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Jacob gets up at six o'clock, has breakfast then starts work taking care of patients after he has

lunch at twelve o'clock and picks up the kids from school listens to music, reads and relaxes, then
takes dance class last He watches TV and finally Jacob goes to sleep at eleven o'clock.

Samuel sleep and prepare breakfast from six o'clock to nine o'clock then trainer in the gym until 12
o'clock later he has lunch with friends then check out email later practice baseball and before
prepares the reports he studies dance lessons finally he watches tv and plays video games

Karina drinks coffee and drives to work. Before writing the report, she has to attend some
meetings. after Karina has lunch at twelve o'clock, she reads some documents and then visits
clients and she does interviews. After driving home, she does the housework, finally makes dinner,
and goes out with friends.

first Maria carries kids to school then she does housework and she prepares lunch later she chats
on Facebook after she pick up children from school she has lunch at twelve o'clock, on the
afternoon she watches tv and makes homework’s with children. from 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock she
designs websites, makes calls and works. finally, she washes clothing and reads a novel

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