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Pilates is a form of exercising which works mostly with body weight and focuses a lot on
breathing. It also helps a lot with strength (mostly core strength) and flexibility.
2. Sitting a lot in front a computer. Playing an instrument. Not exercising.
3. I would use Pilates to strengthen my back muscles which is a very common problem.
4. Strength (core strength), flexibility and good posture.
5. In general I don’t think that I had any severe posture problem. However there was a slight
problem with my neck leaning forward. I haven’t noticed any negative effect in my music
performances or in my everyday life but it is nice to be aware of it.
6. I was aware of the postural theories and right posture in general before this course so I did
really notice anything new.
7. My “aha” moment was when I realized that I have very little wrist flexibility. This was a painful
obstacle in doing other exercises.
8. Calf: gastrocnevmius Quadriceps: ectus femoris vastus lateralis Glutes: gluteus medius, luteus
maximus. Torso: rectus abdominis, pyramidalis, external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal
oblique and transversus abdominis. Shoulder girdle: trapezius muscle. Lower abdominals: rectus
9. Cervical spine, the thoracic spine, and the lumbar spine.
10. Intercostal muscles. They help in breathing.
11. Flexion is when you “flex” a muscle with the result of decreasing the angle of this joint.
Extension is relaxing this muscle group and flexing the opposite group of muscles which has the
negative effect. Flexion: Flexing you glutes. Flexing biceps. Extension: Flexing your quads. Flexing
12. The way I understand it is breathing consciously.
13. The group of muscles, veins, and valves in the calf and foot, because the pump the blood from
the lower body to the heart.
14. Compound exercises are the exercises that use a lot of muscle groups (Deadlifts, squats).
Isolation exercises are the ones that focus on a specific muscle.(bicep curl, hamstring curl)

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