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University of Economics, HCMC End of Unit Test.U1.

School of Foreign Languages
Division of English for General Purposes


Section 1: Language knowledge (40 marks)

I. Choose the best answer for each blank.
Topalino is a well-known brand of sweets and chocolates (1)…………… by ABG, a company based in
Slovenia. It focuses mainly on (2)…………… products and was the market leader in exclusive confectionery.

In the last two years, however, Topalino’s market (3)…………… has declined by 25%. There are two reasons
for this decline.

First, supermarkets in the region are now selling sweets of similar quality at much lower prices, so more and
more (4)…………… say that Topalino is no longer value for money. The (5)…………… downturn has
naturally made people more price conscious, and brand (6)…………… is suffering as a result. A possible

solution would be to reduce the price of at least a number of products so that they are in the medium range of

Secondly, a lot of middle-aged people find the logo childish and the packaging old-fashioned and
(7)…………… - in other words, they no longer find the brand image attractive. In order to appeal to this

important market (8)…………… , Topalino is thinking (9)…………… repositioning its main products and
expanding its product (10)…………… .
1. A. own B. owner C. owning D. owned
2. A. inexpensive B. upmarket C. influential D. down-market
3. A. label B. logo C. share D. slogan
4. A. suppliers B. competitors C. consumers D. shareholders
5. A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economically
6. A. stretching B. research C. loyalty D. choice

7. A. exciting B. unexciting C. excited D. excitement

8. A. segment B. survey C. challenge D. research

9. A. in B. on C. at D. of
10. A. range B. numbers C. list D. position

II. Choose the best answer.

11. A(n) …………… is a public statement by someone who is famous, that the person uses or likes a particular

A. segment B. awareness C. endorsement D. challenger

12. Christian Dior Couture …………… luxury, ready-to-wear fashion.

A. is making B. make C. makes D. will make

13. A market …………… is the company or product that is second in market share.
A. leader B. challenger C. sector D. merger
14. A …………… consists of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.
A. product launch B. product range C. product lifecycle D. product
15. …………… is a measure of how well a company controls its costs, which is calculated by dividing a
company's net income by its revenues.
A. Brand awareness B. Market research C. Market challenger D. Profit margin
16. Bonus payments provide an …………… to work harder.
A. inflation B. incentive C. inclusion D. innovation
17. They …………… the market for high-speed internet routers.
A. generate B. negotiate C. dominate D. communicate

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

18. The country's largest automaker is rumored to be on the brink of …………… .
A. expansion B. bankruptcy C. asset D. promotion
19. The rise in US interest rates caused the dollar to …………… against all the Asian currencies.
A. strengthen B. demand C. reduce D. decrease
20. One of the minus points of working at home is not having social …………… with colleagues.
A. target B. growth C. awareness D. contact
21. My present job doesn't stretch me, so I'm looking for something more …………… .
A. demanding B. luxurious C. global D. reliable
22. We are …………… a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
A. conducting B. reducing C. negotiating D. growing
23. Manufacturers see the Internet as a way to …………… brand awareness.
A. endorse B. grow C. promote D. launch
24. Usually, I ………… as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I ………… French at a language school in

A. work – study C. work – am studying
B. am working – am studying D. am working – study
25. Louis Vuitton usually …………… its products through authentic Louis Vuitton boutiques.

A. is selling B. sell C. sells D. will sell
26. The company has made strenuous attempts to improve its …………… in recent years.
A. stretching B. image C. lifecycle D. segment

27. …………… you …………… on the report at the moment?
A. Are – working B. Do – work C. Will – work D. Have – worked
28. The company has been taking action to protect consumers …………… high-pressure sales tactics.
A. for B. of C. against D. about
29. The products have all been researched and tested for market …………… .
A. appeal B. balance C. chain D. network
30. Flexible working hours encourages employee …………… to the company.
A. expansion B. loyalty C. image D. range
31. We need to decide soon what marketing strategy we should …………… for these new products.

A. demand B. calculate C. produce D. pursue

32. Every step of the retail …………… is now tracked by computer.

A. luxury buyer B. supply chain C. brand loyalty D. consumer profile

33. He currently …………… the position of technical manager.
A. is holding B. hold C. holds D. will hold

34. Nike is widely recognized as the …………… in the sports clothing industry.
A. market challenger B. market segment C. market research D. market leader
35. The application normally …………… about two weeks to process.

A. taking B. will take C. take D. takes

36. Product …………… is a marketing technique where brands or products are incorporated into films or

television programs.
A. lifecycle B. range C. placement D. launch
37. Currently, Dior …………… to recruit a marketing director for the UK and Ireland.
A. look B. is looking C. looks D. will look
38. The …………… consumers for the new product is young people aged 18 to 30.
A. image B. brand C. target D. position
39. The market leader's proven ability to …………… provides a key attraction for shareholders.
A. suggest B. innovate C. generate D. work
40. Many people jump at the …………… to work overseas.
A. asset B. view C. chance D. opinion
Section 2: Language use (60 marks)
I. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

Joel Saveuse walks across the Real hypermarket in northern Germany in search of ‘those little biscuits’. Moving
from toys to the freezer section, the 55-year-old, who runs the country’s biggest food retailer, finds what he is
looking for in aisle 45. ‘This is my favorite product.’ Mr Sauveuse says, holding a packet of chocolate-filled
Mini Double Biscuits. ‘Look, here’s a simple picture of the contents.’ He says as his finger moves across the
packaging. ‘And top left is the “Real Quality” logo.’
Together with a handful of rivals, the Frenchman is starting a small revolution in Germany by replacing its
different in-house brands with a single own brand that link the retailer with a product range. The aim is to raise
in-house brand sales from 15 per cent up to 25 per cent of food sales in two to three years’ time. Mr Saveuse
says that customers get top quality for at least 15 percent less than they would pay for a name brand – and Real
gets a better profit margin.
Such logic has seen Real’s foreign rivals push true own-brand lines for decades. Real reckons up to 60 per cent
of Tesco brands, and Carrefour is aiming for a 30-per-cent quota, up from 25 per cent now.

After working on the concept for the last year, Real introduced 850 Real Quality items this September –
coincidental but ‘absolutely perfect timing’ for the economic downturn that followed the baking crisis the Real
head says. Although Mr Saveuse says that shopping habits at Real have not yet been affected by economic

woes, he stresses that next year could see shoppers buying more value for money. ‘Crisis doesn’t just bring
disadvantages.’ he says.
Given the power of own brands in good times and bad, it is surprising that German retailers only launched
distinctive lines last year. The cause lies with Germany’s powerful discounters. Aldi and Lidi have in the past

generation helped corner 40 per cent of the food retail market – as against 6 per cent in the UK – by selling little
else than a small range of own brands, a move copied by Real, with, say, its low-cost ‘Tip’ range.
‘But we’re internationalizing now,’ Mr Saveuse says. ‘In Poland and Turkey, we’re competing against
Carrefour and Tesco, in Russia and Romania against Carrefour – that has forced us to focus on true own-brand
as a way of building our presence.’ Strengthening the Real brand is key to reviving the chain. A format held
back by discounters, Mr Saveuse reckons the German hypermarket has a future. He should know. Until 2005, he
was second-in-command at hypermarket pioneer Carrefour.

Choose the best answer.

1. According to Mr Saveuse, how does Real get a better profit margin?

A. By increasing the in-house products from 15 per cent up to 25 per cent.

B. By starting a small revolution in Germany and connecting the retailers with the producers.

C. By raising in-house brand sales from 15 per cent up to 25 per cent.

D. By having customers get top quality at least 15 per cent less than they would pay for a name brand.

2. Why does Mr Saveuse says “Crisis doesn’t just bring disadvantages”?


A. Because he has a chance to beat his competitors in the market.

B. Because he predicts that shoppers would buy more own brands for more value of the money.

C. Because he reckons that September is the right time for customers to buy products.
D. Because he thinks that economic downturn will lead to banking crisis and consumers’ shortage of disposable

3. Why have own brands not been as important in Germany as elsewhere?

A. Because of the discounter chains’ power.
B. Because of the harsh competition with Tesco and Carrefour.
C. Because of the fierce competition with Carrefour.
D. Because of the strong competition with Tesco.

What does each of the following underlined words / phrases refer to?
4. “This is my favorite product.” (paragraph 1)
5. “… at least 15 per cent less than they would pay for a name brand …” (paragraph 2)
HP3_EOU Test 1.K44
Which words in the passage mean the following?
6. ……………………. = a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in
the same field of activity
7. …………………….. = happening or existing at the same time
8. …………………….. = a person or company that sells things at lower prices than others

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or tense.
9. The gradual evolution of quality __________ products from Europe's big store groups has changed the
way consumers think about shopping.
10. There is evidence of a _______ in the housing market, making home buyers more cautious.
II. Writing: Response to a letter of complaint
Read the following letter of complaint.
Dear Mr Hopkins,

With reference to your reminder of December 1, it seems to us that an error has been made.
As a matter of fact, the above invoice was settled on 10 October, i.e., exactly five days after our order had

been received.
As usual, we paid by bank transfer. We enclose a copy of a statement from our bank confirming that payment
was indeed made.
We would advise you to check your records carefully.
Yours sincerely,
Francs Smith
Write a reply to the letter above, using the notes:
+ Para 1: apologise for the mistake: accept apologies - sending the reminder by mistake
+ Para 2: explain how it happened: an invoice meant for another customer had a similar reference number
+ Para 3: explain what you have done or intend to do to put the mistake right: thanks for the prompt settlement -

do your utmost to avoid such mistakes

+ Para 4: apologise again: sorry for the inconvenience

+ Para 5: end on a positive note.

