self Give it back to Him for a few moments. Breathe deeply and calmly, quietly,
peacefully. Do not hurry Do not worry. There is nothing to achieve. It may be the first time you are
introducing yourself to yourself
As the tension breaks, the body will go through changes. Keep doing the Applied Breath.' your mind will
be controlled, spirit will prevail and you will win!
2. Maintain the posture and chant the mantra, "Raa Maa Daa Saa " by Gurunam. Continue for II minutes.
During the last 3 minutes whisper the mantra.
You now have the right to heal yourself The words of this mantra are the tongue in intercourse with your
own upper palate, where there are 84 meridian points. When we create these sounds it covers the entire
universe as a sound current. Raa means Sun. Maa means Moon. It means, "One Who Creates the Service
of the Sun and Moon."
3. To end, consciously inhale deeply and hold the breath tight. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. On the last
inhale, sit up as straight as you can with your legs held to your chest. Relax.
This meditation can take away even the worst depression in the life of a person. Your own posture can
totally cure you, heal you and nurture you and make you great. It is just a matter of having trust with
yourself If you ever need a friend, you are your best friend. Those who seek friendship and love from
outside forget that it is all within them. If you are not in love with yourself you cannot relate to yourself,
and you are as proportionately fake to yourself as you are to somebody else. Simply, you are clever enough
to cover your defect. But what is the point of doing this? It will not work, and others will come to know
sooner or later.
"May the Grace bring you consciousness, and your consciousness turn towards the Grace, as we all turn
towards the Light. May your courage bring you the power to serve, and humility bring you the ecstasy of
consciousness. May on this day we all learn it is our higher self which supports our lower self May we
come to understand that any smile, any warmth, any kindness on our part is the only thing that the
Divine registers. And may we tune-in to our loving lift forever. On this day may we slowly grow towards
that ecstasy for which we take birth. May us within us find our self and our God within. Sat Nam."

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NM0329 Ego and Divinity Do Not Meet! 8/10/99 .
We want to exist by our individual territory, but Dharma is nothing but collectiveness. On one hand you want to
rule everybody and be recognized by everybody. On the other hand you are very afraid of collectiveness, although
collectivity and being neutral are the harmony of life! Once I suggested to a teacher to go, teach and just have
fun. Instead, he set out to establish himself and make money. Seven years passed. He asked me, "Where have I
gone wrong?" I said, "I told you to go and teach, instead you are establishing yourself!" "Is that wrong?" "It is
neither right nor wrong. You forget—I sent you with simple instructions." So, he went back and started teaching,
connecting with people and appreciating everybody from his pure soul. A lot of contacts and opportunities came
his way and he automatically became established. Ego and divinity do not meet! Ego has animosity with divinity.
You can have either ego or divinity, as you choose. With ego you will be isolated. With divinity you will be always
gracious, precious and have all you need. People are thinking of how big their kitchen, their car and their wardrobe
are. They do not understand that how big these are does not matter. How many people want to participate around
them? How big is their congregation? How big is their circle of students? How many friends do they have? How
many people have they helped, served and elevated? That kind of big is real in itself. Your manners and behavior
can totally set people off, and you cannot correct it. It is very important that we be the best listeners and the best
speakers, full of manners, kind and compassionate, so our word can be heard with no projection of anger to
disturb the other person. You have a right to yell and scream, only providing you penetrate a student as a teacher
at the navel point, for it is your privilege to awaken people from a long sleep. Some of you are so blind, deaf and
speech so badly! Although you sometimes enter the presence where with a little good behavior you can be
redeemed and blessed, you do not know what you are doing! All you know is your ego and that you wear very
divine clothes, and with your divinity you go. You forget that ego and divinity do not go together! You can have
twenty women, sixty children and seventy million dollars, but your death will be no guarantee that you will be any
more free than a ghost. That is why Guru Nanak said, "Oh God, whichever way you want to uplift me, please do!"
His life became a prayer, because he knew there is no parallel to prayer. He took a melody, sang songs and gave
wisdom so that everybody could learn. Some people want everyone to think they are intelligent and everybody else
is dumb. Showing off costs them friendships, social structure, life, projection and everything else. Said Guru Nanak,
"One who develops the habit of listening becomes a Siddha, a Pir and Sur Nath—one who can change the entire
molecular structure." And, "All islands, all universes, all underworlds and over-worlds, will listen to you if you know
how to listen." If you do not know how to listen, your own spirit and soul will not listen to you. Miracles happen in
life, but when you add ego and say, "I did it," you make a mess of yourself, for God does it. The Piscean Age of
books, libraries, certifications, and all sensual, sexual existence will be totally consumed by the Information Age.
We will live with a different understanding, and will walk with different attitudes. Those who want to be great have
to be full of greatness, count their blessings and answer the call of duty. Tonight we are appreciating that you may
give yourself the initiative to count your values and your virtues.
MEDITATION - Self-Initiative
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Place the left hand on the heart and raise the right
hand in front of the right shoulder, as though you are taking an oath. Elbows are relaxed
down and fingers of both hands are spread. Eyes are 1/10 open and focused at the tip of
the nose. Chant the mantra, "Ong Namo, Guroo Dayv Namo," by Nirinjan Kaur. Continue
for 28 minutes.
2. In the same posture do Long Deep Breathing as you listen to the mantra. Continue for 3
minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and tighten your fingers. Squeeze your entire being
and put as much pressure on your heart center as you can. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times.
Relax. "It has taken a lot of tool, a lot of determination and a lot of character building to
come to the end of this millennium. I hope you will carry on the next. Blessed are those
who have the virtues of the Guru and put themselves in the Hand of God. They shall be blessed forever. May God
give wisdom to egomaniacs, and to rude and crude people kindness and compassion. Sat Nam."

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#LA 0947. Be in Command! 7/11/99
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - November 7th , 1999 - Los Angeles, CA, USA
MEDITATION - For Self-Control Part I - Cross Your Barrier
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Lock your hands in Bear Grip in front of the
forehead, with elbows out to the sides, raised above shoulder level. Make an "o" of
your mouth and inhale through it as you straighten the arms upwards. Exhale
through the nose as you return to the starting position. Close the eyes and
meditate on the sound of the breath. Continue for 3 minutes. To end, inhale
deeply, hold, stretch your hands and your spine. Cannon Fire Exhale. Relax.
Move very systematically and rhythmically so all disease can be burned out of the
blood. Listen to the sound of the Breath of Life—this can do more for you than the
movement. Become part of the total energy. Do not lose courage. Test your grit.
Cross the barrier! continued
These exercises are re-vibrating and re-shaping your being with the tool of the
Breath of Life. We are doing them to break that line beyond which you cannot go.
To cross that limited space to become unlimited. To cross that defined state of
mind to become infinite.

Part II - Shiva Shakti Kriya

Brings the hands together in front of your mouth in a lotus bud shape: fingertips
and base of the hands are touching creating a ball shape, thumbs are together.
Elbows are relaxed down. Make an "o" of your mouth and inhale through it as the
thumbs (the lingam, the male organ) go inside the space between the hands (the
yum, the female organ). Exhale as you extend the thumbs toward the mouth.
Continue for 3 minutes.
Anytime you do this exercise it will energize and re-cooperate your physical

Part III - Recharge

Raise both arms to the sides at 60 degrees angles with no bend in the elbows,
palms facing forward, fingers spread open and tight like steel. The tighter the
fingers are, the more perfectly the energy will prevail. Make an "o" of your mouth
and breathe with full-strength. Receive energy from the heavens and earth to
recharge and become strong. Continue for 3 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold
and let this breath circulate throughout your being. Cannon Fire Exhale. Relax.
You need to be in your control. If you practice this meditation, it will help you.
You can do these three exercises each morning in bed to revive and renew
yourself for the whole day. And the whole day you can be just charming,
energetic, together and real. You will not he.
Knowledge belongs to those who practice, and lousiness belongs to those who do
not. Knowing is not enough. Experience is.

On Getting Rid of Anger

If you do not get rid of anger you get cancer. Cancer comes to those who have inner anger. But it is
very easy to get rid of anger. The simple solution is: Sitali Pranayama. Breathe through an extended,
curled tongue for exactly 3 minutes, then drink a glass of cold water. You will be surprised how you feel!

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#LA0951 34 Shine the Brightness 15/2/00
February 15th, 2000 - Los Angeles, CA, USA

W e have a conflict between our caliber and our intellect, yet we do not recognize, understand or want to do
anything about it. Our intelligence guides us but we do not have the caliber to carry through. It is okay to become
spiritual, read books, talk spiritually, be better than others, guide people. But that does not mean being religious at
all. If the reality does not come out of you, and you are afraid to be real, you have an interwoven network. You
influence people, people influence you, environments influence you—you are in a churning wheel, moving back and
forth. You cannot develop yourself. You are not original. You do not have any faculty of you within you. Some
people become rich because they know how to exploit. This is not greatness at all. It is a temporary benefit and a
permanent loss. When you have a habit of exploiting... you go to exploit your wife, she says, “Bye! Give me 50%
and get out of my life!” It is the same exploiter who is successful, but through the subconscious habit of exploiting
anything and everything he has no life of his own. He cannot live, cannot love, he does not know how to flow. He
has no humility, no humor, no happiness. His consciousness—the consciousness which has to give him value,
excellence, peace, discovery, and all he needs—is based on manipulation. Life is a practical joy only if you think
happiness is your birthright, and you can only have happiness when you are neutral. When you have an objection,
option, and opinion you are not neutral. Only by being neutral can your existence feel the flow of your psyche.
Otherwise you stop your greatness and become smaller and smaller, narrower and narrower. You were born to
expand, to elevate, to be bright, to be beautiful, bountiful and blissful. It is your natural faculty. Shine the brightness
You must know about yourself and see beyond you. There is no difference between you and God—it is a matter of
caliber. Make your caliber brighter and bigger. Try to see through.
MEDITATION - Dispel Inner Anger and Gain Neutral Self
1. Part 1. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Eyes are closed. With the
elbows relaxed down, extend the forearms parallel to the ground. Make
tight fists of your hands, with the thumbs on the outside. Chanting Har,
Har, Har... from the navel, forcefully and rhythmically sweep the
forearms towards the diaphragm, left fist over right. Make the
movement very hard without touching the body. Continue for 11
minutes. To end, inhale deep, hold 15 seconds with the hands in front
of the diaphragm, tightening them as you have never done before.
Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax. If you do this practice every day for a
few days, the internal anger—from which you are suffering and which comes
out subconsciously in many ways through your personality—will disappear. Volunteer yourself to get it out—
why suffer? It is a powerful exercise. Afterwards you get into a state of ecstasy. Once your inner anger is out, all
you are left with is wisdom.
2. Part 2. Still sitting with eyes closed, place both hands at the heart center. Go into a deep, calm
meditation. As you trust in non-existence, feel and imagine non-existence. Let yourself go... balance
the energy. The power created in the first part of the meditation must be replaced by self-neutral self.
Continue for 11 minutes. During the last half of the meditation you may sing along with Hari Bhajan
Kaur’s On This Day song. Relax

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LA0952 The Golden Bridge 19/02/00
February 19th, 2000 - Los Angeles, CA, USA

