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Working With HTTP Requests

In order to get the most out of CodeIgniter, you need to have a basic understanding
of how HTTP requests and responses work. Since this is what you work with while
developing web applications, understanding the concepts behind HTTP is a must for
all developers that want to be successful.

The first part of this chapter gives an overview. After the concepts are out of the
way, we will discuss how to work with the requests and responses within

What is HTTP?
HTTP is simply a text-based convention that allows two machines to talk to each
other. When a browser requests a page, it asks the server if it can get the page.
The server then prepares the page and sends a response back to the browser that
asked for it. That�s pretty much it. Obviously, there are some complexities that
you can use, but the basics are really pretty simple.

HTTP is the term used to describe that exchange convention. It stands for HyperText
Transfer Protocol. Your goal when you develop web applications is to always
understand what the browser is requesting, and be able to respond appropriately.

The Request
Whenever a client (a web browser, smartphone app, etc) makes a request, it sends a
small text message to the server and waits for a response.

The request would look something like this:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
User-Agent: Chrome/46.0.2490.80
This message displays all of the information necessary to know what the client is
requesting. It tells the method for the request (GET, POST, DELETE, etc), and the
version of HTTP it supports.

The request also includes a number of optional request headers that can contain a
wide variety of information such as what languages the client wants the content
displayed as, the types of formats the client accepts, and much more. Wikipedia has
an article that lists all header fields if you want to look it over.

The Response
Once the server receives the request, your application will take that information
and generate some output. The server will bundle your output as part of its
response to the client. This is also represented as a simple text message that
looks something like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.8.0
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2015 05:33:22 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

. . .
The response tells the client what version of the HTTP specification that it�s
using and, probably most importantly, the status code (200). The status code is one
of a number of codes that have been standardized to have a very specific meaning to
the client. This can tell them that it was successful (200), or that the page
wasn�t found (404). Head over to IANA for a full list of HTTP status codes.
Working with Requests and Responses
While PHP provides ways to interact with the request and response headers,
CodeIgniter, like most frameworks, abstracts them so that you have a consistent,
simple interface to them. The IncomingRequest class is an object-oriented
representation of the HTTP request. It provides everything you need:

use CodeIgniter\HTTP\IncomingRequest;

$request = service('request');

// the URI being requested (i.e., /about)


// Retrieve $_GET and $_POST variables


// Retrieve from $_REQUEST which should include

// both $_GET and $_POST contents

// Retrieve JSON from AJAX calls


// Retrieve server variables


// Retrieve an HTTP Request header, with case-insensitive names


$request->getMethod(); // get, post, put, etc

The request class does a lot of work in the background for you, that you never need
to worry about. The isAJAX() and isSecure() methods check several different methods
to determine the correct answer.


The isAJAX() method depends on the X-Requested-With header, which in some cases is
not sent by default in XHR requests via JavaScript (i.e., fetch). See the AJAX
Requests section on how to avoid this problem.

CodeIgniter also provides a Response class that is an object-oriented

representation of the HTTP response. This gives you an easy and powerful way to
construct your response to the client:

use CodeIgniter\HTTP\Response;

$response = service('response');

$response->setHeader('Content-type', 'text/html');

// Sends the output to the browser

// This is typically handled by the framework
In addition, the Response class allows you to work the HTTP cache layer for the
best performance.

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