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Coronavirus disease 

(COVID-19) is an infectious disease

caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The majority of patients
infected with COVID-19 will have mild to moderate symptoms and
will recover without any additional therapy. Some, on the other
hand, will get critically ill and require medical assistance or die at
any age. 

When an infected person coughs, sneezes, speaks, sings, or

breathes, the virus spreads in microscopic liquid particles from
their mouth or nose. Larger respiratory droplets to smaller
aerosols are among the particles. If you are near someone who
has COVID-19, you can be infected by breathing in the virus, or
by contacting a contaminated surface and then touching your
eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus is more easily spread indoors and
in crowded places.

The COVID-19 has an impact on daily life and is slowing the

global economy. The majority of countries have delayed the
production of goods. The disease's cause has an impact on the
pharmaceutical and solar power industries, tourism, information
and technology, and other companies and sectors. This virus has
far-reaching consequences for people's daily life as well as the
global economy. The pandemic has had a significant negative
impact on humans, resulting in a worldwide health crisis, putting
families with children's lives into total disarray. Many parents have
lost their jobs or been dismissed, and many schools and childcare
facilities have closed, leaving those who remain employed with
the difficult challenge of managing work, daycare, and
homeschooling. These difficulties are increased for low-income
households. Youth have a big impact on education and are at
danger of falling behind. People who have lost their jobs and
those who are unemployed are having difficulty finding work, and
increasing poverty too.

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