Y oga is a union between your soul and your self. It is not exercising and building muscles—for that you can go
to a gym. It is not mind control—you can go for hypnosis. It is not spiritual, for you to become God or know God.
You have to become you. Become a partner with your spirit and shine. The pair of opposites do not affect the yogi.
Rising above good or bad, whether he is very sick or very healthy, a yogi is very happy. He understands that the
purpose of his free will is to accept, know and practice God’s Will. People are enemies of their own happiness.
Charming beauty, hair styles, clothes, being sexy, do not give you a value. You will never get a price for what you
merit. Happiness cannot come from outside. You have to get happiness from inside, where you are full of
tremendous happiness. Clearing the subconscious is the way of life. You cannot act consciously if you have a guilty
subconscious. When the subconscious empties itself into the consciousness and the unconsciousness empties into
consciousness, you have nightmares. It takes one minute to decide “I am human. I have my grace, I have my virtues,
I have my values.” If you have these four things, God will come to you, you do not have to search for God. As long
as you do not have the determination to utilize these four things in dealing with life, you will be in pain. You do not
need to convince everybody that you are great. Your very presence and each word of yours should be great. And see
how greatness—not manipulation, not games—attracts things. A human who cuts through everything unto God has
the infinite power of love. Love gives people ecstasy. And ecstasy has no dimension, no terms, no condition, no gain
or loss. What you call love—sexual, sensory, commotional love—is not love. You have not yet found love. Purkha
and Prakirti, the Being and the Universe—serve those who are in love. It is not a matter of heart or head, and it is not
a matter of you. If the sentiments are pure, and if your words are from your purity and piety, the other person will
not only believe it, he will give his life for it. Our value is not based on how much money we have, or in our
knowledge, or in our degrees. Our value is based on our purity and piety. We are an embodiment of it. Build your
height to be right. Walk tall, recognize God in all. Never, ever let yourself down. Never, ever let anybody down.
Never, ever participate in a scheme to let down. You will always be victorious. Work with that tremendous honesty.
When you rise up, all you wish for will happen. Everything you want to belong to will belong to you. It is the law of
nature. Otherwise you sweat and hustle. The day a man trusts that God is, and does not trust his ego, the whole world
becomes an amigo. Happiness and riches will surround the person who has saintliness in his heart. It is a very easy
way. How many of you will cross this Golden Bridge? We can make a
space, talk to you face to face, let you understand what is what. After
that it is up to you. Because without discipline, without commitment,
there is no character.
MEDITATION - Burn Inner Anger and Build the Immune
System Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Extend and
stretch the right arm forward and upward at a 60 degree angle,
pointing the index and middle fingers. Place the left hand on
your heart. Eyes are closed. Form an “o” with the mouth and
breathe powerfully through it. Do it emotionally—burn your
inner anger, get rid of it. Continue for 11 minutes. To end,
inhale deeply, hold 10 seconds, stretch both arms and hands
over the head, and stretch the spine. Cannon Fire Exhale.
Repeat 2 more times. Relax. This meditation will build a powerful
immune system. It correlates the breath of life, the tattvas and the
chakras. If you do it for 11 minutes everyday, after 40 days you will
be a different person

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#NM0342 46 Elevate Others 19/4/00
April 19th, 2000 - Espanola, NM, USA

I f you keep eating, one day you will become constipated. Similarly, when you have thousand thoughts per blink of
the eye—creating feelings, desires, neuroses and psychoses—it is possible you will get stuck within your own
neuroses. When a thought is haunting you, a psychologist or psychiatrist cannot help you. Any thought which is not
fulfilled goes to the subconscious. An overloaded subconscious will drop into the unconscious, and an overloaded
unconscious will generate a haunting thought in your conscious. Fantasy overextends to the point that you start
believing it, and finally you become that. When reality, earth and the heavenly fantasies do not meet together, we get
in trouble. And now, in the Information Age—there will be so much trouble. Conversing in a chat room for hours
and hours causes you to become addicted to sitting in front of the computer. You become caught in the network of
computers. Sooner or later no one will go to the office— you will go to your computer. What is your power?
Money? Health? Knowledge? No! Your everlasting power is seva, selfless service. If you do not have the power to
elevate others, you have absolutely no power. If your attitude does not elevate others, you are not human. Lack of
seva can raise you to nothing. Real seva can raise you to everything. What is keeping you bound down to your lower
self? It is your neurosis. You are stuck in your neuroses. You are trapped. You love your ego more than your
identity. “In God I trust,” is what you have to learn. Get up in the morning, do your sadhana, cleanse yourself. It will
bring you purity and piety so you may elevate yourself, and then you can elevate others. Learn the shabd of the
Guru, then become that shabd itself. “My mind, you are the Light of God.”When you enjoy the Guru’s word and live
it, you start shining. People start respecting you, because people want to be unlimited. But instead of taking the
gospel of the Guru, you start gossiping, saying negative things and putting a person down. Your life is based on
sex—marrying here, divorcing there, sex here, sex there, falling in love, falling out of love. You proclaim, “I have so
many acres of land,” “I have this much money,” “I am a business man,” “I am an attorney,” “I am a doctor.”You
invest in all this dirt. In the end you end up in the dirt, six feet deep. You do not understand sex, and you do not
understand life. When you get up in the morning and open your eyes, touch the top of your head with the right hand,
blessing yourself, saying, “I am a human being. Thank You Lord for giving me another day. Thank You for making
me a human being.” We have to work very hard and very powerfully to get rid of our subconscious neuroses and get
ready to face our tomorrow.
MEDITATION - Bless Yourself
Raise both arms to the sides,
elbows bent at 90 degree angles,
so that the forearms are pointing
upward. Hands face forward. Eyes
are focused at the tip of the nose.
Chant along with Nirinjan Kaur’s
Humee Hum Brahm Hum mantra. In
rhythm with the mantra touch the
top of your head with the left hand
(Humee Hum), blessing yourself,
then return to the starting position
(Brahm Hum). Continue for 11
minutes. To end, inhale, hold the
breath and tighten the spine, and
stiffen the left hand. Pull the energy
of the spine into the left hand. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax. When you get up in the morning, stretch
yourself in cat pose. Then lie down straight with your right arm alongside you, and bless yourself as you did in the
meditation. One blessing is enough to start your day. Start living consciously. Become a human being. Be humble,
serviceful, kind, compassionate. Your power to heal is in how much anger you have forgiven yourself for

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#NM0362 82 Caliber 16/10/00
October 16th, 2000 - Espanola, NM, USA

O ur caliber can be diverted, perverted and misunderstood. When you lose touch with your
consciousness, your caliber has to lean on emotions. When emotions cannot answer your questions, you
become angry, and that anger destroys you. Nobody in this world is your enemy. No one has time to destroy
you! Only your professional, personal and social anger can destroy you. We desire things rather than
deserve them, but you cannot be productive in your life if you are not desirable to yourself. You complain,
“People are unkind to me,“ “God is unkind to me.” The fact is, you do not use your consciousness to be
kind to yourself. You are willing to cause everything, but you do not want to face the effect. Your inner
power is your mind. Your power is not your wealth. Everybody has some wealth, but few people have the
power of meditation. The world serves those who are meditative. They radiate peace, tranquillity, calmness
and kindness. Through meditation you can purify the mind and find contentment Some people leech on to
their past. If something has happened to you as a young child, why bring it into your present and ruin your
future? This life is a gift to test your caliber. This life is for you, forever. It is not a matter of power or
cleverness, it is a matter of being humble. It is not a matter of dwelling on your ego, it is a matter of
dwelling on your caliber. Caliber will give you consciousness, consciousness will give you communication,
and communication will fulfil all your needs and more. Guru Nanak said, “How can we be truthful
graciously and how can this wall of falsehood be broken? In the ambrosial hours of the morning
you are not alone. At that time God is with you. When your caliber captivates the capacity of
infinity, at that time you are in your original caliber of reality. Praise the Creator so that your
creativity becomes infinity. Then you will be covered, and you will see the door of redemption.
Seeing the infinity of your caliber, your smallness disappears. Nanak knows only this way.” Caliber
is forever. Caliber is unbreakable communication, friendship, future and destiny. Caliber has the capacity of
conscious power. Through meditation you can conquer your mind. If you mend your mind, you win the
whole world. Through meditation you purify your
mind to direct yourself towards purity. The mind
cannot simply sit, it will direct you somewhere.
The mind can either direct you to purity or to
complaint, depending on which side you choose.
MEDITATION - Develop the Essence of
Caliber Sit straight in a cross-legged position.
Bring the hands into Prayer Mudra in front of
your chest. Eyes are closed. Sing along with
Nirinjan Kaur’s Ong Namo Guroo Dayv Namo
mantra. Continue for 31 minutes. To end,
inhale deeply, hold, and meditate on your
essence of caliber. Exhale. Repeat 2 more
times. Relax

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#NM0364 84 On Communication I - Your Unseen is God 23/10/00

October 23rd, 2000 - W ithout the art of communication, the ability to express, project, reach out and
listen—you cannot reach the heart or turn the head of another person, and you will face many difficulties in
life. Most people have ego, neuroses and ambitions, and they do not want to listen. People have inborn
neuroses because of circumstances, parents and childhood. Parents do not know how to communicate with
children, and do not give them values. Their communication is a control system. Many people do not want
to communicate. They want to lean on their expectations. When you expect people to be a certain way, it is
difficult for them to agree immediately just by reading your expectations. Some people have virtues, but no
values. They work well, but you cannot depend on them, they do not respond to you because it is not their
priority. When you do not receive a prioritized communication, you do not know what is going on and you
must reach out all the time just to understand. Some people begin to destroy themselves when they become
successful. They become frustrated, angry, reaching nowhere—therefore they do not want their success.
Frustration and depression come from noncommunication. People are afraid to talk about themselves or
their situations. In communication, you are never sure who is going to help you. Anyone can help you.
Communication is the basis of prosperity. Anger and frustration are a shield against prosperity and better
communication. “Because of this, because of that…”There is no because. If you create a cause, then you
have to face the sequence. And if you face the sequence, then you have to face the consequences. Listening
is the most powerful aspect of communication. Be peaceful, listen, see the other point of view, and come out
with a mutual understanding. Communication is the only way to bring mutual understanding and the natural
outcome of every expression of love. When somebody loves you and does not say it, you know it through
their body language and many other ways. Appreciate it. Appreciation is communication. Japji is
marvelously rich. If properly pronounced, it can give you the ability to reassess and reconsider your
communication, and to develop the habit to pre-judge and pre-know your communication. When Guru
Nanak says, “Whatever pleases Thee, O Lord, that action is wonderful, O Unseen One,” this is confirmation
that you are always in perfect existence. In short, Guru Nanak is saying, “Your unseen is God.” Your
unseen is your sweetness, your comprehension, your compassion. Your unseen is the chance to change the
scene. If you have this understanding you can live in complete understanding of your own life. When we
live in doubt, it is because we cannot communicate with ourselves about the huge reality of life—that we
are everything, for we are made in God’s own image, and God is everything.
MEDITATION - Understand the Nature of
Communication Sit straight in a cross-legged
position. Bring the hands up with pinky fingers
pointing up and the other fingers held down with the
thumbs. Palms are facing forward, elbows relaxed
down. Eyes are closed. Chant loudly from the navel
point Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam Jee, Wah-hay
Guroo, Wah-hay Guroo, Wah-hay Guroo Jee along with
the instrumental tape Dhuni . Continue for 22
minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and circulate
the energy in every cell of your body. Exhale
powerfully. Repeat one more time. Inhale as deeply
as you can, hold, and stretch your spine, circulating
the sound into your body. Exhale and relax. As the
stringed instrument plays during the meditation, it
provokes you to say the mantra. Similarly, the psyche of
the universe prevails and provokes you to say certain things. When you say them wrong, it is because you
are not pure. Understand that your misfortune is contained in your miscommunications. If you understand
the cosmic music and communicate accordingly, you will be pure and prosperous.