Dear Mr. Smith,


Please accept……………………………………………………………………................................................

Upon checking our records, we realised …………………………………………………………….……………….

We would like to thank you………………………………………………, and ……………………………………


We are sorry ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

We ………………………………………………………………………………………..……................................

Yours sincerely,
Bob Hopkins

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

III. Listening:
PART 1: Listen to the conversations and choose the best answer for each question.

Conversation 1: (Questions 1-2) 3. Who most likely is the speaker?

A. A resident from the Beach Towers
1. According to the speaker, who will get a free B. A rental manager
membership at the center? C. A customer
A. Residents whose incomes are not stable. D. An architect at Beach Towers
B. Residents who have lived in the community for
more than 60 years. 4. What does the speaker say about Beach Towers
C. Residents who have been members for over 6 Suites?

years. A. They are one of the best apartments in the town.
D. Residents who are over 60 years of age. B. They have two gyms and a swimming pool
C. They do monthly payments

2. What must swimmers do before using the pool? D. They don’t accept credit checks
A. Pay a twenty-five dollars membership fee.
B. Talk to one of the staff 5. What will the speaker probably do next?
C. Take a swimming lesson A. Give a tour of an available property
D. Sign a form

Conversation 2: (Questions 3-5) v.

B. Go check out other apartments
C. Sign the contract
D. Wait to see the sunset
PART 2: Listen to the announcement and take notes. (ONE word/number for each blank)
Airlines Announcement

Flight 899 from Incheon to Chicago.

Using a (Q6) __________ ____________.

Some of passengers have to be rebooked on __________ _____________ (Q7)

Flights (Q8)_______ __________, arriving in Chicago at (Q9) _________ __________ with a stop in

Welcome volunteers with (Q10) __________ __________ on flight 899, willing to rebook to American

The end

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44


SECTION 1 (40 M)
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A


11. C 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. D

16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D

21. A 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. C
26. B 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. B
31. D 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. D

36. C 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. C

SECTION 2 (60 M)

I. Reading
1. D 6. rival
2. B 7. Coincidental
3. A 8. Discounter
4. A packet of (chocolate-filled) Mini Double 9. Own-brand
Biscuits 10. downturn
5. Customers

II. Writing: Suggested answer

Dear Mr. Smith,


Please accept our apologies for sending you the reminder by mistake.

Upon checking our records, we realised that an invoice meant for another customer had a similar
reference number, hence the confusion.

We would like to thank you for the prompt settlement of the above invoice, and will do our utmost to
avoid such mistakes in the future.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We look forward to doing further business with you.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Hopkins

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

III. Listening

1. D 6. smaller airplane
2. D 7. American Airlines
3. B 8. number 1124
4. C 9. 8:45 A.M
5. A 10. confirmed reservation



Questions 1-2 (Source: Real TOEIC – Actual Test 1 Q98-100)

On behalf of the staff of the community center, I’d like to thank you for coming to our spring orientation. The
center is open to all town residents who have paid the twenty five dollar membership fee. This fee is waived for
residents 60 and over. I’m pleased to inform all of you that our new schedule of films begin in March. Every
Thursday night, we will be showing a film in the auditorium at no extra charge to members. Use of the

community center’s swimming pool is also included in your membership. Anyone wishing to use the pool must
sign a release form at the front desk.
Questions 3-5 (Source: Real TOEIC – Actual Test 1 Q89 – Q91)

First, let me welcome you all to the new rental wing of Beach Towers. One of the best things about this building
is the security and of course, our fitness gym and swimming pool is another benefit. Right now we have
furnished one bedroom spaces available on the 10th floors and larger suites on the 3rd and the 12th floors. All
have balconies where you can see the ocean and the sunsets; and they are just spectacular! Rentals are by the

month and they range from $800 to $1,400. Of course we require personal references and a credit check for all
prospective tenants. Shall we go ahead and look around at some more places.

Questions 6-10 (Source: Real TOEIC – Actual Test 1 Q74-76)


There will be a change of aircraft today for flight 899 from Incheon to Chicago. We are using a smaller airplane
and we will not be able to accommodate all passengers with reservations on flight 899. Some of you will have to

be rebooked on American Airlines flights number 1124, which departs at 11:5 P.M and arrives in Chicago at
8:45 A.M with a stop in Tokyo.

On behalf of Northeast Airways and all of us at World Operations, I’d like to apologize for any inconveniences
this may cause you. We welcome volunteers with confirmed reservation on flight 899 who are willing to rebook
to American Airlines.

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

University of Economics, HCMC End of Unit Test.U4.M3
School of Foreign Languages
Division of English for General Purposes
Read the instruction carefully. RECORD your answers on your answer sheets.
Section 1: Language knowledge (40 marks)
I. Choose the words that best fit the gaps in the following passage.
Ask Refa Sumerman (1) ………… his business is and he says: “We do everything.” Sumerman International is
really several companies in one. It was set (2) ………… in the early seventies by two Singaporean brothers, Ali
and Rahman Sumerman, (3) ………… in the transportation of goods overseas by air or by surface transport. In
1980, it expanded into the home market, handling house removals and (4) ………… storage facilities.

Based in Singapore, it soon (5) ………… offices in coastal cities, starting with Kyoto and Sydney in (6) …………

mid-eighties. The latest is the Indian office in Madras, opened in 1987.

When the brothers retired in 1990, Ali’s son, Refa, took (7) ………… as Chairman. Refa already had his own

plant hire business, (8) ………… he had set up in 1978. It was incorporated into Sumerman International in 1991.
In 1992, with the increasing mobility of labour in the region, the company saw another chance to (9) …………
money: they set up a service to help immigrants to deal (10) ………… Singaporean’s rules regarding work and
residence permits, opening bank accounts, etc.
A. which
A. on
A. specialize
B. what
B. up
B. to specialize v.
C. when
C. into
C. specializing
D. where
D. over
D. specialized
4. A. providing B. giving C. putting D. receiving
5. A. started B. began C. opened D. set
6. A. a B. an C. no article D. the
7. A. over B. up C. into D. at
8. A. that B. where C. when D. which

9. A. do B. make C. give D. offer

10. A. with B. about C. over D. into

II. Choose the best answer.

11. California First Bank is a 77%-owned ……………………. of Bank of Tokyo.
A. headquarter B. warehouse C. subsidiary D. office

12. In …………………., people research and develop new products.

A. Human Resources B. R&D C. Logistics D. Finance

13. He has a very ……………. approach to management.

A. celebratory B. voluntary C. conservative D. free
14. When it …………… to the serious business of work, great emphasis is placed on engaging

A. goes B. gets C. appeals D. comes
15. The group's legal advisers said they were taking the ………… to tackle online privacy issues.
A. freedom B. philosophy C. initiative D. emphasis
16. She is likely to play a(n) ……………… part in the forthcoming election campaign.
A. informal B. friendly C. prominent D. intellectual
17. we university faculty …………… to discuss their latest research.
A. on B. in C. out D. off
18. The company uses an unusual …………….. distribution system
A. decentralized B. caring C. democratic D. challenging
19. A company car and a mobile phone are some of the ………………. that come with the job.
A. objectives B. perks C. prizes D. goals
20. wroach to management emphasizes the ………… of workers to make decisions.
A. investment B. contact C. interaction D. empowerment
21. It was a(n) …………… company, originally an accordion manufacturer.
A. informal B. quarterly C. well established D. hierarchical
22. Another part of Google's objective is to make its workplace ……….. fun.
A. feel B. feels C. feeling D. to feel
23. …………. terms ……….. money, he was better off in his last job.
A. On – for B. In – about C. On – of D. In – of
24. The company was inefficient because it was highly …………….. .
A. hierarchical B. dynamic C. impersonal D. bureaucratic
25. New products accounted for 35 to 40% of …………. for industrial firms.
A. customer loyalty B. product range C. sales revenue D. consumer goods
26. The company needs to change from being driven by production or technology to being ………………. .
A. competitive B. independent C. market-driven D. understanding
27. Advertising on relevant websites is an efficient way of raising customer …………. of your business.
A. care B. awareness C. service D. loyalty

28. Great emphasis is …………. on engaging employees.
A. done B. made C. placed D. taken
29. Apple's iPhone is a very successful ……………… , with models at a wide range of price points.

