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Anti-abortion is a kind of preventative measure for those women choosing abortion for
the reason that abortion is the early termination of a pregnancy by the removal or death
of the unborn child, often known as the embryo or fetus, from the uterus. In addition,
abortion is a form of murder and it is not a good decision. Regardless of what
pro-abortion advocates claim, abortion has never addressed a woman's issues.
Furthermore, abortion puts mothers against their children by disregarding the fetus's
very real rights. Abortion immediately leads to a disdain for human life and the creation
of a violent culture, disrupting societal harmony.

Abortion raises a woman's chance of breast cancer, which is particularly damaging to

teens. Abortion is also a murder committed due to a selfish decision, the irresponsibility
of mothers and fathers, and the destruction of one's ability to love. Nonetheless,
abortion is unethical. Abortion rights are harmful to society, thus it should be outlawed.

I believe that all women, especially teenagers, should be educated about anti-abortion
issues so that they understand why abortion is not the best way to make decisions since
having a child is a wonderful gift from God. The society must intensify its anti-abortion
effort in order for all women to provide more information about abortion.

Therefore, I conclude that when you discover that you are pregnant, abortion does not
have to be your first option. Many families across the world are unable to have a child,
and adoption may be able to assist them in resolving both of their problems. Always
remember that being pregnant is a big blessing and gift from the almighty father.


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