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#NM0339 Live Beyond Karma 4/11/00
February 4th, 2000 - Espanola, NM, USA
Every day you want to live. While living, do you produce energy to live, or do you use energy to live? Do emotions
and commotions guide your life, or do you guide your own self-esteem, reality and ecstasy? It is that deep inner
strength by which a human lives—I am, I am. That is God in us. How you die does not matter. Do you leave a
legacy behind? If you do not have self-control, self-knowledge and self awareness, you will be lazy, lousy,
complaining, miserable and without manners, sobriety, calmness and depth. There is a difference between people
who talk and people who practice— when there is an avalanche, they stand tall. That human quality is very precious.
Even if you can see God, you are useless. So long as you cannot share, you are good for nothing. Actions should be
by the call of duty, not of emotions. It is a very difficult way of life. It challenges the very core of human essence. It
integrates individual purity and piety with the entire universe. And there is no running away, no hiding, no
weakness. Personal strength is so strong that the Will of God becomes weaker than the man. Make yourself so pure
and lofty that, before planning, God should ask you, “What is your opinion?” The tragedy is that you prostitute
yourself. This most precious life God gave you, you lose for nothing. You think you are enjoying-—you are putting
another brick on your grave! Finally, under the weight of your own karma, you will be destroyed. Prostituting God’s
gifts, body, mind and spirit, you shall never get reality, even if God grants immunity from this sinful action. Because
actions have reactions, equal and opposite. Be as sick as you can be, and still do the job. Bitch is a bitch, but when
she is called to do a job, if she does it, everything is even. It is that action. This is the essence of Bhagavad-Gita.
At the time of Bhagavad-Gita people were conquerors of death. They were beyond karma. Because with eyes of
purity and piety they could see the beauty of the universe. There was no cry. There was ecstasy. “Ang Sang Wah-
hay Guroo.” With you, God is. There are 30 trillion cells in you, and with each cell God is— 30 trillion living
1. Part 1. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Raise the right arm up straight,
pointing the index finger. The left hand rests on your heart. Eyes are closed.
Chant Sat Nam in a constant rhythm, about eight times per 10 seconds. Chant
the sound Sat from the navel, and pull the umbilicus all the way in toward the
spine. On Naam relax the belly. Continue for 11 minutes. During the last minute
whistle it—it is difficult but will give you internal relaxation. To end, inhale
deeply, hold, stretch the spine and balance the body. Cannon Fire Exhale.
Inhale again, hold and raise both hands straight up pointing the index fingers,
stretch the spine, uplift the diaphragm and stretch the navel point. Cannon Fire
Exhale. Inhale again, hold and interlock the fingers overhead, lift up your body
and stretch the spine. Cannon Fire Exhale. Relax. We have the power to create in
us the power we need. Screwing around is not what the body was made for. We are part
animal, part human, part angel. Our anger is not angelic. That is why we suffer. If you
want to drive a car with no brakes you are sure to have an accident. There are people
who talk on a loudspeaker all their lives—no one cares. There are people who say two
words—the world listens to them.
2. Part 2. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Extend the right arm with the
index finger pointing forward. The left hand rests on your lap. Rotate the right hand in small clockwise
circles as fast as you can. Continue for 3 minutes. Relax

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#NM0374 94 Patience and Intuition 28/11/00

E very action of your life—planning, thinking and doing—is to experience a sense of

completion. You live by prana, and prana is complete, so you feel you must become complete. But
the feeling that “I am incomplete” exists when you do not trust in God, when you do not believe in
God, and when you do not love God. I met a man in Los Angeles who wanted a facelift. He looked
beautiful, but was insecure that he was not pretty. His sixty years of life experience could not
convince him that he was okay. After surgery he was in a miserable state, with a severe cut under
his chin. He came out all right following six months of corrective surgery. When I asked what had
happened he said, “I was a fool!” No one has to tell you that you are pretty—you have to tell
yourself. We are, by nature, complete. When we do not recognize it, we feel incomplete. The body
progresses according to its age. It is a very balanced progression. As the age factor takes away the
light and brightness of youth, it gives the wonderful wisdom of old age. We are hostile to ourselves
when we do not understand this process. We are short-circuited by anger and we cannot flourish.
You must consciously breathe the breath of life. Give yourself a chance to wait, and the patience to
understand. When you meet and talk with somebody, or think about somebody, you cannot even
think of that person’s condition if you do not use patience and intuition. If you do not use patience
and intuition you will do a lot of wrong. Patience and intuition are essential in order to meditatively
assess what is going on.
MEDITATION - What Is Going On?
1. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Hold your hands in
Sarab Gyan Mudra in front of the heart—fingers
interlocked with the index fingers extended pointing up
and thumbs crossed. Eyes are closed. Chant along with
Nirinjan Kaur’s Ong Namo Guroo Dayv Namo mantra.
Continue for 11 minutes
2. Remain in the same position and consciously breathe
long and deep in silence. Use your breath to enter a
thoughtless state. Continue for 11 minutes. 3. Remain in
the same position and do Breath of Fire, pumping the
navel powerfully to move the energy through your entire
being. Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply,
hold for the maximum amount of time possible and
completely exhale. Then inhale deeply, hold, and
squeeze the spine and ribcage. Cannon Fire Exhale.
Repeat 2 more times. Relax

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NM0388 Anger and Innocence 13/3/01
They say that anger is the cause of cancer. When you are angry your entire energy consolidates into the
wavelength of that angry thought, you stay in anger perpetually. Your anger takes away nourishment
from your body, takes away heat from your stomach and energy from your blood circulation. If you
realize the cost you pay for one moment of anger, you would never become angry. You feel that you
must hassle, work, and plan or you will die in poverty. Because of fear you wonder who will feed you,
protect you, and take care of you. Who cared for you when you were an infant? You are taken care of
when you flow with the natural flow of energy. When you understand that you are part of the universe
and the universe is part of you, you will be social, smiling, laughing and welcoming everybody. People
will trust you and listen to you. You do not need to give them anything. Let them see that you are you.
The surroundings will start giving you energy, and opportunities will come your way. First you see
single opportunities for you, then collective and finally universal opportunities. You will have no limits,
and no reason to be angry. Sometimes our anger puts us into firm isolation. People come and talk to us,
and we do not care. Man is a social animal: Without society, without encirclement, we cannot survive.
Even our sun and the mightiest stars move on their orbits. We age from moment to moment. As the body
grows and changes, the mind must develop equally. We are stuck in duality because our concept and our
projection are not the same. The purpose of rising early in the morning and meditating, saying “Hello” to
everybody, is simple: We encourage ourselves, just as the sun shines in the morning. It is definite in our
life that we should shine. You are born on earth to realize the heavens. Develop your mind correlative to
your body, find and understand the innocence of that child which is you, and with the strength of your
life’s projection of growth, touch the heavens! Why do you want to trust in the known, thinking it is
permanent? It is not permanent! The only thing permanent is the Unknown. You live in the middle of this
criss-cross between the known and Unknown. Remember that the Cosmos is your Ultimate Friend. Just
do not forget: It is forgetfulness which brings us to a lot of anger; we forget the vastness of our Creator.
Do you ever recall that you were once a crawling child? If you cannot produce that crawling child within
yourself, in your meditation, you will not be able to recall the Almighty God. They say, “Know thyself.”
Know thyself when you were an innocent child, when all you could do was smile and cry and everything
was done for you. Everything will be done for you when you see that child in you and confirm your
NM0388 MEDITATION - Recall Your Inner Innocence
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Tuck the left hand flat
under the right armpit with the thumb outside. Raise the left arm
straight forward at a 60 degree angle, palm facing down, fingers
together. Close the eyes or look at the tip of the nose. Do Breath
of Fire through a pursed mouth. Without singing, use the breath
to chant the mantra “Har, Har, Har, Har…” (“Tantric Har” by
Simran Kaur and Guru Prem Singh). Continue for 11 minutes.
To end, inhale deeply, hold and stretch the body and spine, bring
yourself to your entire self-conscious knowledge, from the tips of
the fingers to the tips of your toes. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times.
Relax. This meditation will make you so beautiful, you can’t
believe it! A flower that does not blossom cannot have
fragrance. A person who is not happy cannot join society. A
person who cannot serve cannot have friendship.
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - March 13th, 2001 - Espanola, NM, USA

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NM0398 Let God Work for You! 8/5/01
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - May 8th, 2001 - Espanola, NM, USA
Each morning we need at least fifteen minutes to stretch our bodies and eleven minutes to meditate. Otherwise
we put pressure on reserves and become too mental. Whether rich or poor we are unhappy because we do not
know how to relax. Even those who are religious and those who have families have an uptight state of
existence. We compete and compare, giving no time or energy to ourselves. We want to conquer or get
conquered. Life is not meant to be this way! We are meant to relax, to find our dignity and grace, to be to be.
There were six brothers. The youngest saw that his brothers’ lives were tragedies. They fought with their
wives, worried and hassled at work, and were never satisfied. He declared, “An angel has told me to sit under a
tree.” At first no one cared, but after a month they thought there must be something to it. Many people came
and asked questions. He just sat silently. People brought food, built him a hut for the winter and fanned him in
the summer. In the ambrosial hours he exercised, bathed in the river and came back to sit silently. After fifteen
years he left that tree. People followed him. One day there were 2000 people walking behind him. A sadhu
came and asked, “What are you doing?”“I’m practicing pratyahar—nothingness. I learned from my brothers
and my parents. There was only anguish and anger, there was no peace.”“What is the reality of
God?”“Worker! You work for God, I work for none. I sit and God works for me.” God is an impulse, not a
personality. The battery of a watch sets the impulse to go tick, tick, tick…. That is life and that is your
impulse! Your impulse, instead of getting stuck with God, the Infinite, your Creator, the Ek Ong Kar, gets
stuck with a man, a woman, houses, boats, horses, dogs and everything else! Humanity is in turmoil because it
does not know how to direct its impulse. People have not learned that wealth, health, happiness, grace, power
and everything will come to them when their impulse is direct towards Infinity. Creative consciousness has its
own creative impulse that must merge with the universal impulse, and the creative mind must merge with the
universal mind. When they both meet it is called heavens. When you have a little bit of wisdom and a person
in trouble comes, you uplift him, smile, bless and pray. You share with that person. That is all! Spirituality is
not standing on the head with your legs up for hours. I have achieved super powers written about in books and
found them to be a nuisance. The highest power is to be humble. The greatest power is to smile. Your beauty is
not in having everything in the world. Your beauty is in sharing everything in your world! Your power is not
doing wrong when you want to do wrong. Your power is your self-control, when you want to do wrong, and
you are able to do wrong, and you do not. It is a creative projection. And your greatest realization is to realize
that your weaknesses belong to God and your goodness belongs to others. When you falsely boast and tell
others that you are better, you are rich, you are wonderful—you are not! God’s greatest blessing, the one that
will make you bountiful and blissful, is when you have the chance to serve. And the greatest curse is when you
have the chance to serve and you miss it. Project purity and deliver piety and the world’s prosperity will be
yours. Your only value is your purity. When you want something, have it! But God may be waiting to give you
ten times or a hundred times more than what you wanted! Wait. Trust the One who has created you. Believe.
Trust. Be.
NM0398 MEDITATION - Speak to the Heavens
Sit straight in a cross-legged position, chin in, chest out (students must
sit facing forward in straight lines parallel to the teacher’s bench).
Grasp the shoulders with the fingers in front and the thumbs in back.
Elbows are up to the sides at 60 degree angles. Eyes are closed.
Continue for 31 minutes divided into three parts: first part chant from
the navel the mantra, “Har Haray Haree” by Gurushabd Singh and
Sarab Shakti Kaur; second part sing the “Ik Acharee Chand” shabd
(“Ajai Alai” by Gurushabd Singh and Nirinjan Kaur. Jaap Sahib, lines
190-196); last part sing, “Bountiful, Blissful & Beautiful” by Nirinjan
Kaur. During the last minute do long and deep breathing. Go into
thoughtlessness. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and squeeze your body.
Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax
For Fits of Anger: Celery. When you are going to yell and scream take celery and chew on it, then live
happily. You will become soft-spoken and laugh all the time. Celery works its way.