A. company logo B. product line C. sales team D. management style
30. Each of the area managers enjoys considerable ……………. in the running of his or her own area.
A. reward B. autonomy C. emphasis D. development
31. This used to be a marvelous hotel but it has lost its ………….. in recent years.

A. challenge B. policy C. appeal D. promotion
32. Developed countries should …………… global economic growth to help new democracies.
A. invite B. engage C. celebrate D. foster
33. Any staff reductions will be made on a(n) ………….. basis.
A. independent B. voluntary C. serious D. interactive
34. We celebrated the successful ………….. of our task.
A. event B. empowerment C. faculty D. accomplishment
35. The government recently announced details of its ………… plan.
A. 10-year B. 10 years C. 10-years D. 10-of-years

36. A/an …………………… is an office where people answer questions and make sales over the phone.
A. service center B. outlet C. warehouse D. call center

37. The company denied responsibility ……………… the disaster.

A. of B. for C. with D. on
38. In …………………….. , people draw up contracts.

A. Logistics B. Human Resources C. Legal D. Finance

39. Which word does NOT go with ‘sales’?
A. target B. trade C. revenue D. team

40. I will need to respond …………. his email today.

A. on B. in C. about D. to

Section 2: Language use (60 marks)

I. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
Graduate recruitment
By Stephen Overell
It is part of the mythology of the modern world of work that the days when it was possible to enter a big company
as a graduate fresh from college and stay there for 20 years, provided one was not incompetent, are long gone and
will never return. Today, the world changes too fast, it is sometimes alleged. People are more likely to hop between
jobs. How reassuring, then, to learn that many big companies are still keen to catch graduates young, shape them
over a long period and turn them into executives.

At AstraZeneca, the pharmaceuticals company, graduates can choose between several different specialist
schemes, such as in engineering, finance and product strategy. At any one time, 15 people are on a three-year
course working towards qualifications as chartered management accountants. The explicit intention, says David
Powell, Audit Director for Global Operations who manages the scheme within the company, is to ‘bring people
on to be future finance directors and finance vice-presidents’.

Could the company not recruit qualified management accountants on the open market? Mr. Powell says it could
and sometimes does. But he argues that the virtue of a formal graduate scheme is that trainees experience life in
different business units during the training and acquire contacts which serve them well in the future.

Paul Farrer, Chief Executive of the Graduate Recruitment Company, a division of recruitment company PFJ, notes
that graduate management trainee-schemes are heavily over-subscribed by applicants because they understand the
nature of the future marked out for them if they are successful; every position has about 30 applicants. During
their time on a management scheme, graduates will be rotated through various business units, get access to high-
profile people in the organization, gain broad skills and be handed opportunities to work their way up.
‘Organizations are hoping to get their CEO of the future from these schemes.’ he says. That is not to say they
don’t also recruit outside them, but for people who come in from outside, there is less certainty, less of a definite
future within the company.

With graduate trainees, the aim is to turn them into business unit managers in seven or eight years. Organizations
differ widely in how successful they are in this aim.

At the top of the retention league are employers in the public sector, information technology and oil. At the bottom

are construction and retail companies. Some employers manage to lose half their graduate intake in the first year.

Choose the best answer.

1. To learn that big companies are still catching graduate young, shape them over a long period and turn
them into executives is _____.
A. Sad to know B. Good to know
C. Uninteresting to know D. Overwhelming to know

2. In paragraphs 2 and 3, the three year course …

A. Takes place in a company that produces drugs and medicines
B. Is part of the specialist scheme in engineering
C. Is managed by someone who only deals with the UK.
D. Produces all the senior managers that the company needs.

3. Which statement best summarizes the article?


A. Companies’ graduate schemes for recruiting people who will become senior managers are becoming rarer
and will eventually disappear.
B. Organizations often combine graduate schemes with recruitment from outside, and the outside recruits feel

just as certain of their place there.

C. Despite what many people think, some organizations still have graduate schemes for recruiting people who
will become senior managers.

D. Organizations are trying their hardest to recruit graduates from outside to take on management positions in
the long term.

What does each of the following underlined words/phrases refer to?

4. Mr. Powell says it could and sometimes does. (Paragraph 3)
5. That is not to say they don’t also recruit outside them … (paragraph 4)

Which words in the passage mean the following?

6. ……………………= ideas that may or may not be true
7. ……………………= unable to do one’s job
8. ……………………= change jobs frequently

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or tense.
9. In-company programs for graduate development are referred to here as graduate management trainee __________
10. If too many people apply to be on a program like this, it is ______________

II. Writing: Writing a Memo

Paul Edwards, the Head of Customer Care Unit from Business Travel Services (BTS), wants to remind his unit
members about the use of work facilities. As Paul Edwards, write a memo to all of your staff based on the
following notes.

Customers’ complaints Practices Assumptions Warnings

- try to get through to us - an increase in - use our phones for - to use our phone for private
on the phone becomes telephone bills personal calls calls are not allowed
rather difficult over the past 18 - decrease the volume of - use personal mobiles or the
months our business and lose our public phone in the canteen
customers loyalty - reduce the end-of-year bonus

From: Paul Edwards – Head of Customer Care (BTS)

To: All Customer Care members
Subject: Use of work facilities

Recently, two of our main customers have complained …………………………………….……… . And, in
fact, ……………………………………………………………

Therefore, I am forced to assume that ……………………………..…. This problem can badly ………………

Consequently, I have to remind ………………………………….……………………….………… . If you want

to make a call for private purposes, please……………….………………………….……….……

If this matter still happens, we …...……….…………………………………………………..…………………
Paul Edwards
Head of Customer Care (BTS)
III. Listening:
PART 1: Listen and choose the best answer to each question.
1. What type of business does the speaker work for?

(A) A battery manufacturer (B) A courier service

(C) A power company (D) A computer repair shop

2. What is the listener asked to do?

(A) Confirm an ID number (B) Return the speaker’s call
(D) Reply to the speaker’s email

(C) Send a copy of an invoice

3. What is the main topic of the talk?

(A) A change in wage payment (B) A new employee in accounting

(C) An upgraded telephone system (D) A weekly sales goal

4. What should listeners do if they have any concerns?


(A) Put them in writing (B) Discuss them with the speaker
(C) Schedule a meeting with Susan (D) Talk to the manager on duty

5. What will managers receive?

(A) Updated work schedules (B) An instruction manual
(C) Some display materials (D) A summary of expenses

PART 2: Listen and complete notes.

Hillary Morgan in Fill Your Basket show:
+ selects a portfolio of promising companies whose (6) .............................. are .............................. ⭢ EP
Electronics - online gaming company: went public 9 months ago, since then its shares have been rising at a (7)
.............................. .............................. .
+ recommends investing in EP: it still has great (8) .............................. .............................. , with strong
management and skilled design and programing personnel.
+ after the commercial break: will be playing a (9) .............................. .............................. with Steve Lee, the
founder and CEO, who reveals some of EP Electronics’ (10) .............................. for the ........................... .
The end


Section 1 (40 m)


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. A


11. C 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C
16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. D

21. C 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. C
26. C 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. B
31. C 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. A
36. D 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. D

Section 2 (60 m)
I. Reading

1. B 6. Mythology
2. A 7. Incompetent
3. C 8. Hop between
4. The company 9. Schemes

5. Organizations 10. Over-subscribed


II. Writing: Suggested answer

From: Paul Edwards – Head of Customer Care (BTS)


To: All Customer Care members

Subject: Use of work facilities


Recently, two of our main customers have complained that trying to get through to us on the phone becomes

rather difficult. And, in fact, there has been an increase in telephone bills over the past 18 months.
Therefore, I am forced to assume that our members are using our phones for personal calls. This problem can
badly decrease the volume of our business and lose our customers loyalty.

Consequently, I have to remind you that using our phone for private calls are not allowed. If you want to make a
call for private purposes, please use personal mobiles or the public phone in the canteen.

If this matter still happens, we will have to reduce your end-of-year bonus.

Paul Edwards
Head of Customer Care (BTS)
III. Listening


l.D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C

6. shares ... undervalued
7. steady rate
8. growth potential
9. pre-taped interview
10. strategies ... future



Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following telephone message.

Good afternoon, Ms. Briggs. This is Steven calling from Avenue Computer Repair. You dropped off your laptop
this morning for an issue with your internal speakers. While I was working on the device, I noticed that the battery
loses power quickly. I suggest getting a new one put in right away. We can take care of that here in the stores, but
we need your approval first. Please call me back to let me know if you’d like the replacement. Thank you.
Questions 3 through 5 refer to the following excerpt for a meeting.

The first item on the agenda today is the payroll system. We are moving from a weekly to a monthly pay schedule

for part-time employees. The accounting department expects to have the system ready by the end of the month.
We would, therefore, like to make sure all managers have informed their teams of the change by the end of the

week. If anyone anticipates any problems with the changeover, please send a written summary of the concerns to
Susan in accounting. Later in the week, I’ll distribute informational posters about the new system to all department

heads. Please put these on your bulletin boards.



