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Small colorful lizards are

The largest and best known found throughout the major

of the land fauna, the giant islands. There are seven rec-
tortoises are slow-moving ognized species, notable for
reptilian herbivores. They eat their different sizes and color.
a variety of plants including Females are plain with red
grass, cactus and shrub. “check” markings. They feed
on plants, small invertebrates
They can go for several
and on occasion the young of
months without food or wa-
their own species. Virtually
ter, but can drink huge
every other predator on the
amounts when the opportuni-
island seems to eat them too.
ty arises.

Pic Attribution © Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus

The species of turtle most One of the smallest species in
The only marine-going lizard
commonly seen in Galapagos. the world standing about 19
in the world. It is normally
Males are smaller than fe- inches tall and has a distinc-
seen basking on land on the
males and with a longer tail. tive braying call. Galapagos
dark lava coasts to raise their
From November to February penguins mate for life and
body temperatures so it can
groups of males can be seen are the only penguins to
enter the water to feed. They
trying to mate with a single breed in the tropics. They
are vegetarians mostly surviv-
female in lagoons, beaches form colonies, nesting in the
ing on a strict diet of marine
and shallow coastal areas. shelter of lava cracks and
algae. Males are extremely
Egg-laying occurs year crevices. Two eggs are usually
territorial during the breeding
around with a peak in De- laid though normally only
season and females fight over
cember. one chick survives.
nesting grounds.

© Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus

Cut out fan
book and place
title page on
The natural breeding habi- top and secure

The larger of the two species This fish is found from south- with a brad
tats of the Blue-footed Boo-
of frigatebird, the males are ern California to Ecuador, fastener. Place
by are the tropical and sub- on your lap-
black with a purplish sheen including Galápagos and Co- book or note-
tropical islands of the Pacif-
and during the mating sea- cos Islands. It is bright red booking page.
ic Ocean. Approximately
son develop a distinctive, en- changing to orange near its
one half of all breeding
gorged, red throat pouch. Fe- tail, and it has a pair of nar-
pairs nest on the Galápagos
males are black with a white row blue bars on its head
Islands. Its diet mainly con-
breast. Magnificent frigates and 3–5 similar bars on its
sists of fish, which it obtains
fish and scavenge the inshore body. This species is often
by diving and sometimes
waters and coast, feeding on found near brightly-colored
swimming underwater in
fish, crustaceans and turtle purple sea urchins.
search of its prey. The Blue-
hatchlings. footed Booby mainly hunts
in groups.

Pic Attribution Pic Attribution © Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus

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