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NM0406 Share the Best with Others 4/06/01
As we enter the Aquarian Age, some people are hanging on, some are barely walking and others are dragging
their heels. Those who are imaginative and wonderful are in misery when their ego is not satisfied. Others,
whose defects could be overcome by doing sadhana, believe they have a sadhana but do not do it. On one
hand they live positively and on the other hand they live with their defects. This pain in life is self-
perpetuating and limitless. You are corrupted before reaching the age of 27. People seeking a mate or a
relationship feel they have a right to sex it out. This “sexing it out” can never leave your being. It is not just
prostituting the body. To pimp your feelings or your mind is worse than prostitution. How can you forget the
deeply embedded memories of entanglement between a man and a woman, or subconsciously wipe them out?
Where do you get the power? Somebody said to me, “I have the habit of being free!” It means having no
commitment, no character, no dignity, no divinity, no grace. Free from what? It is a joy to have children—but
without virtues, without values, without training? How many parents share manners for their children to
practice? How many live in a dream world because it is more convenient and pleasant than reality? How
many times do you want to break down the banks of the river and flood the entire population, and think you
will have friends? How many times have you insulted people with your bad manners and crude language?
How many months has it taken you in your life to find out that you have anger and must get rid of it? How
long will it be until you realize you are not the end of the world, you are not the final word and you are not
God, but just a human being? Shine as a light, with a smile, with love and affection, and with compassion.
Where there is no love, there is fear. You have never bothered to discipline yourselves, to do sadhana, and do
it like Aradhana to reach Prabhupati. You can be told and told, but will you listen for your sake? There is a
new posture, the “Hang In” posture. Hang in and blame your parents and neighbors. When you blame and
blame, you cannot claim anything in life. Without the discipline and the cleansing effects of sadhana, you do
not rise above your body and being. Take time to sit and plan, to feel confident and comfortable. In a life of
self-competency, where we leave off comparing and competing, we are respected. Be grateful for what you
have. When you are great, you are fulfilled. Have patience and take care of yourself. “I have put three things
in this plate: Sat, truth; Santokh, patience; and Vicharo, self-analysis. To this I have added God’s Name,
which is like nectar. That is the greatest satisfaction.” – Guru Arjan, Rehiras Sahib If you have character and
commitment, if you remember that God alone has made you, that you are the identity of God, and if you
remember “Ang Sang Wah-hay Guroo,” that God is within your every limb, you will be free of frustrations,
anger and game playing. I asked someone, “You left in the middle of class. What happened?” “I felt that you
were talking about me and it made me angry, so I thought I should go.” “Did leaving the class make that
something in you leave?” “No. That’s why I came today, to ask you what to do.” “Let the past go. Change
your behavior. Smile at everybody, say hello with love and affection, shake hands. The shortest route? Do not
satisfy your ego, God will satisfy your soul.” You like to think you have the right to break the discipline and
be obnoxious, but you do not want the consequences. Just because we have a voice, does not mean that we
should yell and scream at people. Show them the way, guide them, hold their hand. Keep the good for
yourself, keep the better for tomorrow, and share the best with others.
NM0406 MEDITATION - Know the Best of You
sit straight in a cross-legged position. Extend and stretch the arms upwards at 60 degree angles, pointing the
index fingers and holding the other three fingers with the tumbs. Eyes are closed. Be
steady. Stretch your elbows. Balance the body. Let the spine shake, not the hands.
Chant the “Maha Mrityunjai Mantra” by Alka Yagnik (Om Tri-ambakham Yaajaa
Mahay, Sugandheem Pushteevaadhaanan, Oorvaarookamiv Bandhanaat, Mrityor
Mukhshee-aa Maamrootaat). Continue for 11 to 31 minutes. To end, inhale deeply,
hold, and stretch the arms and spine. Make every fiber of the body tight like steel.
Exhale. Repeat 2 times. Relax

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LA0964 The Inner Child 07/04/01
When you turn seventy-two years old like me, you will deny you are a child. I am a child and there is a
pretty big child in me. He has never left me. He cannot go away! The only thing I can do is to deny that I
am a child, “My beard is white, I am old!” But this is not true. I am three-fold—the child who has grown
within me, children who have grown out of me, and children around me. Anybody who has loved you,
has loved that childlike innocence which never goes away. Children are always innocent and truthful,
humble and smiling, natural and real. Children are never corrupt. We are taught corruption by our
surroundings, when we are asked to forget the child. Why? There would be nothing to hunt, nothing to
play, no one to make a fool of. You are told “You are not a child anymore” by people who want you to
trust a situation. The moment you know there is a child in you, and that child is being attacked, you
become the most powerful, protective force, because the mother or father instinct is an automatic,
absolutely natural defense mechanism in you. Once the child is awakened and makes a cry of danger, the
mother, Adi Shakti, and the father, Purkha, come to the front, and nothing can upset you. You become
real, powerful and excellent! Once awakened, you will never deny your child—your innocence, beauty,
bounty and bliss. There is no rigmarole of games or hustling to go through to find God, because God is
already found within you. We must accept the child in us. Humbly. Without humility we have no
strength. Strength of consciousness and soul are proportionate in humility. Say out loud, “Humbly
yours.” It is difficult! It is not your habit. If you can learn this, “Humbly yours,” the entire world will be
yours. You will not have to find God—God will find you. If you cannot do it because of your big “I,”
you cannot open your third eye. Consciously, unconsciously and subconsciously develop the child in
you, that child which is God. We are bright. We shine. We have
beauty, bounty and bliss. What more do you need? You have dignity.
You are princes and princesses. That is your real beauty! Call on these
powers, sit and chant, give and receive prana
LA0964 MEDITATION - Call on Your Inner Powers
Part 1 - Bhakti. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Both hands are in
receptive Gyan Mudra. Cross the right hand over the left hand in front of the
heart center, so that the four tips of the thumbs and index fingers are
touching, palms facing up. Eyes are closed. Imagine you are sitting on top of
the cold, wind-blown Himalayas in utmost peace and tranquility. Chant along
with the “Maha Mrityunjai Mantra” by Alka Yagnik, (Om Tri-ambakham
Yaajaa Mahay, Sugandheem Pushteevaadhaanan, Oorvaarookamiv
Bandhanaat, Mrityor Mukhshee-aa Maamrootaat). Continue for 11 minutes.
To end, deeply inhale, exhale and relax. Through this mantra man has
learned to face Death. We are invoking our mental nervous system to quickly
enter the Age of Aquarius so that we may help others along the way. If you
can take the rhythm of the mind to this extent, you will be the purest people
on the earth.
Part 2 - Shakti. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Chant the Kundalini Bhakti Mantra in call and answer style
(the teacher, recording, or musicians first sing a line of the mantra and those meditating repeat it). Continue for 11
minutes. During the last minute sing in unison. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and exhale. Repeat 2 more times.
Relax. In this meditation we respond and attract correspondingly, stage-by-stage, as we call on all the creative
Shakti powers to come, to appear, to manifest. Those who call upon these powers can heal the world. There is one
God, and he is not without arms and legs: God has different Shaktis. You can read books on the philosophy of the
universe, but what counts is what you think. Say simple things. Be yourself. Protect the innocent child within you.
There is no greater power than that child in you. It was, it is and it shall be. In one basket there are flowers, in the
other thorns. Everything has a reason. If you want to know the reasons and stop contriving reasons, then remember
this: Children are innocent and loved by all, including Mother Nature. Be there to protect that child.

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NM0411 Compassion and Passion 20/8/01
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - August 20th, 2001 - Espanola, NM, USA
When God is in you, you are compassionate. When a demon is in you, you are passionate. In the way of
passion you work, hustle and scheme to get whatever you want. In the way of compassion you do
nothing, it is all done for you. You do not want to look divine. You want to look beautiful and passionate
so that you can seduce people and opportunities. Wanting to be rich, you get into the rigmarole of
riches—scared that no one cares about you or that someone may cheat you. Just as all knowledge is
useless if there is no experience, life is useless if there is no compassion. Who do you live for? Your self,
your family, your friends, your city? What empowers you? Does God empower you? Do you see God in
everyone, everywhere, for all purposes? Passion is self-involvement into self. Compassion is universal
involvement into the universe. When you got up this morning did you meditate on your breath and thank
the One who gave you the Breath of Life? See how ridiculous it is to become conscious in the morning
and to not breathe consciously! Karma changes into Dharma when you apply your consciousness. This
life is a gift. It is not yours! When somebody gives you a gift, you take care of it—ten years later when
someone asks you where you got it you say, “So and so gave it to me.” And when God gives you the gift
of life, there is no mention, no mention at all! Remember that the One who rotates the Earth everyday
can take care of your routine. All that is happening to us is from previous lives. If we just pay the debt
and do not add any plus to our account, we will have nothing. Time is passing, precious time, do not
waste the Breath of Life! Sing His Praises! Understand that you are a creature! Start belonging to the One
who made you belong. In the cosmology of your existence, in the unison of your atoms, in the dance of
yourself lay a power and sensitivity for which you are responsible. Why are you suffering? You are born
by His Will. Relax! Unlimitedness will not be touched. Where you use “I”, “Thou” will run away. When
“Thou” runs away, “I” has no place, because “Thou” opens the Third Eye, “I” does not.
NM0411 MEDITATION - Bhakti, Shakti and Prayer Part 1 – Bhakti Yoga.
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Eyes are closed. Meditate on the spine from the base to the top,
and chant the “Ramiya Tan Barak Tayraa” shabd (from “In His Mercy” by Guru Raj Kaur). In this
composition by Kabir, Creator and creature talk together. “Even if the child runs away in anger, the
mother does not bear it in mind.” What forgiveness! Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply,
exhale and relax. You pray all the time, but your prayers are not answered, for neither do you create the
prayer from the navel nor do you concentrate on the spine. Prayer without spine and word without navel
mean nothing. Your entire central nervous system is based on your spine. Concentrate on your spine and
do the prayer. It will be answered. If you dial the wrong telephone
number...”Hello… hello…” no one answers, but there is nothing wrong with the
Part 2 - Shakti Yoga.
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Place the right hand on the heart and extend
the left arm forward and upward at a 60 degree angle, palm facing down. Eyes
are closed. Pulling in the navel with every word, chant the “Ik Acharee Chand”
shabd, (“Ajai Alai” by Gurushabd Singh and Nirinjan Kaur. Jaap Sahib, lines
190-196). Continue for 3 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, exhale and relax.
Part 3 – Prayer.
Bring the hands into Prayer Mudra in front of the heart center. Eyes are closed.
Chant the first Pauri of Jap Sahib, “Chakra Chihan,” by Gurushabd Singh and Sarb Shakti Kaur.
Continue for 3 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, exhale and relax. Perceive that God is in front of you and
you are talking to Him. When you recite Gurbani, personify the writer, face to face. In few days you will
have a habit and then you will feel it.
The sensory system is very powerful. All senses come under the sensory system just by personifying it.
He exists anyway. Just consciously feel it.