Good morning, everyone. I’m Hillary Morgan. You’re listening to Fill Your Basket. Each week I select a portfolio

of promising companies whose shares are undervalued. Let’s start the show by taking a look at EP Electronics.
This online gaming company went public 9 months ago, and since then its shares have been rising at a steady rate.
The reason I recommend investing in this company is that it still has great growth potential, with strong
management and skilled design and programing personnel. When we come back after the commercial break, we’ll
be playing a pre-taped interview I did with Steve Lee, the company’s founder and CEO. Stick around to hear him
reveal some of EP Electronics’ strategies for the future.

HP3_EOU Test 4.K44

University of Economics, HCMC End of Unit Test.U6.M3
School of Foreign Languages
Division of English for General Purposes


Section 1: Language knowledge (40 marks)

I. Choose the best answer for each blank.
The best start-up ideas are often the simplest. But entrepreneurs often need to experiment (1) ……………..
business models as their ventures grow. Christian Rucker, founder of The White Company, (2) ……………..
made pre-tax profits of £2.2m the year before last, is a classic example.
While working (3) …………….. an editor at fashion magazine Harper’s, Ms. Rucker spotted a gap in the market
for stylish white bed linen and accessories priced midway between designer labels and mass-market lines. After
finding £20,000 from a local government grant and shares (4) …………….. from her grandmother, she launched

her business in 1994, initially through mail order. Last year, The White Company (5) …………….. sales of
£49.5m, up by almost £10m on the previous year.
‘Offering choice is part of great customer service,’ says Ms. Rucker, (6) …………….. company owns 14 shops,

plus space in department stores and franchises in Dubai. “One channel feeds another. Someone might see
something in a store then (7) ……….. an order online. (8) …………….. will spend more because you are making
it easy for them.’
Ms. Rucker, who aims for sales of £110m by 2011, believes the (9) …………….. is to improve quality. There

2. A. who
3. A. as
B. to
B. whom
B. for
s v.
comes a point (10) …………….. it’s easy to drop the quality a little and take a higher profit margin.

1. A. for C. with
C. which
C. in
D. about
D. that
D. with
4. A. inherit B. inherited C. inheriting D. to inherit
5. A. made B. did C. created D. gave
6. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose

7. A. put B. place C. send D. make

8. A. Entrepreneurs B. Customers C. Suppliers D. Editors
9. A. status B. solution C. offer D. problem
10. A. which B. when C. where D. that

II. Choose the best answer.

11. ……………… is when a person or organization is unable to pay their debts.

A. Bankruptcy B. Annual Turnover C. Pre-Tax Profits D. A Dividend

12. ……………… is the amount of money which a business obtains (in a year) from customers by selling goods or

A. Turnover B. Sales C. Annual Turnover D. Sale
13. ……………… are the money a business makes before payment to the government.

A. Profits B. Pre-Tax Profits C. Profit D. Return

14. A part of a company’s profits paid to the owners of shares is ……………… .
A. a dividend B. pre-tax profits C. annual turnover D. sales
15. The difference between the price of the product or service and the cost of producing it is ………………
A. profit margin B. profits C. a dividend D. turnover
16. Money which people or organizations put into a business to make a profit is………………
A. equity stake B. debt C. investment D. capital
17. There was a further downturn in the economy this month as the ………………continues.
A. recovery B. recession C. upturn D. growth
18. There is heavy trading on the ………………, with big losses in the share values.
A. market B. market share C. market segment D. stock market
19. The ……………… for the near future is not good, as market confidence remains low.
A. forecast B. stock market C. shares D. equity stake
HP3_EOU Test 6.K44
20. The hotel is seeking new investment to avoid ………………. . It currently has a debt of $ 5 billion.
A. bankruptcy B. debt C. recession D. downturn
21. There was a ……… imposed on the volume of goods we were able to ship as the tax situation was a burdensome.
A. limitation B. limit C. limited D. unlimited
22. The CEO gives a brief …………… of the present economic situation that influenced the company
A. analyze B. analysis C. analyzing D. analyzed
23. The Board of Directors was ……………… at the candidate’s knowledge of South American cultures.
A. amazing B. amazed C. amaze D. to amaze
24. It is not easy managing ……………… of any size for the high –powered trading machine.
A. investors B. investments C. investing D. to invest
25. The former head of equity trading has enormous respect for Prior’s …………….
A. determined B. determine C. determination D. determinations
26. Turnover at Stormgard increased almost 14 percent last year, with demand ………… insulation products

A. for B. about C. of D. in
27. The sales of Dupont have gone up ……………… $19.6 billion……………… $27.4 billion.

A. between / and B. from / to C. up / to D. A & B
28. The graph represents a decrease ……………… 16.4% from the first quarter.
A. of B. by C. at D. to

29. The average retail gasoline price stood ……………… $4.11 a gallon yesterday.
A. of B. by C. at
30. Sales rose ……………… 20% over the holiday period.
A. of B. by
s C. at D. to
31. The figures ……………… to a gloomy picture for a Japanese growth.
A. point B. pointing C. pointed D. has pointed
32. This year, orders from Brazil ……………… off.
A. have levelled B. are levelled C. have been levelling D. level

33. If the price of petrol ……………… further, we will make a loss.

A. rises B. raises C. will rise D. will raise
34. If the machinery had not been replaced by the robots, the unemployment ……………… .

A. would not have increased C. could not have increased

B. might not have increased D. All are correct.
35. If our market share ………………, we would invest in the new product.

A. had been fallen B. falls C. had fallen D. fell

36. …………….. on the noisy, frenetic trading desk, two bright and ambitious twenty-somethings from
different worlds became close friends.

A. To work B. Working C. Work D. Having worked

37. ……………… the physical limitations, he is thriving on the trading desk winning the admiration of

A. Despite B. In spite of C. Despite the fact that D. A & B
38. Gary Williams, the former head of European equity trading ……………… hired Prior 8 years ago, has
enormous respect for his determination.
A. who B. that C. whose D. ,who
39. Since joining Goldman as a financial analyst in the equity division, Prior - ……………… IQ score of 238
puts him in the top 1 % of the world’s population.
A. whose B. who C. whom D. which
40. Prior joined Goldman just four days ……………… he graduated from university.
A. after B. when C. until D. as soon as

Section 2: Language use (60 marks)

I. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
HP3_EOU Test 6.K44
Wal-Mart profits reach $13bn
by Jonathan Birchall
Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, beat expectations after its US discount stores accounted for about 50 per
cent of all US retail growth last year - while its full-year global sales passed $400bn (€318bn) for the first time
and profits hit $13.4bn.
Mike Duke, Chief Executive, said the fourth quarter and full-year results showed that Wal-Mart had gained
'momentum' during the year in all of its markets, in spite of the tough economic environment. 'We are doing all
the right things to continue our momentum and to widen the gap between the competition and us. We finished
January strong, and February is off to a good start.'
The results again underlined the retailer's ability to generate cash in a recession and to use the money to invest in
its business at a time when most of its rivals are cutting back. Wal-Mart has been able to make acquisitions,
concluding a $2.6bn deal in January for a controlling share of D&S, the largest retailer in Chile.
It is continuing to invest in its stores with a big remodelling programme, called Project Impact, now underway in

the US. With this programme, Wal-Mart expects to significantly boost the sales per square foot of its more than
3,000 supercentres and discount stores.
Total net sales at Wal-Mart USA rose 6 per cent on the last quarter to $71.5bn, although higher than expected

expenses, including healthcare costs, led to its operating income growing more slowly than sales, up 2.2 per cent
to $5.4bn.
Internationally, the strong dollar weighed on earnings, with the value of sales down 8.4 per cent from the last
quarter to $24.7bn and operating income down 14.3 per cent at $1.5bn. At constant currencies, international
operating income would have been up 5.1 per cent and net sales up 9 per cent.

customer traffic and average purchases made.

s v.
The retailer highlighted the performance of its Asda stores in the UK, which gained market share with increased

In Japan, Wal-Mart reported that comparable sales at its Seiyu stores fell 0.5 per cent from the last quarter, but
were positive in November and December.

Choose the best answer.

1. In its latest financial year, Wal-Mart .............................................................

A. performed worse than had been expected.

B. was responsible for half the growth of all US retailers.
C. had profits of less than $10 billion.

D. had good sales in January, but less good in February.

2. In the last three months of its financial year, there was (a) an ……………………………………
A. 8.4 per cent decline in international sales in dollar terms.

B. 2.2 per cent increase in international sales in dollar terms.

C. 6 per cent rise in international sales in dollar terms.
D. 0.5 per cent falls in international sales in dollar terms.

3. Sales at Seiyu stores ……………………………………………………………………………

A. rose 6 per cent on the last quarter to $71.5bn
B. went down 0.5 per cent compared to last year, but were high in November and December.

