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(2017). “Manufacturing at the uary 25, 2017. hitps://www.nano, mnufacturing, ive. (2017). “Nanotechnology 101.” Accessed February 25, 2017. https://www.nano gov/ nnanotech-101/. National Nanotechnology Initiative. (2017). “What is Nanotechnology’ ‘ebruary 25, 2017. https//www. technology and the ‘Accessed February 25, 2017. hitp:// www. University of Washington. “Societal and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology.” Accessed February 25, 2017. http://depts. sto ats LESSON ) THE ASPECTS OF GENE THERAPY + describe gene therapy and «+ asses the issue's potential benefits and detriments to global health Medical science has detected many human diseases defective genes, These types of diseases are not curable lable medicines. Gi In 2015, a team of researchers and the Boston Children’s Hospital stat “Massachusetts Eye and Ear that was ide the transfer of genes to the inaccessible out into the cochlea (Flesler, 2017). Human gene therapy was actually fist real the first recombinant DNA experiments we viewed as insertion foreign DNA into a in 1971 when It can be simply tissue that hops to The Basic Process There are several approaches to gene therapy. folowing (Flesler, 2017) apy. These ae the + Replacement of mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of the gene ‘+ Inactivation of @ mutated gene that is functioning improperly roducing a new gene into the body to help ight a disease 2 gene cavinot be directly inserted into a human gene inserted ito another gene using a cartier or vector. Most comme type of vectors are viruses that have been human DNA. Viruses have evolved ng their genes to human cells in a 17). Two Types of Gene Therapy ‘The idea of gene therapy is based on correcting a disease a its oot; fixing the abnormal genes tht appear to lead to certain diseases. wo forms of gene therapy. One of which Somatic gene therapy involves the will be helpful to the patient but not that will pass the change on to the next generation (Your Genome, 2017). st eran se esved from different sources. Two of which are embryonic and somatic stem cel “The embryonic stem cells are derived fiom a four- or five-day-old human embryo thai inthe blastocyst phase of development. The embryos (in viteo fertilization) clinics where several eggs are frilized ina test tube then implanted into a woman (Crosta, 2013) ater embryonic development and are tissue. These stem cells have been found in tsues such asthe brain, bone them to generate a range of ell pes fom the originating onan or even fegenerte the entire orginal onan. erally thought that adult or somatic stem cells are limited in their their tissue of origin, bt there is some diferentate to become other cell ypes (Cr The Bioethics of Gene Therapy ‘There are ethical isues involved in gene therapy. Some of the Inquties cited are (Genetics Home Reference, 2017): 1. How can “good” and “bad” uses of gene therapy be distinguished? 2, Who decides which traits are normal and which constitute a disability or disorder? (Caper Specie en Sees, Teco, an Siey © y 3. Will the high cos the alteration can be passed on. I ‘not fund researches on human germline gen issues are about questions on whose human traits should be altered; ot effects of those who may not oF cannot ‘Should gene therapy be limited to medical concerns only oF could it be used for aesthetic purposes? set tenn at ey of the basic process of gene therapy. process. You may use references for oncept mapping Using a Venn diagram, differentiate the two ms of gene therapy. 53. Debate, Have « debate on the biethical issues on gene therapy Costa, P. (nd). “What Are Stem Cell” Accessed August 1, 2017. info/stem_cell : "Now Hear Thi” Accesed August 1, 2017 ps fms. harvard e/news/ now heat Genetics Home Referenee. (2017). “What are the ethical issues surrounding gene therapy?” Accessed August 1, 2017. bitps:// hr nlm ni go /pimer/therapy/ethics. Medicine Net (.). "Stem Cell” Accessed August 1, 2017, htp:// ‘ewwé. Nimsergern, M. (1988). “Gene Therapy.” Accessed August 1, 2017, ‘up://wa. su /pubweb/“meclean/pls43/students98/ nimsgre han Science Daily. (nd). “Gene Therapy.” Accesed August 1, 2017. tp: //ww therapy htm, Your Genome. (n.d). "Is Germline Gene Therapy Ethical” ‘Accesed August 1, 2017. htps://www.yourgenome.ory/debates/ ‘s-gerline-gene-therpy-ethical Cwrttmantintsas natecnen

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