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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,

It was very interesting to meet you. I would like to introduce my self, my name is Devan
Naufal Althof and my friends call me Devan . I’m a fifteen-years-old school student from MAN
2 Mojokerto. My father is a teacher and my mother is a house wife. My eldest sister is a college
student at UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. I have some favorite subjects, there are chemistry and
biology. I like chemistry very much because in chemistry we can study about matter’s
composition, structure, and properties. Chemistry is sometimes called “The Central Science”
because it bridges physics with other natural science, such as geology and biology. I also like
biology very much because we can learn about living things.
My favorite hobbies are jogging and playing game because jogging can make our body
healthier and by playing games I become entertained. My favorite foods are meatball and fried
rice. Every day, I have to wake up at 05.00 am to pray subuh and then I sleep again. I wake up
again at 06.30 am to take a bath and get ready for my school. After study at school I take a nap
and then I help my mom to clean up my house. In evening I do my homework and playing
Thank you for your attention, Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb


Devan Naufal Althof

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