C. decreased 0.5 per cent in relation to the previous quarter, but were higher in November and December.
D. fell 0.5 per cent on the same quarter last year, but were positive in November and December.
What does each of the following underlined words / phrases refer to?
4. ………while its full-year global sales passed $400bn (€318bn) for the first time …… (paragraph 1)
5. …the performance of its Asda stores in the UK, which gained market share … (paragraph 7)
Which words in the passage mean the following?
6. ……………… = increase a difference in performance
7. ……………… = the act of buying a company, piece of land, etc.
8. ……………… = the total value of goods and services sold, minus expenses such as transport, returned goods, etc.

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or tense.
9. Around 80% of our sales are …………………. by 30 stores.
HP3_EOU Test 6.K44
10. Inflation is now at a rate …………………. with that in other European countries.
II. Writing Marketing report – Findings
You work in Marketing Department of Spring Balm. In the last three months, the launch of your company’s new
products has not been successful. You are asked to conduct a market survey to find out what the reasons are.
After collecting data, you have to write a marketing report to submit to the management so that they can see what
is happening to the current marketing campaign. One of the most important parts of your report is Findings.
And here is what you need to complete. (20 marks)

The aim of this report is to ________________________(1) for the failure of the launch of our new range of
Spring Balm toiletries. ________________________(2) from over 500 interviews with consumers.

I shall begin with my findings about the products themselves. About one fifth of the consumers who have tried
________________________(3) said they were dissatisfied with the taste of the Spring Balm toothpaste.

_____________________(4), 47 people ____________________(5) skin irritation after using our deodorant

________________________(6), as regards the price, almost 90% ________________________(7) our
products are overpriced ________________________(8) well-established brands.

Thirdly, with regard to promotion and place, ________________________(9) the name Spring Balm still
means nothing to most consumers.
s v.
On the other hand, many of those who have heard about the Spring Balm collection
______________________(10) they cannot find our product anywhere.

III. Listening:
PART 1: Listen and choose the best answer to each question.
1. What announcement is being made?

A. Old machines will be replaced. B. A renowned photographer has been invited.

C. New printers will be installed next week. D. Financial statements have been released.
2. What are the listeners told to do?

A. Read an e-mail. C. Print some documents.

B. Order some supplies. D. Use the new models manually.
3. What is the purpose of the talk?
A. To explain some new policies C. To discuss a new show

B. To analyze market trends D. To greet a speaker

4. What is Mr. Banner well-known for?

A. Writing a best-selling book C. Winning a prestigious award

B. Hosting a talk show D. Founding a TV station
5. What is the topic of Mr. Banner's talk?

A. His new line of products C. His principles of leadership

B. His personal investment strategy D. His advice for future business people
PART 2: Listen and complete notes.
+ Government officials of Trent City: a proposal for using the $1.4 million surplus in the (6) ………………
……………… (building nearly 100 more miles of hiking paths)
+ Supporters:  attract more tourists & help Trent City (7) ……………… its ……………… for natural beauty.
+ Those against  actually reduce (8) ……………… ……………… (long-term construction could discourage
visitors from vacationing in the area).
+ Mayor Wendy Duncan: the (9) ……………… ……………… for this Friday's city council meeting: too soon
 pushing back to the April 14 meeting, (10) ……………… ……………… to look into the matter further.
The end

HP3_EOU Test 6.K44


Section 1 (40 m)

Key: 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. B

11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. A
21. A 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. B
31. A 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. D 36. B 37. D 38. D 39. A 40. A

Section 2 (60 m)

I. Reading
1. B 6. widen the gap

2. A 7. acquisition
3. C 8. net sales
4. Wal-Mart’s / of Wal-Mart 9. generated
5. (its) Asda stores (in the UK)

II. Writing: Suggested answer

s v.
10. comparable
The aim of this report is to determine the reasons (2marks) for the failure of the launch of our new range of
Spring Balm toiletries. It is based on information gathered (2marks) from over 500 interviews with


I shall begin with my findings about the products themselves. About one fifth of the consumers who have tried

our new products (2marks) said they were dissatisfied with the taste of the Spring Balm toothpaste. Also
(2marks), 47 people complained of (2marks) skin irritation after using our deodorant spray.

Secondly (2marks), as regards the price, almost 90% remarked that (2marks) our products are overpriced in
comparison with (2marks) well-established brands.

Thirdly, with regard to promotion and place, it is clear that (2marks) the name Spring Balm still means
nothing to most consumers.

On the other hand, many of those who have heard about the Spring Balm collection complain that (2marks)
they cannot find our product anywhere.

III. Listening
1. A 6. city budget
2. A 7. establish ... reputation
3. D 8. tourism spending
4. B 9. vote scheduled
5. B 10. allowing members

HP3_EOU Test 6.K44


Questions 1 to 2 refer to the following talk.

Welcome to the monthly staff meeting. We'll start with some good news - the financial department has finally
given the green light to buy some new photocopiers. From what we've heard, they'll be installed next week. This
decision comes after months of complaints that the old copiers were terribly noisy, which created a bad working
environment. Hopefully, with the new copiers in place, it will be easier for us all to concentrate. However, the
new models operate differently from the old ones, so be sure to check the operating manual. I've sent a copy of it
to your e-mail accounts.

Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following talk.

It's an honor for me to introduce tonight's guest, Mr. Isaac Banner, a founder of the prestigious investment
company Kilburn and Banner. For five straight years, Mr. Banner's company has achieved incredible average
returns. You might also recognize him from CNT's weekly finance show Money Talks, where he leads a panel of

experts. In a few moments, Mr. Banner will introduce the principles of his famous "real value" investment
strategy, which has brought him much success. Please give him a warm welcome.

And in local news, government officials of Trent City announced today a proposal for using the $1.4 million

surplus in the city budget. The funds would go toward building nearly one hundred more miles of hiking paths in
Pearl Mountain Park. Supporters believe this could attract more tourists and help Trent City establish its reputation

for natural beauty. However, those against the measure say it could actually reduce tourism spending, as long-
term construction throughout the park could discourage visitors from vacationing in the area. Mayor Wendy
Duncan said that the vote scheduled for this Friday's city council meeting is too soon. She suggested pushing it

back to the April 14 meeting, allowing members to look into the matter further.

HP3_EOU Test 6.K44

University of Economics, HCMC End of Unit Test.U9.M3
School of Foreign Languages
Division of English for General Purposes


Section 1: Language knowledge (40 marks)
I. Choose the best answer for each blank.
The European Union and the USA will soon begin formal (1) ………… on a free trade agreement, paving the
way for the biggest trade deal in history. The two trading blocs currently (2) ………… around half the world's
economic output. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said discussions could start by the end
of June. The talks will involve (3) ………… of negotiations on the many sticking points between the two
economic powerhouses. Europe is likely to want greater access (4) ………… many key American industries such
as (5) ………… and transport.

EU-US (6) ………… is presently worth around €455 billion / $613 billion a year. Estimates are that a trade deal
could boost their annual GDP (7) ………… 0.5%. Mr. Barroso said: "A future deal between the world's two most
important economic powers will be a game-changer, (8) ………… a strong boost to our economies on both sides

of the Atlantic." US President Barack Obama was equally enthusiastic about a deal, (9) ………… he spoke about
in his State of the Union address to the US Congress on Tuesday. He said an agreement would "boost American
exports, support American jobs and (10) ………… the playing field in the growing markets of Asia".

1. A. agreements B. talks C. launches D. shows

2. A. look for
3. A. rounds
4. A. on
5. A. statements
B. call for
B. circles
B. into
B. telecommunications
v. C. account for
C. cycles
C. over
C. commodities
D. ask for
D. barriers
D. to
D. circumstances
6. A. platform B. protectionism C. trade D. discount
7. A. for B. of C. with D. by
8. A. giving B. striving C. dumping D. catering

9. A. that B. where C. whose D. which

10. A. take B. level C. impact D. downsize

II. Choose the best answer.


11. International markets for labor, capital, goods and services provide ………… for people to work / study
abroad and improve their lives.

A. workers B. the gap C. poverty D. opportunities

12. ………… is defined as a situation in which goods come into and out of a country without any controls or

A. Competition B. Free trade C. Dumping D. Unemployment

13. ………… are taxes on imported goods, so that the imports cannot compete so well against domestic products.
A. Tariffs B. Licences C. Documents D. Regulations

14. ………… are money paid to domestic producers so that they can sell their goods more cheaply than foreign
A. Taxes B. Borders C. Subsidies D. Quotas
15. When companies ………… goods in overseas markets, they sell goods at very low prices, usually for less
than it costs the company to produce the goods.
A. protect B. dump C. export D. negotiate
16. The figures show a trade ………… of $4 billion.
A. interest B. show C. fair D. deficit
17. I talked about ………… , which limit the quantity of a product which can be imported into a country.
A. quotas B. taxes C. free markets D. standards
18. This is the ‘………… industry’ argument: In developing countries, industries need to be protected until they
are strong enough to compete in world markets.
A. strategic B. light C. infant D. heavy
HP3_EOU Test 9.K44
19. Countries which open their markets usually have a policy of ………… i.e., they free their companies to
compete in markets, without government control or subsidies.
A. appropriateness B. circumstances C. effectiveness D. deregulation
20. Countries which truly believe in free trade try to ………… their trade, that is to say, they take away barriers
to trade.
A. change B. liberalise C. protect D. fight against
21. If you ………… me at four o’clock, I’ll be in the office.
A. call B. called C. will call D. would call
22. If they ………… 10,000 silk scarves, we would give them a bigger discount.
A. order B. will order C. must order D. ordered
23. ………… you ………… the goods by Friday if we place the order on Monday?
A. Would / deliver B. Have / delivered C. Will / deliver D. Had / delivered
24. What would you do if we ………… the order?
A. cancel B. cancelled C. will cancel D. cancelling

25. If we ………… have our own fleet of trucks, we wouldn’t be able to deliver on schedule.
A. don’t B. won’t C. didn’t D. shouldn’t
26. We will sign the contract ………… you guarantee prices for the next 18 months.

