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Life with COVID-19

Aleksandar Radevski I-2

The covid pandemic changed our lives permanently. Being unable to

hang out with your friends, being unable to visit your grandparents,
hearing about death cases every day etc. These are the things that hit
us the most. The days became boring, and I was not motivated for
anything. The first week of covid wasn’t that bad. There weren’t any
serious cases yet and I felt safe. After the first week it hit us hard. Now I
was overwhelmed with all the changes that were happening. A late
night in March we were notified by the news channel that schools
would be closed until a later date. What made it even worse was the
fake news all over the social media. The shops were closed, my favorite
coffee house was closed and all I could all day was stay at home. When
my family got covid, it was a very difficult period for me. Thank God,
everything was eventually fine at the end. If we look at the bright side,
staying home wasn’t that bad for me. I watched a lot of movies and
listened to a lot of songs. I spent a lot of time with my family. I also had
a lot of time to focus on myself and my hobbies. I liked how the things
were before covid, but my life isn’t that bad now either.

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