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The Human Resource of a country plays an important role not only in the economic development but

also for the social well-being of the country. However, Because of increasing population growth,
Pakistan is facing difficulty in optimal social spending i.e. health care, education, housing and
unemployment etc.

According to the National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS) estimated population of Pakistan is
215.25 million with population growth rate of 1.80 percent in 20201 and population density of 270 per
Km2. the largest segment of our population consists of young people. The population falling in the age
group of 15-59 years is 59 percent, whereas 27 percent is between 15-29 years. This youth bulge can
translate into economic gains only if the youth have skills consistent with the requirements of a modern
economy. The government has started different programmes for improving employment opportunities
for youth such as "Prime Minister's Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme" and "Prime Minister's Hunermand
Programme-Skills for All".

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