A. as long as B. as long C. so long D. for so long
27. We can reach agreement on a joint venture ………… our firm has a representative on your board.
A. provide B. provided that C. have provided D. having provided
28. If you agreed to create more jobs, we ………… about a productivity deal.

A. thought B. had thought C. think D. might think
29. We won’t be able to start construction ………… you train our personnel.
A. unless B. that C. who D. Ø
30. If you ………… your price by 5%, we’ll buy at least 4,000 units.
A. as low as B. lowest C. lower D. lowering
31. Our company was established in 2003 and despite this short period, we already managed to break …………
the market of taxi services.
A. into B. away C. from D. down

32. You should carry ………… a market survey before you make a major investment.
A. away B. off C. forward D. out
33. All businesses, regardless of type, must comply ………… regulations and statutes, which come from all

levels of government.
A. on B. in C. with D. at
34. I ………… the order online, and they said it should arrive in two or three weeks.

A. obeyed B. placed C. gave D. took

35. Delivery date is often specified as part of the terms of a contract of sale, and the contract may specify
financial penalties for ………… delivery.

A. late B. easy C. difficult D. poor

36. The purpose of the meeting is to make a deal acceptable to both sides, ………… could be the basis for a

long-term relationship.
A. if B. when C. which D. in order to
37. On receiving a business card, examine it carefully, ………… place it on the table in front of you.
A. so that B. then C. more than D. where
38. Avoid direct questions, especially questions ………… may require a ‘no’ answer.
A. whom B. Ø C. when D. which
39. Some countries do not practice free trade ………… they wish to fight against unfair competition, e.g.,
A. because B. to C. as a result D. who
40. International markets for labor, capital, goods and services mean lower costs and cheaper retail prices,
………… benefit consumers.
A. if B. such C. which D. however
Section 2: Language use (60 marks)
HP3_EOU Test 9.K44
I. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
by Kathrin Hille
Every time a salesperson at online trading site Alibaba signs up an important new account, the entire sales
department cheers in triumph. But today they have been asked to keep the noise down, as Jack Ma, founder and
chairman of the world's largest online trading platform for businesses, is being interviewed in the open-plan office.
If Mr. Ma feels most comfortable next to his sales force, it is because their work comes closest to what the 44-
year-old has been doing over the past 15 years: preaching the importance of the Internet and convincing companies
to pay for offering their products on Alibaba's business-to-business e-commerce website.

Today, Alibaba has 36 million registered users worldwide and generated revenues of 2.2bn renminbi ($322m) in
the first nine months of last year - 43 per cent up from the previous year. The group employs 12,000 people and
intends to hire another 4,500 this year. It also controls Yahoo China and Taobao, China's leading consumer e-
commerce platform, which Mr. Ma founded in 2003.

The key to Alibaba's business model is the assumption that small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are those
that can benefit most from the Internet because it gives them access to buyers they would otherwise only meet at
trade shows. With access to a wider pool of customers, it also reduces their dependency on market-dominant


'Companies like Wal-Mart, these big-size buyers, killed a lot of SME buyers,' says Mr. Ma. 'But now most of the
SME buyers and sellers started to do business throughout the world because of the Internet. So I think the world
has moved, I strongly believe small is beautiful.'

Although China's economy is so far faring better than others, domestic trade has slowed, affecting a large chunk
of Alibaba's business - 28.7 million of its registered users are in its home market. To soften the blow, Alibaba has
provided loans in excess of Rmb1bn to SMEs that would otherwise have struggled to get money.
But a bigger change for Mr. Ma's company is the group's shifting geographic focus. 'Before this financial crisis,
we were helping China's products abroad. Now we are thinking about helping SMEs in the other parts of the
world. Help them sell across the nations. Help them to sell to China,' he says. 'In the next 10 years, we are moving

from a pure China exporting centre to a global platform for SMEs to exchange products.' In the past six months,
Alibaba has made a big push in this direction with a programme called Export to China, which offers non-Chinese
sellers virtual Chinese language storefronts.

Choose the best answer.

1. According to paragraph 2, which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. Alibaba's revenues for the whole of last year will be less than Rmb 2 billion.

B. There are nearly seven renminbi (Rmb) to the dollar.

C. The increase in revenue in relation to the previous year is more than 40 per cent.
D. By the end of this year, Alibaba will employ nearly 17,000 people.

2. As stated in paragraph 3, Alibaba ……………

A. only deals with business-to-business e-commerce.
B. gives small businesses access to a larger number of customers.

C. introduces SMEs to customers that they would hardly meet at trade fairs.
D. relies on a few, very large customers.
3. Why has Alibaba provided loans in excess of Rmb1bn to SMEs?
A. To get interest C. To keep them afloat
B. To promote its image D. To increase its registered users
What does each of the following underlined words/ phrases refer to?
4. But today they have been asked to keep the noise down, … (paragraph 1)
5. Help them sell across the nations. (paragraph 6)
Which words/ phrases in the passage mean the following?
6. workplace without walls: ……………
7. between companies rather than consumers: ………………
8. get a new customer: ……………..
Find one suitable word from the passage to fill in each blank. Use correct form of verb where necessary.
HP3_EOU Test 9.K44
9. To deal with tough economic times, Mr. Smith, is trying to ……………… the merits of downsizing to the
board of directors.
10. The impact of the tax was ……………… by large tax-free allowances.
II. Writing: Marketing report - Recommendations
You work in Marketing Department of Spring Balm. In the last three months, the launch of your company’s new
products has not been successful. You are asked to conduct a market survey to find out what the reasons are.
After collecting data, you have to write a marketing report to submit to the management so that they can make
right decisions for a new marketing campaign. One of the most important parts of your report is
Recommendations, which are based on the Findings. And here is what you need to complete. (20 marks)
On the basis of the above findings, I would like to ________________________(1).

__________________(2) the deodorant spray should be temporarily withdrawn and submitted to laboratory
tests without delay. Our laboratory should also develop a new ________________________(3) like green tea,
mint, or bamboo salt.

________________________(4), we should look carefully at our competitors’ policy and
_________________(5) our price is right because our products are ____________________(6) consumers with

medium income.

________________________(7), I suggest that ________________________(8) more on TV and possibly the

Internet in order to _____________________(9) massive potential consumers.

Finally, ________________________(10), it is advisable to ensure that the Spring Balm collection is available
not only from a wider range of supermarkets, but also from more convenient retail outlets such as Circle K,
Mini stop, Bach Hoa Xanh, and other stores near residential areas.
III. Listening:
PART 1. Listen and choose the best answer to each question.
1. What is the talk about?
A. The Internet as an important tool for the tour industry C. The new ways to travel much cost

B. The decrease in use of the Internet among tourists D. The tourists who travel independently
2. For whom is the new way of business intended?
A. People who have easy access to the Internet C. People who like business magazines

B. People who are teenagers D. People who are young adults and play games
3. What will be improved?
A. Boilers B. Cafeteria C. Computers D. Gas

4. Who are the employees to contact if they have any questions?

A. The cafeteria employees C. The manager
B. The gas company D. Facilities Office staff

5. Why will the cafeteria be closed?

A. There is no hot water. C. The improvements will take place in the cafeteria.
B. There is no electricity. D. The cooks are on break.

PART 2. Listen and complete notes.


(6) ______ __________ :
Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: (7) ___________ _____________
Sunday: Noon - 5:00 p.m.

Tickets for Nick Sawyer: Nov. 22nd and 23rd, starting at (8) $ __________
Tickets for Russian Ballet at the Pater Chandler Pavilion: Dec 12th, 13th and 14th : $50 - $150
No tickets for the Lakers-Celtics (9)________ ___________ on Nov 28th.

For more information: call during our (10) ___________ ___________ hours.

HP3_EOU Test 9.K44


Section 1 (40 m)
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B
6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B
11. D 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B
16. D 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. B
21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. C
26. A 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. C
31. A 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A
36. C 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. C

Section 2 (60 m)
I. Reading

1. A. Ali baba's revenues for the whole of last 5. them = SMEs
year will be less than Rmb2 billion. 6. open-plan office
2. B. gives small businesses access to a larger 7. business-to-business
number of customers.
3. C. To keep them afloat
4. they = the entire sales department
II. Writing: Suggested answer
s v.
8. signs up an important new account
9. preach
10. softened
Marketing report – Recommendations
On the basis of the above findings, I would like to make the following recommendations (2marks).