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NM0413 You Are Gracious, Not Guilty! 4/11/01
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - September 4th, 2001 - Espanola, NM
When we cannot save ourselves from our emotions, we are unable to use our intuition to be aware of our
tomorrow. All the guidance given in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib comes to one understanding—there is no
heaven or hell, no guilt and no nonsense. All you have to do is to make sense to yourself. Making sense
to everybody except ourselves, we become victims of our own concept, attachment, greed and anger.
There is no God outside of you. Your God starts with you, goes with you, and ends with you. But you
have guilt! So you can never be you. Save yourself from yourself—drop that guilt! It is the reason we are
a community. Every community leader knows how to give, because giving is the only way. Do not just
give to those who ask. Give to those who do not ask, and keep on giving. Your faculty and God’s Faculty
will become the same. Have you ever sat down with someone and eaten from the same plate? No? And
you call yourself human? How many people have you helped? How many children have you played
with? You are looking for romance, yet you do not have any romance with nature, Prakirti. Have you
become one with each other in the Name of God? How much nearness have you produced? Are you
relaxed when somebody commits a mistake? Do you share kindness and compassion? Socializing and
being kind to each other, we grow our ultimate aura. If a person has fallen, raise him. If people are
hungry, feed them. If people are unhappy, dance with them. Simply remember that you are gracious, not
guilty! The subconscious tension we create is not required. Life is like a beautiful, marvelous horse and a
cripple is riding it, with unnecessary problems and attachments. God does everything, but you cannot
believe or trust it. He gives the breath of life and you make commentary and create drama. That much
you get involved in Maya! You know it is not real, but you feel it is real. Guide your ego to strength of
straight-forwardness. Feel the real “real.” Do you remember when you wanted to come to class and
couldn’t? Do you remember when you wanted to get up in the morning and be with your God and
couldn’t? Do you remember when you wanted to love and be with somebody and couldn’t? All problems
on this planet come from “couldn’t.” It gives us a slip from our dharma, from our destiny. We need to
make our will so clean, clear and positive that “couldn’t” does not touch our shores. Kundalini Yoga
takes away “couldn’t” and gives us excellence. In creating excellent character, it gives a pathway of
essential sacrifice, which gives maximum happiness. If we cannot sacrifice our ego, attachments, anger,
lust and greed—what can we sacrifice? These faculties force our “couldn’t” upon us. Things will not
change until you change them through the Divine You within you, which allows you to sacrifice. Reality
in you makes you realize. This is the law of the Lord, Purkha, and Nature, Prakirti and will never change.
You must change with it. Sequence has a consequence. When we start a sequence, the consequence will
be there. If you do not want consequences, do not start the sequence. Have that control! Control your
“couldn’t”! Let us meditate to get rid of this “couldn’t.”
NM0413 MEDITATION - Intuition and Strength of Excellence
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Cross the middle fingers over the
backs of the index fingers, the other two fingers are closed and locked
down with the thumbs. Bring the mudra up to ear level, with elbows bent.
Eyes are closed. Chant from the navel the mantra “Har, Har, Har, Har…”
(“Tantric Har” by Simran Kaur and Guru Prem Singh). Sit like you were
the Lord Buddha. Be constant and consistent. Continue for 11 minutes. To
end, inhale deeply, hold, and let it multiply into the being. Exhale. Repeat
one more time, then inhale deeply and powerfully, hold, and pull the navel
in. Exhale and relax. Practicing a kriya like this one with a mantra gives
you a rhythm. When your life is subject to rhythm, “couldn’t” goes away.

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NM0414 Congeniality 5/11/01
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - September 5th, 2001 - Espanola, NM, USA
We have many libraries and books and stories. Can you believe how many things we talk about? There is
so much to learn, but if we do not know how to be content, we are not ourselves. Our life is full of
earthquakes, sometimes because of anger, sometimes because of greed or attachment, sometimes
because of pride. “Oh, if I had that...!” “I wanted to, but I couldn’t!” From this “couldn’t” comes life and
we are not content. We live by the Will of God, we are surviving by the flow of energy and we are
penetrating in our life by our own psyche. Still we are very discontented. God created you, and His own
Hand will carry you. But you do not want His Hand to carry you! You want, “kam, krodh, lobh and
aunkaar” to carry you—desire, anger, greed and ego! There is curiosity about what tomorrow will be.
Everybody wants to know what tomorrow will be! I tell you: Tomorrow is what you are today, and
today, if you can flow with the magnetic field, the sun flares can connect and change your whole destiny
to prosperity, richness and health. The collective applied mind is the reality of the human mind in which
there is no question of anger and no question of defeat. When you are involved in any relationship, you
must speak and guide and sometimes goad, like those who sit on the neck of an elephant with an iron
goad in their hand. The elephant knows that he must behave, or that goad will go right into his head.
Tragedy is for you what the iron goad is for the elephant. It puts you back on the path. You hate to suffer,
but you are born to suffer when you are wrong. Fortunate are those who suffer and immediately correct
themselves. But you want to do wrong and not suffer at all! It does not happen that way. God will forgive
you when you reach Him, but Mother Nature will never forgive you. Man is a social animal. Without
this, he is a brute. Living in a collective congregation is the source of all knowledge and all excellence.
And that is Sahej Yoga—when things happen in a very simple way. You have to learn what is called
“congeniality.” Congeniality is a sensory union. In the future, a sensory human will have congeniality to
everything on this earth—not only to humans, but also among animals, root life, and bird life and among
all that there is. Once a shark came into shallow waters by mistake. 200 people were there, but nobody
killed it. They successfully put it back into deep water. That is the bondage of selfless existence and
service. Because of the pollution of the ocean, the sensory system of sharks is so damaged that they come
on the beach. You do the same! You beach yourself in such a situation of life that does not belong to
you! Why? Because your sensory system does not work either! Now let us act correctively.
NM0414 MEDITATION - Correcting the Sensory System
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Hold the right hand up in front the right
shoulder with the elbow relaxed down. Point the index finger up, the source of
your wisdom, and hold down the other fingers with the thumb. Extend the left
forearm forward, parallel to the ground, with the elbow relaxed down. Make a
tight fist of your left hand with the thumb outside. Eyes are closed. Do Long
and Deep Breathing as you mentally chant the “Wah-hay Guroo Jio” shabd by
Bhai Avtar Singh. Keep the index finger, the fist and the navel point tight.
Connect your inner ear with the navel point and move it in rhythm with the
mantra. Digest the sound! Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold,
and strongly tighten the index finger, fist and navel point. Exhale. Repeat 2
more times. Relax. “Wah-hay Guroo” is the glory of the One who takes you
from darkness to light. On hearing it, feel light at the navel point and heart chakra. God lives with you,
but you ignore it! It does not take much to enrich yourself with the strength of divinity. Once you have
strength of divinity you will not barter and bargain your grace, and you will win. Nothing is permanent—
partner, students, wealth, health. Only one thing is permanent—you and your divinity; you and your God
within you. Do this kriya for 11 minutes. Once you get a little bit tuned with it, you can hear the unheard.
Something in you will start talking to you. And that is the relationship you need.

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NM0414 Congeniality 5/11/01
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - September 5th, 2001 - Espanola, NM, USA
We have many libraries and books and stories. Can you believe how many things we talk about? There is
so much to learn, but if we do not know how to be content, we are not ourselves. Our life is full of
earthquakes, sometimes because of anger, sometimes because of greed or attachment, sometimes
because of pride. “Oh, if I had that...!” “I wanted to, but I couldn’t!” From this “couldn’t” comes life and
we are not content. We live by the Will of God, we are surviving by the flow of energy and we are
penetrating in our life by our own psyche. Still we are very discontented. God created you, and His own
Hand will carry you. But you do not want His Hand to carry you! You want, “kam, krodh, lobh and
aunkaar” to carry you—desire, anger, greed and ego! There is curiosity about what tomorrow will be.
Everybody wants to know what tomorrow will be! I tell you: Tomorrow is what you are today, and
today, if you can flow with the magnetic field, the sun flares can connect and change your whole destiny
to prosperity, richness and health. The collective applied mind is the reality of the human mind in which
there is no question of anger and no question of defeat. When you are involved in any relationship, you
must speak and guide and sometimes goad, like those who sit on the neck of an elephant with an iron
goad in their hand. The elephant knows that he must behave, or that goad will go right into his head.
Tragedy is for you what the iron goad is for the elephant. It puts you back on the path. You hate to suffer,
but you are born to suffer when you are wrong. Fortunate are those who suffer and immediately correct
themselves. But you want to do wrong and not suffer at all! It does not happen that way. God will forgive
you when you reach Him, but Mother Nature will never forgive you. Man is a social animal. Without
this, he is a brute. Living in a collective congregation is the source of all knowledge and all excellence.
And that is Sahej Yoga—when things happen in a very simple way. You have to learn what is called
“congeniality.” Congeniality is a sensory union. In the future, a sensory human will have congeniality to
everything on this earth—not only to humans, but also among animals, root life, and bird life and among
all that there is. Once a shark came into shallow waters by mistake. 200 people were there, but nobody
killed it. They successfully put it back into deep water. That is the bondage of selfless existence and
service. Because of the pollution of the ocean, the sensory system of sharks is so damaged that they come
on the beach. You do the same! You beach yourself in such a situation of life that does not belong to
you! Why? Because your sensory system does not work either! Now let us act correctively.
NM0414 MEDITATION - Correcting the Sensory System
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Hold the right hand up in front the right
shoulder with the elbow relaxed down. Point the index finger up, the source of
your wisdom, and hold down the other fingers with the thumb. Extend the left
forearm forward, parallel to the ground, with the elbow relaxed down. Make a
tight fist of your left hand with the thumb outside. Eyes are closed. Do Long
and Deep Breathing as you mentally chant the “Wah-hay Guroo Jio” shabd by
Bhai Avtar Singh. Keep the index finger, the fist and the navel point tight.
Connect your inner ear with the navel point and move it in rhythm with the
mantra. Digest the sound! Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold,
and strongly tighten the index finger, fist and navel point. Exhale. Repeat 2
more times. Relax. “Wah-hay Guroo” is the glory of the One who takes you
from darkness to light. On hearing it, feel light at the navel point and heart chakra. God lives with you,
but you ignore it! It does not take much to enrich yourself with the strength of divinity. Once you have
strength of divinity you will not barter and bargain your grace, and you will win. Nothing is permanent—
partner, students, wealth, health. Only one thing is permanent—you and your divinity; you and your God
within you. Do this kriya for 11 minutes. Once you get a little bit tuned with it, you can hear the unheard.
Something in you will start talking to you. And that is the relationship you need.

