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Rio Bien Daniel M.

Ansok 9-Emia Health Quarter 1- Module 1


I am your world. It might sound cheesy to you but…I am your planet. I am the ball that
holds you all in together. I am named Earth. It wasn’t a long time ago, I was just a planet with
few people traveling across seas and the vast land. I was a dark green and clear blue globe when
you view me from space. Throughout centuries, I have seen the humankind flourish, bloom into
thousand flowers; pollinating to different places. It didn’t take too long, more and more of you
have become abundant. It also didn’t take too long, the space for living has become smaller that
my green spots have been shaven to place shelters. Grew the demand of sources, people started
to build more and more and more of those 3 story high buildings, giving services or providing
purchasable sources. I was happy…I was happy to see people living together, celebrating
festivities together but not too long, people have become divergent from other flock. I was
curious how it would go. I stayed to see the people live on and fight for their beliefs but not too
long, I see my green spots slowly excavated. It hurts how my spots has been dug too deep. I
endured and see the evil rising from what once it was just lurking. People have developed
mimicking, shadowing others, mirroring a neighbor. It was not too long, people learned that
along with shaving my green spots, making a hole on my spots, dumping on it – it was also
possible to neglect the personal spot they have taken for shelter. Not long after, with your current
generation, because it was possible to dump a wrapper on a street, a cigarette butt by the river,
my once clear blue smudges are now tainted with black marks. You have started throwing,
hurling, slinging sending a crumpled paper, broken glass, chipped porcelain vases and others to
my sweet reserved blue smudge. Don’t you remember? You are made to coexist with the other
living – animals, plants and yet, you chose to dominate to become the king. Black smoke
covering my vision, chemicals burning me deep. I’ll leave you with a question to ponder until
you can see, the ball that was once as glee as its colors can be has become: where will you be if
without me?

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