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Gingoog City
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020-2021


STUDENT’S NAME: Ella moore B. Sotto

DATE SUBMITTED : April 7, 2021

A. Identify the truthfulness of the statement given in each item. Write
the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

A – Statement a is true while statement b is false

B – Statement a is false while statement b is true
C – Both statements are true
D – Both statements are false

A 1. a. Jesus spoke a new covenant during His Last Supper.

b. The Church is born of Christ’s partial self-giving for our salvation.
C 2. a. Salvation is for life of joy, peace, and abundant living.
b. The people of God in the Old and New Testament are the Church.
A 3. a. The Church was confirmed at Pentecost.
b. The Church was inaugurated by the Pope.
C 4. a. The Church journeys together in faith toward unity and communion.
b. The Church is the communion in the presence of the Father.
B 5. a. Nominal Catholics are Catholics in name and practice.
b. God intended the church for the righteous people.

B. Identify the word that is referred in every item.

For numbers 6-9

a. Church
b. Gaudium et Spes
c. Peter
d. Ecclesia

B 6. To call out
A 7. The central decree of Vatican II on understanding of the Church
C 8. The rock
D 9. Latin word of the church

For numbers 10-13

a. Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity

b. Pentecost
c. charisms
d. Paraclete

B 10. Official birthday of the Church

D 11. Advocate, Counselor, or helper
C 12. Spiritual Gifts empowering the members of the church as they go about
their respective ministry
A 13. The document where the Church is compared to an orchestra in which the
conductor coordinates and directs all the musicians’ parts
For numbers 14-15

a. Acts 20:28
b. Lk 10:1-2
c. Lk 24:45-48
d. Jn 20:21

B 14. Jesus also had other disciples

A 15. Be like shepherds to the Church

II – Essay
Explain each item in 1-2 sentences only.

15-20. Explain how the three functions of the Holy Spirit is exercised in your

I Believe the three functions of the holy Spirit that exercised in my life, first
is the Guilt and the voice over my ears every time when I make or take a
decision, it is something presence or conviction to do the right thing over bad
doings The Holy Spirit tells what is yet to come. The Holy Spirit is called the
“Spirit of Truth” in John 16:13 because he guides believers into all truth.
2nd for me that the holy spirit makes our prayers effective, I believe he makes
the scriptures come alive and he speak to our hearts. 3 rd the Holy Spirit enables
us to love others in the same way that Christ loves the church.

20-25. Describe the qualities of Peter as a leader and how are these qualities
present to the Pope ---Priest

Peter learned all the lessons, many of them difficult, and his life was
transformed. He became the great leader Jesus knew he could and would be. He was
changed from Simon to Rock. He learned submission, restraint, humility, love,
compassion, and courage. Occasionally he is depicted as rash and hasty (Luke
22:33, etc.) or irritable and capable of great anger (John 18:10). Often he is
pictured as gentle but firm and, as in his professions of love to Jesus, capable
of great loyalty and love (John 21:15–17, and I believe the qualities of peter as
a leader presents also to the pope---priest because He conducts liturgies,
appoints new bishops and travels and posses the qualities to became a great

25-30. Do you consider the Church as a gift of God to you? In what way?
Yes, I would consider Church as one of a gift of God, and not only the gift
but also a blessing because One of the blessings of membership in the
Church is that we can learn the fulness of the gospel If we have a sincere
desire to learn, and if we are humble, prayerful, diligent, and obedient,
we can gain a testimony and have hope in the Resurrection and the Atonement
of Jesus Christ and also At church, we can cultivate meaningful
relationships with other people. We can help each other through difficult
moments as we lead, guide, and walk with each other.

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