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❖ A chromatic scale is a scale made up entirely of semitones, one which includes all the notes
(Black & White) on the keyboard. It can be written in two ways.
1. Harmonic
2. Melodic
➢ All chromatic scales have 13 notes.
Harmonic chromatic scale with major key signature
➢ 1st & 5th notes do not change.
➢ Add a flattened 2nd, 3rd, 6th & 7th.
➢ Sharpen the 4th degree.
Ex: C harmonic chromatic with major key signature

Harmonic chromatic scale with minor key signature

➢ 1st and 5th notes do not change.

➢ Add a flattened 2nd.
➢ Sharpen 3rd,4th,6th and 7th degrees.

Ex: C harmonic chromatic with minor key signature

Melodic chromatic scale with major key signature

➢ 3rd and 7th degrees do not change

➢ All other degrees (1st,2nd,4th,5th and 6th)are sharpened.

Ex: C melodic chromatic with major key signature

Melodic chromatic scale with minor key signature

➢ 2nd and 5th degrees do not change.

➢ All other degrees are sharpened.
➢ Descending all 1,5,8.
Ex: C melodic chromatic with minor key signature

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