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NM0416 Attack on America 11/11/01
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - September 11th - Espanola, NM, USA
You must have watched the tragedy. So it comes true, that it takes one thought to make an enemy or a friend. It was the thought of
animosity against the openness of the United States. We do not know how many people have died, but America is under attack. They
have attacked our symbol of trade; they have attacked our symbol of strength and, if that plane had not fallen, they would have
attacked the White House. So there’s no might, there’s no superpower. A handful of people, when they put their life at stake can do
all this. Don’t be amazed at what reaction there will be tomorrow. There will be a very severe tragedy to face for the people who
have done this. It is true that we have a collective responsibility. That is why Guru Nanak gave credit to sangat. We are one. We will
also suffer as one and we’ll act as one. All these people who died had not even a thought. Their only crime was that they were
Americans. It was a well-planned attack, hijacking our own civilian planes full of gasoline and diverting them into the act of
terrorism. Now you figure it out, that when I’m crying that the Age of Aquarius is coming, this is a period of insanity in between.
See what has happened, and many more things are expected. It’s a tragedy we have to face. What we can offer is one minute of
prayer in our silence, with our heads bowed to the Almighty seeking His protection, kindness and compassion for those left behind.
Seeking the healing energy for those who are injured. Let us pray from our hearts to God Almighty. Now it is up to us not to react
but to root it out. Sometimes it is better to root out the tooth. By filling the cavity, the temporary pain will go away, but the danger
shall still be there. In World War II, it was Japan who attacked Pearl Harbor. We could have pocketed it, but we didn’t. It’s the
faculty of every American to keep on pocketing a lot of things until it goes over the line. Then we won’t pocket anymore. Pearl
Harbor brought World War II, and made us participate. Our whole lifestyle changed. We were not the same again and we are not
going to be the same again. Similarly, this attack has done it. This attack is going to change our lifestyle. America will never be the
same. You will have to go at least two hours earlier to the airport. Things will look rough. The policy in the domestic world will be
changed and everything will be searched out. Similarly, in the foreign world everything will be changed that way. That is what
religion is all about. Search your inside, give yourself a chance, eliminate your fantasies and your imaginations. Don’t live in a dream
world. Things can happen, and that is what has happened. When the World Trade Center was attacked a couple of years ago it was
not much of a damage, but the method was not very sophisticated. So, they have been planning. Remember that the enemies do plan
all the time. You have to defend a thousand times; the enemy wants one chance, which they got today. Now it is upon the nation to
respond. If America does not respond these kinds of things will be repeated. It’s very unfortunate for those people who have done
this that our whole country is not divided at all. Because everything has been glued together-- America will act with one voice, with
one determination and with one strength, which is huge. Our spirit of America does not lie in those towers and that side of the
Pentagon. Those are symbols, which have been disturbed. Now there is a time for reaction. That’s why the concept of saints and
soldiers, which was given by Guru Gobind Singh, comes in handy. People used to say, “What do we have to be a soldier for?” We
have to be a soldier for this insanity. And we have to be a saint for this kind of insanity. What Guru Gobind Singh said was that there
can be a possibility where you have to defend yourself in a very saintly, firm way There are a lot of religions that say if somebody
hits your left cheek, turn your right. And I used to say, if somebody hits your left cheek, hit his right cheek so there should be no
cheek. Otherwise, some other poor fellow will get it. We must have an applied spiritual strength. Time is on us, and we are walking
into that time where we have to relate to our inner and outer strength both. You’ll be hearing a lot of talk about it in the next few
days, but I can assure you that they are planning quite a big number. Don’t get into your hippie mood. They’ll put you behind bars
such that you will never be heard from again. Everything is on candid camera; every word said will be seen. So I’d like you to be
very cautious. Learn in sympathy that life is a commanded sense of coordination, cooperation and projection. You have to survive as
an individual, and you have to survive as a collective individual. When you, inbetween yourself, do not find the cohesiveness,
exclusiveness, and strength, you can’t survive. The circumstances which are going to face us will tell us that the world has really
changed. You can learn it the hard way, or you can learn it by the collective way. It is up to us whether we have peace of mind and
we can live collectively to face the tragedy, or to be shattered individuals. This is a very condemnable act, but when you leave
tomorrow for your offices or for work or sit down and talk with your colleagues, keep your spirits high and be effective. At this time
with the sorrow there is a great anger. Throughout the world there is a frustration and this act has triggered that frustration.
Sometimes, being naive, we start talking about something which is not responsible. Please avoid such conversations and discussions.
It will not benefit you; rather, it may put you into jeopardy. This whole thing has hurt every American. Whether we like it or not,
there shall be a reaction. Don’t become victim to that reaction. It has to happen. World shall act insane. There’s no sanity in what has
happened. Nobody among you could believe that this would happen. Still it has happened. Unknowingly, people are attacked
personally, collectively, and nationally for no reason. We should send the healing energy to those who are still in pain. We should
show our oneness of that heart.
NM0416 MEDITATION - Oneness of Heart
Sit in a cross-legged position. Fold your hands in front of the heart. Eyes are closed. Chant the
mantra, “Raa Maa Daa Saa, Saa Say So Hung”(“Ra Ma Da Sa” by Gurunam). Be very
sincere, very devout and solid. Continue for 11 minutes singing with a full voice, then for 5
minute in a whisper and then for 1 minute in silence. To end, Inhale deeply, hold, and give
this breath to those who need it. Exhale and relax. Many times we may have differences
between our concepts but, when the time comes, we must stay together. This is not a small
tragedy. The insanity is around the corner and we have to act right and fearlessly, being alert.

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NM0417 The Awakening Call 18/11/01
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. - September 18th, 2001 - Espanola, NM, USA
We are all safe and nobody is safe. What does that warrant? To give up personal bickering and personal
tragedies, which we cannot afford, and start thinking nationally and internationally. Anything can happen
anytime, anywhere. What happened in New York and Washington was planned for five years. They
watched the pattern, the time and the space. Out of five targets, they got three. One plane was lost and
another did not happen. Why such aggressiveness? A little aggressiveness here and there was ignored
and finally this D-Day happened. Understand how terrorism works. First, you have to create fanatics
from childhood. It is essential to have a basic fanatic to train to terrorism, for terror is not straight. They
have to tell them, “In that country we cannot practice our religion and our life according to our religion,
and it’s their fault.” They do not tell them that there are six million Muslims living in United States who
are happy and grateful. The fault is ours. They become hardened mentally and are ultimately given a
choice: “Do you want to live here or do you want to teach a lesson to these people and go to God?” It is
not that we do not have anger or that we do not misbehave. But we do it on a minor level. There is a limit
to being stupid. Once in a while it strikes us, so we calm down and do what is right. Technically
speaking, all people have equal virtues and equal insanity. Some just walk into insanity. The terrorism
we are talking about is not real terrorism. Sooner or later there will be nuclear terrorism. Everybody has
to be cautious. You cannot live the way you used to live. If you are nice, then you should know what nice
is. The situation is so seriously bad that right in your neighbor’s house things can go on and you may not
even feel it. So today I would like to ask you to make a special collective prayer to heal the wounds of
those five thousand people who died and the many, many thousands of people who have been hurt.
NM0417 MEDITATION - To Help Those Who Are Suffering
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Lock your energy by interlocking
the fingers in front of the heart center with the thumbs crossed. Feel this
energy for those who are hurting. Elbows are relaxed down. Eyes are
closed. Chant the mantra, “Raa Maa Daa Saa, Saa Say So Hung”(“Ra Ma
Da Sa” by Gurunam). You must reach out to those who are suffering,
sincerely from your heart. Continue for 3 to 11 minutes. To end, inhale
deeply, hold this precious breath of life and meditate on the universe.
Exhale. Inhale again, hold the breath tight and, with a prayer, let it go.
Inhale deep, hold the breath in prayer and direct it to be a healing breath.
Exhale and relax. You must not misunderstand your powers. A saint is a
human also. Try to act as a saint and a sage. It is a very little price you
have to pay to let your ego go and let your sainthood prevail. Calamities
are nothing but challenges. Challenges are nothing but awakening calls to
improve our being, and an improved being is nothing but God’s Self within us. Now the time has come.
We must grow out of our past and face the most beautiful tomorrow.

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Exercise 1. Sit gracefully in Celibate Pose for 2 minutes, hands are
relaxed on thighs. Breath is normal (1) .

Exercise 2. Then, place the arms out from the sides,

parallel to the ground, with the palms facing up (2a) .
Inhale for 6 counts rising up straight from the knees.
Hold this position (2b) and the breath for 12 counts.
Slowly exhale, taking 6 counts to lower yourself back
down on to the heels. Repeat this cycle 7 times, on
the 8th time clap the hands over the head.

Exercise 3. Lie on the back with the hands at the sides,

raise the legs 1 ½ feet off the ground. Begin a bicycling
motion (3). The legs stay parallel to the ground. This
exercise must always follow the proceeding one (1).
Continue for 1 ½ minutes.

Exercise 4. Immediately inhale and lift the legs to

90° (4). Hold for 30 seconds, slowly exhale and lower
the legs.

Exercise 5. Still on the back, lift the legs 6 inches and do

Breath of Fire for one minute (5). Inhale, hold, then relax.
Exercise 6. Now lie on the stomach. Place the hands in
Venus Lock at the small of back. Inhale powerfully and
arch the spine up from the waist. Have the eyes closed.
Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then exhale
powerfully as you open the eyes and lower the torso.
Repeat this cycle 10 times (6).
Exercise 7. Lie on the back with the arms straight up
(90°), palms facing in (7a). Do Breath of Fire for 1
minute. Inhale. With a great deal of tension in the hands,
arms, and chest, clench the teeth, make the hands into
fists (7b) and slowly pull the energy and the fists down to
the chest (7c). Exhale. Inhale raising the arms and repeat
the above action one more time.

Exercise 8. Relax. Move the mind to the navel point and

listen to the heartbeat there.

This Kriya is delicate and subtle in its many effects. In the Journal of Science and
Consciousness #10, page 35, the importance of mixing the energies of prana and apana is
emphasized. When they are properly mixed, the power of the Kundalini can be released. This
set is carefully designed to mix prana and apana at the navel point.
Exercises 1, 2, and 3 stimulate the sexual, eliminative and navel energies and complete the
initial mixing of prana and apana at the navel point.
Exercises 4, 5, and 6 emphasize the higher chakras and the pranic force at the eyes and
heart. When you rise up in Exercise 5 be sure to close the eyes! If you perfect this Kriya but keep
the eyes open it can imbalance the energy and cause temporary "dizziness" as you rebalance.
Exercise 6 will allow the expansive heart to dominate in your attitudes. It will eliminate a lot of
pent-up anger that hides in the .form of deep muscle tension,
When you listen to the heartbeat in Exercise 7, feel like you are at home. You are resting at
the center of yourself. The heart rhythm is powered by the cosmic creative sound of "ONG, ONG,
ONG, ..." This will levitate you and give you mental relaxation and sensitivity.
The Pattern of Prosperity
Internal Readiness
Part II:
"This me is the seen personality;
behind this personality is a most important... unseen personality. "
Yogi Bhajan l

When you merge with your soul and blend yourself with the underlying rhythms of life, you
unleash the power to create your future. This is a spiritual experience which comes from your
depth as an intuitive woman of conscious destiny.

There is an equally important psychological component of success which has to do with internal
energy patterns. What you are inside, your emotions, thoughts and values, manifests outside,
in how the world responds to you. If there is a dialogue of anger inside, you will find angry
people everywhere you go. On the other hand, your internal enthusiasm and encouragement
will bring you prosperity. Your inner personality creates your unique pattern of life.

Chapter 5: Conquering Demons

Chapter 6: Conscious Concentration
Chapter 7: Living from the Heart
Chapter 8: Caliber and Commitment

Chapter 5: Conquering Demon
"Those who live in their yesterday , have no chance of tomorrow.
What is tomorrow? It is a consciousness. "
Yogi Bhajan l

At our essence, we are consciousness, capable of giving form to our wildest dreams. But
the disappointments and scars of our lives prevent us from experiencing this powerful 'true self.
The 'demons' of the past linger in the shadows of the subconscious mind, and until they are
healed, they hold us back in many ways.

These 'demons' are not demons at all. They are only our emotions, but they hold
enormous power over us. Fear is terrifying, anger exhausting. Physically, the constriction hurts
our bodies and restricts blood flow to the brain, diminishing our intelligence, our ability to
communicate, and our capacity for success. Inside each of us there is a hidden personality with a
hidden agenda — a sad little girl who didn't get the love and attention she required. As adults
we try to satisfy her with love from others, but our methods rarely bring us the desired outcomes,
because the answers lie within.

In our society, there is a very powerful myth that people and things outside of us make us
happy or sad. In truth, we are the cause of our emotions. Our chosen but often unconscious
reactions to events, not the events themselves, determine our experience. Stephen Covey
explains: "Anytime we think the problem is 'out there, ' that thought is the problem." 2 Tony
Robbins says that he has designed his internal rules " that when I feel pain and when I feel
pleasure is whenever I feel it 's appropriate based on my capacity to direct my own mind, body
and emotions. " 3

There are many ways to heal the pain of our emotions and to uncover the hidden
personality. In one of Yogi Bhajan's methods to liberate your 'demons', he suggests that you
first deeply recognize your internal patterns. Then, in the tradition of yogic therapy, you
release these patterns into universal consciousness through meditation, song, and 5//nran(constant
remembrance of the Infinite). Yogi Bhajan also advises that you let no one but you judge you.
By truthfully facing the situation outside, and the emotions inside, you can filter your emotions
through your wisdom. "Immediately put yourself in your own hands and start looking at
things consciously... You will be surprised that there is only very little missing." 4

When you move beyond the limitations of the past, you establish an internal pattern that
nurtures success. Let your inner personality connect with the infinite reality. Through the yoga
set, meditation and songs which follow, you can release your tensions and let go of your fears.