I recommend that (2marks) the deodorant spray should be temporarily withdrawn and submitted to
laboratory tests without delay. Our laboratory should also develop a new flavor for the toothpaste (2marks)

like green tea, mint, or bamboo salt.

With regard to price (2marks), we should look carefully at our competitors’ policy and make sure that

(2marks) our price is right because our products are targeted at (2marks) consumers with medium income.

As for promotion, (2marks) I suggest that we should advertise (2marks) more on TV and possibly the
Internet in order to draw more attention from (2marks) massive potential consumers.

Finally, as regards place, (2marks) it is advisable to ensure that the Spring Balm collection is available not
only from a wider range of supermarkets, but also from more convenient retail outlets such as Circle K, Mini
stop, Bach Hoa Xanh, and other stores near residential areas.

III. Listening

Part 1 Part II
1. A 6. office hours
2. A 7. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
3. D 8. $37.50
4. D 9. basketball game
5. A
10. normal business
HP3_EOU Test 9.K44

Part 1

The average age of our tourists is now younger than what it used to be in the past. Currently 47% are
singles under the age of thirty. Also, a growing proportion is using the Internet to plan their trips. Of the
tourists we surveyed, 55% use the Internet to research travel products and services. We predict this will
continue to increase over the next five years. So whether you own a hotel, a tour company, or any other
tourist operation, your most cost-effective way to reach a broad international market is by having a
presence on the Internet. No tourist business can continue to grow without it.

Before we begin with our regular agenda, I just wanted to remind you there will be improvements made

to the gas service this coming Tuesday. In order for the gas company workers to complete the upgrade
safely, we’ll have to shut down our boilers for most of the day. This won’t affect any of our electrical
services, so business operation should be normal, but the cafeteria will be closed, since there won’t be

s v.
any hot water available. If you have any questions, you can call the facilities office at extension 555-
Part 2

Thank you for calling Amazing Tickets. Our (6) office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to

6:00 p.m., Saturday, (7) 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Sunday, noon to 5:00 p.m. We have tickets for
Nick Sawyer, November 22nd and 23rd at the L.A. Sports Arena, starting at (8) $37.50, and also tickets

for Russian Ballet, at the Pater Chandler Pavilion on December 12th, 13th, and 14th. Tickets prices for
Ballet range from a low of $50 up to $150. We’re sorry, but we have no tickets to the Lakers-Celtics (9)

basketball game on November 28th.

Thank you for calling Amazing Tickets. For more information, please call during our (10) normal

business hours.

HP3_EOU Test 9.K44

University of Economics, HCMC End of Unit Test.U10.M3
School of Foreign Languages
Division of English for General Purposes


Section 1: Language knowledge (40 marks)
I. Choose the best answer for each blank.
China’s heavy pollution has been well documented. Last year, Beijing (1) ………. two “red alerts” for pollution, the
highest level warning (2) ………. calls for emergency measures such as closing schools (3) ………. restricting car
use. Poor air quality is also having a significant knock-on effect on (4) ………. country’s tourist trade.

Some businesses are (5) ………. advantage of the air pollution – food delivery services that meet the needs of those
staying indoors; bars which push (6) ………. air purifiers as a marketing tool to get customers in; and beer (7)
………. gets cheaper as the air quality decreases. But these are not long-term solutions.

According to Ma Jun, one of China’s (8) ………. prominent environmental voices, China has reached its (9) ……….
tipping point. “I think it’s time to change and balance the environment and growth. If we don’t do that we’re going

(10) ………. suffer a hard landing one day very soon,” says Ma.

1. A. issue B. issues C. issued D. issuing

2. A. who B. what C. which D. when
3. A. and B. but C. or D. as
A. the
A. working
A. his
A. this
B. a
B. getting
B. her
B. that
s C. an

C. having
C. their
C. these
D. 0
D. taking
D. your
D. those
8. A. much B. many C. more D. most
9. A. environment B. environmental C. environmentalist D. environmentally
10. A. from B. to C. in D. on

II. Choose the best answer.

11. ………… is the crime of buying or selling shares in a company with the help of information known only by
those connected with the business

A. sex discrimination B. price fixing C. insider trading D. environmental pollution

12. Disposing of waste chemicals in the sea results in ………… .
A. bribery C. corruption

B. environmental pollution D. industrial espionage

13. In general, ………… is a form of dishonesty or criminal activity undertaken by a person or organization

entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire illicit benefit.

A. corruption C. animal testing
B. counterfeit good D. money laundering

14. ………… is the process of concealing the origins of money obtained illegally by passing it through a complex
sequence of banking transfers or commercial transactions.
A. Insider trading B. Bribery C. Tax fraud D. Money laundering
15. ………… the crime of giving someone money or something else of value, often illegally, to persuade that person
to do something you want.
A. Price fixing B. Bribery C. Claiming extra expenses D. Morality
16. A ………… good is a replica version of another company’s product. It usually copies the trademark (name or
logo) and/or distinctive features of that other company’s product to imitate a genuine product.
A. durable B. consumer C. stolen D. counterfeit
17. ………… discrimination is where you're treated unfairly because you're a man or a woman.
A. Sex B. Racial C. Positive D. Age
18. ………… means stealing secret information from one company in order to help another company.
A. Hacking B. Private detective C. Industrial espionage D. Fraud
HP3_EOU Test 10_K44
19. Animal testing involves scientific testing and experimentation during which ………… are used to test a wide
variety of chemicals and products.
A. people B. animals C. scientists D. laboratories
20. Price ………… refers to an agreement between market participants to collectively raise, lower, or stabilize prizes
to control supply and demand.
A. elasticity B. quotation C. tag D. fixing
21. Can you give me an example of an industrial company that disposes ………… waste chemicals in the sea?
A. in B. at C. of D. with
22. You should look at the issue ………… many different angles.
A. for B. from C. with D. in
23. That drug was withdrawn ………… the market because of its harmful side effects.
A. with B. in C. to D. from
24. I am wondering whether that company is living ………… its mission statement that it is an ‘ethical company
which will always put principle before profit’.

A. for B. with C. up to D. together
25. The company’s image was damaged when a newspaper ran a series of articles ………… some unfair methods
used by its sales representatives to sell the company’s products.

A. criticizing B. criticized C. criticizes D. criticize
26. The job turned out ………… harder than we thought.
A. being B. to be C. was D. did
27. The drug ………… for people suffering from diabetes has been highly successful.
A. developed

A. are related
B. developing

B. relate
s v.
C. develops
28. There are two problems ………… to drugs that the company is developing.
C. relates
29. Until now, the sales of the new branch in Singapore ………… impressive.
D. develop

D. relating
A. were B. have been C. has been D. was
30. By the time Mary got there, the meeting ………… over.
A. was B. has been C. was being D. had been

31. Students can't cope with too much complexity. But, on the other hand, if the tutor makes things too simple, that's
selling them ………… too.
A. short B. down the river C. out D. else's product
32. ………… is the action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if

these are not appropriate.

A. Responsibility B. Opportunity C. Rationalization D. Collaboration
33. It's really in your best ………… to have your lawyer review the contract before you sign it.

A. friend B. film C. part D. interest

34. How much can you “dress up” your résumé to make yourself as strong a candidate as possible without crossing

the ethical line of ………… ?

A. fire B. deception C. respect D. departure
35. It’s always up to the company to be clear about why an employee has to leave, so knowing the difference

between firing staff and making them ………… , for example, could help you in the long-run.
A. happy B. loyal C. redundant D.confused
36. The purpose of our work ………… provide the data about climate change.
A. are to B. is to C. aims at D. is for
37. Companies should get their employees ………… and motivated to do something in their own communities
………… respect to the environment.
A. inspiring – with B. inspiring – for C. inspired – with D. inspired - as
38. What do you think if the accomplishments in question ………… on the front page of the Wall Street Journal?
A. were reported B. reported C. was reporting D. are reported
39. A blog about the dangers of lying on your resume elicited 60 comments from job seekers ………… lying.
A. recommend B. recommending C. recommended D. were recommending
40. Executives caught ………… on their resumes often lose their jobs.
A. lying B. told lies C. lies D. lied
HP3_EOU Test 10_K44
Section 2: Language use (60 marks)
I. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
What whistleblowers should know
by Michael Skapinker
The House of Commons Treasury Committee has been examining the management of UK banks leading up
to the banking crisis. In evidence to the committee, Paul Moore spoke publicly for the first time of his warnings three
years ago to HBOS, the UK bank, that it was expanding too fast.
Mr. Moore's evidence to the committee quickly led to the resignation of Sir James Crosby as Deputy
Chairman of the Financial Services Authority, the regulator of the UK banking industry. It was Sir James, at that
time HBOS Chief Executive, who had forced Mr. Moore out of his job at the bank.
Few whistleblowers enjoy such sweet revenge. The Government Accountability Project, a US organisation
that supports whistleblowers, has a message for anyone else thinking of exposing an employer's wrongdoing: think
hard before you do because you are going to suffer. It warns that whistleblowers 'pay an enormous professional and
personal price for their actions - often a price they did not expect. Long after the public has forgotten your brave

actions, your former bosses will remember what you did to them.'
Mr. Moore was in a far stronger position to blow the whistle than most. He was not just any HBOS
employee. He was Head of Group Regulatory Risk. That meant that it was his job to point out the risks the bank was

running. HBOS made him redundant after a restructuring. He sued for unfair dismissal under whistleblower
protection laws and reached a 'substantial' settlement. He had agreed to a gagging order that prevented him talking
publicly about what had happened, but gagging orders against whistleblowers have no force under the UK's Public
Interest Disclosure law.

