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Section #1:

A. For the scene, the image I had in mind was something similar to a zoo enclosure on

the right 3/4ths of the stage. There would be a cliff with a waterfall in the background,

plenty of trees and a couple of large rocks in the middle of it. The reason for this is

that the waterfall and the rocks were mentioned in the play as part of the dialogue and

action. I imagined there would be a lot of greenery because it is called Siegfried and

Roy’s Secret Garden. The fact that there is an audience made me imagine it as a zoo

enclosure. The rocks would be light grey in color and big enough for a tiger to lie on


B. For the costumes, both the tigers would wear a white tiger costume. I’m thinking

something similar in style to the Lion King play. Most of the make up would be

through face paint and minimal props. This would give a more realistic and relatable

feel to the characters. In my opinion, having the characters to be relatable would

increase the humorous effect of the play. They could wear white tiger-skin shorts with

a tail attached to it, and maybe a pair of cat ears and whiskers, but other than that,

body paint and face paint should make up most of the costume. There would also be

actors to play the audience. They would be dressed up in casual clothes, similar to

how someone in the early 2000s would dress up. This is because the time at which the

play is based on in 2003 (from Wikipedia: Siegfried and Roy)

C. For most of the duration of the play, the lights should be focused on the tigers on or

near the rocks. The lights on the rocks should be a bit brighter to indicate that they are

hot, as mentioned in the play. As for the audience, there wouldn’t be much light on

them unless their reaction is to be shown to the audience. When one of the tigers

mentions that they always have someone with a weird hairdo, there could be a
spotlight on one audience character with a weird hairdo. That would be funny and

would go with the style of the play.

D. As for sound, it would be nice to have a very slight murmur of the people in the

background, which would go silent whenever the tigers are speaking. In the scene

where the tigers are fighting, there would be sound effects of real tigers and the any

sounds that the tigers’ actors are making would be muted. Similarly for the scene

towards the end when Tiger 1 roars loudly. Whenever there is an audience reaction to

be shown, there would be a soundtrack of gasping and excitement mixed in with the

actors’ gasping and excitement.

Section #2:

The main purpose of the story is to show the events of the Monticore case in a new light from

a different perspective. All the coverage of the event is from the point of view of humans and

how it will affect the treatment of the animals but in this play, we show the audience how the

tigers might feel about the incident and following that, how they feel about their daily actions

and behaviour in the set.

I think this play can be enjoyed by both children and adults alike. The children would enjoy

the funnier parts of the play, such as the imitation of Roy’s German accent. And adults would

be able to appreciate the subtler aspects of the play, like the irony of contrast between the

tigers’ words and immediate action. While in the middle of a conversation about not

behaving domesticated, they do things to please the crowd.

One thing that could be learned form the play is that “there are always to sides to a story”.

We should all learn to see things from someone else’s point of view, even if that someone

else is someone as unexpected as a tiger.

I think the focus of the play should be on the contrast between what the tigers are saying and

what they are doing. The lighting could be used to highlight the contrast. While they are

talking, the lighting will be focused on them and they are talking about showing their true

nature, etc. but as soon as the lighting includes the audience, they involuntarily put on a

spectacle for the people to enjoy.

As for the actors, the tigers’ sound like they could be played by male actors in their mid to

late twenties. They should be moderately built in order to pull off the effect of a muscular

animal. The actors for the audience could be played by most people.

I think it’s a pretty simple play with a fair amount of dialogue between the tigers. They would

need to spend a couple weeks to rehearse their lines. They would also need to work on their

imitation of a German accent. The audience would need minimal rehearsal, maybe a day or


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