Exercise Set for Circulation
1) Sit in Crow Pose, a crouching position with the soles
of the feet flat on the floor. Keep the spine straight. Bring the
arms parallel to the ground at chest level, finger tips
touching, palms facing down (A). The arm movements
for this exercise are as follows: alternating the left and right
arms, extend one arm straight out to the side, and then
bring it back to the original position. Continuing the arm
movements, begin rising to a standing position in 8 counts
(each count takes 1 second). On each count alternately
move both the left and right arms out to the side. By the
count of 4 you should be half-way up. Use a powerful breath
of fire and mentally chant Sa-Ta-Na-Ma rhythmically
coordinating the movements of the arms and legs with the
breath and mantra. Continue for 11 minutes.
This exercise morfcs on the abdomen, pelvis and
thighs and is very important for good health in a
2) Sit in Easy Pose or Lotus Pose. Interlace the fingers in
Venus Lock over your head, index fingers extended, and
elbows straight (A). Inhale, stretch up. Exhale and stretch as
you bring the forehead down to the left knee, keeping the
buttocks on the ground (B). Inhale and return to the
starting position. Exhale and stretch down to the right knee.
Continue at a moderate pace alternating from left to right
for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on the liver. It releases anger
and keeps you young.

3) Come into Crow Pose. The hand position is the

same as the previous exercise (A). Keeping the spine
straight, inhale and begin standing up (B). Then exhale
through the mouth as you go back down into Crow Pose.
Complete one cycle every 3-4 seconds. Continue for 3-4
This exercise works on the ankles and the meridian points

4) Sit with the legs stretched out in front. Grab the

big toes of each foot by hooking the forefingers around the
big toes and pressing the thumbs against the toenails (A). If
you cannot reach the toes, grab your ankles. Keeping
the head up throughout the exercise, inhale through the
nose and stretch the spine up. Exhale through the
mouth and stretch forward as far as you can (B). Continue
for 3-4 minutes at a moderate pace. In crease your speed
to a rapid pace for the last minute. Total time 4-5
minutes. Inhale, exhale and relax for 30 seconds.
This exercise works on supplying oxygen to the
brain. If the head is not kept up during this
exercise, it can create an undesirable pressure on
the brain.
5) Lie on your back. Inhale through your nose and raise both legs up to 90° (A), toes
pointed. Exhale through the mouth, as you bend your knees and kick the buttocks with both feet
simultaneously, keeping the toes pointed. Complete one cycle every second. Continue
rhythmically with powerful breathing for 2 minutes.
This exercise works on circulation.

6) In Cobra Pose, lie on the stomach with the chin on the ground. The palms are flat on the
floor under the shoulders; the heels are together with the soles of the feet facing up (A). Inhale
through the nose, arching the spine up until the arms are straight and the elbows locked in Cobra
Pose (B). Exhale through the mouth, and lower the body back down (A). Complete one cycle
every 4 seconds. Mentally chant Sa-Ta-Na-Ma. Continue rhythmically, coordinating the
movement with the breath and mantra for 3 minutes. 5
This exercise works on circulation.

7) Remaining on the stomach come into Bow Pose. Reach back, bend your knees and grab
your ankles. In hale through the nose and arch the spine completely, pulling on the ankles, so
that only the pelvis, abdomen and lower chest remain on the floor, head tilted all the way back
(A). Exhale through the mouth as you come down, bringing the thighs, shoulders and head to
the floor (B). Complete one cycle every 2 seconds. Continue rhythmically coordinating the
movement with the breath for 1-2 minutes.
This exercise works on circulation.
8) Deeply relax in Corpse Pose. Lie on your
back with your arms at the sides, palms up, ankles
uncrossed and eyes closed (A). Relax the body
systematically, part by part, beginning with the feet
and continuing on up to the head. Totally and
consciously relax for 2 minutes.
9) Remain in Corpse Pose. Disconnect yourself
from your body. Open the mouth a little and with
only the power of the tongue begin to chant aloud:
Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har... Chant fast,
powerfully and continuously (4 repetitions of Har per
second). The tongue will begin to hurt. Keep the
body still. Continue for 4 -5 minutes. Inhale,
exhale and relax.
Exercise Set for Balancing the Brain
These exercises are called "mirror exercises" and are most effective if done in a room full of
mirrors. Ultimately you make a mental mirror and do them.
1) Sit in Easy Pose. Place the right hand to the side of the face, palm facing toward the face. The
left hand is resting on the knee for support. Begin vibrating the right hand from the wrist in 2-
3 jerking movements from approximately the front of the jaw area and back to the temples.
There will be tremendous tension at the neck and forehead. The head and hand should
move at the same time with the same strength. Tension will move the head and strength will
move the hand. The ears will feel extreme pressure and your hearing will become temporarily
disconnected if done correctly. Relax briefly after the completion of each cycle. At this time your
hearing will return to normal. Continue for 7 minutes. This exercise reduces anger and the
trauma of birth.

2) Sitting in Easy Pose, extend the arms straight out to the sides, parallel to the ground,
palms facing down (A). Begin bending the hands at the wrists, one hand goes up as the other
one goes down (B). Then straighten the hands (A) and reverse the movement. Keep the
arms very straight and move powerfully, putting your total strength into it. There will be
tension under the chin, causing you to shake a little. Continue for 5 minutes. This exercise
neutralizes the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

3) In Easy Pose, interlace your fingers into Venus Lock and place behind the neck (A). Keep
the chin in and the chest out. Rapidly raise the arms straight up over your head, palms facing
down (B) and then lower them down to the original position. Continue with powerful breathing
for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on breaking up the deposits in the shoulders. It also works on the arteries,
specifically the main arteries to the brain.

4) Mirror Exercise: Remain sitting in Easy Pose. Stretch the arms straight up with the palms
facing each other. The fingers are together with the thumbs separate (A). Keeping the arms
stiff like steel, move the hands back and forth in opposite directions 6-9 inches (B). Move
powerfully. Continue for 4 minutes.
This exercise improves the balance in the hemispheres of the brain. If this exercise is done
correctly, the whole body will adjust itself. 42
10) Sit in Easy Pose. Place the hands on the knees (A).
Alternately bend from left to right bringing the head down
5) Still in Easy Pose, extend the arms straight out in front
of you. The palms are facing down and the fingers are
together parallel to the floor (A). Bend the hands straight
up at the wrists (B) and return them to the original posi
tion, then bend the hands down towards the floor (C),
again returning them to the original position. Move
powerfully with rhythm. Continue for 3 minutes.

6) Sit in Easy Pose. Place your arms behind your back

and interlace the fingers into Venus Lock. Swing the
arms powerfully, twisting from side to side. Move rapidly.
Continue for 3 minutes. f
This exercise works on the liver. ^"11

7) Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms straight out to the 7,A
sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing down. Keeping
the elbows straight, begin flapping the arms up and down
for 3 counts (A). On the count of 4, clap the hands over
the head (B). Continue with breath of fire for 7 minutes.
This exercise is very stimulating and good for the chest
muscles. It specifically works on the lymph area and
removes toxins from the body.

8) Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms straight out in front

and clap the hands (A). Then swing the arms back and
up, clapping the hands over and behind the head (B).
Continue moving rhythmically and powerfully for 3
This exercise works on adjusting the ribs.

9) Sitting down, lean back and place your hands on the

floor behind you, supporting the weight of your body.
Bend the legs, keep the knees slightly apart and the calf
muscles tight. Rapidly begin kicking the buttocks with
alternate feet. Continue kicking powerfully for 7 minutes.
This exercise works on the often unused muscles of the
buttocks and breaks up any deposits which may have ac
cumulated there. It also opens up the capillaries releasing
the blood supply to the legs and feet.
to the knee (B). Come all the way up and bend all the
way down. Continue rhythmically for 4 minutes.
This exercise works on the hips and eliminates
gas. It also removes toxins from the spleen.

11) Sit in Easy Pose. Stretch the arms up over the head
with the palms together and the thumbs crossed. The
arms are straight and hugging the ears. Keep the chin in
and chest out. Listen to the "Dukh Bhanjan" tape and The posture in this exercise is a perfect prayer
sing, copying the sound perfectly. Sing loudly with an pose. It is very difficult to speak in this posture.
open heart, li the tape is not available breathe long and Once you are able to speak, it will open up your
gently. Continue for 20 minutes with the tape, 7 -11 heart and you will be able to conquer death.
minutes without it. "When you sing and pray with an open heart,
the prayer becomes your power. Your power
becomes ingrained in you and you become
ingrained in the power. Then nothing can
touch you."

Exercise Set for Circulation
1) Sit in Crow Pose, a crouching position with the
soles of the feet flat on the floor. Keep the spine straight.
Bring the arms parallel to the ground at chest level, finger
tips touching, palms facing down (A). The arm
movements for this exercise are as follows: alternating the
left and right arms, extend one arm straight out to the
side, and then bring it back to the original position. Con-
tinuing the arm movements, begin rising to a standing
position in 8 counts (each count takes 1 second). On
each count alternately move both the left and right arms
out to the side. By the count of 4 you should be half-way
up. Use a powerful breath of fire and mentally chant Sa-
Ta-Na-Ma rhythmically coordinating the movements of
the arms and legs with the breath and mantra. Continue
for 11 minutes.
This exercise morfcs on the abdomen, pelvis and
thighs and is very important for good health in
a woman.

2) Sit in Easy Pose or Lotus Pose. Interlace the fingers in

Venus Lock over your head, index fingers extended,
and elbows straight (A). Inhale, stretch up. Exhale and
stretch as you bring the forehead down to the left knee,
keeping the buttocks on the ground (B). Inhale and
return to the starting position. Exhale and stretch down to
the right knee. Continue at a moderate pace alternating
from left to right for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on the liver. It releases
anger and keeps you young.

3) Come into Crow Pose. The hand position is the

same as the previous exercise (A). Keeping the spine
straight, inhale and begin standing up (B). Then exhale
through the mouth as you go back down into Crow Pose.
Complete one cycle every 3-4 seconds. Continue for 3-4
This exercise works on the ankles and the meridian points

4) Sit with the legs stretched out in front. Grab the

big toes of each foot by hooking the forefingers around
the big toes and pressing the thumbs against the toenails
(A). If you cannot reach the toes, grab your ankles.
Keeping the head up throughout the exercise, inhale
through the nose and stretch the spine up. Exhale
through the mouth and stretch forward as far as you can
(B). Continue for 3-4 minutes at a moderate pace. In
crease your speed to a rapid pace for the last minute.
Total time 4-5 minutes. Inhale, exhale and relax for 30
This exercise works on supplying oxygen to the
brain. If the head is not kept up during this
exercise, it can create an undesirable pressure
on the brain.

5) Lie on your back. Inhale through your nose

and raise both legs up to 90° (A), toes pointed.
Exhale through the mouth, as you bend your
knees and kick the buttocks with both feet
simultaneously, keeping the toes pointed.
Complete one cycle every second. Continue
rhythmically with powerful breathing for 2
This exercise works on circulation.

6) In Cobra Pose, lie on the stomach with the

chin on the ground. The palms are flat on the
floor under the shoulders; the heels are together
with the soles of the feet facing up (A). Inhale
through the nose, arching the spine up until the
arms are straight and the elbows locked in Cobra
Pose (B). Exhale through the mouth, and lower the
body back down (A). Complete one cycle
every 4 seconds. Mentally chant Sa-Ta-Na-
Ma. Continue rhythmically, coordinating the
movement with the breath and mantra for 3
This exercise works on circulation.