Whistleblowers are essential in pointing out cases of corruption or incompetence, but they need to know how
to go about it. Whistleblowers can be extremely bitter about their experiences. The Government Accountability
Project recognises the dangers. It advises whistleblowers on how to deal with the media: ' Do not talk about all the
injustices you have been through. Be an advocate for the story, not for yourself.'
Mr. Moore followed that advice, which is why his intervention at the Treasury committee was so
devastating. But he made plenty of enemies along the way. A previously unpublished review of his departure by
accountants KPMG accused him of 'stating matters in an overly dramatic way'. Mr. Moore's response: ‘Well, they
would say that, wouldn't they?'

The first lesson of whistleblowing is that people will try to discredit you so, hard as it is, keep your cool. The
second is: after every discussion, e-mail a note repeating your concerns. The lesson for corporate management is
even clearer. When you start receiving polite e-mails telling you the company is doing something wrong, pay

attention. You may see the same words in a parliamentary report.

Choose the best answer.

1. What happened to Paul Moore after he warned HBOS management that it was expanding too fast three years ago?
A. He was promoted to a senior management position. C. He was forced to provide undeniable evidence.
B. He was transferred to the dreariest part of town D. He was made redundant by HBOS Chief Executive.

2. Paul Moore was ………… .

A. the Chief Executive of Treasury Committee HBOS C. the former Head of Group Regulatory Risk at HBOS
B. Deputy Chairman of the FSA D. A US charity founder who supports whistleblowers

3. What piece of advice for being an effective whistleblower is stated in paragraph 5?

A. Talk about the story, not yourself.
B. Keep your cool - in other words, keep calm.
C. After every discussion, e-mail a note repeating your concerns.
D. Reply to an telling you the company is doing something wrong politely.

What does each of the following underlined words/ phrases refer to?
4. It warns that whistleblowers 'pay an enormous ……..- often a price they did not expect. (Paragraph 3, Line 4)
5. It advises whistleblowers on how to deal with the media: … (Paragraph 5, Line 3)

Which words/ phrases in the passage mean the following?

6. unfair acts / bad treatment that whistleblowers often receive: …………..
7. very impressive / effective: ……………..
8. stop respecting someone or believing in a person: …………….
HP3_EOU Test 10_K44
Fill in each blank with one suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or tense if necessary.
9. He's a strong ………… of privatizing utility companies.
10. The existence of employees-from-hell in an organisation is nearly always due to a long line of weak managers
who have demonstrated ….………. in their handling of the problem.
II. Writing
You’re Holly Ashton, a senior at the University of Kansas (UOK) majoring in marketing. Write a cover letter to
apply for an internship in BDF Ventures.
Subject: UOK Student inquiring about summer internship
Dear Internship Cordinator

My name is Holly Ashton...............................................................................................................................

As a senior marketing student,........................................................................................................................

Using my knowledge of the above,.................................................................................................................

I would be delighted to...................................................................................................................................

Yours faithfully

Holy Ashton
+ Paragraph 1: Opening (introducing yourself and tell them why you’re emailing)

+ Paragraph 2: Presenting the details of what makes you uniquely qualified for the internship (skills in advertising,
PR, product development, and market research, etc.; 3.8 GPA; key strengths: Marketing Analytics, Marketing
Management, Survey Research, and Strategic Internet Marketing)
+ Paragraph 3: Describing any related jobs, leadership roles, volunteer work and research projects (designed a
marketing campaign for a local pet business). Briefly discuss how the internship will help you succeed in your field
of study.

+ Paragraph 4: Closing the letter (eexpressing appreciation for the opportunity to have your materials reviewed;
mmentioning the best times of reaching you)
III. Listening:

PART 1: Listen to the recordings twice and choose the appropriate answer to each question.
1. When will they arrive in Los Angeles?
A. 5:00 B. 5: 30 C. 12:00 D. 12:30

2. What will attendants bring to all the passengers?

A. Lunch B. Beverages C. Magazines D. Pillows and blankets
3. What does the Beautiful Interiors store sell?

A. Office supplies. B. Furniture. C. Clothes. D. Cars

4. When is the last day of the sale?

A. Monday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Sunday

5. Where is the store located?
A. In a shopping mall C. In a subway station
B. Down the street from a hotel D. Next to City Hall
PART 2: Listen to the recording twice and complete the notes.
Businesses don’t operate in isolation. They are part of the (6) ……………. ……………. . Their activities will
cause a series of (7) ……………. and ……………. effects. The effect on the environment and society of some
industries is obvious. However, the effect of others, such as the (8) ……………. ……………. industry, is not
always apparent. Because the bank’s policy is usually based on the concerns of customers, we campaign for change
on issues that our customers feel strongly about. One of them called for a ban on the (9) ……………. of
……………. in 142 countries. Other issues are third world debt, human rights, fair trade and (10) …………….
…………….. . Because the bank represents customers, their view is more likely to be heard.

HP3_EOU Test 10_K44


Section 1 (40 m)

I. 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. B

11. C 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. B
16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. D
21. C 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A
26. B 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. D
31. A 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. C

36. B 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. A

Section 2 (60 m)

I. Reading
1. D. He was made redundant by HBOS Chief 5. The Government Accountability Project
Executive. 6. injustices
2. C. The former Head of Group Regulatory Risk at
3. A. talk about the story, not yourself.
4. whistleblowers
s v.
7. devastating
8. discredit
9. advocate
10. incompetence
II. Writing: Suggested answer

Dear Internship Cordinator


My name is Holly Ashton and I’m a senior at the University of Kansas. I’m writing to you regarding the
marketing role you advertised on I’m looking for a summer business internship and I believe BDF

Ventures is a place where I could really make a difference.

As a senior marketing student, I have acquired skills in advertising, PR, product development, and market

research. Currently I hold a 3.8 GPA. While in the college of business, I have strategically focused my
coursework in the following areas: Marketing Analytics; Marketing Management; Survey Research and
Strategic Internet Marketing.

Using my knowledge of the above, I designed a marketing campaign for a local pet business that yielded the
highest return on investment based on a budget. The campaign was so well received that I was awarded third

place in UOK’s business plan competition. I am confident that my experiences, skills and strong interests in
marketing field have prepared me to be a strong intern for your program. And this internship experience would
offer me practical skills and great personal rewards.

I would be delighted to have an opportunity to personally interview with you. Please accept the enclosed resume
and feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Holly Ashton

HP3_EOU Test 10_K44

III. Listening

Part 1 Part 2
1. C 6. wider community

2. B 7. ecological / social

3. B 8. financial services

4. C 9. use / landmines

5. A 10. youth poverty

Part 1

Questions 1 – 2
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard flight 15 from
New York to Los Angeles. Our flight should take about five and a half hours, putting us in Los

Angeles at noon, just in time for lunch. Flight attendants will be coming around soon to serve
beverages to everyone. We also have magazines and pillows and blankets available on request. Enjoy
the flight.
Questions 3 – 5
Beautiful Interiors Home Store has everything you need to make your home comfortable – sofas,
tables, desks, beds, carpets, and more. And we sell it all at a price you can afford. Join us this week for
our special anniversary sale. All home office furniture is 30 percent off. Hurry on down. Sale ends

Friday. Visit us at our new location at the new City Plaza Mall, right next to the Central Hotel, and
very close to the downtown subway station. We’re open Tuesday through Sunday. Closed Monday.

Part 2

Q: Is it really the job of business to provide a lead in ethical standards?

A: Businesses don’t operate in isolation. Businesses are part of the wider community, through their

staff and their suppliers, for example. Business activities will inevitably lead to a series of ecological
and social effects. The nature of some industries has huge and very obvious effect on the environment
and society, whilst the effect of others, such as the financial services industry, is not always so

The bank chose to base its policy on the concerns of its customers, because it is their money that is
being used, and they should have a say in how it is used.
We also campaign for change on issues that our customers feel strongly about. One of our first
campaigns called for a ban on the use of landmines – now banned in a hundred and forty-two
countries. Since then we’ve campaigned on other issues from third world debt, human rights, fair trade
and youth poverty. Customers can get as involved as they want and, because the bank represents them,
it means their view is more likely to be heard.

HP3_EOU Test 10_K44


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