7) Remaining on the stomach come into Bow

Pose. Reach back, bend your knees and grab your
ankles. In hale through the nose and arch the
spine completely, pulling on the ankles, so that
only the pelvis, abdomen and lower chest remain
on the floor, head tilted all the way back (A).
Exhale through the mouth as you come down,
bringing the thighs, shoulders and head to the
floor (B). Complete one cycle every 2 seconds.
Continue rhythmically coordinating the movement
with the breath for 1-2 minutes.
This exercise works on circulation.
8) Deeply relax in Corpse Pose. Lie on your
back with your arms at the sides, palms up, ankles
uncrossed and eyes closed (A). Relax the body
systematically, part by part, beginning with the
feet and continuing on up to the head. Totally and
consciously relax for 2 minutes.
9) Remain in Corpse Pose. Disconnect yourself
from your body. Open the mouth a little and with
only the power of the tongue begin to chant aloud:
Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har... Chant fast,
powerfully and continuously (4 repetitions of Har
per second). The tongue will begin to hurt. Keep
the body still. Continue for 4-5 minutes. Inhale,
exhale and relax.
Exercise Set for Balancing the
These exercises are called "mirror
exercises" and are most effective if done in a
room full of mirrors. Ultimately you make a
mental mirror and do them.
1) Sit in Easy Pose. Place the right hand to the
side of the face, palm facing toward the face. The
left hand is resting on the knee for support.
Begin vibrating the right hand from the wrist in
2-3 jerking movements from approximately the
front of the jaw area and back to the temples.
There will be tremendous tension at the neck
and forehead. The head and hand should move
at the same time with the same strength.
Tension will move the head and strength will
move the hand. The ears will feel extreme
pressure and your hearing will become
temporarily disconnected if done correctly. Relax
briefly after the completion of each cycle. At this
time your hearing will return to normal.
Continue for 7 minutes. This exercise reduces
anger and the trauma of birth.

4) Sitting in Easy Pose, extend the arms

straight out to the sides, parallel to the ground,
palms facing down (A). Begin bending the
hands at the wrists, one hand goes up as the
other one goes down (B). Then straighten the
hands (A) and reverse the movement. Keep
the arms very straight and move powerfully,
putting your total strength into it. There will
be tension under the chin, causing you to
shake a little. Continue for 5 minutes. This
exercise neutralizes the left and right
hemispheres of the brain.

5) In Easy Pose, interlace your fingers into

Venus Lock and place behind the neck (A).
Keep the chin in and the chest out. Rapidly
raise the arms straight up over your head,
palms facing down (B) and then lower them
down to the original position. Continue with
powerful breathing for 3 minutes.
This exercise works on breaking up the deposits
in the shoulders. It also works on the arteries,
specifically the main arteries to the brain.

4) Mirror Exercise: Remain sitting in Easy Pose.

Stretch the arms straight up with the palms
facing each other. The fingers are together
with the thumbs separate (A). Keeping the
arms stiff like steel, move the hands back and
forth in opposite directions 6-9 inches (B).
Move powerfully. Continue for 4 minutes.
This exercise improves the balance in the
hemispheres of the brain. If this exercise is
done correctly, the whole body will adjust itself.
10) Sit in Easy Pose. Place the hands on the knees (A).
Alternately bend from left to right bringing the head down
9) Still in Easy Pose, extend the arms straight out in front
of you. The palms are facing down and the fingers are
together parallel to the floor (A). Bend the hands straight
up at the wrists (B) and return them to the original posi
tion, then bend the hands down towards the floor (C),
again returning them to the original position. Move
powerfully with rhythm. Continue for 3 minutes.

10) Sit in Easy Pose. Place your arms behind your back
and interlace the fingers into Venus Lock. Swing the
arms powerfully, twisting from side to side. Move rapidly.
Continue for 3 minutes. f
This exercise works on the liver. ^"11

11) Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms straight out to the 7,A
sides, parallel to the ground, palms facing down. Keeping
the elbows straight, begin flapping the arms up and down
for 3 counts (A). On the count of 4, clap the hands over
the head (B). Continue with breath of fire for 7 minutes.
This exercise is very stimulating and good for the chest
muscles. It specifically works on the lymph area and
removes toxins from the body.

12) Sit in Easy Pose. Extend the arms straight out in front
and clap the hands (A). Then swing the arms back and
up, clapping the hands over and behind the head (B).
Continue moving rhythmically and powerfully for 3
This exercise works on adjusting the ribs.

9) Sitting down, lean back and place your hands on the

floor behind you, supporting the weight of your body.
Bend the legs, keep the knees slightly apart and the calf
muscles tight. Rapidly begin kicking the buttocks with
alternate feet. Continue kicking powerfully for 7 minutes.
This exercise works on the often unused muscles of the
buttocks and breaks up any deposits which may have ac
cumulated there. It also opens up the capillaries releasing
the blood supply to the legs and feet.
to the knee (B). Come all the way up and bend all the
way down. Continue rhythmically for 4 minutes.
This exercise works on the hips and eliminates
gas. It also removes toxins from the spleen.

11) Sit in Easy Pose. Stretch the arms up over the head
with the palms together and the thumbs crossed. The
arms are straight and hugging the ears. Keep the chin in
and chest out. Listen to the "Dukh Bhanjan" tape and The posture in this exercise is a perfect prayer
sing, copying the sound perfectly. Sing loudly with an pose. It is very difficult to speak in this posture.
open heart, li the tape is not available breathe long and Once you are able to speak, it will open up your
gently. Continue for 20 minutes with the tape, 7 -11 heart and you will be able to conquer death.
minutes without it. "When you sing and pray with an open heart,
the prayer becomes your power. Your power
becomes ingrained in you and you become
ingrained in the power. Then nothing can
touch you."

Circular Breathing and Tantric Sex
Circular breathing is the basic breath for tantric sex. Tantric means union. The first union is within
yourself. When you complete the circle of your own energy, you feel satisfied because you are .
united within yourself.

Circular breathing allows both men and women to contain their energy. When women are able to
contain their energy, their aura expands in sexuality. They are able to retain a sense of their identity
and not feel blown apart or abused in relationships.

When men raise and contain their sexual energy, it is not dissipated or wasted. They maintain their
potency into old age by nourishing their body with their own vital life force. When men experience
that they are the source of their own power, physically and psychologically. They are no longer
dependent upon women. They release their anger toward women and no longer see them as
untrustworthy. Once men have an option to channel their sexual energy in their own body instead
of being physically obliged to release it, they no longer compromise themselves for sex or feel
challenged by the power of women.

When sexual energy is channeled up the spine to the heart, the body and the psyche connect to
higher love. Physical passion becomes empowered with pure, unattached, non-manipulative love.
Communication and understanding between men and women becomes easier. Obsessions fade into
quite reasonableness. Real giving and receiving becomes possible. Men and women release
possessive and exploitative sexuality. Instead of depleting and using each others' energy, they
nurture and strengthen each other. They experience tantric sexuality, where they unite and merge
their male and female energies. In the process they strengthen each others' auras and heal each

At this time raw energy and techniques alone are not effective in bringing out the results or change
that we really desire. Devoid of love and compassion, a technical approach only causes or

Solar Plexus Goals for the Solar Plexus
The goal for the fourth Chakra is free oneself from subconscious emotional imprints. We must
consciously process our subconscious fears, but this is not enough. Rationalizations, justifications
and explanations are mind games and totally irrelevant to the body and the feelings. The solar
plexus can really only be experienced through feeling, not through thoughts.

To release the imprints from the body, we must FEEL the energy in the emotion. By feeling the
energy in our body, we transmute the dark energy into lighter energy. When you feel the emotion
of an experience, you tap the energy so that you can use it. You take the power from it. You do
this by being present to the feeling in the body until the body relaxes and releases. When the energy
moves through the body, you can use it for your own empowerment. You are free.

The key to being able to process all the negative emotional imprints hidden in the solar plexus is to
remember that they are NOT you. But as you feel them, you will get in touch with the real you.

We project fears out from the solar plexus. We manifest what we project. The process for
releasing our deepest negative emotions—fears, anger and sadness involves
• breathing
• feeling
• introspection.

Jump into the black hole and look. There is freedom in the void.
• Touch your innocence.
• Be vulnerable with yourself.
• Be honest with yourself about what you see and feel.

Strategy for Opening the Heart

The solar plexus is- the gateway to the heart. It is about healing the ego damage created in our
training process. The key is to retrieve the "gifts from the garbage." As we claim our gifts, we open
the gate to our own heart. The strategy for healing our wounds and claiming our power include the

1. Study yourself and your hurt inner child in a Zen way. Fear and guilt judge. Look at what has
happened with detachment, so that you can free yourself to move on to who you really are and what
you really came here to do.

2. Look at your basic premises and beliefs that determine how you approach life and how you
manifest. Evaluate what is irrelevant, disrespectful and inapplicable to who you are and what you

want and chose beliefs and assumptions that align with how you want to feel and what you want to

3. Contact your true essence, your passion, your wild man and wild woman. Feel the aliveness of
the primal and essential qualities of masculine yang energy and feminine yin energy. Get into your
unique expression of both yin and yang.

4. Open yourself to listen to the voice within. When you are willing to communicate and listen to
the hurt child, you also open the channel to your wild man and woman and your heart. The hurt
inner child is often our initial access point to the higher self.

The Three Major Emotions

Fear, anger and sadness are the three gates that must be moved through to open the heart.

• When we face our fears, we release our programs of rejection and open up inner and outer

• When we acknowledge and feel our. anger, we release blocked energy for passionate inner
motivation and action.

• When we surrender to our sadness, we release our resistance. When we relax and quit
resisting, what once bothered us can no longer set us up to react and be thrown off center.

The solar plexus is the culmination of our encounter with primal human issues. The issues are
programmed in all our chakras, especially in the lower three. At the solar plexus we have to
undergo a major restructuring of the psyche in order to release ourselves into the higher vibration of
love. When we do all our chakras are free to vibrate at their clear unencumbered frequencies. We
are liberated to express the basic essences, talents and powers represented in each chakra.

We open the path to the heart when:

• Fear is transmuted to love.

We feel safe, connected, recognized and worthy.

• The energy of anger is now available for action.

We can move forward and manifest our destiny instead
of our fate.

• Sadness releases into surrender.

We move from powerlessness to stillness. When we do not
fight ourselves, we receive answers. . (Notice every living
thing has surrendered except humans.)

The goal for the solar plexus is to calm the deep, often consciously imperceptible agitation and
achieve stillness. When we are fearless and at peace, we achieve a deep centeredness from which
movement is spontaneous. Feminine stillness is expansive. Masculine stillness is one-pointed.

The summary of the process at the solar plexus is

1. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and honest.

2. Open up to yourself.
3. Be willing.

4. Surrender

Kundalini Yoga Exercises for the Solar Plexus

Diaphragm breathing

Long deep breathing at the solar plexus.

Engage the navel and the heart.
Be with the rising and falling in the diaphragm.
Expand, fill and empty the kidneys.
Get in touch with your deepest emotions.

Arm rotations

Arms out to sides, parallel to ground. Middle

fingers pointed out. Make circles backwards.

Angry face, fists to heart

bring the arms out straight in front

inhale, tighten fists
in a slow isometric movement bring fists to heart
exhale when fists reach heart
repeat 3-8 times until you are worn out
make an angry face while bring hands to heart

Press side of nail of left middle finger

Hold for 1-3 minutes.

Side twists (See Pages 146 & 149)

Natal Rebirthins Meditation (See Page 159)

(FROM KUNDALINI YOGA MANUAL, DATED SPRING 1970)......................................... 1

EXERCISE SET FOR CIRCULATION ................................................................................ 9

EXERCISE SET FOR BALANCING THE BRAIN.......................................................... 11

CIRCULAR BREATHING AND TANTRIC SEX................................................................ 13

SOLAR PLEXUS GOALS FOR THE SOLAR PLEXUS ........................................................ 14

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